
Canter U: Day 27 Saturday [Party Pooper]

Aug 18th, 2013
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  1. >
  2. >Is... Octavia practicing this morning?
  3. >Nope... it's just a wonderful day...
  4. >Because you woke up, without the bitchiness of an alarm clock telling you to start your daily obligations.
  5. >Albeit you did pay a shit ton of money for these "obligations".
  6. >Spike's asleep still. Damn him.
  7. >You check the time to see if you broke any new records for sleeping in.
  8. >11 AM?
  9. >Not too bad.
  10. >On a regular Saturday, your mommy would've had to wake you up...
  11. >And make you do chores.
  12. >And yell at you for not doing a great job.
  13. >And deal wtih your little sister being a loud popstar in the morning...
  14. >And your mom would've greeted you with a good morning...
  15. >And she would've made breakfast...
  16. >And you would've ate around the round table, smiling as your sister told you about her silly dreams...
  17. >Man... you're homesick?
  18. >You text your mom a good morning.
  19. >Oh wait... you don't have a phone!
  20. >Fuck. How are you gonna start today?
  22. A. Breakfast
  23. B. Jog
  24. C. Vidya
  26. >Jog time...
  27. >You get suited up, and lace up your running shoes that you've totally had this whole time.
  28. >I swear, the more I write, the less continuity there seems to be.
  29. >And you do some dynamic stretching on your way out to the lobby.
  30. Static stretching before a workout or a run is a baaaaad idea.
  31. >The lobby is loosely populated... seems like most everyone's still in their room.
  32. >That big buff guy is eating breakfast next to Fluttershy...
  33. >You don't hear any words.
  34. >At a different table, you see Rarity typing up an essay.
  35. >Oh shit... when's that essay due?
  36. someone check the pastebin for me.
  37. >Rainbow Dash is snoozing on the couch.
  38. >Her light gray shirt is slightly darkened by sweat...
  39. >Probably just came from practice...
  40. >You brush a stray hair from her face and head out the door.
  42. >Whew... seems like you're actually seeing some progress!
  43. >You're getting your wind back.
  44. >Stamina.
  46. >It's really quiet out here, and the only thing you've got to hear is the beating of your footsteps on the pavement.
  47. >Perfect time for some thinking...
  48. >Maybe you are homesick...
  49. >Maybe you do miss your high school friends...
  50. >Or... you could just be jealous of them.
  51. >They went to great schools.
  52. >Brown, Texas A&M... hell, even UCLA.
  53. >And... you're stuck here.
  54. >You pass by the biology lecture hall on your run.
  55. >Not that you're sad or anything.
  56. >It's been fun here so far, right?
  57. >You chalk it up to you missing your old friends.
  58. >When school was easier.
  59. >Especially... Femanon.
  60. >You switch up your breathing pattern to accomodate your fatigue.
  61. >She was... more than your friend.
  62. >Smart. Funny. Athletic. Really nice.
  63. >Hell, you even asked her to prom...
  64. >But then she wen-
  65. "Hey Nonny! What are you doing out?"
  66. >Pinkie Pie's in a sweatband and sweatshirt and sweatpants... and sweat.
  67. >She jogs along side you.
  69. A. small talk
  70. B. business talk
  71. C. bizness talk
  73. >How does she feel about the term "sororislut"?
  74. >She giggles.
  75. "Totally true!"
  76. >You look at her with a puzzled look.
  77. "But... most of my sisters are superdy duper shallow."
  78. >Shallow?
  79. "Oopsie! Don't tell them that Pinkie said that... 'kay?"
  80. >She's jogging flawlessly next to you.
  81. >Well... what about her?
  82. "What about me about me?"
  83. >Is she a sororislut?
  84. >She gasps.
  85. "Anonymous! How dare you!"
  86. >You start charging your sprint.
  87. >She giggles.
  88. "Just kidding! I'm not though... I'm... really not like my sisters...
  89. They mess around with so many guys and cause so much drama...
  90. I guess I'm... not really one of them... I'm still just like my wittle sisters back home on the farm..."
  91. >She's from a farm?
  92. >Wait... come to think of it... this is the slowest you've ever heard her talk.
  93. >You come in with the comforting Anon voiceactor voice.
  94. >She doesn't have to be like one of them...
  95. >Just as you prepare your next poetic line yo-
  96. "Yeah I do! Or else... they won't like me... and I can't be their sister anymore."
  97. >You sigh and change the subject...
  98. >How was hazing?
  99. >She giggles and perks right back up.
  100. "Oh do I have a story for YOU!"
  102. >You reach the dorms.
  103. "2 lines! Off the inner thigh of another sister!"
  104. >She's... done cocaine?
  105. "I'm never ever doing that again though. Too crazy."
  106. >Too crazy for Ponki Pop?
  107. >You get back into the lobby and get showered up for the day.
  108. >It's 12 PM when you get back into your room.
  110. A. Food
  111. B. Vidya
  112. C. Work/Study
  114. >Yeah... this weekend feels like it's gonna be... uneventful.
  115. brb thinking of ideas
  116. >You toss on a shirt and shorts and open up your laptop.
  117. >There's a sticky note on the top rack of your desk.
  118. >"PSYCH Essay due: Next Thursday."
  119. >And... knowing Dr. Discord... in theory could get you an extension for your paper.
  120. >You feel the lazy begin to consume you.
  121. >And you do a quick stretch and shrug it off.
  122. >Paper time.
  123. >You open up Word and put it on the left side of the screen.
  124. >Opera on the right side of the screen.
  125. I used to use Opera.
  126. >You flip between windows looking for things to write about.
  127. I have no idea what the prompt is...
  128. >And you start writing.
  129. >Things are flowing pretty well for you for a good couple hours...
  130. >In between blocks, you studied up on chemistry and biology.
  131. >But you keep on writing.
  132. >And you wrote a good 800 words!
  133. I wrote a scholarly essay on Mass Effect, who wants to read it?
  134. >Spike comes back in and signs onto League.
  136. A. Keep writing.
  137. B. League.
  138. C. Study with the crew.
  139. D. Food
  141. >You go to your underbed snack stash.
  142. >Your mom had the right idea to have one of these.
  143. >Costco does not fail.
  144. >A Gatorade and a bag of cheetos.
  145. >Perfect first meal of the day.
  146. >You down your whole bag and wash it down a bit to get you back to work.
  147. >Spike starts his super clicky spree...
  148. >And he starts to complain about his support being a faggot.
  149. >You tell that bitch to shut up.
  150. >Bet you anything he wouldn't be raging if you weren't in the room to hear it...
  151. >What's that called?
  152. >Behaving differently when someone's around?
  153. >inb4 tsundere
  154. >Well... it's something! And that's related to psychology in some way!
  155. >You figure out a way to incorporate that into your essay.
  157. >Spike finishes a game...
  158. >And you've got a decent rough draft in front of you!
  159. >Good work, Anon.
  160. >Wonder how Pingo Poy is doing on hers?
  161. >You take this time to take a break.
  162. >You sip on your gatorade, and open up Facebook and Youtube.
  163. >You open up some Game Grumps, and look through your online friends.
  165. A. League
  166. B. Lobby
  167. C. Food
  169. >You throw a quick message to Luna on Facebook.
  170. (Hi, Lauren!)Luna: Who is this?
  171. >You clarify with her quickly that your name is Anonymous... if she couldn't tell from your Facebook profile.
  172. >And one to Rarity.
  173. (Hello, lunch?) Rarity: :) Sure, I'll be out in a minute.
  174. >You check the time...
  175. >It's 3:30.
  176. >Maybe not lunch then...
  177. >You throw on a zip up hoodie and head out to the lobby...
  178. >You see Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy enter the lobby from outside.
  179. >Looks like they just got back from the dining halls.
  180. >You see Pinkie sitting crosslegged at a table in front of her laptop.
  181. >You take a quick break to chat her up real quick.
  182. "Nonny! This paper's haaaaaaaaaaaard! I don't have any idea what to write! Help me out?"
  183. >She smiles widely.
  184. >Twilight and Rarity walk out of the hall, chatting about Romeo + Juliet.
  185. >Absolutely not what you watched last night.
  186. >They share a laugh.
  187. >You tell Pinkie maybe later, and stand up and head out.
  188. >Twilight and Rarity take turns hugging you... and you walk out to the dining halls.
  189. >After getting to the front of the line, you see that they're serving... chicken.
  190. >Woo hoo.
  191. >You three get your food before sitting down.
  193. A. small talk
  194. B. business talk
  195. C. bizness talk.
  197. >You ask the two ladies how their grades are doing.
  198. >Twilight smiles confidently.
  199. "I actually really well on those midterms! I had no idea why I was freaking out!"
  200. >You give her a "told you so" face.
  201. "And... I recently turned in my piece that I made during the camping trip. Shame you didn't get to see it, darling."
  202. "Oh yeah! I remember... it was really pretty."
  203. /r/ing landscape of a forest from non-occupied resident drawfag
  204. "I'm also in the middle of an essay for my sociology class."
  205. >Sociology
  206. >Socio
  207. >Soc
  208. >Sorry... you don't quite follow.
  209. >From the look of it, neither does Twilight.
  210. >Speaking of papers! You tell Rarity how you have one due for psych this Thursday...
  211. >And you need someone to peer review it.
  212. "And... Pinkie Pie wasn't finished with hers?"
  213. >Nope... that's why you're relying on Rarity to do it for you.
  214. "I'll see if I can pencil it in... I'm a very busy lady, Anonymous."
  215. >She smirks and sips her water.
  217. >You head back to the dorms...
  218. >Around 5PM.
  219. >Pinkie's not around.
  220. >The lobby's almost deserted...
  221. >Save for Tom playing vidya with Spike.
  222. >And Rainbow Dash eating cereal.
  224. A. League with Twilight
  225. B. Show Rarity the paper
  226. C. Vidya
  227. D. Cereal with Dash.
  229. >You plop on the couch and grab a controller.
  230. >Looks like they're playing Brawl...
  231. >You play a round for a bit, just screwing around.
  232. >You use Olimar for a bit, and just perform Pikmin genocide, only picking the red and yellow ones.
  233. >Because those are OP.
  234. >Fuck, this game's too easy.
  235. >You tell Spike to pick a different game.
  236. "Mario Party?"
  237. >Dash quickly finishes her cereal, plops next to you and picks up a controller.
  238. >She didn't change... or from the smell of it... shower.
  239. >You have a weird 30% stirring downstairs.
  240. >You take a quick glance at her.
  241. >Same shirt, same smirk.
  242. "What?"
  243. >You smile a bit.
  244. "Haha, what? You're dumb, Anon."
  245. >You both turn your attention back to the game.
  246. "You guys wanna do teams, or solo?"
  247. >Mario Party's always fun when you get to fuck someone over.
  248. >How many people do you wanna fuck over?
  249. >And who?
  251. A. Team with Dash
  252. B. Team with Tom
  253. C. Team with Spike
  254. D. Go solo.
  256. >You fist Dash in front of the two guys.
  257. "Yeah, Team Rainonymous!"
  258. >She leans into you and giggles a bit.
  259. "You guys are going down!"
  260. "Alright then, dude... It's me and Tom!"
  261. >You nigger on over to the Water themed level.
  262. >Because there's always one of those on every Mario Party.
  263. >As for which Mario Party you're playing...
  264. >It's Gamecube or up, so yeh... use your imagination.
  265. >Everybody does their rolls, and you get a 10...
  266. >Dash rolls a 9.
  267. >Lel... fuck your dragonstone team.
  268. >Spike audibly sighs.
  269. "Hurry up, bitch."
  270. >Damn, Kimosabe...
  271. >You roll and start the game.
  273. >After playing a few mini games, you get the first star!
  274. "Anon! Say no! Say no!"
  275. >Fuck you, Spike.
  276. >You drop 20 fat ones on the star.
  277. >MONEY.
  278. >The rest of the game goes by, with both teams neck and neck in the stars.
  279. >It's the last few turns.
  280. >Bowser enacts communism on you all, and you share coins now.
  281. >After several heartpounding minigames, and a bit of rage from Dash, it's the last turn.
  282. >Tom gets a star, putting them up by 1.
  283. "Ha! We win!"
  284. >Fuck.
  285. >The game brings you to the final screen.
  286. >Dash sighs sadly...
  287. >Wait... bonus stars!
  288. >TLDR you guys win.
  289. "What the fuck! That's so unfair! Fuck this game!"
  290. >Spike throws the controller down and storms back to his room.
  291. >Tom gets up and shakes your hand before going back to the hall.
  292. "Heh, good job Anon! I knew we could do it!"
  293. >She looks around before kissing you on the cheek.
  294. >You smile at her.
  295. "Stop looking at me like that... B-b-bazinga"
  296. Before you ask, I hate that show.
  297. >Pinkie comes out of her room, dressed like an ultraslut.
  298. "Party time! Wanna come, you two?"
  299. >Dash declines... says she has practice tomorrow.
  300. "You and me, Nonny! Let's go!"
  301. >Did she even do her essay?
  302. "Bah... I can do that later! Come on!"
  304. A. Go party.
  305. B. Help her with her essay.
  306. C. Go back to your room and League
  308. >You grab her by the arm.
  309. >Damn, she looks weirdly gross and weirdly hot at the same time.
  310. >You have trouble remembering wha-
  311. >Oh right.
  312. >You tell her that she really needs to write this essay.
  313. >Reminding her about the importance and the weight that the essay has on the final grade.
  314. "Nonny! I w-want to party! That's what's final!"
  315. >Does she really?
  316. >With those... sororisluts?
  317. >And the way she's dressed?
  318. >She could freeze out there.
  319. >She sighs...
  320. "Y-you're right... my room?"
  321. >You agree, and bring your laptop over to her room.
  322. >Applejack sits in the adjacent bed, no shirt, reading away at a tattered chemistry book.
  323. >8th edition.
  324. >This bitch don't even 9th edition, what a fucking cheap, poor gi-
  325. >Oh... right.
  326. "Oh... howdy, Anon!"
  327. >She makes no effort to cover herself.
  328. >Cool.
  329. >Pinkie tosses on a sweater over her slut outfit, and undoes her straightened hair.
  330. >Back to it's normal poof.
  331. "Let's get started?"
  332. >She goes to writing, as she asks you for tips and stuff.
  333. >Sitting behind her, you read over her shoulder...
  334. >Her perfume... hmm.
  335. >Weird smell... but strangely timed 25% rocking downstairs.
  336. >In a matter of thirty minutes, she's written an outline and has a decent two pages written...
  337. >She sighs and gets up.
  338. "Bathroom break!"
  339. >You excuse her as you crash in her bed.
  340. >Smells... sweet.
  341. >Not like her perfume.
  342. "Hoo boy... ah don't even..."
  343. >AJ stares harder at the book.
  345. A. reread what she wrote.
  346. B. study with Applejack
  347. C. call it a night.
  349. >You get up off her bed and into her desk and start reviewing what she's written so far.
  350. >Most of it is... really coherent!
  351. >Very astute points of observation... maybe you'll have to even use some of it yourself.
  352. >She's used a couple of the quotes that you told her would be valid.
  353. >And she's formatted them really well.
  354. >Has a unique sense of style...
  355. >Very subtle in her argument, but entirely effective.
  356. >Two pages doesn't take too long to skim through... but you've come up with a few extra points that you're sure Pinkie wouldn't mind hearing.
  357. >You skim through her outline.
  358. >Seems... well organized. Even for Pinkie's standards.
  359. >You decide to reread the article that she's pulled most of her quotes from.
  360. >Maybe it'll even help you out.
  361. >After reading for a bit, you hear Applejack grumbling slightly, shifting every other minute while reading her chem book.
  362. "Gosh darn it... ah cain't..."
  363. >She sighs audibly and closes her book.
  364. >In a few minutes... you've finished reading the article.
  365. >Nothing new.
  366. >Pinkie's been gone a while.
  367. >Well... don't girls have to wait for the piss fairy or something?
  368. >That's why they take so long, right?
  370. A. Go check on Pinkie.
  371. B. Help AJ Study
  372. C. Call it a night.
  374. >You ask AJ what's eating her.
  375. "Wut's eatin' me? Ah... just the chemistry stuff."
  376. >Chemistry's easy! It's only the first quarter.
  377. "A-ah know... it's just... there's a lotta math... Ah'm not so good at it."
  378. >It's basic algebra.
  379. "Al... juh... bruh?"
  380. >OH FFS
  381. >How'd she even get past the midterm? What did she get on it?
  382. "Ah dunno... Ah hadn't checked yet.
  383. >Grades came out a while back... even before the bio scores were posted.
  384. >Oh and btw... you got a B+ on chem. and an A- in bio? Or the other way around?
  385. >Yeah, and an A in physics. That extra problem helped out your grade.
  386. >And an A- in psych.
  387. >Yeah, woo. Ya did it.
  388. "Ah didn't even know them scores was up yet!"
  389. >She goes on her laptop to check.
  390. >Bio, she's got an A-.
  391. >Chem... C-.
  392. "Oh lordy... A-ah..."
  393. >You're between helping her commit sudoku and helping her catch the Avatar for her honor.
  394. >She sighs audibly.
  395. >You ask her if she needs some help.
  396. "A-ah'm fine, Anon... Ah'll figure it out on mah own..."
  397. >You tell her how it'll help both of you out.
  398. >Teaching is the next step to subject mastery... and you want to be a master.
  399. "Anon, ah'm fine... cain't ya see?"
  400. >No, Applejack... it is you who can't C.
  401. >Only a C minus.
  402. >Sick burn brah.
  403. >You watch over her, and help her out silently.
  404. >Backseat homework... and it takes her a good 20 minutes to finish the assignment.
  405. "Th-thanks, sugarcube... you were a real big help, as much as ah'd hate to admit it."
  406. >Pinkie's... taking a long time! What did she have for dinner?
  408. A. Check on Pinkie
  409. B. Attempt, and I say this with extreme caution, to Applejack
  410. C. Call it a night
  412. >Open CU Mystery: Missing while Pissing!
  413. >You go to check on Pinkie.
  414. >She's taken an awful long time to take a shit.
  415. >Or whatever.
  416. >It's fucking late, anyhow... almost midnight.
  417. >You check the bathroom with the Hardy Boys by your side.
  418. >It's open...
  419. >No one's inside, just a hair straightener, still plugged into the wall.
  420. >And a few loose pink hairs.
  421. >She must've burnt her whole self into ash with the hair straightener!
  422. >Nancy Drew takes a shit while you head back to your room to plan out the funeral.
  423. >Most of the girls you ask tell you that they haven't seen Pinkie...
  424. >And... her Chi Up sweater is lazily thrown on the floor.
  425. >You open the fridge to find more clues.
  426. >Capri-Sun and leftovers.
  427. >You take the capri-sun...
  428. >Mmm, juice.
  429. >You head out into the lobby, and ask if anyone's seen Pinkie.
  430. >Rainbow pauses the game and turns to you.
  431. "She went out, dude."
  432. >Fucking Pinkie.
  433. >You go outside of the lobby.
  434. >You have no idea where this party is...
  435. >And you don't have a phone, so you can't find out.
  436. >Tapping your pockets... you also don't have your ID... of course.
  437. >Thanks OP.
  438. >You're stuck out here... unless you can find Pinkie... or anyone.
  439. >inb4 knocking because that's ineffective in the real world.
  440. >And icing on the cake? It's cold.
  441. Icing... cold... lel.
  443. A. Attempt to find the party (dubs, this will go horribly wrong if you fail)
  444. B. Wait at the Walk of Shame
  445. C. Go to the housing office to get a spare key.
  447. >You... meander down somewhere...
  448. >Walk through the walk of shame. Meet a giant fish.
  449. >Fuck his brains out.
  450. >One street.
  451. >Two street.
  452. >Red street.
  453. >Blue street.
  454. >How the fuck do you know where you're going?
  455. >You follow the sound of girls screaming and loud music.
  456. >And... sirens.
  457. >You reach the house.
  458. >Looks like this party's getting shut down.
  459. >Oh fuck... Pinkie's probably in there...
  460. >She's not legal to drink yet!
  461. >Well, neither is 80% of the people in there... but, still!
  462. >Pinkie could be in trouble.
  463. >The guy talking to the cop doesn't seem to be doing a good job.
  464. >You take a seat on the curb opposite the house and watch the law fuck with the kids.
  465. >People come leaking out of the house, and the music stops.
  466. >Some of them can't even walk straight...
  467. >But... none of them are Pinkie.
  468. >Someone takes a seat next to you...
  469. "H-hic... heyaaanonny..."
  470. >There she is...
  471. "Ya came out heeere? Fer me? hic~"
  473. "Wheee!"
  474. >You tug on her arm as you flee the scene.
  476. >She's leaning on you as you approach the Walk of Shame.
  477. >Giant fish still recovering from orgasmatronic sex.
  478. "Nonny... d'ya think I'm a cutie?"
  479. >Guess so...
  480. "D'ya think ahmmm I can be a sorority s-s-ster?"
  481. >Isn't she already?
  482. "Not... I mean... what if you and me..."
  483. >She whispers loudly.
  484. "...fuckedttt. Then I'd be a s-sr... salarian for real!"
  485. >She's obviously drunk out of her mind...
  486. >And for what?
  487. >What is she trying to prove?
  488. "Come on, Nonny... you and meee... mano y mano!"
  490. A. Take advantage of her.
  491. B. Walk her home safely.
  492. C. Leave her on the Walk of Shame... and take pictures.
  494. >You tell her no...
  495. "But... Nonny! I thought you said I was... cute!"
  496. >Her lips quivering...
  497. >You tell her how... this... isn't her...
  498. "You don't know me."
  499. >From the look of it? You actually don't know her.
  500. >You see a totally different girl.
  501. >Straightened out hair...
  502. >Slutty outfit.
  503. >Trashed.
  504. >Not walking straight.
  505. >Begging for sex.
  506. >Sounds like you.
  507. >Pinkie sniffles a bit.
  508. >You made her cry...
  509. >But... she needed to hear this.
  510. >What she's doing with her life...
  511. >Being someone different.
  512. >Going way out of your way to impress people.
  513. >Doing dangerous things to fit in with a bad crowd...
  514. >That's not a good way of going about things.
  515. >You lose your friends.
  516. >You lose your values...
  517. >And worst of all...
  518. >You lose yourself.
  519. In the music the moment you own it. I've referenced this song how many times now?
  520. >Pinkie's openly sobbing into your arm.
  521. >Careful bitch, this hoodie is a designer.
  522. "Nonny... I-I-I'm sorry..."
  523. >She's leaning into you... and you've successfully navigated the walk of shame.
  524. >Hopefully... she's learned her lesson.
  525. >And double hopefully... she won't quit the sorority...
  526. >Because you still need someone with party hookups.
  528. >Applejack helps you tuck Pinkie Pie back into bed.
  529. >You totally got to see her half naked.
  530. >Nice.
  531. >You head back into your dorm room.
  532. >Spike's playing League.
  533. >You give him a quick "'sup?"
  534. "Fuck you, dick."
  535. >Fucking Mario Party.
  537. Day 27 Summary:
  538. Applejack arc advanced!
  539. Pinkie Pie arc advanced!
  540. CU Mystery: Missing while Pissing, solved!
  541. Essay rough draft, complete!
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