
sacrificial lamb form

May 22nd, 2017
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  3. » | full name: Wang Xue ( 王 雪 )
  5. » | nickname(s):
  6. A-Xue – because it sounds like a sneeze, and someone will usually follow it up with “bless you!”, often used whenever she enters a room. it’s used mostly by [ SON OF APOLLO ] and [ SON OF AEOLUS ].
  7. Chewy – used by her band members, to describe how she’s hard to get used to.
  8. Princess Snowflake – a play on her literal name translation – King Snow. also used by her band members, to piss her off.
  10. » | birthday: December 23rd 1998
  11. » | age: 18
  13. » | sex: Female
  14. » | height: 166cm / 5ft 5in
  15. » | weight: 44kg / 97lbs
  16. » | blood type: AB
  21. » | faceclaim: Cheng Xiao - WJSN
  22. » | backup faceclaim: Elkie - CLC (preferably Hobgoblin era)
  24. » | nationality: Chinese
  25. » | ethnicity: Chinese
  27. » | birthplace: Heilongjiang, China
  28. » | hometown: Heilongjiang, China / Gwandong, South Korea
  29. » | languages spoken:
  30. Mandarin Chinese – Fluent
  31. Korean – Mostly Fluent
  32. Cantonese – Partially Fluent
  34. » | family:
  35. Wang Bai / 39 / Father / Meteorologist / 5
  36. » | godly parent: Khione aka Zhang Liwei / Mother / 2 // they met once, before their debut, but it was pretty awkward. Khione taught Xue how to use her powers better, even if it was more like a battle strategy, rather than love. Xue feels somewhat begrudgingly towards her mother, but doesn’t hold her in high favour because she feels as if Khione abandoned both her and her father, and left them to struggle alone. Bai tries to convince Xue to be more understanding of Khione, even though he also feels as if Khiome abandoned them.
  38. » | background:
  39. - Wang Bai was the obvious choice for Khione’s partner. He was young, clever, and lived in the coldest place in China. She posed as a fellow meteorologist student in university, as a beautiful young woman named Zhang Liwei. Although Khione’s mission was simply to have a child to carry on her reign, she couldn’t help but feel some kind of affection for the dorky, enthusiastic man. However, because of his natural awkwardness, it took Khione a while to get him to fall in love with her. Of course, most Gods feel guilty for essentially tricking mortals to have children with them. Wang Bai was simply too young, but not clever enough. In the end, the couple had a daughter named Wang Xue. A month after this, Khione told Bai who she truly was. Khione was shocked to find out that Bai had known for a while, but had chosen not to say anything. The two parted on a somewhat awkward note, when Khione left Bai with a month old daughter in the snow, with barely enough money to survive.
  40. - Xue didn’t have a luxurious life; her father was barely out of university and had very little to offer anyone, other than a meteorologist’s degree with honours. Although they didn’t have a lot, they had each other, and there was so much love in the tiny house. Xue’s grandparents weren’t angry at Bai for having a child and then being dumped with said child, they were just sympathetic because they expected someone to tale advantage of his hospitable personality. Because of this, they offered a lot of help to do with babysitting while Bai was working.
  41. - Xue’s childhood wasn’t overly exciting, but she always knew she was a bit “weird”. She had little to no reaction from the cold, and could go outside during the winter in nothing more than some jeans and a light coat. This, in the coldest place in China, was definitely not normal. Whereas everyone else had to wear about six layers to stay warm, she only had to wear two or three at most.
  42. - She didn’t have many friends as a kid. There was no real reason, other than a bit of prejudice from parents, who raised eyebrows at the single father. Oh, and the fact she rarely spoke. She could speak, and had a good vocabulary from a young age, but she just never spoke to anyone than her family. There was no real reason for this, she just never really felt like talking. A few of the kinder kids in her class spoke to her a few times, out of sympathy, but she never tried very hard to make friends. She didn’t listen often in class too, she spent a lot of time drawing instead. She ended up becoming quite a talented artist, which gained her some more interest from her classmates, even if she didn’t necessarily want it.
  43. - Because her increasing interest in art, she was visited by a certain god, although she didn’t realise it at the time. Apollo came to her school when she was about 12, and posed as a music teacher. He told her that he saw great musical potential in her, because of her love of art. To begin with, she was very uncomfortable around him because he was always so warm, and she didn’t like the heat. But eventually, she began to trust him, and she found a passion for music. Her father began to worry, as the music lessons seemed to cost a lot. However, Apollo had taken pity on the family, and insisted that the music lessons would be discounted especially for them. Although Xue didn’t realise it at the time, it was from a peace offering to her mother, who he’d recently pissed off.
  44. - Xue found out she was a demigod not long after she met Apollo. Apollo taught her the guitar, bass and ukulele for almost three years, before he eventually had to disappear of to his Olympian duties. However, as he left, he created a massive amount of heat that almost destroyed the Paektu mountain. Everything began to melt, other than wherever Xue was. She caught on pretty quickly that she had something to do with the ice, so she carried on silently trying to help the mountain stay together. One evening, as she was walking back from the ruins of the mountain, she saw a wispy figure basically putting the mountain back together. She made no exclamation at the time, but she felt like the figure was familiar. She went back home, and demanded that her father explained what was going on. It was then that she was told that her mother was Khione, the goddess of snow. She was pretty sceptical at first, but then came to accept it.
  45. - Because she didn’t have many friends, she didn’t feel the need to tell anyone. And as it turned out, it wouldn’t matter too much, as she was soon approached by a talent scout who had mysteriously heard of her talent in playing the guitar, bass, and ukulele (who can guess who that was?). She was cautious, but she still accepted the offer to audition. She was soon accepted into JYP, aged 15.
  50. » | slot: Daughter of Khione
  51. » | backup slot: Daughter of Dionysus
  53. » | personality:
  54. - Xue, in one word, is cold (no pun intended). She rarely talks to anyone, unless she wants to, and she never initiates conversation. She especially hates talking in front of large crowds of people, unless they’re people she is comfortable around. She prefers to be on her own, unless she’s performing on- stage. Despite this, she isn’t really a snob, and she doesn’t consider herself superior to anyone else. She’s also not one to argue; no matter if she’s right or not, she’ll say her piece and express her opinion, and she won’t say anything else. She’s also brutally honest, she doesn’t mean to be, she just believes that being honest is more important the being sensitive. She suffers with RBF, and it really couldn’t suit her better. She isn’t that bothered about what most people think of her, because she simply doesn’t see the point in getting stressed about everyone else’s opinions. She just generally thinks people are exhausting. When she meets new people, she’s generally very quiet. She’s often forgotten if she’s in a group of people, not that she minds. If someone, with a lot of patience, tries to befriend her, she can come across as angsty and defensive. Mostly because she isn’t used to people actually trying to befriend her, due to her frosty glares.
  55. - Despite seeming antisocial, Xue is very non-violent in most situations. When it comes to ordinary day to day life, just a simple glare can get someone to back down from a fight. Her friends and band members know, that in reality, she wouldn’t actually hurt anyone without a good reason, but they just never know for certain. Her hands might just slip, one day. Speaking of violence, she’s pretty non-phased by it. She knows she could hold her own in a fight, so she normally doesn’t react at all when threatened.
  56. - Xue is very disciplined, patient, and has great self-control, meaning she can hold herself back from anything, including food, socialisation and pretty much anything. She’s often lost in her own thoughts, where she often ignores everyone and everything around her. Despite this, she’s very practical, especially when it comes to making plans. Due to this, she isn’t great at improvisation, unless it’s in a musical way. If her plan fails, she normally has several back-ups, because without a plan; she’s screwed. She’s extremely organised and dedicated, and will never give up on anything she’s started. Xue is also very realistic; she’ll never let herself be carried away by fantasies and imaginary lands, and she doesn’t let herself dream too big. She finds teamwork difficult, because she doesn’t like people. However, if she really must work in a team, she will stay quiet and cooperate – mostly because she likes saying “I told you so.” She stays very calm under pressure – something her band mates believe is caused by her being “all cold and dead inside”. She’s observant, a quick thinker, and very assertive. She trusts her own opinion more than anyone else’s.
  57. - Xue tends to be very judgemental – not based on gender, race, sexuality or religion, but based on how they hold themselves. If someone is loud, and has no pride or dignity in themselves, then she tends to judge them harshly. She also strongly dislikes people are believe that ignorance is bliss, and will happily call out anyone who’s an idiot. She’s also quite insensitive, which is mostly driven by her brutal honesty. She is in very in control of her own emotions, and doesn’t get unreasonably emotional.
  58. - One of the things that motivates her the most is the need to prove herself to those around her, particularly her parents. She wants to prove to her mother that she’s worthy of being her child, and she wants to show her father that she can make all his hard work for her worth it. She’s driven by her feelings of inadequacy, and her biggest fear of failing her loved ones. Her biggest dream is for her parents to be proud of her, although she would also appreciate it if she had an explanation from her mother about why her life had been condemned from her conception.
  59. - Although it may not seem like it, she does care immensely for her group members. It takes her a long, long time to even be able to speak to someone, and she’s spent at least one year with all of her group members. Due to her group members, she found out that when she cares for someone, she really, really cares for someone. Despite her overwhelming love and adoration for her group, she manages to still act like she hates them when she’s on camera. Which, sometimes, isn’t hard. Although she does love them, she isn’t sure about loyalty. She’s never loved anyone enough to have her loyalty be questioned, unless it’s her family. The only large crowd of people Xue will probably ever be comfortable in front of is her fans. She loves to perform, and some of the few times you’ll see her smile is when she’s either on stage, or interacting with her fans. Despite this, she doesn't feel the need to show off. She's happy to just provide back-up vocals, and just be there in the moment with her fans.
  60. - So all in all, Xue is quiet, intelligent, and mostly non-violent. On the outside, she seems to have no emotion, cold and dead inside almost. On the inside, she is fully capable of love, fear and passion, which is mostly brought out through music, and her family. All she wants people to know is that just because she doesn’t talk a lot doesn’t mean she’s antisocial, and just because she doesn’t smile doesn’t mean she can’t be happy.
  62. » | habits:
  63. - cracking her knuckles (terrifies the shit out of her band members)
  64. - mumbling in Chinese (often threats, or if she’s tired)
  65. - sleeptalks in Chinese (only when she has more than 6+ hours sleep)
  66. - RBF
  67. - rarely makes eye contact (she normally looks slightly to the right, or at their chin)
  68. » | hobbies:
  69. - playing the bass, guitar and uke
  70. - writing music of popular songs for her instruments
  71. - composing (she’s not very good, but she finds it to be quite therapeutic)
  72. - singing (of her own accord)
  73. - Chinese calligraphy (again, she isn’t very good, but she finds it therapeutic and enjoys it)
  74. » | fears:
  75. - pyrophobia (fear of fire, in Xue’s case; being burnt alive)
  76. - thalassophobia (fear of the sea, in Xue’s case; drowning)
  77. - athazagoraphobia (fear of being forgotten or abandoned, in Xue’s case; by her family)
  79. » | likes:
  80. - snow
  81. - the cold
  82. - the colour blue
  83. - white chocolate
  84. - the taste and smell of mints
  85. - penguins
  86. - playing instruments
  87. - the dark
  88. - bluebells
  89. - matching hat, gloves and scarf sets
  90. - rice cakes
  92. » | dislikes:
  93. - being too hot
  94. - spicy hot food (she’ll eat it if it cools down, but she doesn’t like too much heat)
  95. - the smell of smoke
  96. - overly bright colours
  97. - fire
  98. - being interrupted
  99. - people who are overly loud
  100. - people who can’t accept change or different opinions
  101. - picky people
  102. - small children
  103. - the colours red and orange
  105. » | trivia:
  106. - she’s bisexual, with a preference for girls, but she never really talks much about it
  107. - she’s had a massive crush on Mei-Qi from WJSN since they debuted, and dreams of meeting her
  108. - she has Weibo and Instagram accounts called @.waxue98
  109. - the first song she ever wrote music for on the bass was Rainbow’s A
  110. - she was very good friends with Kim Chungha, as they trained together briefly
  111. - the only physical contact she doesn’t hate is people touching her hair, or unless they’re very motherly
  112. - she rarely wears dresses, and refuses to wear heels
  113. - she has a strong immune system, and rarely gets ill
  114. - she can’t dance, but she’s surprisingly flexible
  115. - she’s a very fast runner
  116. - she’s a very light sleeper, and wakes up at any slight noise
  117. - she wants to learn how to speak Japanese, and also Greek, to pay respect to her heritage
  118. - she’s currently working to get her motorcycle licence
  119. - she’s really bad at cooking
  120. - she’d like to go to Alaska one day
  121. - she’s currently learning Sanshou and Wushu
  122. - she wants to get a helix piercing in both ears
  123. - she has a mild allergy to shellfish, but it normally isn’t that bad
  124. - she’s a big fan of “One Ok Rock”
  128. » | stage name: Xue (쥐)
  129. » | self-introduction: “Hey, I’m the bassist and cool maknae of Nova, Xue.”
  130. » | signature lines:
  131. - *after being asked for an opinion* “If you want my honesty, it’s awful. If you want the sweetness of ignorant bliss, it’s wonderful.”
  132. - “Nothing is as cold as the feeling of betrayal.” (this becomes her signature line during sacrificial lamb)
  133. - *whenever her group members start to do something stupid* “Please don’t do that, hospital bills are expensive and I’m very fond of that vase.”
  134. - “This won’t end well.”
  135. - *to Son of Aeolus and Son of Apollo* “You know what the most beautiful sound in the world is? Silence.”
  137. » | trainee period: 3 years
  138. » | why did you character audition to become a trainee?: mostly because she wanted to show her mother that she was worthy, whether it was through becoming a successful musician, or laying down her life and fighting in sacrificial lamb.
  140. » | vocal skill: 4/5
  141. » | vocal range: Alto 1 (think Boa of Spica)
  142. » | style of vocal: she’s very good with ballads, specifically ones with heartbreaking melodies and lyrics that make you tear up. she has the sort of voice that could sing you to sleep, as it’s quite raspy yet calming. despite her good vocal skill, the reason she doesn't sing is because the company told her not to; her voice just "doesn't fit with the concept". she's not really bothered about this.
  144. » | rap skill: 0
  145. » | style of rap: n/a
  147. » | dance skill: 0
  148. » | style of dance: n/a
  150. » | other talents:
  151. - plays guitar and ukulele as well as bass guitar
  152. - can sing (better) in Chinese
  154. » | how they act on stage: the times that Xue is on stage are the precious times you see her smiling. she loves being on stage, so she really just lets loose. she’ll sing, and dance along, and she interacts with the fans as much as she can. it’s really a shock to her band members to see how quickly her personality changes. she’s so much more happy on stage than she is anywhere else.
  155. » | how they act off stage but on camera: before performing, she’s her normal self; quiet yet polite, but seems to be almost shy. after performing, it’s like she’s coming off of a sugar high. she’s still quiet, but she’s more smiley and giggly. after performing may be the only time she’ll willingly join in with any group activity, or discussion.
  156. » | how they act off stage and off camera: it’s pretty much the same as she is off stage but on camera, except she isn’t usually around. she enjoys being on her own, but if she’s forced, she’ll join in with her band-mates, but she will just sit on the outskirts making monotone and sarcastic comments. after performing, she’s similarly quite euphoric, and is happy to be babied and mess around with her band-mates. of course, after a decent sleep, this quickly dissipates back into her usual personality.
  158. » | fanservice:
  159. - will sing for fans (if persuaded by her band-mates and the audience)
  160. - if forced (and i mean forced), she will do aegyo but only for a short period of time, and only because she’s the maknae
  161. - taking selfies with fans (and sometimes group members)
  163. » | hardships and struggles as an trainee/idol: she struggled the most with language, as she found it very difficult to pick up Korean. she did experience some abuse from trainees and trainers to begin with, but because of her RBF, and silent personality, they quickly got bored of picking on her. she found the diet relatively easy; whereas most trainees found it hard, she didn’t have any problems because she came from a background where food was hard to get.
  168. » | powers + skill level:
  169. - 8/10; frost/ice manipulation. this was mostly her being self-taught, but her mother visited her which helped to boost her powers. Xue has had this particular power for quite a while, but at a very low level. After she found out she possessed the power, three years ago, she ignored it. Then, she kept having visions of her mother, which persuaded her to try and learn to control it. After she met her mother, her power was enhanced greatly.
  170. - 6/10; cryokinesis. this was a skill that Khione taught Xue. because of the goddess of snow herself teaching her, Xue picked up the power pretty quickly. After that, due to wanting to impress her mother, she began working extremely hard on it. Of course, because she was taught it only a few motnhs before debut, she didn’t have a lot of time to practice it. However, due to dedication, she managed to get it to a respectable level.
  171. -
  172. » | experience with weapons/fighting styles + » | skill level w/weapons and fighting styles: (i kind of merged them im sorry)
  173. - 8/10; martial arts. she was taught this as a trainee, but she excelled at it so she practiced it outside of training as well. she currently excels at sanshou and wushu, but also knows taekwando. she’s not the best at taekwando at the moment, but she is one of the best in her sanshou and wushu classes.
  174. - 6/10; knife/blades. okay so the reason that this weapon is androgynous is because she’s learning to create weapons out of ice (cliché, I know). one of the main styles she uses when wielding any type of blade is silat. she isn’t the best, but she could definitely harm someone pretty badly. she learnt this as a trainee, and she practiced like hell. her mother also helped her to improve it slightly when they met.
  175. - 1/10; pistol. she was also taught this as a trainee, but she didn’t like it as much. she has rubbish aim, and can never load a magazine quick enough. despite this, she still knows how to use a firearm. not very well, though.
  177. » | how do they feel about being on sacrificial lamb?
  178. - if she’s completely honest, she’s not that afraid. obviously, she’s human, so she’s a little afraid. but she wants to be on sacrificial lamb, because she wants to make her mother at least acknowledge or make her feel proud. she refuses to think about whether she’ll die or not, because she doesn’t think she’ll win, but she knows she’ll get further than the first to fall.
  180. » | how would your character react to killing someone? what if s/he was close to that person? what if s/he had to do it to survive or to save someone they are close with?
  181. - in order to survive, or to help an ally, she wouldn’t think twice. if she was close with the person, she’d probably hesitate, but if it was necessary, she would do it. she wouldn’t kill anyone without a purpose, but she definitely wouldn’t shy away from it. she would feel guilty, but if she had to kill someone, she’d tell herself that again and again. if it was someone she was close to, she’d feel very guilty for longer, but again would try to reason with herself.
  183. » | how would your character react to watching someone die? what if s/he was close to that person?
  184. - if she was close to them, she would stay with them and comfort them as they died. if it was an instant death, she’d probably pay her respects in some small way (like Katniss from THG with Rue, but in a smaller way). if she didn’t know the person, she’d probably just leave. not in a rude way, but just because she wouldn’t want to intrude on someone’s end, because she feels like it would be disrespectful.
  186. » | would your character sabotage someone else? what if it was to save someone s/he is close to? how would s/he react if that caused the person’s death?
  187. - if it was to save someone she cared about, ie her group members or other allies, she wouldn’t think twice about it. if it caused that person’s death, she would feel the same way she would if she had to kill someone. if it ended up killing someone she was close to, she’d feel insanely guilty, and probably wouldn’t be able to reason with herself. she’d be heartbroken if she accidentally caused the death of someone she was close to, and it would take her a lot to keep on going.
  192. » | suggestions for a theme song:
  193. - Get Down – Boy’s Republic
  194. - Hyde – VIXX
  195. - Bbi Ri Bba Bba – Narsha
  196. - BTD – Infinite
  197. - Take A Shot – HOTSHOT
  198. - Awesome – N.Flying
  199. - The Beat – Topp Dogg
  200. - Russian Roulette – SPICA
  201. (sorry i got carried away)
  203. » | requested scenes:
  204. - Xue encasing herself in ice to protect herself during Sacrificial Lamb
  205. - Xue being defensive and angsty when one of her group mates wants to team up with someone from another group
  206. - Xue irritably trying to look after the rest of her group members, despite being the maknae
  207. - Xue trying to act irritated when someone babies her, but ending up giving in to it
  208. - someone who’s weak (emotionally) having to kill someone (an elder group member, perhaps) that they’re extremely close to
  209. - a bunch of the strongest who end up becoming unhinged and killing/torturing the weaker contestants (is that too hunger games based? im sorry)
  211. » | why do you want to join?
  212. - honestly im trash for greek mythology (percy Jackson ftw) and this idea has got me SO hyped and also i love angst. the more angst and character death and sadness the better, let’s be real here.
  213. » | why should we pick your form?
  214. - because i have spent three weeks on this form and i actually didn’t sleep for 24 hours at several points trying to get this form perfect. also Xue is extremely precious to me and i love her so much
  216. » | note to the authors: hi i love both of you so so so much, this is an amazing idea. im planning on doing another form for another group (because i love this idea so much), but i might not be able to because of school and stuff. but yeah, i hope you love Xue as much as i do.
  218. » | anything else: she’s a cold bitch, but a soft cold bitch.
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