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Diekan, Limit breaker?

a guest
Sep 21st, 2021
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  1. Character name: Diekan
  2. Character Age:16
  3. Byond Key: Bigtimex100
  4. Skill/Rank applying for: Limit breaker?
  5. (App below the line)
  6. =======================================================================================================================================
  7. Ever since childhood, he was cast aside by his kin and shunned/mocked by his peers. Constantly being told he would never amount to anything due to his lack of natural talent. He grew up with the belief that everything he was told was true... Though over the recent years, his mindset had changed. Due to the interactions, he held with others who went through similar struggles just as himself. Now Diekan was on a fast track to becoming a true warrior. He wanted to prove to all those who tarnished his name that he could break past his natural deterrent. That he could rise above the guidelines that were already set for him since birth. Truly he wished to break through his limits and reach a new height that he'd only ever dream of.
  9. In recent months, he had torn his body apart in attempts to break his limits. (Using d20 to decide the outcome) Though the pain only served as a reminder that he was still lacking... This only proved to push him further. To this day, he still practices pushing his body and mind to the brink in hopes that one day he'd be able to break through...
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