
letter to Neg

Jun 7th, 2012
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  1. Neg, I feel like we are all in elementary school when I'm typing this.
  3. res has been a real pain to me and my friends. He has been harassing me for things I haven't done, been calling me and my friends names on and off this site and he has even admitted off-site that he recently entered my past mafia game with the purpose of ruining it.
  5. This has gotten out of hand and it has only gotten worse after the whole bfa mess a bit back. I hate having to be reduced to being the elementary 'tattle-tail' but he has become the thing that makes me groan and feel attacked whenever I join or run a game. It like no matter what I do, he has to try and make me and my friends feel stupid when really all we are doing is trying to have fun.
  7. And you know what, me using the "this feels like Elementary School" fits since that is pretty much how he acts, just with bigger words.
  9. I'm sorry to bother you with all this but...I needed to tell someone on the mod team about him and I think you would understand best.
  11. Thanks for reading.
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