
Sister talk (RP Ciel & Hinawa)

Oct 5th, 2019
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  1. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 15:25 Uhr
  2. Well, that was quite the inspiring speach from the fluffy bard, but even Ciel knew it needed more work. Her talk with the captain was also... interesting... and hopefully kept Ciel away from Hinawa's room enough for her own things! Even if it was technically the doll's room now, and she had a key for the door, Ciel still instinctively knocked on the door before making use of her new key to get in!
  4. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 15:32 Uhr
  5. the mouse puts away the pen she was just writing with as she hears the knock.... not even sure if she actually heard one, sounds weird for a normal ha- oh wait there's a doll on the crew now
  6. "Sis?" she asks curiously because she remembered giving her well, her own key
  8. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 15:36 Uhr
  9. The doll waved quietly, making her way into the room after double checking that the door was locked. "Hiii sis. Captain Kaz wanted to have a talk with me after Sol's speech." She explained, looking over the new bed in the room. Riiiight... They were gonna have to decide who gets which one...
  11. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 15:41 Uhr
  12. the mouse sits at the dresser of the room right in front of the two stacked beds and a dragon head.... besides that this room is still rather bare bones and slaps her cheeks for a moment, she looks like she just had something on her mind but, is putting that a bit aside for her sister, looking now at her, still having pretty much all her clothes besides armor on responding with no surprise in a bit of a "weakly" attempted casual voice
  13. "Did she force 'cha through your interview like all of us?"
  15. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 15:50 Uhr
  16. If Ciel had any belongings besides the clothes on her back and the supplies in her pack, she'd try to spice up the room even a tiny bit. At least a damn dragon's head made for a nice trophy/decoration. "Interview? I guess it sorta was, though I don't think I'd say it was uh... forced?" Ciel scratched her head for a moment before pulling herself up onto the bottom bunk. It was the only one she could reach easily!
  18. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 15:52 Uhr
  19. Hinawa just shrugs and turns the chair she was sitting on around to look at Ciel, now her face a bit better visible, she looks beaten!
  20. "Well what were 'cha talking about?
  21. If you don't mind telling me."
  23. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 15:55 Uhr
  24. "Oh, not much... She asked what I could do for the ship, wanted to see my magic book, asked about me and y-" The doll swayed their head back and forth listing off the topics of discussion, though catching a glimpse at Hinawa's face caused her to stop dead in her tracks. "Um... A-are you okay, sis? You don't look so good..."
  26. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 15:58 Uhr
  27. her ears perk up the moment her sis says that, were there still tears in her face?
  28. She tries to dry her face, but no tears, did she look that shit?...... Eh, guess she doesn't need to hide it
  29. "Eh you just... surprised me today with......." she doesn't even wanna finish the sentence and just shakes her head to change the topic
  30. "Dang Kaz saw the book before me?!"
  32. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 16:02 Uhr
  33. There weren't any years, but boy Hinawa's face was still a bit red, and those irritated eyes weren't hiding much... Though fortunately Ciel wasn't aware that this was due to crying. Out of concern for her sister, she started digging through her pack for some kind of potion to help! ...Oh, right... Ciel had no potions... "Hmm... Y-yeah. Captain wanted to know what I could do."
  35. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 16:04 Uhr
  36. the mouse leans back with a sigh
  37. "Dang, beat me to it....."
  38. now with a bit less dissapointment the mouse leaned back forward
  39. "Can I at least see it as well?"
  41. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 16:08 Uhr
  42. "Yeah... Sorry, sis. She couldn't read any of it though." With that backpack still open, the doll tugged out a rather large book... compared to her! The cover was an ominous black with fancy golden patterns and shapes decorating the cover. Definitely would stand out among other books. Don't let Sol take it for his collection! "Don't know if you can read it either, unless dad taught you how? I uh.. had to teach myself how..."
  44. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 16:10 Uhr
  45. the mouse scoffs for a moment because she read through basically every book in her dad's library while he was gone.... what probably nobody would believe her but yes she can read while taking the big book, opening it to read through it "Eh if it's written in dwarfish I can surely read it" saying that she actually opens it and looks into it
  46. "And don't worry I'd never give it to sol, he'd probably lose it between all his eroticas."
  48. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 16:16 Uhr
  49. "Huh? Why would you give it to him? Does he collect spellbooks too?" Ciel pondered on that comment for a moment, now growing more excited to see this Bard's cabin if there was a collection of books to read! Speaking of books, the texts with Ciel's book was certainly not in Dwarvish. Whatever it was written in, it was difficult, if not impossible to read without an understanding of arcane magic. The only thing that stood out was a single mark a few pages in, a placeholder the doll wrote in to remind herself everything beyond was too difficult to decipher yet. "And... What's e-rah-tih-kah?"
  51. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 16:19 Uhr
  52. to her surprise, hinawa... recognizes most of that writing!.... And can somewhat decipher it, despite it being quite a bit rusty to her "I thiiiink I can read this... and"
  53. the mouse ponders for a moment how to explain that "No I don't think he does and.... erotica is porn" she just said that with no shame, further deciphering the spell sections of the book, yeah she really does recognize those, it's exactly like the stupid stuff her father studied
  55. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 16:25 Uhr
  56. The first page had some very minor spells, such as how to perform a simple Prestidigitation or Mage Hand, a Fire Bolt and... Toll the Dead? The next pages had more standard fare for someone dabbling in magic. Mage Armor, Shield, good ol Magic Missile, Ray of Sickness? The last unmarked page was harder to read, but if Hinawa could read it... Gust, Scorching Ray, and... Dragon's Breath!?
  58. "Oh! ...Wait, what's porn? Is that one of those children's fairy tales?" Hinawa you are a bad influence for your younger oblivious sister.
  60. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 16:32 Uhr
  61. the mouse closes the book and actually thinks how she's supposed to explain sex to her younger sister now. And guess that's a really weird way to bond because for all she knows they're both adults, leaning against her first "Huuuuh what do you know about natural reproduction?"
  63. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 16:35 Uhr
  64. "Oh, I know a lot! When a mother and father love each other a lot, they sleep in the same bed and a baby shows up a few months later!" Well... She's not wrong, but it's clear Ciel is very naive to how things really work. "But... Dad didn't do that when he made me? He used magic to create me!"
  66. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 16:39 Uhr
  67. Oh my fucking god she actually needs to explain sex well first that and then more questions about her sister, she owes her that..... and hey it's rare to see the mouse a bit shocked
  68. "Okay so. Usually so said baby appears a few months later, the man needs to send something into the body of the woman, to achieve that he needs to be... aroused.
  69. So, porn exists for people to become.... well aroused so they have an easier time for that exchange, so they fuck with each other, the woman gets pregnant and after roughly 9 months she gets a baby"
  70. by now a bit more calmer after just reciting all of that, she just bluntly asks
  71. "Questions?"
  73. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 16:43 Uhr
  74. Ciel did what she does best, sit there blankly and listen to the impromptu sex ed lesson. Her head tilted to the side as she remained intrigued by the explanation. Does... Does this even concern a doll? Actually, don't answer that! "...I see! Is that what Sol does when he invites people to his cabin?"
  76. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 16:52 Uhr
  77. the mouse actually shrugs, she doesn't know and she won't lie unnecesarrily, even if she thinks that it's probably that
  78. "Eh, dunno, probably? He has way too many sidechicks and the wrong gender doesn't bother him as well I guess if?"
  80. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 16:56 Uhr
  81. Hinawa could see the cohs in Ciel's fliff-filled head starting to turn as she started putting two and two together. "...Aha! It all makes sense now! I still don't understand him bringing other men into his cabin though. I thought uh... the baby came from girls?" Who woulda thought these two would spend their first night together bonding over discussing Sol's bardic endeavors! "I should ask him if I can see this erotica. There might be spells in those books!" Oh no...
  83. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 16:58 Uhr
  84. the mouse immediatly had all her sirens going off in her head "No no no no, don't, those books make you as stupid as him!" she shakes her hands stupidly in front of the doll to get the urgency of the message across
  86. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 16:59 Uhr
  87. "W-what? Are they... Are the books cursed?!" That's not the point Hinawa was trying to get across, but... it worked still? "What if we remove the cursed on them?"
  89. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 17:03 Uhr
  90. how.... could a wizard be that dense? I meam yes that's a doll in front of her but that's the same sort of wizard who spent 15 years of her life learning magic and actually reading books, how did she never encounter any sort of sexual thing ANYWHERE ever?!.... but the mouse could actually not keep herself from making the next joke
  91. "Sadly those curses are very powerful, those books can only be slain if you burn them, sol has accepted said curse to collect the horrible knowledge of eroticas, he just needs to..... look at pictures of..... people.... fucking..... for some reason"....
  92. the mouse actually is now curious why the hell an adventurer would have so many eroticas she's imagining..... were they really only eroticas? "The mouse actually looks rather thoughful about that"
  94. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 17:07 Uhr
  95. Despite being a wizard with vast magical knowledge, poor Ciel never had anyone around to teach her how the world worked! When it came to magic, she was an expert, but you can't really learn how to act around people without being around people! "So... We just gotta burn the erotica then! That's easy enough!"
  97. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 17:07 Uhr
  98. the mouse actually giggles for a moment but shakes her head "Naaaah nah, he collects his cursed knowledge, it doesn't hurt you, leave them be, just don't open them yourself~"
  100. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 17:09 Uhr
  101. "You got it, sis" Ciel did a goofy attempt at a salute before finally shifting the topic to something less awkward. "Does he have any spellbooks though? I'd like to see those, if they aren't cursed"
  103. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 17:11 Uhr
  104. the mouse shrugs with that again
  105. "Not sure, you'd need to ask him about that!"
  106. that reminds her tough of another topic, putting a finger against her chin
  107. "Oh yeaaaaaaah, why do you know something like dragon breath?"
  109. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 17:14 Uhr
  110. "Oh, that?" Ciel was honestly a little shocked. Not only could Hinawa read the book, but what stood out was Dragon's Breath, and not the Necromancy inside? She must have missed those, right? "It was uh... Just in that book when I found it. I kinda... s-stole it a long time ago..."
  112. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 17:15 Uhr
  113. she admittedly just didn't give a damn about the necromancy, the imagination of a doll... breathing fire like a dragon sounded... fun to her
  114. "Do you... actually use that spell?
  115. Do you breath fire at people?!"
  117. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 17:18 Uhr
  118. "O-only if I'm in danger. I usually ring this bell though. People run away when I do that..." Ciel motioned towards the bell chained around her, taking care to not actually ring it in fear that it'll spook her sister too. "I'm uh... hoping to save up enough money to get my own book though. I'd be in a lot of trouble if I lost this one!"
  120. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 17:23 Uhr
  121. she actually cocks her head looking at the bell right in front of her and nodding to the remaining stuff
  122. "Hm? Is that bell magically enhanced or something?" with that the mouse didn't really hesitate and holds her seeker stone rather close to the bell
  124. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 17:25 Uhr
  125. Hinawa was definitely right about that assumption. Her fancy little stone would react heavily as it got close to the bell. "Mhm! It came with the book." Which means she stole that too!
  127. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 17:30 Uhr
  128. it looks like the mouse's eyes are actually shining as she said that "Uuuuuh, where 'cha stole that from?"
  130. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 17:37 Uhr
  131. Oh boy, this was gonna be a little hard to explain. Ciel looked a bit sheepish as she worked up the courage. "Th-the... Queen's Guard..."
  133. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 17:41 Uhr
  134. her eyes shined even more and the mouse got a little bit up close and personal in excitement thrusting herself forward onto the bed
  135. "You pissed off the queens guard?!"
  137. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 17:48 Uhr
  138. "Y-yeah... After what they did to Father, a-and tried to do to me... I stole some things they confiscated from supposedly a Necromancer and I fled..." Ciel took the book back and tucked it away in her backpack once again. Part of her wanted to tell Hinawa about what the bell and book had most likely done to her, but... No, Hinawa looked happy right now. No need to bring the mood down.
  140. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 17:55 Uhr
  141. the mouse actually did get cheered up by that! Putting her hands on the shoulders of Ciel
  142. "Awesome! Well done!"
  143. leaning back again with a surprisingly happy mood for now.... even having her eyes close with a bright smile
  144. "So..... how did dad create 'cha?"
  145. she cocks her head with a suddenly more serious face now, leaning back, crossing her arms and looking at the doll
  147. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 18:03 Uhr
  148. Yeah there was no way Ciel wanted to discuss any tough topics with how bright Hinawa seemed compared to earlier. Even if her sister would still accept her, how could she tell them about her descent into the taboo magic of Necromancy? Just knowing she needed to drain life from others to sustain her own made her feel sick, or as sick as a doll could get.
  150. But now the topic shifted to her existence. Less of a mood killer, but more harder to elaborate on. "He uh... It's tough to explain because I wasn't... alive for most of it? I vaguely remember a long period where I couldn't move, or speak... I could see and hear everything, but it took him quite a while to figure out how to make me um... autonomous is the word?"
  152. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 18:04 Uhr
  153. she thinks for a moment leaning back and staring up trying to think of a better question because surprisingly, she connected those dots already
  154. "Well yeah I'd imagine that, considering you remembered me and... by now I remember you buuuuut I don't remember you ever moving or talking with me*
  156. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 18:09 Uhr
  157. "Mhm. For all intents and purposes, I was a toy at the time. I... don't even remember any thoughts or feelings I had either. All I remember is following your father's orders." Ciel scratched her head. She was amazed she could recall any of this. It was hard to believe she existed during that time, seeing as it wasn't for a long time afterwards that she could remember thinking or feeling anything.
  159. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 18:13 Uhr
  160. she scratches her head and leans her head to the side, not really getting anywhere with that question, she may have seen something in books by her father in the past but she probably ignored talk about a doll at the time
  161. "Hmmmmmm, weird.... well that sounds like something fun to figure out!"
  163. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 18:18 Uhr
  164. "It's not something I've put much thought into, nor have I seen any real information about it in any books. I can only assume knowledge on the subject is very scarce..." Ciel flumped back onto the bed with a sigh. Something about remembering so far back made her feel off. Compared to how she was now, it felt like she was a completely different person in her memories
  166. "S-so... Where have you been all this time?"
  168. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 18:21 Uhr
  169. she actually stands up with a sigh, picking up the note from her writing table and putting the chair properly back, stretching for a moment and then sitting right next to the doll on the bed
  170. "Iiiiiii, wasted 15 years of my life at home with ma, read through every book dad left behind, got pretty bored, after 15 years I kinda gave up on him.... returning aaaaaand decided to go on a ludicrous plan to become as strong as possible to rescue him......."
  171. the mouse clenches her fists and actually looks down while saying that
  172. "So.... I became a mercenary..... did jobs for like..... 3 years or something by now..... and I kinda ended up here... with this troubling crew on my quest to get stronger......"
  173. she actually begins squeezing her fist rather hard, not trying to cry, that happy mood went to sad rather fast for her again
  174. "But yeah.... you already know that dad can't be rescued anymore".......
  176. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 18:29 Uhr
  177. Good job Ciel. You tried to learn a bit more about your sister, and now you went and made her sad about it. Ciel also felt like a complete idiot for never thinking to return home. This whole time, she had thought it was too dangerous to return after being taken away, or that Hinawa wouldn't be there if Ciel returned. To think, she spent fifteen years wandering and being used as shelf decoration to find Hinawa, and they were actually in the one place she didn't consider to go...
  179. The doll plain had no words to say. She feared that saying anything else would just make Hinawa more upset. Really, all she could do was stretch those soft plush arms of hers and wrap them around the mouse without a word.
  181. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 18:31 Uhr
  182. surprisingly... hinawa appreciates that, petting the head of ciel while sitting there.... sad herself
  183. "Don't worry, I would have figured out sooner or later..... hearing it by someone I care about at least means more to me..... than the queen when I hold my axe to her throat"
  184. that last bit sounded.... surprisingly sinister.
  185. With no bit of sadness or comfort the moment the queen got mentioned there was just.... pure hatred in that voice
  187. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 18:37 Uhr
  188. While Ciel never thought much on it before, something about the last day, specifically the funeral, flipped a switch in her. Her thoughts drifted back to the moment Geodus was executed. Back then, she felt nothing of it. The one who gave her life was killed, yet the only thing on her mind were the orders he had given.
  190. When she thought about it now, it felt like a dagger to the chest. It was beginning to dawn on her that these memories now brought her great sadness... and a burning desire to get even... "Don't worry, sis..."
  192. "...We'll make them pay..."
  194. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 18:47 Uhr
  195. "Heh....." the mouse let out one sinister laugh, knowing she had an ally she'd trust now, not even looking towards her with the same voicr she had before when mentioning the queen...
  196. "Yeah.... we will."
  197. ......leaning back and taking a breather back to the bit sorrowful voice "That reminds me I still need to prepare something"
  198. .....shaking her head real fast she looks at her sister
  199. "Ah yeah you said you needed a book right?
  200. And you need money for it right?"
  202. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 18:51 Uhr
  203. The sinister time was a bit jarring to Ciel at first, but she felt like both of them were on the same train of thought. Her only worry was how much Hinawa could control her desire for revenge, because even someone as naive and oblivious as Ciel knew that making an enemy out if the Queen's Guard was a bad idea... for now...
  205. "Y-yeah... I don't have much gold on me..." She dug through her bag and began counting "Fourteen... Fifteen... Fifteen gold coins!"
  207. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 18:52 Uhr
  208. the mouse has a look of pity on her face for the doll
  209. "I mean 15 gold is a lot.... but definitly not for magical items we should fix that"
  210. and with that hinawa gets a gold bag out of vest pocket that contains a 100 gold coins, reaching it over to Ciel
  211. "Here."
  213. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 18:54 Uhr
  214. Ciel nearly fell off the bed trying to catch the bag. Sheesh... A little more warning would've been nice, and that bag was heavier than she expect! "Whoa... H-how much is in here? It's so heavy!"
  216. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 18:55 Uhr
  217. the mouse talks rather casually about it
  218. "About a 100 gold, doesn't belong to me so I have no remorse about giving it to someone else."
  219. she shrugs as if nothing about this is a bit.... extreme, maybe a bit overkill?
  220. "It's yours now"
  222. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 18:57 Uhr
  223. The doll had most of that go in one ear and out the torn other. The moment she heard the amount, her eye lit up with excitement as she jiggled the bag of coins around. "Amazing...! Th-thanks, sis!"
  225. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 18:59 Uhr
  226. she shrugs as if it's no big deal
  227. "No problem~"
  228. Hmmmmmm, did she forget a question she wanted to ask he- Oh she remembered!
  229. And that being quite visible in her face that she just suddenly remembered something!
  230. "Oh yeah!
  231. I am sure I asked you that before and you said it's a long story but how the hell did you even get to saltmarsh?"
  233. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 19:02 Uhr
  234. "O-oh, right...! Yknow that store you found me in? They... well... sorta thought I was some magical item of sorts? I played along because they kept me safe. I'd be surprised if the Queen's Guard even remembers me now with how long I've been in there, heheh..."
  236. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 19:04 Uhr
  237. "How long have you been in there?"
  239. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 19:05 Uhr
  240. "I... wasn't paying attention actually... Whoops..."
  242. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 19:10 Uhr
  243. "Pffff" she was slowly kind of impressed, she's simple but her sister's kinda.... gullieable..... really gullieable, with from the looks of it no xare in the world, what she does not really believe but from the first look, it looks like it!
  244. "Eh, their track records are sadly pretty good, they remember people rather easily, or at least some inquisitors do."
  246. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 19:15 Uhr
  247. Ciel merely shrugged. You can't blame her for losing track of time when all the days blended together on a store shelf! At least it helped her learn to take mean comments and weird looks... Well not really, but it stung just a little bit less now. "O-oh... Well hopefully they don't become an issue for us then..."
  249. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 19:16 Uhr
  250. the mouse actually laughs at that comment and then gets a surprisingly relaxed face
  251. "If they do well kill them....."......
  252. but near immediatly snaps out of it and looks back at her sister
  253. "So, any questions you have for me?
  254. I kinda holed you a lot with them today"
  256. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 19:20 Uhr
  257. "Hmm..." Ciel thought for a moment. There was something on her mind, though the night if conversing with Hinawa had let it slip her stuffing-filled head. "Um... Can you tell me about the rest of the crew...? You know them much better than I do, and since I'll be on the ship..."
  259. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 19:23 Uhr
  260. the mouse knows she won't like most of the answers the big sister will be able to provide... but hey she's rather blunt and honest so just shrugs to herself and gives a fast impression of everyone
  261. "Eh, let's start with the easiest.
  262. Sol, he saved my life actually in a fight against a black dragon! I owe him, he's an idiot but he has some sort of dept he can ask me about probably any time.
  263. Uses magic with his voice, seems rather weak though, he heals a bit and plays a shitton of music, I have no clue how the hell people fall for him."
  265. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 19:28 Uhr
  266. Ciel nodded eagerly. Besides Hinawa and Loxley, Sol was one of the few she was at least comfortable with, and all the talk about him earlier made him seem like a good person, though a bit if a goofball. "Ooooh...! Has he tried to invite you to his cabin too?"
  268. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 19:33 Uhr
  269. "Haaaaahahahahahahahahahaha!" the first actual genuine laughter of the night
  270. "Ha......... He know's I'd cut his dick off"
  272. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 19:34 Uhr
  273. Ciel blinked a few times. She didn't know what a dick was, but Hinawa made it sound important with a threat like that. Ciel wasn't too sure what was so funny, but she laughed along anyways!
  275. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 19:39 Uhr
  276. calming down a bit and now going to the a little bit easier one next before getting to the... complicated case
  277. "Kazmina, she's definitly competent enough that I voted her as captain......" she takes a short breather before the next set of message.... and then suddenly spurts down like a machine
  279. "I met her over her throwing a friend of mine into the water, wanted to kill her, began loving her guts, started drinking with her, decided to declare her my captain she'd help me with the assassination of the queen of the inquisition, at the same time she's an absolute asshole who sometimes deserves a serious slap to her face, she trusts nobody truly and it's absolutly stupid of her, in a previous life her name was seemingly Kazmina Loudsteel, was a feared pirate, dunno what the fuck she's talking about never heard about it, stole the eye of pipmat, got executed, vanilla seemingly resurrected her, she's a ghost now but still alive what makes you kinda able to see her, horribly hard to get on her good side and I stopped trying but I think I... made it? But yeah, absolute asshole and doesn't really search for a friend....."
  280. she takes another deep breather and stops now
  282. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 19:44 Uhr
  283. Ciel did her best to keep track of every word Hinawa spilled out, but oh boy that tangent was hard to listen to, and even read! Hinawa's thoughts on the captain gave the doll conflicting feelings. They were a good person, but also bad? Eugh... Part of Ciel had a pang of regret about being so open with Kaz so quick... Gonna need to keep an eye on them by the sounds of it. "I... see...?"
  285. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 19:48 Uhr
  286. "She won't betray you, stupidly honourable despite mean"
  288. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 19:50 Uhr
  289. Ciel still had reservations about letting Kaz know where she kept her spellbook, but at least she had Hinawa to protect her! "A-and the other two...?
  291. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 19:55 Uhr
  292. hinawa admitteldy.... completly forgot about vanilla, making her think for a moment when ciel said "two"..... and suddenly had a bit moment of revelation clashing her fist into her open palm!
  293. "Oh the troublemaker! Vanilla's aaaaaan interesting one, like I said, revived the captain, basically our girl for everything seemingly now.
  294. Can't really tell 'cha a lot about her, she caused a black dragon to invade saltmarsh, a lot of people died and I got to fight a black dragon... whaaaat you probably learnt by now."
  295. she leans her feet on the dragon head right next to the bed while saying that to show it off
  296. "But besides that she made cloaks for us, oversaw me making a stronger weapon, I actually like her somewhat, took a bit of warm up because first she pissed me off"
  298. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 20:03 Uhr
  299. Ciel blinked some more, this time with her head tilted. Unlike the other two talked about, she had no real notable interaction with this Vanilla person yet. All she knew about them was how they had no shame in walking around without pants! Even a doll kept their lower body covered! "Oookaay... I don't think I've actually talked to her. She seems um... nice...? Oh, besides the er... dragon thing..."
  301. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 20:05 Uhr
  302. "Oh that was a fricking BLAST if oceanus wouldn't have died in that attack I would have called it one of the best experiences of my life!"
  304. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 20:06 Uhr
  305. "I-if I had known that earthquake was a dragon, I would've helped...! Th-that was the dragon, right?"
  307. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 20:07 Uhr
  308. she perks her ears surprised and looks a bit away "Oh yeaaaah you were already in the city then..... yeah that was a dragon and eh no worries, think we prevented most possible casualties."
  310. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 20:11 Uhr
  311. "Still! I didn't realize that earthquake was a dragon, o-or that you were even here...! Now... w-what about the um... The other one that yelled at me earlier outside if the ship?"
  313. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 20:15 Uhr
  314. the mouse sighs for a moment, lowering her ears somewhat, because that one she really can't bring into the light.... so she'd decide to just be honest
  315. "So, at first when I met her I thought, "hey cool, a mage I could bug about learning arcane magic and all that.... then she got really clings to that fall person you've met today, that bunny commander, also real nice person, was with us but retired even before the dragon attack yesterday"
  316. she's kinda thinking of how she's supposed to tell the remaining story without ciel wanting to kill adelina, but she really can't imagine..... how she would do that and looks concerned at Ciel
  318. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 20:18 Uhr
  319. The doll nodded and hummed to herself. She did remember the rabbit, though like Vanilla, she had no opportunity to talk to them. The whole thing about Adelina being clingy made so much sense from what little Ciel had seen so far. "And...?"
  321. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 20:21 Uhr
  322. "Aaaaand, so I kind of raged once when I saw her fall in the fight where we basically purified loxley aaaaaand, from the sound of it I seemingly hurt someone close to her and after that she threatened my life, since then she's on thin ice with me" she just said it, you can probably visualize the sweat drop she has on the side of her head while saying all of that, that little child did try to kill her
  323. "I did apologize to her, even if I didn't know at the time for what, but she doesn't care, even nowadays I think she sometimes still wants to kill me so yeah I. Don't have my guard down around her anymore, I just won't be the first one to strike from both of us"
  325. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 20:27 Uhr
  326. Ciel... blinked. Her expression was the same, but on the inside she felt even more conflicted than with Kazmina. This Adelina person threatened to kill Hinawa, and it sounds like they still have the intention to if something were to happen? The same pained feeling she felt earlier resurfaced, her expression becoming a bit more grim.
  328. "Master Geodus' orders are to protect Hinawa Sylivan. Any threats to her life will be dealt with accordingly." Unlike the rest of the night, her voice was now much less emotional, more akin to a monotonous construct that merely repeats the same phrase. Hinawa could see her eyeing the door, contemplating taking this matter into her own soft, murderous plush hands.
  330. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 20:30 Uhr
  331. hinawa talks with a rather somber voice going along with that the doll is saying
  332. "Well that'd be one way to figure out that she's a lich.......... eh, let your sister deal with it, now that I am on alert around her she doesn't stand a chance anymore."
  333. .....she shrugs and then changes the topic because something about that way of talking ciel had her iffy
  334. "Gosh don't call your own father "master" pfffff, that just sounds wrong"
  336. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 20:36 Uhr
  337. The doll didn't respond. They were about to head out and find this threat to their sister, but Hinawa's words stopped them. On one hand, Ciel had her orders from her creator, but at the same time the person she was created to defend was waving off the issue. The doll was now conflicted, does she carry out her orders, or trust her sister to handle things?
  339. ...Leaving Adelina alive did not sit right if she truly had intentions to kill Hinawa, but... Did Hinawa even have the ability to override Ciel's instructions? Ciel was just too confused, standing blankly for a moment before slumping a bit to just sit on the floor. "But... Why is she allowed here if she is a threat...?"
  341. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 20:38 Uhr
  342. hinawa just responded without any hesitation
  343. "Because she ain't.
  344. Only because she thinks about killing me doesn't make her a threat"
  346. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 20:42 Uhr
  347. And silence... A moment passed, then another...
  349. "Threat status updated. Target will be kept under surveillance."
  351. The strange feeling faded, yet Ciel still felt a sense of emptiness inside. If she wasn't allowed to eliminate said threat, she instead began to formulate plans to interrogate Adelina, and hopefully persuade her to retract her threats.
  353. Her trust in the cat sorcerer dropped significantly!
  355. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 20:45 Uhr
  356. the mouse cocks her head in confusion looking towards her sister
  357. "Hey ciel, what's wrong?"
  359. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 20:46 Uhr
  360. "...Nothing. Dont worry about it, sis."
  362. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 20:47 Uhr
  363. hinawa crossed her legs sitting on that bed with an even more concerned face now
  364. "You sounded almost mechanical just now"
  366. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 20:49 Uhr
  367. "It's nothing." Ciel shrugged off the question without any real answers. "Is there anyone else who wishes to harm you?"
  369. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 20:51 Uhr
  370. she actually needs to think for a moment
  371. "Hmmmmm, the green mage Myximwave, you probably already heard of him and probably quite some inquisitors thst actually bother to look at my file maybe?
  372. Everyone else I've dispatched off"
  374. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 20:52 Uhr
  375. "Notes."
  376. Ciel went silent once more, leaving an awkward air between the two.
  378. And then...
  380. "...What do you think of me, Hinawa?"
  382. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 20:55 Uhr
  383. she actually gets surprised by that question..... and thinks for a moment
  384. "Hmmmmm, you're awesome, your personality's nice, it's really nice to have a sister that shares the same pain as me and you're a magic user as well, perfect for a magic craze like me!
  386. Hope we get to travel a lot together and become stronger together."
  387. she says that with a really genuine happy voice looking
  389. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 21:00 Uhr
  390. The doll merely hummed to themselves. While they remained quiet, she had way too many thoughts running through her head to really speak. All she could do was sigh.
  392. Ciel then got back up onto her feet and approached Hinawa again, once more wrapping her arms around the mouse tighter than last time.
  394. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 22:04 Uhr
  395. the mouse gets rather surprised st the hug, appreciated but this time it felt less like it's for her than for..... ciel?
  396. Hugging the doll and patting it's back
  397. "You know I'll also listen to you if there's a problem right?"
  399. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 22:08 Uhr
  400. As much as Ciel wanted to talk about the thoughts in her head, how could she put them into words? All she knew was that it just felt plain good to finally have found Hinawa. After being alone for so long, having any sort of companionship like this was completely foreign to Ciel. Unfortunately, she also looked a bit exhausted from the rollercoaster of emotions over the course of the day. "I... know... Thank you."
  402. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 22:13 Uhr
  403. the mouse pulls herself back and looks st her sister
  404. "You can trust me, I can take care of myself, look after yourself okay?"
  405. she's also rather exhausted from today and looks like she could crash at any moment right now
  407. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 22:16 Uhr
  408. Look after herself? But she's supposed to look after Hinawa! It was so weird having someone else looking after her for once, so weird that it was so tough to comprehend what she felt. Ciel only nodded and went for the bunk, pulling herself up to the top bunk. If only it were easier done than said, because being soft and cuddly meant sacrificing strength!
  410. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 22:19 Uhr
  411. she looked at her.... struggling, what kinda surprised the mouse because yeah she wasn't strong but the body's also rather light
  412. "You know you could use the dragon head as a step ladder right?"
  413. she said that knowing full well that she could help right now but she won't be always in the room to help with stuff like that so let's rather see how successful that goes
  415. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 22:22 Uhr
  416. Well now you just embarrassed the poor doll. Ciel let out a stubborn huff as she went to push the dragon head over closer the the bed. Curse this toy's small build! It took a few attempts before one of her hops managed to catch the top bunk enough for her to pull herself up and flump into bed.
  418. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 22:25 Uhr
  419. "Hmmm, think we should search a better solution to that.... like a ladder or something"
  420. the mouse just continues talking while looking after that lower body struggling onto the bed
  422. Ciel (Astra)letzten Donnerstag um 22:28 Uhr
  423. Ciel mumbled in a grumpy manner to agree, but hey she was now in bed! She was quick to wiggle under the covers until all that could be seen on the bed was a Ciel-sized lump under the blanket. "Good night, sis"
  425. Shurianletzten Donnerstag um 22:31 Uhr
  426. the mouse looks up, not seeing the lower body anymore, only hearing the voice and just.... dropping the facade she just kept up trying to be somewhat happier around ciel, losing the spirit in her eyes and laying down in her bunk, not putting the blanket on, keeping clothes on and just.... laying there
  428. "Good night sister."
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