

Jul 17th, 2012
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  1. Shouta> oh hey my game
  2. <Kincaido> =D
  3. <KyouG> Dungeon Siege 3
  4. <KyouG> shit, I want that
  5. <MechaX> didn't even know you mained sinanju
  6. <Shouta> I haven't played you recently
  7. <Shouta> with&
  8. <MechaX> poor delta plus
  9. <Shouta> Yeah, Shingin was a bit close for most of the match. Held his own quite well but could've played farther out
  10. <Enron> shouta finally wins!
  11. <Enron> bretts mic goes to 11
  12. <Shouta> yeah =x
  13. <Kincaido> they shamed themselves. they are not idols >=(
  14. <Kincaido> at least they lost to Shouta though lol
  15. <Shouta> I think the last two matches I played were with Zuda and DX or was it Forbidden
  16. <Shouta> can't recall
  17. <Shouta> and Shigin on DP
  18. <Shouta> Shingin*
  19. * xero273-mac has quit (Quit: xero273-mac)
  20. <Shouta> dat javelin
  21. <Shouta> ah Zudah and Forbidden
  22. <Shouta> Haman Kyou
  23. <Shouta> HAMANNNN
  24. <KyouG> !
  25. <dakanya> hmm tbh you didnt play around shingin enough
  26. <dakanya> either shouldve told him to stay back more
  27. <dakanya> or go in harder
  28. <dakanya> or switch targets more and help him
  29. <KyouG> Haman needs to watch her boosts.
  30. <Shouta> yeah
  31. <dakanya> its cause you werent generatiing enough attention
  32. <Shouta> i was thinking I should've just gone balls out more
  33. <dakanya> so people just pick on your 'back' suit
  34. <Shouta> after the fact
  35. <Shouta> Hindsight is 20/20 though, so oh well
  36. <Shouta> I actually mentioned to Shingin to stay back more before the match against Myung
  37. <dakanya> where you picked zuda right
  38. <Shouta> Yeah
  39. <dakanya> the zuda pick probbbaably wasnt a smart choice
  40. <Shouta> I was hoping to make it a distance match and use Zudah's rifle/missiles/assists
  41. <dakanya> you should have already known shingin was gonna play close
  42. <dakanya> and be looking to get landing punishes cause thats what hed been doing all day
  43. <Shouta> Well, i figured he was going to play back more when I mentioned it
  44. <Shouta> but yeah, I probably should've thought in the opposite direction
  45. <Shouta> and just kept up front instead
  46. <dakanya> you might have also made the wrong impression
  47. <dakanya> when you chose to fight a solid 3k/2k comp
  48. <dakanya> with a 2k/1k comp
  49. <Shouta> A bit perhaps
  50. <Shouta> It started off a little smoothly I thought
  51. <Shouta> Nailed myung a few times at long range with the rifle then kinda got messy
  52. <dakanya> yeah they adapted
  53. <dakanya> thats the thing about 2k/1k
  54. <dakanya> and low dmg in general
  55. <dakanya> you have to win a lot of exchanges
  56. <dakanya> and its not like fighting the cpu
  57. <Shouta> well Zudah is pretty buff for a 1k
  58. <dakanya> they're gonna get smarter
  59. <Shouta> so I was hoping for that
  60. <Shouta> cost vs damage
  61. <dakanya> nah thats how ppl think when they are scared
  62. <Shouta> Was hoping to outlast them
  63. <dakanya> like any sort of bad low cost comp
  64. <dakanya> is just bad against an expensive comp
  65. <dakanya> false hopes there
  66. <Shouta> I disagree
  67. <Teknopathetic> you needed more dog, shouta, should've flown me out
  68. <Shouta> But in this case, you'd be right because of lack of experience playing with each other
  69. <Shouta> Tek: Would've been coo to play with ya but I ain't paying for your ticket >=O
  70. <Teknopathetic> hahaha
  71. <dakanya> bad low cost comp is bad
  72. <dakanya> it ended up being the wrong adaptation/answer but oh well
  73. <Shouta> Well yes, in this case
  74. <dakanya> in most cases it'd be probbably be the wrong answer
  75. <Shouta> I don't really agree that it's a bad adaptation in general just the wrong one for this occasion
  76. <dakanya> it played out in the worst way too you got like 3 lives lol
  77. <dakanya> or was it 2 lives
  78. <Shouta> I think I got 2 maybe 3, I don't really recall and I wasn't counting during the video
  79. <dakanya> maybe if you go tlike 4 lives
  80. <Shouta> Yeah but that'd really require a partner in the back
  81. <dakanya> yeah if he actually played back
  82. <Shouta> Yep, miscalc on my part
  83. <Shouta> He's solid though for sure
  84. <Shouta> Watching his viewpoint on the stream, he got some nice punishes and did ok in close
  85. <dakanya> if you were gonna play back the best play would be to play a 3k and give shingin 3 lives
  86. <Shouta> yeah, I probably should've gone Unicorn in that case but I hadn't really thought of it
  87. <Shouta> or someone similar
  88. <dakanya> yeah. like 2k/1k is just badddd most of the time
  89. <Shouta> Without a set team and partner, sure
  90. <Shouta> Can't really deny it doesn't work the current situation
  91. <Shouta> err
  92. <Shouta> that situation
  93. <dakanya> even with a set team and partner its quite bad unless you are like sigggggnificantly more skilled than the other team
  94. * tenkai ( has left #gafgundam (喰うか喰われるか!)
  95. <Shouta> I don't really think it can be simplified that much. But 2k/1k is only really viable with a few of the 1ks
  96. <Shouta> Zaku and Tank for sure
  97. <dakanya> yeah they are like s tier 1k
  98. <Shouta> Zudah can fit in there with the correct strat, I think. It's a little more fickle
  99. <Shouta> but Zudah's general damage output is pretty high for a 1k
  100. <Shouta> I mean Rifle is 120, Assists are 100 or so
  101. <dakanya> ideal 2k/1k will have trouble against expensive comps. especially if they are expensive melee
  102. <dakanya> 120/100 is low output in general though
  103. <dakanya> everything in the game does like that much damage at least lol
  104. <dakanya> it just comes down to boost and extreme meter really
  105. <Shouta> For a 1k though that's almost or on par with the two S tier units
  106. <Shouta> Zudah's issue isn't so much damage but boost like you said
  107. <Shouta> His Boost/Movement is a bit ass and is the issue with him
  108. <dakanya> yeah i kind of implied it
  109. <dakanya> there are several reasons
  110. <dakanya> why 2k/1k is bad
  111. <dakanya> against expensive comps
  112. <dakanya> the most obvious one is not damage its boost
  113. <dakanya> you just get outclassed and cant punish them but they can punish you all day
  114. <Shouta> Certainly
  115. <dakanya> well anyways its fine if you can completely outplay them, playing on a much higher level in general, playing much smarter, however you wannap ut it etc
  116. <Shouta> I agree with you on the general theories. I just think it's a hard loss
  117. <Shouta> err
  118. <Shouta> I just don't think it's a hard loss or whatever
  119. <Shouta> Situation is different every match, skill, decisions, etc
  120. <dakanya> yeah but in a majority of the situations that can come up it's pretty unfavorable
  121. <dakanya> in the majority*
  122. <Shouta> True, but that's why I love the game. Even if the situation is unfavorable, it isn't exactly a set unfavorable or a total wash
  123. <Shouta> like it would be in say a fighting game or so
  124. <dakanya> player ability does go a long way
  125. <Shouta> Yeah
  126. <Shouta> Good decisions, smart play, good strat get a lot of mileage in the game. It's why I really never discount a lot stuff in Gundam
  127. <Shouta> It's an uphill battle for sure but something that'll be straight decided at the select screen
  128. <Shouta> but not something*
  129. <Shouta> man, I'm tired
  130. <dakanya> well at the same time you only see top tier suits at dogfights so
  131. <Shouta> True, but you could also explain that as folks taking it seriously
  132. <dakanya> this is where just skill isnt enough
  133. <Shouta> Well, you want to go with the best chance of winning rather than betting on your skill so
  134. <Shouta> Can't fault anyone for that
  135. <dakanya> you could say gundam kind of gets away with that because there are like almost 70 suits in the game
  136. <Shouta> Yeah, it's a bit of that for sure
  137. <Shouta> It's also a bit of mechanics and the style of gameplay
  138. <Shouta> With a lot of competitive games, advantages often don't have as much to soften the bonus you get form them
  139. <haly> the core mechanics are so much more important in gundam i feel
  140. <haly> than in other fighting games
  141. <Shouta> So like going back to the old street fighter, Ryu and Ken being invincibile for most of their Shoryuken was a huge advantage
  142. <dakanya> well the mechanics kind of spell out the way the game should be played in gundam
  143. <Shouta> There was nothing you could do to mitigate it
  144. <dakanya> lets like... not... go to old street fighter.. how old is old anyways
  145. <Shouta> well, it was just the easiest one I could remember lol
  146. <dakanya> i dont think its fair to compare a much newer game to a really old game anyways
  147. <Shouta> wasn't really a comparison of games, just saying that there wasn't an element inside that could help you bypass it
  148. <Shouta> Ah
  149. <Shouta> Here's a gundam example
  150. <Shouta> GvG
  151. <Shouta> God utterly dominated GvG because of his unique movements and melee
  152. <Shouta> Funnels were also incredibly overpowered
  153. <Shouta> because you couldn't dodge them
  154. <Shouta> It was straight line boosting, maybe some jumping, side steps
  155. * KyouG goes to play GvG
  156. <haly> lol
  157. <haly> kyouGod
  158. <dakanya> like next? before exvs? i didnt play so like i dunno lol
  159. <KyouG> funnels for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  160. <Shouta> Before Next
  161. <dakanya> though i know how much got added in exvs so pre-exvs seems pretty kusoge now
  162. <Shouta> Then next came out and Next Dash was added
  163. <Shouta> That totally changed the game
  164. <Shouta> Mobility was increased immensely and a lot of the advantages of the units in GvG were lost
  165. <Kincaido> go afk and see a wall of text
  166. <Teknopathetic> the fuck is up with all this chat in my irc log
  167. <Shouta> Funnels were still powerful but not all-mighty, God wasn't nearly as good, Freedom lost its big advantage
  168. <Shouta> The advantages for each of the units were there but they were softened because of the game
  169. <Shouta> You could get out against God, you could dodge funnels, you could keep up with Freedom, etc
  170. <Shouta> That's what I really enjoy about the series. Advantages exist but they aren't going to ruin it for you entirely
  171. <dakanya> thats cool
  172. <Shouta> Same thing happened from Next to EXVS too which was great
  173. * Enron has quit (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
  174. <dakanya> the game always seems to be getting better and better and making progress
  175. <dakanya> i like how burst doesnt recover all your boost in full boost
  176. <Shouta> Yeah, I like that too
  177. <dakanya> i dunno how to feel about having two bursts yet
  178. <dakanya> having two choices of burst*
  179. <Shouta> Having stuck with the game, it's really cool seeing all the changes across the iterations
  180. <Shouta> It's kind of why I don't take tier lists as seriously except in the extreme cases but even then
  181. <Shouta> Seeing what I can do with all the units now compared to then because of system changes kind of softened the tier impact for me
  182. <Shouta> I remember playing Alex in GvG and thinking "damn, why is she even in this game" and now I see her in EXVS and think "Damn, why is she in this game. Oh well, at least I can be effective if I play my cards right"
  183. <dakanya> not enough cards imo
  184. <dakanya> lololol
  185. <dakanya> i should mash more alex
  186. <dakanya> im just like ffff i dont have a br ffff i died
  187. <Shouta> Well, yeah not enough cards in her case >_>
  188. <Shouta> But that's the long explanation for why I don't really discount the cost combos that are at a disadvantage
  189. <Shouta> It's a disadvantage for sure, but there's enough in this game on a basic system level that you can get away with it with smart play
  190. <dakanya> well ultimately its your own decision and opinion so its whatever
  191. <Shouta> If it was GvG or Next, I'd be a lot harder on it so
  192. <dakanya> would've been cool if it paid off and worked out but it didnt so gg
  193. <Shouta> yeah
  194. <Shouta> Yeah, that's what counts
  195. <Shouta> my gamble didn't work fuuuuu
  196. <dakanya> maybe next year!
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