
Rift 5

Apr 4th, 2019
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  1. [16:36] The demon would lead Aspen towards the jungle brush keeping sure that no one was around to interrupt them. Ra'Kamel would then begin to display its minor understanding of Riftmancy.
  3. Usually when Ra'Kamel did battle it would channel its anger and rage to form its Demonic occultism to attack its foes. However as the demon stood idle amongst the trees there was no hatred no anger merely a cold confidence in its ability and a serene bloodlust utilized to channel its demonic magic. As if breathing.
  5. " You told me to cut open the lifestream as if it were flesh. My method is similar in theory but practiced differently. " The dark magics would swirl around the demon before it placed its hand against the vein of the lifestream. Feeling it pulsate within its grasp.
  7. a spiral of shadows began to form. As the imaginary prison of lifestreams energy within its mind began to take shape Ra studied it the flow of a great many trees and nature that preserved the great flow as it pressed its hands against it the vein began to erode.
  9. Swirling fog of darkness formed before the two of them and from the epicenter quickly surfaced the other side of the rift. Quickly expanding and expanding before an actual door of darkness stood before them. As Ra'Kamel concentrated and breathed it held the rift as stable as it could" Instead of ripping open the flesh of the rift I burn a hole through it with Demonic magic. Since it is the strongest power I can control I can also channel my intentions into it perfectly..." The demons breath is a gap. It clearly struggles to keep the gate open but its technique is none the less flawless in summoning forth the portal.
  11. "This is a method I thought of utilizing your teachings and my specialties. I call it the Dark Gate Rashomon. " As the demons continued opening the lifestreams flow the corruption could be felt bleeding every so gently as the lifestreams corruption manifested into the walking world.
  12. (Ra'Kamel)
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. [16:47] The Thalia woman was led around the outskirts of the settlement, being brought within the confines of the jungle where no bodies presently wandered. The art of Riftmancy's practice was showcased in an odd manner. How the demon envisioned the tangible form of the lifestream was unknown to her. The audible representation of how it was like a prison, however, was known. And until he performed the art for her, along with the explanation, she understood it.
  17. A grin formed despite the lingering aggression from her husband's hesitance on speaking. 'Ab-.' Abandon or abuse. Both of those words pressed in her mind akin to thousands of pressure of water hugging her body. It was almost unsettling. Fortunately, the dryad wasn't around, otherwise it might've been worse!
  19. In seconds, it stretches. The depravity from the corruption leaked in Eternia. The familiar sensation was almost soothing! Her fix of the world through tearing it.
  21. The woman nods her head approvingly. "I'm impressed again. The art is coming along perfectly. Burning into the lifestream is a wonderous method, even with the same results." Meaning opening the rift itself.
  23. "Your demonic prowess is your weapon, after all. It's only reasonable you utilize it for reaping the world of its precious sustenance."
  24. (Aspen Thalia)
  25. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. [16:53] Ra'Kamel's breath would be in tune with the swirling mast of shadows. As its claws began to close so too did the tear within the space time of the lifestream. It was clearly capable of this much throughout its research although there were a few things it lacked.
  29. " I'm unable to open rifts at a great distance though. Just doing this much is immensely taxing...As well as keeping them stable enough to enter. Though the corruption that bleeds through them. It reminds me of the very same energy that passes through myself and the Vampires. A chaotic flow that I must also take in upon myself. " Ra refocuses itself and attempts to open two separate but smaller rifts. North and south of itself.
  31. Utilizing the same method as before. Two swirling gates in a fog like shadows appeared opening what seemed to be a mirror like reflection of Ra and Aspens backsides. " What method do you use to control the distance of your rifts? " The demon inquired.
  32. (Ra'Kamel)
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. [17:01]
  36. {LOAD GAME}
  38. [17:05] "The method of use for controlling the distance?" Her head cants, drifting her sight towards the mirrored visuals of the two through his minor rift, after the larger one closed.
  40. "Practice. That's all you can do. Continue opening rifts around you at first. Take advantage of your resources. As a demon, and a manipulator, you've the ability to control lesser of your kin, right?" Aspen gestures towards the rift.
  42. "Take advantage of those lessers to test the stability of your rifts. Push them through at first through one threshold and hope they come out of the other. Don't test riftmancy with yourself first. You'll risk potentially killing yourself." Again her eyes drift upward.
  44. The wings of blood she oft had accompanying her back to assist her in flight were created, lifting herself up to the demon's sight.
  46. "In time.. when one of those demons are able to successfully reappear without harmand it's clear they're more stable, then you can attempt it on yourself. Do note - even when you do that, it's not perfect, therefore there might be some.. minor complications." Aspen's gaze flicks away momentarily, inspecting the area in great detail even while she continues.
  48. "The first time I leaped through a rift, it was after I attacked one of the Paladin's of Dawn. Chroma Zanders." Slowly her gaze comes to meet the demon's again.
  50. "Because it wasn't perfect or completely stable, I suffered with minor symptoms akin to a non-magi's sickness, and more. Vomiting, internal bleeding, short term memory loss, migraines, and fatigue for about one year. So.. use your resources to test the stability of them, again, as I've repeated, you'll come to realize your progress soon enough to perfection."
  51. (Aspen Thalia)
  52. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  54. [17:12] Ra'Kamel never thought of doing things in that way...It made perfect sense that they should not be the one to test the rift but the lesser. Grabbing one of the smaller demons it mercilessly threw it into the rift it had summoned and observed the results.
  56. ((Dice Roll 1: Critical fail))
  58. As the Demon a thrusted its lesser into the void it would hit the surface of the gate, As it passed through the creature was completely overwhelmed by horrid uncontrolled magics blasting it apart as soon as it made contact.
  60. Utilizing gravity magic Ra Kept the of spray of blood from touching them and Aspen but the creature quickly evaporated like being thrown into a blender. It was clear that the rift wasn't safe for passage and that Ra would have to refine its technique a lot more.
  62. " It seems there are things I must study then. The lifestream rejects me and my Kin so I must devise a way for us to pass through unhindered...Thus I will need to adjust the balance of dark magic and attune it to the chaotic magic that flows from the other words I need stronger power and a more concentrated force. "
  63. (Ra'Kamel)
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. [17:20] It seemed that, without hesitation, Ra'Kamel mercilessly yoinked one of its manipulated kin from the ground to toss it away in the rift. Definitely a critical failure that left a wider smirk on her visage. Aspen's lips curled inward with a bit gnawing down on her lip, holding back laughter, but what sounded from her person was nothing more than a snort.
  68. "Riftmancy, like any other ability of an exalted nature, or extension of your current prowess, takes plenty of practice. You've come this far. Mmh, with more studying, concentration, and more flow of mana, I'm sure you'll understand it all."
  70. Again, the woman nods, flicking her eyes towards the demon again. "The method I used was on daemon. Before then, I practiced plenty. The first time I shoved one of the little fucks through it came out perfectly fine. That's when I realized it was enough for my to try it on myself. Sooo…" Her words trail off momentarily.
  72. "We'll continue spectating your advancements, and anything you have concerns with I'll make sure I can assist however."
  73. (Aspen Thalia)
  74. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  76. [17:22] Ra'Kamel says, "Hm gratitude. I must contiue to grow as strong as I can my asencion to Archon is required as well for me to fully grasp all matters of magic."
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