

Feb 20th, 2014
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  1. -[X] 1 "As tamers we're responsible for our exalts lets stop by the poke-center then get a group lunch it'll be fun and a chance to bond.": (Larekko12)
  2. [X] 3 Escort Violet out to the poke-center so she can get her Fearrow healed first and take her to lunch after.: (Wing101, Silversun17, Alexander)
  3. [X] 15 Escort Violet out to the poke-center so she can get her Fearrow healed first?: (Happerry, MHLord, Varano, Malcolmo, Redon, Chibi-Reaper, a2znut, Larekko12, Xicree, hunter09, Archanist, mc2rpg, overmind, Dark Lord Bob, Nekraa)
  4. [X] 1 Escort violet to the poke-center for healing and a group lunch.: (imposter36)
  5. [X] 1 Midori-ko: (Larekko12)
  6. [X] 3 Mister Fish (A hidden surprise inside!): (a2znut, Xicree, Dark Lord Bob)
  7. [X] 7 Princess Fireball: (Happerry, MHLord, Varano, Malcolmo, Redon, overmind, Vindictus)
  8. [X] 4 Write in: Suu-chan: (Wing101, Silversun17, Alexander, Nekraa)
  9. [X] 1 as for names... Lady Lavados? Miss Magma? I don't know I suck at names.: (imposter36)
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