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Apr 22nd, 2019
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  1. Darius sent, 2d, 6h ago:
  2. Good Afternoon.
  4. I apologize for the tardiness of this response. This note is in response to your appeal concerning the ban placed upon you several months ago following the removal of Taric from the moderation team. After deliberation and a vote placed by the team, I regret to inform you that your appeal has been denied and the ban will remain in place.
  6. If you have any further questions, please direct them towards myself and not Sejuani and I will see that I can answer as soon as I am able.
  8. Thank you for your time and understanding.
  9. Lady Lissandra sent, 2d, 5h ago:
  10. Good Afternoon,
  12. I do appreciate the response however tardy, but I would like to know why it is being upheld. I would go so far as to ask for terms of a conditional unban, with terms set by yourself and whomever else would dictate them. Following a set of rules put forward by selected parties to ensure that the community is a safe and fun place to relax and enjoy one's self. I simply want to be able to interact with my friends again, and roleplay in peace, as I have wanted to since the character was created and have always desired to do.
  14. I do not recall having any personal problems with any of the moderators, yourself included over the years. If they have continuing concerns, I would be more than happy to resolve them and whatever questions are necessary to regain confidence. The up and down rollercoaster of the past five and quarter years, is finished. I am not a threat to anybody, nor am I a threat to the way that any community is conducted. To be thought of one still is emotionally heartbreaking and I would like to rectify it by any means necessary.
  16. Whatever questions anybody wishes to be answered, or concerns rectified, I can be contacted here or at Demither#0867 on Discord.
  17. Darius sent, 5s ago:
  18. Good Evening,
  20. Thank you for your patience. As I stated before, the ban is being upheld as the result of a vote carried by every member of the moderation team. You are welcome to ask for terms of being unbanned, but I will be frank that there are no set structures on who's appeal is passed and who's is denied. Each is a case by case basis and these are taken into account when an appeal is brought forth. The individual's appeal should be based off of the reasons for their ban in the first place.
  22. I have little to no interaction with you whatsoever, Lissandra, not in any capacity that some of the other members of the moderation team have had with you. I am aware of you only in your record and reputation. You are aware of the terms as to why you were removed at the same time we were forced to remove Taric from our moderation team, and I do hope that I should not have to repeat those reasons to you. Personal problems with the individual members of the moderation team is not a factor of your ban. It is to be purely measured by your actions that resulted in your ban and the individual's understanding and attempts to correct those actions. As of yet, you have spoken of neither. Your case was brought forth and a vote was put by all six members of the moderation team. The majority ruled that your ban would be upheld and that is the result that I have delivered to you. You are welcome to issue another ban appeal in a few months time.
  24. If you still believe that these results and my answers are still not to your satisfaction, I will allow you to set a formal plea that I will bring forth to the moderation team and we will consider reevaluating your case. I will not guarantee that we will, nor will I guarantee that the result of the moderation team's decision will be any different. I hope that should satisfy as a reasonable compromise.
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