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Jul 1st, 2015
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  1. [ 2015.06.21 14:15:06 ] Faylee Freir > o/
  2. [ 2015.06.21 14:16:04 ] Lance Pares > hey
  3. [ 2015.06.21 14:16:12 ] Faylee Freir > hows it going?
  4. [ 2015.06.21 14:16:23 ] Lance Pares > pretty good man yourself?
  5. [ 2015.06.21 14:16:27 ] Faylee Freir > I'm alright
  6. [ 2015.06.21 14:16:45 ] Faylee Freir > sorry about the other day, kinda just fell asleep at the computer :]
  7. [ 2015.06.21 14:16:52 ] Lance Pares > ahahaha
  8. [ 2015.06.21 14:16:56 ] Lance Pares > i was wondering what happened
  9. [ 2015.06.21 14:17:10 ] Faylee Freir > :]
  10. [ 2015.06.21 14:17:19 ] Faylee Freir > Well to touch base back on that subject.
  11. [ 2015.06.21 14:17:20 ] Lance Pares > been there tho i stay up way to long on this game sometimes lol
  12. [ 2015.06.21 14:17:32 ] Faylee Freir > A friend and I are starting this hisec thing.
  13. [ 2015.06.21 14:17:44 ] Faylee Freir > Eventually we'd like to make it to nullsec.
  14. [ 2015.06.21 14:18:18 ] Lance Pares > nice yeah thats where the big money is man
  15. [ 2015.06.21 14:18:25 ] Faylee Freir > We figured that we have enough money where directors and even mining boosters can be paid.
  16. [ 2015.06.21 14:18:47 ] Lance Pares > yeah it is doable
  17. [ 2015.06.21 14:19:21 ] Lance Pares > thats what i would like to work towards
  18. [ 2015.06.21 14:19:23 ] Lance Pares > mining in null
  19. [ 2015.06.21 14:19:45 ] Faylee Freir > Didn't know if you were interested in joining up and whatnot. We'd start off with my friend and I investing heavily into blueprints and then recruiting a lot of people to help us mine.
  20. [ 2015.06.21 14:20:00 ] Faylee Freir > We have the means to fend off any would-be attackers too.
  21. [ 2015.06.21 14:20:02 ] Faylee Freir > So that's a plus.
  22. [ 2015.06.21 14:20:19 ] Lance Pares > i like it
  23. [ 2015.06.21 14:20:40 ] Lance Pares > i myself will have 2 ships to help defense very soon
  24. [ 2015.06.21 14:20:45 ] Lance Pares > tengu and legion
  25. [ 2015.06.21 14:20:52 ] Faylee Freir > sweet!
  26. [ 2015.06.21 14:21:02 ] Faylee Freir > gonna fly them on alts?
  27. [ 2015.06.21 14:21:12 ] Lance Pares > lance will fly the legion
  28. [ 2015.06.21 14:21:18 ] Lance Pares > my other alt is finishing up tengu
  29. [ 2015.06.21 14:21:33 ] Lance Pares > i realized they could be finished at the same time so i plexed him the other day lol
  30. [ 2015.06.21 14:21:35 ] Faylee Freir > The legion is nice. You'll love it.
  31. [ 2015.06.21 14:21:39 ] Lance Pares > i know i cant wait
  32. [ 2015.06.21 14:21:44 ] Lance Pares > something worth flying
  33. [ 2015.06.21 14:22:01 ] Lance Pares > but yeah i can help with defending when needed
  34. [ 2015.06.21 14:22:43 ] Lance Pares > thats a good idea tho i would like to start somethin for null it could make us very rich lol
  35. [ 2015.06.21 14:23:09 ] Faylee Freir > yep, that's the idea :]
  36. [ 2015.06.21 14:23:21 ] Faylee Freir > eventually we'd get to the point where we could just let the money work for us.
  37. [ 2015.06.21 14:23:30 ] Lance Pares > tho i will need to learn the ways of null because i have not really touched base with it in a long time
  38. [ 2015.06.21 14:23:39 ] Lance Pares > yes thats what i was thinking would happen
  39. [ 2015.06.21 14:23:52 ] Lance Pares > would be nice
  40. [ 2015.06.21 14:24:08 ] Faylee Freir > Well I will talk to my friend about this and see what we can agree on. He's already invested a bunch in this project, but let me talk to him and I will get back with you.
  41. [ 2015.06.21 14:24:27 ] Lance Pares > yeah thanks for comin to me with this we can make it happen
  42. [ 2015.06.21 14:24:59 ] Lance Pares > hs is just not proftiable i cant be here for forever
  43. [ 2015.06.21 14:25:10 ] Faylee Freir > yeah no doubt
  44. [ 2015.06.21 14:26:02 ] Lance Pares > i am starting to build ships btw so i can help with that as well if we do this
  45. [ 2015.06.21 14:26:30 ] Faylee Freir > Awesome, what blueprints do you have?
  46. [ 2015.06.21 14:26:42 ] Lance Pares > i bought a proc one been researchin it
  47. [ 2015.06.21 14:26:45 ] Lance Pares > bout it tho
  48. [ 2015.06.21 14:26:55 ] Faylee Freir > My friend already has a few capital blueprints
  49. [ 2015.06.21 14:26:58 ] Lance Pares > dam things are expensive
  50. [ 2015.06.21 14:26:59 ] Faylee Freir > nice.
  51. [ 2015.06.21 14:27:01 ] Lance Pares > oooo
  52. [ 2015.06.21 14:27:09 ] Lance Pares > captial ships or capital parts?
  53. [ 2015.06.21 14:27:17 ] Faylee Freir > capital ship bpos
  54. [ 2015.06.21 14:27:21 ] Lance Pares > shit
  55. [ 2015.06.21 14:27:23 ] Lance Pares > thats nice
  56. [ 2015.06.21 14:30:04 ] Lance Pares > id build a dread out there
  57. [ 2015.06.21 14:30:08 ] Lance Pares > always wanted one
  58. [ 2015.06.21 14:30:22 ] Faylee Freir > heck yeah man. I want a Naglefar.
  59. [ 2015.06.21 14:30:36 ] Lance Pares > ohhh my bud had one of those
  60. [ 2015.06.21 14:30:43 ] Lance Pares > i mistakened it for a pos tower first time i saw it
  61. [ 2015.06.21 14:30:44 ] Lance Pares > lol
  62. [ 2015.06.21 14:31:10 ] Faylee Freir > haha
  63. [ 2015.06.21 14:32:50 ] Lance Pares > i assume we will setup some kinda coms if we do this?
  64. [ 2015.06.21 14:33:24 ] Faylee Freir > oh yeah my friend already has a server.
  65. [ 2015.06.21 14:33:33 ] Lance Pares > alright good stuff
  66. [ 2015.06.21 14:33:36 ] Lance Pares > well need it
  67. [ 2015.06.21 14:33:46 ] Faylee Freir > I gotta get to bed :x
  68. [ 2015.06.21 14:33:55 ] Lance Pares > alright man talk to you later
  69. [ 2015.06.21 14:33:59 ] Lance Pares > i gotta haul shit anyway lol
  70. [ 2015.06.21 14:34:15 ] Faylee Freir > I will talk to you later about what he says.
  71. [ 2015.06.21 14:34:23 ] Lance Pares > alright o/
  72. [ 2015.06.21 14:35:01 ] Faylee Freir > o7
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