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Nov 7th, 2017
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  1. Leesil
  2. 'thud',schlick 'thud' , schlick '
  3. Was hard to ignore the noise. The eidolon was bored, monstrous creature. Amalgamation of arms and legs sticking out every which way, don't know where they come from though. Never stuck around with the bastards that bring them here long enough to find out.
  4. ' Thud' 'Schlick'
  5. However, its master looked over the official inventory ledger for the caravan. I knew what he was looking for, wouldn't find it in there. You don't hire people like us to protect cabbages and mundane swords.
  6. 'Thud' 'schlick'
  7. Never forget the noise, ugly noise. I could tell from where I was who the creature was playing with, even with blood running into my eyes. Ridun. Poor soul saw the summoner coming. Got the alert out while the eidolon was trying to sneak up on us. Stabbed it right where it's heart should be as it tried to crawl to the horses; skewering it for a split second. I remember the moment alright.
  8. 'thud' 'schlick' 'thud' 'schlick'
  9. Poor halfling had a look of pure triumph on his face. Must of thought he killed the thing, Third week on the job the ol' bastard had put an eidolon down. What a way to earn your stripes, Bargo would have had to start treating him with some respect. But the Poor lad didn't know anything about them, 3 seconds later his skull was flying against the side of the cart and his body fell over like a house of cards.
  10. 'thud' 'schlick'
  11. Now the fucking monster wouldn't stop slamming it into the ground. They say the life expectancy of a man outside the walls of a city is a few months. Damn kid barely had 3 weeks. Funny thing was the road had been quiet, no bandits, Orcs had kept to themselves for a change, giants were off terrorizing elstat and only a handful of us even knew about the shipment. No one even knew what we were taking to the professor except myself and Bargo. In hindsight; too good to be true, and there I was dying over a fucking book. I suppressed a cough as the blood began pooling in my lung.
  12. Thud' 'schlick' 'thud'
  13. If these fucks didn't leave I knew I'd die there on the spot I recall thinking just as the sweetest whistling I had ever heard hit my good ear followed by the delicious song of an arrow hitting home into an eidolons shoulder. Dropping what was left of my new recruit it tore off toward the tree line. I damn near shit my pants with joy. "Oi shant, you sure the book is here?" Said the summoner as he watched his eidolon race out into the woods. "We ain't alone, Belx'nack is dying we need to-".
  14. Can't recall what his partner Shant said back, just a muffle or whispered sound under the howling of the eidolon. But he turned and looked, fucking summoner looked right at me. Began drawing a dagger, inching toward the nearby wagon. eyes darting to the tree line and then to me. "Oy shant, he's still breathin" the summoner said in a noticeably quieter voice. "Deal him, ~~ to leave. Now" came the cold whispered reply from beyond my sight.
  15. The summoner shot one more look at the tree line and began drawing a wand in his other hand. Too late. Started as he drew the wand, like a wave of ants running through my throat gnawing at my flesh, and when he got down on a knee I was already smiling. Shoulda see the confused look on his face, priceless. You don't often see the man you're about to murder covered in his own blood smiling as you bring a dagger to his throat.
  16. Because what I knew, that he didn't, was that there was a cleric out in those woods. Sometimes I could be convinced about their Gods 'specially when my fist closes around the throat of the same man who just tried to kill me. "Find the book" came a gruff sound from behind the wagon. And I realized as the eyes of my new friend began to bulge that if I didn't get out of here now I'd have a whole new host of unknown problems, amongst them an upset employer. And those are the particular kind of problems I can't say I enjoy. So. Let's say I skipped the suffocation bit did the job and as I tried to lower him as to not make a noise low and behold the dolt of a summoner had parked on his wand a little bit of script that read 'vanish' and two numbers 19? And 23? Next to it. As any good man would I picked it up, used it, and that evening was pleasantly spent in rain soaked robes under what may as well have been a pig pen with the biggest grin a man could ever have. Humming the night away with a new wand and an old book tucked in my pocket. Queer thing though, when I killed that summoner. He whispered "insertbobbliciousitemhere", like it was some kind of last rite. Spell casters, doubt I'll ever understand the lot.
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