

Feb 12th, 2013
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  1. neo@neo:~/code/thesis/sphinx3_phn_seg_brazilian$ python
  2. sox test.wav -r 16k temp/temp.wav
  3. sphinx_fe -i temp/temp.wav -o temp/temp.mfc
  4. INFO: cmd_ln.c(691): Parsing command line:
  5. sphinx_fe \
  6. -i temp/temp.wav \
  7. -o temp/temp.mfc
  9. Current configuration:
  10. [NAME] [DEFLT] [VALUE]
  11. -alpha 0.97 9.700000e-01
  12. -argfile
  13. -blocksize 2048 2048
  14. -build_outdirs yes yes
  15. -c
  16. -cep2spec no no
  17. -di
  18. -dither no no
  19. -do
  20. -doublebw no no
  21. -ei
  22. -eo
  23. -example no no
  24. -frate 100 100
  25. -help no no
  26. -i temp/temp.wav
  27. -input_endian little little
  28. -lifter 0 0
  29. -logspec no no
  30. -lowerf 133.33334 1.333333e+02
  31. -mach_endian little little
  32. -mswav no no
  33. -ncep 13 13
  34. -nchans 1 1
  35. -nfft 512 512
  36. -nfilt 40 40
  37. -nist no no
  38. -npart 0 0
  39. -nskip 0 0
  40. -o temp/temp.mfc
  41. -ofmt sphinx sphinx
  42. -part 0 0
  43. -raw no no
  44. -remove_dc no no
  45. -round_filters yes yes
  46. -runlen -1 -1
  47. -samprate 16000 1.600000e+04
  48. -seed -1 -1
  49. -smoothspec no no
  50. -sndfile no no
  51. -spec2cep no no
  52. -sph2pipe no no
  53. -transform legacy legacy
  54. -unit_area yes yes
  55. -upperf 6855.4976 6.855498e+03
  56. -verbose no no
  57. -warp_params
  58. -warp_type inverse_linear inverse_linear
  59. -whichchan 0 0
  60. -wlen 0.025625 2.562500e-02
  62. "sphinx3_align" -feat 1s_c_d_dd -agc none -cmn current -senmgau .cont. -hmm model/constituicao.cd_cont_1000 -logbase 1.000100 -beam 1.000e-150 -insert_sil 0 -dict "temp/temp.dic" -ctl "temp/temp.ctl" -fdict "temp/temp.filler" -cepdir "temp" -cepext .mfc -insent "temp/temp.insent" -outsent "temp/temp.txt" -phsegdir "temp" -phlabdir "temp",CTL
  63. INFO: info.c(64): Host: 'neo'
  64. INFO: info.c(65): Directory: '/home/neo/code/thesis/sphinx3_phn_seg_brazilian'
  65. INFO: info.c(69): sphinx3_align Compiled on: Feb 4 2013, AT: 11:17:48
  67. INFO: cmd_ln.c(423): Parsing command line:
  68. sphinx3_align \
  69. -feat 1s_c_d_dd \
  70. -agc none \
  71. -cmn current \
  72. -senmgau .cont. \
  73. -hmm model/constituicao.cd_cont_1000 \
  74. -logbase 1.000100 \
  75. -beam 1.000e-150 \
  76. -insert_sil 0 \
  77. -dict temp/temp.dic \
  78. -ctl temp/temp.ctl \
  79. -fdict temp/temp.filler \
  80. -cepdir temp \
  81. -cepext .mfc \
  82. -insent temp/temp.insent \
  83. -outsent temp/temp.txt \
  84. -phsegdir temp \
  85. -phlabdir temp,CTL
  87. Current configuration:
  88. [NAME] [DEFLT] [VALUE]
  89. -agc none none
  90. -beam 1e-64 1.000000e-150
  91. -cb2mllr .1cls. .1cls.
  92. -cepdir temp
  93. -cepext .mfc .mfc
  94. -ci_pbeam 1e-80 1.000000e-80
  95. -cmn current current
  96. -compwd 0 0
  97. -cond_ds 0 0
  98. -ctl temp/temp.ctl
  99. -ctlcount 1000000000 1000000000
  100. -ctloffset 0 0
  101. -ctl_mllr
  102. -dict temp/temp.dic
  103. -dist_ds 0 0
  104. -ds 1 1
  105. -fdict temp/temp.filler
  106. -feat 1s_c_d_dd 1s_c_d_dd
  107. -frate 100 100
  108. -gs
  109. -gs4gs 1 1
  110. -hmm model/constituicao.cd_cont_1000
  111. -hyp
  112. -hypseg
  113. -hypsegfmt 0 0
  114. -insent temp/temp.insent
  115. -insert_sil 1 0
  116. -kdmaxbbi -1 -1
  117. -kdmaxdepth 0 0
  118. -kdtree
  119. -lambda
  120. -log3table 1 1
  121. -logbase 1.0003 1.000100e+00
  122. -logfn
  123. -lts_mismatch 0 0
  124. -maxcdsenpf 100000 100000
  125. -mdef
  126. -mean
  127. -mixw
  128. -mixwfloor 0.0000001 1.000000e-07
  129. -mllr
  130. -outsent temp/temp.txt
  131. -phlabdir temp,CTL
  132. -phsegdir temp
  133. -s2stsegdir
  134. -senmgau .cont. .cont.
  135. -stsegdir
  136. -subvq
  137. -subvqbeam 3.0e-3 3.000000e-03
  138. -svq4svq 0 0
  139. -tighten_factor 0.5 5.000000e-01
  140. -tmat
  141. -tmatfloor 0.0001 1.000000e-04
  142. -topn 4 4
  143. -var
  144. -varfloor 0.0001 1.000000e-04
  145. -varnorm no no
  146. -vqeval 3 3
  147. -wdsegdir
  149. INFO: logs3.c(151): Initializing logbase: 1.000100e+00 (add table: 1)
  150. INFO: feat.c(692): Initializing feature stream to type: '1s_c_d_dd', CMN='current', VARNORM='no', AGC='none'
  151. INFO: Reading HMM in Sphinx 3 Model format
  152. INFO: Model Definition File: model/constituicao.cd_cont_1000/mdef
  153. INFO: Mean File: model/constituicao.cd_cont_1000/means
  154. INFO: Variance File: model/constituicao.cd_cont_1000/variances
  155. INFO: Mixture Weight File: model/constituicao.cd_cont_1000/mixture_weights
  156. INFO: Transition Matrices File: model/constituicao.cd_cont_1000/transition_matrices
  157. INFO: mdef.c(673): Reading model definition: model/constituicao.cd_cont_1000/mdef
  158. INFO: Initialization of mdef_t, report:
  159. INFO: 59 CI-phone, 94476 CD-phone, 3 emitstate/phone, 177 CI-sen, 1177 Sen, 3604 Sen-Seq
  160. INFO:
  161. INFO: kbcore.c(333): Using optimized GMM computation for Continuous HMM, -topn will be ignored
  162. INFO: cont_mgau.c(161): Reading mixture gaussian file 'model/constituicao.cd_cont_1000/means'
  163. INFO: cont_mgau.c(417): 1177 mixture Gaussians, 8 components, 1 streams, veclen 39
  164. INFO: cont_mgau.c(161): Reading mixture gaussian file 'model/constituicao.cd_cont_1000/variances'
  165. INFO: cont_mgau.c(417): 1177 mixture Gaussians, 8 components, 1 streams, veclen 39
  166. INFO: cont_mgau.c(509): Reading mixture weights file 'model/constituicao.cd_cont_1000/mixture_weights'
  167. INFO: cont_mgau.c(661): Read 1177 x 8 mixture weights
  168. INFO: cont_mgau.c(689): Removing uninitialized Gaussian densities
  169. 122 889
  170. WARNING: "cont_mgau.c", line 764: 85 densities removed (2 mixtures removed entirely)
  171. INFO: cont_mgau.c(780): Applying variance floor
  172. INFO: cont_mgau.c(798): 329 variance values floored
  173. INFO: cont_mgau.c(846): Precomputing Mahalanobis distance invariants
  174. INFO: tmat.c(167): Reading HMM transition probability matrices: model/constituicao.cd_cont_1000/transition_matrices
  175. INFO: Initialization of tmat_t, report:
  176. INFO: Read 59 transition matrices of size 3x4
  177. INFO:
  178. INFO: dict.c(463): Reading main dictionary: temp/temp.dic
  179. ERROR: "dict.c", line 251: Line 1: Bad ciphone: c; word sent ignored
  180. INFO: dict.c(466): 0 words read
  181. INFO: dict.c(471): Reading filler dictionary: temp/temp.filler
  182. INFO: dict.c(474): 3 words read
  183. INFO: dict.c(508): Building compound words (separator = '_')
  184. INFO: dict.c(510): 0 compound words
  185. INFO: s3_align.c(1353): logs3(beam)= -3453477
  187. INFO: feat.c(901): At directory temp
  188. INFO: feat.c(311): Reading mfc file: 'temp/temp.mfc'[0..2147418112]
  189. INFO: main_align.c(1002): temp: 1285 input frames
  190. ERROR: "s3_align.c", line 887: sent not in dictionary
  191. ERROR: "main_align.c", line 828: No sentence HMM; no alignment for temp
  192. INFO: corpus.c(647): temp: 0.0 sec CPU, 0.0 sec Clk; TOT: 0.0 sec CPU, 0.0 sec Clk
  194. neo 3398 0.0 0.0 2048 512 pts/0 S+ 10:11 0:00 sh -c ps aguxwww | grep s3align
  195. neo 3400 0.0 0.0 4452 772 pts/0 S+ 10:11 0:00 grep s3align
  196. Traceback (most recent call last):
  197. File "", line 214, in <module>
  198. main();
  199. File "", line 151, in main
  200. seg = readS3PhLab(fnTempBase + '.lab');
  201. File "", line 183, in readS3PhLab
  202. fh = open(fn, 'r');
  203. IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'temp/temp.lab'
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