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a guest
Oct 8th, 2016
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  1. # Placeholders under this list will have the prefix {mysql_.....}
  2. placeholders:
  3. example: # {mysql_example}
  4. # Description of the placeholder. Used for help message
  5. description: 'This is an example placeholder with MySQL queries'
  6. # Hostname of the database
  7. hostname: ''
  8. # Port of the database
  9. port: 3306
  10. # MySQL database
  11. database: '462011391135d'
  12. username: '462011391135u'
  13. password: '39170689'
  14. # A select query used to get 1 row and 1 column result
  15. query: "SELECT amount FROM MoneyTable WHERE player = '{playeruuid}'"
  17. config: 1
  18. lang: 'en'
  19. debug: false
  20. log: true
  21. update:
  22. check: true
  24. tweaks:
  25. keepScoreboardOnQuit: false
  27. antiflicker: true
  28. boards:
  29. default:
  30. 1:
  31. text:
  32. - '&7>> &b&lP&a&lB&6&lI&c&lMC &7<<'
  33. interval: 2
  34. 3:
  35. text:
  36. - '&6&l> &b&lOyuncu'
  37. interval: 100
  38. 4:
  39. text:
  40. - '&2&l- &f&l{PLAYER}'
  41. interval: 100
  42. 9:
  43. text:
  44. - '&6&l> &b&lOldurmeler&2'
  45. interval: 100
  46. 10:
  47. text:
  48. - '&2&l- &a{stat_pkills}'
  49. interval: 100
  50. 12:
  51. text:
  52. - '&6&l> &b&lParan&2'
  53. interval: 100
  54. 13:
  55. text:
  56. - '&6&l> &a&l{money}&2'
  57. interval: 100
  58. 11:
  59. text:
  60. - '&6&l> &b&lCevrimici'
  61. interval: 100
  62. 14:
  63. text:
  64. - '&e{onlineplayers}&c&l/&e{maxplayers}'
  65. interval: 100
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