

Aug 18th, 2018
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  1. PART 8
  2. Imagine your reputation now.
  3. You just completely destroyed the 9's in every single way, both physically and mentally.
  4. The P13 already know about your actions, they already know that they can't even stand a chance against your physical might, and pure sadism.
  5. Imagine being in front of their entrance, imagine your guts boiling in anticipation of the thing that you can and will do.
  6. You are politely greeted by Goro and Ichigo, they decided to play the diplomatic card.
  7. Imagine being greeted with a tiny banquet, imagine the smell of their fear, pathetically hidden between their faces, trying so hard not to act like they have seen a monster that wants to eat them.
  8. One thing that surprise you is the fact that they almost look human; the glasses on the tall guy, the girth of that guy watching you behind a wall with that dwarf, the redhead struggling in keeping their attitude proper.
  9. Fear is in the air.
  10. PART 9
  11. imagine finding their fear, desperate diplomatic approach, fake smiles and politeness amusing.
  12. You decide to play a bit with them.
  13. While you suit yourself in one of the couches, you see someone entering.
  14. They are 2, a plain, short guy with feminine features, and a strange-looking girl with pink hair.
  15. Then some other girl makes her debut, a quiet, thin girl with glasses, bringing with herself a book, completely uninterested in the situation.
  16. You hear Ichigo and Goro talking about something, but you can't quite hear what they're talking about.
  17. You take a handle full of bread and fish and dig in.
  18. PART 10
  19. you decide to go through the day by dozing off, you are strong and full of violence, but you are tired.
  20. your snoring keeps everyone in the plantation awake, but you can't know about it.
  21. having slept for the rest of the afternoon, you wake up in the middle of the night.
  22. you decide to roam a bit, discovering more about the big villa they are imprisoned.
  23. you decide to take it outside and you see for the first time a greenhouse.
  24. There's a little blonde girl tending some flowers with another guy with unkept hair and a huge smile.
  25. You decide to pay them a visit.
  26. PART 11
  27. You slowly walk inside the tiny greenhouse, making sure your steps seem both menacing, slow and steady. You make your terrifying entrance. It's actually surprising that the blonde girl tending to her flowers is now politely says hello: she's either smart or unaware of the situation. The little guy tho, is nervousness incarnate: the first adjective that i came up with, if i wanted to describe him, should've been "scrawny". He was incredibly thin, almost feminine in appearance, though not in the 9's way of being like that. He seemed incredibly weak in every way, it seemed like he could break at any moment, both mentally and phisically. Wonderful.
  28. PART 12
  29. You notice something poking inside the blonde girl's right pocket. You lean forward her, and take it without a single trace of grace. This act based on unwanted curiosity disgusted them both, they would stop you, but they know its better to let you do that. You inspect the item you just grabbed, its a tiny book about maternity, sexual relationships and pregnancy. You smirk as you look at their faces, now you're the one that knows about their little dirty secret. You perfectly know this book its a pretty big deal inside the APE society. If someone else discover this, it would be very dangerous. And they just fell from the frying pan to the fire.
  30. PART 13
  31. Turning the pages, you notice 2 names circled around a heart shaped figure: "Kokoro and Mitsuru". You carelessly ask if these were their names. They blush and say they are. Mitsuru (the guy i think) starts losing his patience, his expression showing now more anger than frustration, He starts asking me to give back the book to Kokoro-san and stop toying with them, and as my calm and soft voice says no, he runs toward me, his fists closed and his eyes full of rage. I hold back my laughter as i grab his forearm, his shirt, and i throw him out of one of the greenhouse's windows. A loud crash, followed by Kokoro screaming horrified, is followed by the rest of the P13 storming out of their home and seeing what happened.
  32. PART 14
  33. The entire P13 watches in horror as Kokoro is in her knees, trying to help an unconscious Mitsuru, surrounded by pieces of torn clothes, shattered glass and blood. Ichigo, out of her mind, asks for explanations. You ignore her, noticing a tiny can of yellow pills that dropped when you propelled the poor little kid. Goro approaches you, limiting himself into asking again the same question Ichigo asked. Kokoro stops them, asking for help to pick up Mitsuru and tending to his wounds. She is helped by the fat guy and the midget, while the other red haired gal is trying to console her. Its now you, the twink guy and the strange pink haired girl, glasses Goro and Ichigo. She seems to lose her nerve when she asks in tears she doesn't want trouble with you for no reason, so she plain ask for conditions. You ask for weekly tributes in food, drink, servitude, and obedience. She reluctantly agrees.
  34. PART 15
  35. Your reign of terror begins. You ask for food on a weekly basis. Bread, fish, whatever they can find, and fresh water, a room where you'll get to sleep alone, total obedience from any P13 or beatings in case this one is not fulfilled. Ichigo simply nodding silently, Goro is angry, twink guy and pink hair girl silently staring at you. You sleep like a log in your new room and bed (two tied up beds). Suddenly your sleeping is interrupted by someone knocking at your door.
  36. Its the twink guy and the strange pink girl in red.
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