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Kent's full email about Forrest Gump

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Jun 6th, 2022
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  1. Willie,
  3. If you choose to read my email on the show, feel free to paraphrase or selectively cherry pick. I respect your editorial discretion for the needs of your show.
  5. First off, Dolan was amazing as guest host. I appreciate the significance of the bit (well done) but also he did wonderfully as host. Good job all around.
  7. Yes, I can confirm your conjecture about modern military members sharing similarity with the portrayal of Forest's experience. My first two or three days of basic training consisted mostly of fear, loneliness, and shock. But most of us learn very quickly that if you just do what you're told and conform to the required standards, basic training and (by extension) military life in general is pretty simple. And of course, that's by design. The military profession must be simple and accessible by (most) everyone in order to achieve and also maintain retention of membership. Today, we have an all-volunteer force and must present benefits that will attract and retain recruits. But back in the Vietnam War timeframe when Forest is portrayed as serving, the draft was in effect. The draft was essential in recruiting enough manpower to wage the war that the country was involved in. But in either case, simplicity is key. In order to create (and maintain) an effective fighting force, you must simplify every process to the greatest extent possible. Simple = more effective. That was true then and it is still true now.
  9. I have many more thoughts about this topic but the preceding paragraph is probably the most concise I can make it. Let me know if you want to discuss this topic further and I'll enthusiastically oblige. Either in the context of a podcast or simply as friends, I'm always willing to discuss my military experience.
  12. Kent
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