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a guest
Nov 16th, 2019
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  1. on script load:
  2. register new shaped recipe for emerald ore named "&aMagiczna stoniarka" using cobblestone, cobblestone, cobblestone, cobblestone, redstone, cobblestone, cobblestone, cobblestone, cobblestone
  3. on damage:
  4. if attacker is player:
  5. if attacker don't have permission "warhc.nodamage":
  6. if victim is player:
  7. if {antylogout::%victim%} is not set:
  8. send "&cJestes podczas walki!" to victim
  9. set {antylogout::%victim%} to 25
  10. set {antylogout::%attacker%} to 25
  11. every 1 seconds:
  12. loop all players:
  13. if {antylogout::%loop-player%} is set:
  14. if {antylogout::%loop-player%} is greater than 0:
  15. remove 1 from {antylogout::%loop-player%}
  16. set action bar of loop-player to "&c&lANTYLOGOUT - %{antylogout::%loop-player%}%"
  17. else:
  18. clear {antylogout::%loop-player%}
  19. send "&aSkonczyles walczyc." to loop-player
  20. set action bar of loop-player to "&2&lANTYLOGOUT"
  21. command /test:
  22. trigger:
  23. set {antylogout::%player%} to 25
  24. on quit:
  25. if {antylogout::%player%} is set:
  26. execute console command "/kill %player%"
  27. broadcast "&cGracz %player% wylogowal sie podczas walki!"
  28. stop
  29. on command:
  30. if {antylogout::%player%} is set:
  31. if command is "helpop" or "Msg" :
  32. cancel event
  33. send "&4Blad: &c/%command% jest zablokowane podczas walki"
  34. On place:
  35. If {antylogout::%player%} is set:
  36. If guild at location of player is set:
  37. Cancel event
  38. Send "&cPodczas walki nie mozesz budowac na terenie gildi"
  39. on place of emerald ore:
  40. if name of the player's tool is "&aMagiczna stoniarka":
  41. set {s.%event-block%} to true
  42. set event-block to stone
  43. stop
  44. on break of stone:
  45. if {s.%event-block%} is true:
  46. if player is holding gold pickaxe:
  47. if player can hold 1 emerald ore named "&aMagiczna stoniarka":
  48. give 1 emerald ore named "&aMagiczna stoniarka" to the player
  49. stop
  50. else:
  51. drop 1 emerald ore named "&aMagiczna stoniarka"
  52. stop
  53. else:
  54. wait 1 second
  55. set event-block to stone
  56. stop
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