
Wretch tearing apart and throwing parts of cars

Feb 17th, 2024
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  1. I twisted around, saw her looking, and moved my hand, fingertips grazing a car's side-view mirror. Multiple hands slammed the side of that car, indenting it a half-dozen times.
  3. In another time and circumstance, I would have berated the Wretch. I would have cursed it out for the unnecessary property damage, for not doing quite as I wanted.
  5. But I was pissed, hurt, sad, sick, and a little door had opened before, back in Teacher's headquarters. Once opened, it didn't close quite the right way again.
  7. Hands gripped the side mirror, and I twisted as the Wretch did the same. The mirror was flung so fast I had trouble tracking it with my eyes. It hit Trophy Wife, hard, and flew off with enough speed still driving it that it shattered a car window, striking ragged side first.
  9. Trophy Wife was tough, and we'd hit her where the trophy rack was attached to her back. But that was a hit that would have been bone-breaking without the armor, if not purely lethal. Backwoods started to run to her side, but the Huntsmen fired bows and crossbows, one using a net that was thrown at least two hundred feet.
  11. Backwoods started producing more outgrowths to act as cover so he could get to his partner's side. She was leaning over a car now. He helped her straighten.
  13. Behind me, the Wretch pushed the car. Mockument was still there, one hand sealed to the roof of the car by Capricorn's power. With one leg dangling while he fought to get leverage, the movement of the car pinned that leg.
  15. - From Within 16.4
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