
Racial Clusterfuck

Feb 1st, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Take a look at the following example
  3. Two races that both only commit dark crimes (think Jews without the White Collar stuff), one commits less dark crimes per capita but is more prone to becoming an enemy and the other commits a lot more dark crimes per capita but it less prone to becoming an enemy. On top of that, let's say the system feels sympathy for the race that joins the enemy more, because they tend to do it for better reasons than the one that does it less, and so they come out rated better if you divine their %.
  5. It is difficult to untangle such a situation, especially if both races consider the other worse and thus are prone to racially supremacist thinking towards them.
  7. Let's look at other examples
  9. A race that is naturally racist and has committed all sorts of 'mass' crimes but aren't particularly prone to violence or enemy-dom compared to the races they offended.
  11. A completely inconspicuous race that is actually the most prone to enemy-dom. They all grew up deeply afraid of the other races before being hooked into the meta and learning the truth, but they can't fully conquer their pathological fear. To make it worse, they have gracile appearances.
  13. Picture a race that if they sailed up to your continent and saw that you were enslaving each other, either in their mid conscious or fore-conscious they consider this an invitation to enslave you, and then they do. Picture the race on the other end being particularly offended by being enslaved by another race and they don't carry the same ethic, or they even do carry that ethic but are programmed specifically (let's say even maliciously) to be myopic about the situation or not like it anyway.
  15. Now consider 2 races sharing one planet. One has no problem with 'kosher-style' animal slaughter (a particularly torturous form of slaughter for no particular reason) because it's demanded from God in their holy book, the other race doesn't have it in them to do something like this at all. But, when it comes to joining the enemy, they are about the same. If you combine it with an appropriate mix of gracile and demonic features, the fear of the 'more peaceful' race of the other race will basically be pathological, and it will be hard to rid them of, regardless if they learn the facts about what actually matters.
  17. You get it.
  19. And my point is, the situation on Earth as it relates to all this hasn't been fully elucidated.
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