

May 29th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. on join:
  2. if {Rachas.Streak.%player%} is smaller than 0:
  3. set {Rachas.Streak.%player%} to 0
  4. on death:
  5. if {NoRachas.%attacker%} is true:
  6. stop
  7. if victim is a player:
  8. add 1 to {Rachas.Streak.%attacker%}
  9. send "&a+1 Racha &8(Actual: %{Rachas.Streak.%attacker%}%)" to attacker
  10. if {Rachas.Nivel3.%attacker%} is "Camuflaje":
  11. if {Rachas.Streak.%attacker%} is greater than 26:
  12. camuflaje(attacker)
  13. if {Rachas.Streak.%attacker%} is 7:
  14. send "&c%attacker% &aLleva una racha de 7 Kills" to all players in radius 400 of attacker
  15. if {Rachas.Streak.%attacker%} is 15:
  16. send "&c%attacker% &eLleva una racha de 15 Kills" to all players in radius 400 of attacker
  17. if {Rachas.Streak.%attacker%} is 27:
  18. send "&c%attacker% &6Lleva una racha de 27 Kills" to all players in radius 400 of attacker
  19. if {Rachas.Streak.%victim%} is greater than 0:
  20. set {Rachas.Streak.%victim%} to 0
  21. else:
  22. remove 1 from {Rachas.Streak.%victim%}
  23. command /testracha [<player>]:
  24. permission: StaffLVL10
  25. trigger:
  26. set {Rachas.Streak.%arg-1%} to 60
  27. command /setracha [<text>]:
  28. trigger:
  29. if arg 1 is "Letalidad":
  30. set {Rachas.Nivel2.%player%} to "Letalidad"
  31. send "&6[Rachas]&f Tu racha &aNivel 2&f Cambio correctamente!"
  32. if arg 1 is "Regeneracion":
  33. set {Rachas.Nivel1.%player%} to "Regeneracion"
  34. send "&6[Rachas]&f Tu racha &aNivel 1&f Cambio correctamente!"
  35. if arg 1 is "Botas":
  36. set {Rachas.Nivel1.%player%} to "Botas"
  37. send "&6[Rachas]&f Tu racha &aNivel 1&f Cambio correctamente!"
  38. if arg 1 is "Agilidad":
  39. set {Rachas.Nivel1.%player%} to "Agilidad"
  40. send "&6[Rachas]&f Tu racha &eNivel 1&f Cambio correctamente!"
  41. if arg 1 is "Drenado":
  42. set {Rachas.Nivel2.%player%} to "Drenado"
  43. send "&6[Rachas]&f Tu racha &eNivel 2&f Cambio correctamente!"
  44. if arg 1 is "Vitalidad":
  45. set {Rachas.Nivel2.%player%} to "Vitalidad"
  46. send "&6[Rachas]&f Tu racha &eNivel 2&f Cambio correctamente!"
  47. if arg 1 is "Camuflaje":
  48. set {Rachas.Nivel3.%player%} to "Camuflaje"
  49. send "&6[Rachas]&f Tu racha &6Nivel 3&f Cambio correctamente!"
  50. if arg 1 is "Rompe":
  51. set {Rachas.Nivel3.%player%} to "Rompe"
  52. if arg 1 is "Maestro":
  53. set {Rachas.Nivel3.%player%} to "Maestro"
  54. send "&6[Rachas]&f Tu racha &6Nivel 3&f Cambio correctamente!"
  55. if arg 1 is "Impactos":
  56. if {Rachas.Nivel3.%player%} is equal to "Rompe":
  57. set {Rachas.Nivel4.%player%} to "Impactos"
  58. send "&6[Rachas]&f Tu racha &6Nivel 4&f Cambio correctamente!"
  59. else:
  60. send "&c[Error]&f Necesitas la Racha Rompe Limites para activar esto."
  61. if arg 1 is "Helado":
  62. if {Rachas.Nivel3.%player%} is equal to "Rompe":
  63. set {Rachas.Nivel4.%player%} to "Helado"
  64. send "&6[Rachas]&f Tu racha &6Nivel 4&f Cambio correctamente!"
  65. else:
  66. send "&c[Error]&f Necesitas la Racha Rompe Limites para activar esto."
  67. if arg 1 is "Salva":
  68. if {Rachas.Nivel3.%player%} is equal to "Rompe":
  69. set {Rachas.Nivel4.%player%} to "Salva"
  70. send "&6[Rachas]&f Tu racha &6Nivel 4&f Cambio correctamente!"
  71. else:
  72. send "&c[Error]&f Necesitas la Racha Rompe Limites para activar esto."
  73. on join:
  74. if {Rachas.Salvavidas.%player%} is true:
  75. set {Rachas.Salvavidas.%player%} to false
  76. on damage:
  77. if {Rachas.Salvavidas.%victim%} is true:
  78. cancel event
  79. on damage:
  80. if {Rachas.Nivel3.%victim%} is "Rompe":
  81. if {Rachas.Nivel4.%victim%} is "Salva":
  82. if {Rachas.streak.%victim%} is greater than 59:
  83. if (victim's health - damage) < 0.1:
  84. cancel event
  85. set health of victim to 17
  86. send "&a¡Salva Vidas! &8&o(-60 de racha)" to victim
  87. set {Rachas.Salvavidas.%victim%} to true
  88. subtract 60 from {Rachas.streak.%victim%}
  89. wait 3 seconds
  90. set {Rachas.Salvavidas.%victim%} to false
  91. on damage:
  92. if {Rachas.Nivel3.%attacker%} is "Rompe":
  93. if {Rachas.Nivel4.%attacker%} is "Helado":
  94. if {Rachas.streak.%attacker%} is greater than 46:
  95. chance of 40%:
  96. if {Variable.CDEfectoRAtur.%attacker%} is true:
  97. stop
  98. else:
  99. set {Variable.CDEfectoRAtur.%attacker%} to true
  100. send "&e¡Aturdimiento! &f&l❅" to attacker
  101. send "&cFuiste &e¡Aturdido! &f&l❅" to victim
  102. set {Efectos.Aturdimiento.%victim%} to true
  103. wait 3 seconds
  104. set {Efectos.Aturdimiento.%victim%} to false
  105. wait 5 seconds
  106. delete {Variable.CDEfectoRAtur.%attacker%}
  107. every 10 seconds:
  108. loop all players:
  109. if {Rachas.Nivel1.%loop-player%} is "Regeneracion":
  110. if {Rachas.streak.%loop-player%} is greater than 6:
  111. add 2 to health of loop-player
  112. on join:
  113. delete {Rachas.DrenadoL.%player%}
  114. delete {Rachas.Impactos.%player%}
  115. delete {Rachas.CamuflajeA.%player%}
  116. set {Rachas.Camuflaje.%player%} to false
  117. command /Efectodrenado:
  118. permission: Staff
  119. cooldown: 14 seconds
  120. cooldown message: &6El efecto de Drenado se esta Recargando..
  121. trigger:
  122. send "&f!&aDrenado &c+6❤&f¡"
  123. add 6 to health of player
  124. wait 14 seconds
  125. set {Rachas.DrenadoL.%player%} to false
  126. function camuflaje(p: player):
  127. if {Rachas.Camuflaje.%{_p}%} is true:
  128. stop
  129. else:
  130. send "&f!&aCamuflaje&f¡" to {_p}
  131. hide {_p} from all players
  132. set {Rachas.CamuflajeA.%{_p}%} to true
  133. wait 3 seconds
  134. delete {Rachas.CamuflajeA.%{_p}%}
  135. reveal {_p} from all players
  136. wait 12 seconds
  137. set {Rachas.Camuflaje.%{_p}%} to false
  138. on damage:
  139. if damage cause is fall:
  140. if {Rachas.Nivel1.%victim%} is "Botas":
  141. if {Rachas.streak.%victim%} is greater than 6:
  142. set {_dmgc} to damage
  143. set {_dmgc} to {_dmgc} * 1.2
  144. set damage to 0.5
  145. loop all players in radius 7 of victim:
  146. if victim is equal to loop-player:
  147. cancel event
  148. else:
  149. make victim damage loop-player by {_dmgc}
  150. make victim run command "/particle largeexplode ~1 ~ ~1 2 0.1 2 0.1 17 normal" as op
  151. if victim is a player:
  152. if {Rachas.CamuflajeA.%attacker%} is true:
  153. cancel event
  154. reveal attacker from all players
  155. delete {Rachas.CamuflajeA.%attacker%}
  156. if {Rachas.Nivel2.%victim%} is "Agilidad":
  157. if {Rachas.streak.%victim%} is greater than 14:
  158. if health of victim is less than 10:
  159. chance of 37%:
  160. cancel event
  161. send "&aEfecto de Agilidad Activado!" to victim
  162. send "&c%victim%&a Activo su efecto de Agilidad!" to attacker
  163. if attacker is a player:
  164. if {Rachas.Nivel4.%attacker%} is "Impactos":
  165. if {Rachas.streak.%attacker%} is greater than 53:
  166. chance of 10%:
  167. if {Variable.CDEfectoCeg.%attacker%} is true:
  168. stop
  169. else:
  170. set {Variable.CDEfectoCeg.%attacker%} to true
  171. send "&5¡Ceguera I!" to attacker
  172. send "&fFuiste &7¡Cegado!" to victim
  173. apply potion of blindness of tier 1 to victim for 5 seconds
  174. wait 8 seconds
  175. delete {Variable.CDEfectoCeg.%attacker%}
  176. chance of 10%:
  177. if {Variable.CDEfectoVeneno.%attacker%} is true:
  178. stop
  179. else:
  180. set {Variable.CDEfectoVeneno.%attacker%} to true
  181. send "&2¡Veneno I!" to attacker
  182. send "&fFuiste &2¡En venenado!" to victim
  183. apply potion of poison of tier 2 to victim for 6 seconds
  184. wait 8 seconds
  185. delete {Variable.CDEfectoVeneno.%attacker%}
  186. chance of 10%:
  187. if {Variable.CdEfectoQuema.%attacker%} is true:
  188. stop
  189. else:
  190. set {Variable.CdEfectoQuema.%attacker%} to true
  191. send "&6¡Quemadura!" to attacker
  192. send "&6Fuiste &e¡Quemado!" to victim
  193. ignite the victim for 5 seconds
  194. wait 8 seconds
  195. delete {Variable.CdEfectoQuema.%attacker%}
  196. chance of 10%:
  197. if {Variable.CdEfectoQElec.%attacker%} is true:
  198. stop
  199. else:
  200. set {Variable.CdEfectoQElec.%attacker%} to true
  201. send "&e¡Electrificado! &2&l⚡" to attacker
  202. send "&cFuiste &e¡Electrificado! &2&l⚡" to victim
  203. set {Efectos.Electrificado.%victim%} to true
  204. wait 3 seconds
  205. delete {Efectos.Electrificado.%victim%}
  206. wait 5 seconds
  207. delete {Variable.CdEfectoQElec.%attacker%}
  208. chance of 10%:
  209. if {Variable.CDEfectoSangrado.%attacker%} is true:
  210. stop
  211. else:
  212. set {Variable.CDEfectoSangrado.%attacker%} to true
  213. set {Efectos.Sangrado2.%victim%} to true
  214. send "&cEstas Sangrando.." to victim
  215. send "&7Dejaste sangrando a tu victima..." to attacker
  216. set {Efectos.sangradoDañador.%victim%} to attacker
  217. add 0.1 to {Efectos.MSangrado.%victim%}
  218. wait 9.5 seconds
  219. delete {Variable.CDEfectoSangrado.%attacker%}
  220. if {Rachas.Nivel2.%attacker%} is "Drenado":
  221. if {Rachas.streak.%attacker%} is greater than 14:
  222. if distance between attacker and victim is smaller than 9:
  223. add 1 to {Rachas.Impactos.%attacker%}
  224. if {Rachas.DrenadoL.%attacker%} is true:
  225. delete {Rachas.Impactos.%attacker%}
  226. else:
  227. if {Rachas.Impactos.%attacker%} is greater than 4:
  228. set {Rachas.DrenadoL.%attacker%} to true
  229. delete {Rachas.Impactos.%attacker%}
  230. make attacker run command "/Efectodrenado" as op
  231. if victim is a player:
  232. if {Rachas.Nivel2.%attacker%} is "Letalidad":
  233. if {Rachas.streak.%attacker%} is greater than 14:
  234. chance of 8%:
  235. if {Variable.CDEfectoSangrado.%attacker%} is true:
  236. stop
  237. else:
  238. set {Variable.CDEfectoSangrado.%attacker%} to true
  239. set {Efectos.Sangrado2.%victim%} to true
  240. send "&cEstas Sangrando.." to victim
  241. send "&7Dejaste sangrando a tu victima..." to attacker
  242. set {Efectos.sangradoDañador.%victim%} to attacker
  243. add 0.1 to {Efectos.MSangrado.%victim%}
  244. wait 9.5 seconds
  245. delete {Variable.CDEfectoSangrado.%attacker%}
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