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- //==============================================================================
- //==============================================================================
- void main()
- {
- trEventSetHandler(644, "eventHandler");
- }
- void eventHandler(int eventID=-1)
- {
- switch(eventID)
- {
- case 644:
- {
- xsEnableRule("_all_conditions");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- rule _all_conditions
- highFrequency
- active
- {
- trArmySelect("default");
- bool bVar1 = (trUnitDistanceToPoint(-1, -1, -1) == 0);
- trArmySelect("default");
- bool bVar2 = (trUnitDistanceToUnitID(-1) == 0);
- trArmySelect("default");
- bool bVar3 = (trUnitAlive()==true);
- trArmySelect("default");
- bool bVar4 = (trUnitDead()==true);
- trArmySelect("default");
- bool bVar5 = (trUnitHasLOS(1));
- trArmySelect("default");
- bool bVar6 = (trUnitIsOwnedBy(1));
- trArmySelect("default");
- bool bVar7 = (trUnitVisibleToPlayer()==true);
- int powerID = kbGodPowerGetID("default");
- bool bVar18 = ((kbGodPowerGetNumCharges(powerID, 1) > 0 || kbGodPowerIsRepeatable(powerID, 1)) && kbGodPowerIsOnCooldown(powerID, 1) == false);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- bool bVar66 = (kbUnitGetNumberContainedOfType(-1, kbGetUnitTypeID("Unit")) == 1);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- bool bVar68 = (trUnitDistanceToPoint(-1, -1, -1) == 0);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- bool bVar69 = (trUnitDistanceToUnitID(-1) == 0);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- bool bVar70 = (trUnitHasTarget(false)==true);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- bool bVar71 = (trUnitHasLOS(1));
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- bool bVar72 = (trUnitAlive()==true);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- bool bVar74 = (trUnitIsAttacking()==true);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- bool bVar75 = (trUnitDead()==true);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- bool bVar77 = (trUnitImmobilized()==true);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- bool bVar78 = (trUnitInLush(1)==true);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- bool bVar79 = (kbUnitGetCurAnimationID(-1) == kbGetAnimationID(""));
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- bool bVar80 = (trUnitIsSelected());
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- bool bVar81 = (trUnitIsNotOwnedBy(1));
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- bool bVar82 = (trUnitIsOwnedBy(1));
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- bool bVar83 = (trUnitPercentComplete() == 100);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- bool bVar84 = (trUnitPercentDamaged() == 100);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- bool bVar85 = (trUnitVisibleToPlayer()==true);
- bool bVar86 = ();
- bool tempExp = ((true) && bVar1 && bVar2 && bVar3 && bVar4 && bVar5 && bVar6 && bVar7 && (trBuildingIsOnCursor("default")) && (trTownBellRung(-1)) && (trTownBellUnrung(-1)) && (trChatHistoryContains("", 1)) && (trIsDialogueNotPlaying()) && (trCinematicIsAborted()) && (trCounterGetValue("countdown") == 0) && (kbGodPowerGetNumUsedTimes(kbGodPowerGetID("default"), 1) > 0) && (kbGodPowerCheckActive(kbGodPowerGetID("default"), 1)) && (kbGodPowerCheckActiveForAnyPlayer(kbGodPowerGetID("default"))) && bVar18 && (kbGodPowerIsRepeatable(kbGodPowerGetID("default"), 1) == true) && (kbGodPowerGetNumCharges(kbGodPowerGetID("default"), 1) == 0) && (kbUnitTypeCount("LogicalTypeBuildingsNotWalls", 1, cUnitStateAlive)==0) && (kbUnitTypeCount("LogicalTypeValidSPCUnitsDeadCondition", 1, cUnitStateAlive, true)+kbUnitTypeCount("LogicalTypeBuildingsNotWalls", 1, cUnitStateAlive)==0) && (kbUnitTypeCount("LogicalTypeValidSPCUnitsDeadCondition", 1, cUnitStateAlive, true)==0) && (kbUnitTypeCount("LogicalTypeNeededForVictory", 1, cUnitStateAlive, true)==0) && (kbPlayerGetPop(1) == 1) && (trPlayerGetDiplomacy(1, 2) == "Ally") && ((kbPlayerGetPopCap(1) - kbPlayerGetPop(1)) == 1) && (trPlayerGetCivilization(1, "Default")) && (kbUnitTypeCount("Unit", 1, cUnitStateQueued) > 0) && (trPlayerAtPopCap(1)) && (trPlayerIsDefeated(1)) && (trPlayerIsDefeatedOrResigned(1)) && (trPlayerGetType(1)==0) && (trPlayerIsActive(1)) && (kbGetNumberResourceGatherers(1, "Food") == 1) && (kbGetTotalResourceAmount(1, kbGetResourceID("Food")) == 1) && (kbGetResourceAmount(1, kbGetResourceID("Food")) == 1) && (kbGetStatValueInt(1, 0) == 0) && (trTechStatusActive(1, 0)) && (trTechStatusResearching(1, 0)) && (trTechStatusCheck(1, 0, 2)) && (kbUnitTypeCount("default", 1, cUnitStateAlive) == 1) && (kbUnitTypeCount("default", 1, cUnitStateAlive) == 1) && (kbUnitTypeCount("default", 1, cUnitStateBuilding+cUnitStateQueued) == 1) && (trPlayerGetVillagerPriority(1) == 0) && (trUnitTypeIsHovered("default")) && (trQuestVarGet("QV1") == 1) && (trQuestVarGet("QV1") == trQuestVarGet("QV2")) && (abs(trQuestVarGet("QV1") - trQuestVarGet("QV2")) == 1) && (trGetWorldDifficulty() == 0) && (trPlayerControlsSocket(1, -1)) && (trSocketIsEmpty(-1)) && (trGetTerrainHeight(vector(0, 0, 0)) == 1) && (trTerrainAtPosition("", vector(0, 0, 0))) && (trWaterAtPosition("", vector(0, 0, 0))) && ((xsGetTimeMS() - cActivationTime) >= 0) && ((xsGetTime() - (cActivationTime / 1000)) >= 0) && (trWPFDialogOpen(0)) && (trInGamepadMode()) && (trInInputContext("world")) && (trIsMinimapExpanded()) && (trInRadialMenuPage(0)) && (kbUnitTypeCountInArea("Unit", 1, cUnitStateAlive, -1, 10) == 1) && (trUnitTypeIsSelected("default", false)) && (trObjectGettingWorked(-1)) && bVar66 && (kbUnitGetNumberContained(-1) == 1) && bVar68 && bVar69 && bVar70 && bVar71 && bVar72 && (trAnythingIsSelected()) && bVar74 && bVar75 && (kbUnitIsContainedBy(-1, kbGetUnitTypeID("default"))) && bVar77 && bVar78 && bVar79 && bVar80 && bVar81 && bVar82 && bVar83 && bVar84 && bVar85 && bVar86);
- if (tempExp)
- {
- trEventFire(-1);
- xsDisableRule("_all_conditions");
- trDisableRule("all_conditions");
- }
- }
- rule _all_effects
- highFrequency
- active
- {
- trExecuteOnAI(2, "scenarioAIRemoveInactive()");
- trAddArmyToPlan("default", "PlanName");
- trExecuteOnAI(1, "");
- if (true)
- {
- void(int, int, string, int, vector, float, int, int) wrapper = [](
- int playerIdentifier = 2,
- int armyID = -1,
- string planName = "",
- int playerToAttack = 1,
- vector location = cOriginVector,
- float engageRange = 50.0,
- int evaluationFrequency = 5000,
- int pri = 50)
- {
- trExecuteOnAI(playerIdentifier, "scenarioCreateAttackPlan("+armyID+", "+planName+", "+playerToAttack+", vector"+location+", "+engageRange+", "+evaluationFrequency+", "+pri+")");
- };
- wrapper(default, "AttackPoint", 1, vector(0, 0, 0), 50, 5000, 50);
- }
- if (true)
- {
- void(int, int, string, vector, float, int, float, int) wrapper = [](
- int playerIdentifier = 2,
- int armyID = -1,
- string planName = "",
- vector location = cOriginVector,
- float engageRange = 50.0,
- int evaluationFrequency = 5000,
- float gatherDistance = 25.0,
- int pri = 50)
- {
- trExecuteOnAI(playerIdentifier, "scenarioCreateDefendPlan("+armyID+", "+planName+", vector"+location+", "+engageRange+", "+evaluationFrequency+", "+gatherDistance+", "+pri+")");
- };
- wrapper(default, "DefendPoint", vector(0, 0, 0), 50, 5000, 25, 50);
- }
- trExecuteOnAI(2, "scenarioDisableAI()");
- trKillAIPlan(1, "PlanName");
- trAISetAttackResponseDistance(1, 0.0);
- trExecuteOnAI(2, "scenarioAIStartInactive()");
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trChangeProtoUnitInArea(1,"Unit",10,"", false);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trConvertUnitsInArea(1,1,"Unit",10);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trDamageUnitsInArea(1,"Unit",10,50);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trDamageUnitsPercentInArea(1,"Unit",10,50);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trHealUnitsInArea(1,"Unit",10,50);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trHealUnitsPercentInArea(1,"Unit",10,50);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trKillUnitsInArea(1,"Unit",10);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trRemoveUnitsInArea(1,"Unit",10,false);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitAddModifier(0, -1, 1.0, 0);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitAdjustModifier(0, -1, 1.0, 0);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitApplyEffect(0, 0);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitApplyEffectProtoUnit(0, 0, 1, "Villager");
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitApplyEffectDamage(0, 0, 1.0, -1);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trArmyUnitChangeName("Name", "Villager");
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitChangeProtoUnit("Villager");
- trArmyClear("default");
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitBuildUnit("default", vector(-1, -1, -1));
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitConvert(1);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitHighlight(2.5, true);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitGarrison(-1, -1);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitHighlight(2.5, false);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitDelete(false);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitMakeInvulnerable(true);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitMoveToPoint(-1, -1, -1, -1, false, false, 1.0);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitMoveToUnit(-1, -1, false, false, 1.0);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitMutate("Villager", false);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitPatrolToPoint(-1, -1, -1, false, 1.0);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitPerformAction("", -1, vector(-1,-1,-1), false);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitDelete();
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitReposition(0, 0, 0, false, false);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitRepositionToUnit(-1, false, false);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitReveal(1, true);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitRotateX(0, false);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitRotateY(0, false);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitRotateZ(0, false);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitSetAnimationPath("","0",false,-1,false);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitSetShading(-1, 100);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitSetStance("Aggressive");
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitSetVariation(0);
- trArmyDispatch("default", "Villager", 0, 0,0,0, 0, true, false);
- trArmyDispatchAtUnit("default", "Villager", 0, -1, 0, true, false);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitDoWorkOnUnit(-1,-1);
- trArmyDoWorkOnArmy("default", "default", -1);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitTeleport(0, 0, 0);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitThrow(0, 15, 1, 6, 10, 0.1);
- trArmySelect("default");
- trUnitSetHeading(0);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trGenerateLush();
- trPlaceFoundation("Villager", 0,0,0, 0, 1, 0.0);
- trBuildingTimeShiftAtPos(-1, -1, -1, -1);
- trCameraStateView(0);
- trCameraStateView(0, 1);
- trCameraCut();
- trCameraCutPlayer(1, );
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trCameraLockOnUnit(true,0,-1);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trCameraPanWithUnit(true, -1);
- trCameraLock(true);
- trCameraTrackLoad("default");
- trCameraTrackPlay(-1, -1, false, 5000);
- trCameraTrackPlayPlayer("default", 1, false, 5000);
- trCameraShake(5.0, 0.25);
- trCampaignProgress();
- trCampaignProgressChoice();
- trCampaignBranchChoice("", true);
- trCampaignLoseMission();
- trCampaignStartNew("Advance", "default");
- trSoundPlayDialogue(1, "", "", "", "default", -1, false, 1, false);
- trChatHistoryClear();
- trChatClearHudMessages();
- trChatKeepLastMessagesOnScreen(true);
- trChatSend(1, "default");
- trChatSendToPlayer(1, 1, "default");
- trChatSendSpoofed(1, "default");
- trChatSendSpoofedToPlayer(1, 1, "default");
- trSoundPlayDialogueTalkingHeads(1, "", "", "", "", true, "default", -1, false, 1);
- trChatSetStatus(true);
- trUIFadeToColor(0,0,0,1000,1000,true,-1);
- trLetterBox(true, true);
- trSetObscuredUnits(false);
- trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "{STR_TIMER_PERCENT}", "kbUnitGetStatInt(-1, cUnitStatBuildProgressPercent)", -1, -1, 100, false, false);
- trCounterAddTime("countdown", 30, 0, "The End is Near", 644);
- trCounterTimeSetValue("countdown", 0);
- trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "", "", -1, 0, 0, false, false);
- trCounterDecrementManual("countdown", 1);
- trCounterIncrementManual("countdown", 1);
- trCounterSetManual("countdown", 0);
- trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "", "kbGetNumberResourceGatherers(0, \"Food\")", -1, -1, 0);
- trCounterPersistent("countdown", true);
- trCounterPlayerSpecific("countdown", true, 1);
- trCounterPause("countdown", true);
- trCounterAddPlayerName("countdown", "The End is Near", 0);
- trCounterSetPlayerName("countdown", 0);
- trCounterAbort("countdown");
- trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "", "kbGetResourceAmount(0, 0)", -1, -1, 0, false, false);
- trCounterSetVisibility("countdown", true);
- trCounterAddString("countdown", "The End is Near");
- trCounterSetManualString("countdown", "The End is Near");
- if (true == false)
- {
- trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "{STR_TIMER_PERCENT}", "kbUnitGetStatInt(-1, cUnitStatHPRatioPercent)", -1, -1, 100, false, false, true);
- }
- else
- {
- trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "{STR_TIMER_PERCENT}", "kbUnitGetStatInt(-1, cUnitStatHPRatioPercent)", -1, 100, 0, true, false);
- }
- if (true == false)
- {
- trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "", "kbUnitGetStatFloat(-1, cUnitStatCurrHP)", -1, -1, kbUnitGetStatFloat(-1, cUnitStatMaxHP), false, false, true);
- }
- else
- {
- trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "", "kbUnitGetStatFloat(-1, cUnitStatCurrHP)", -1, kbUnitGetStatFloat(-1, cUnitStatMaxHP), 0, true, false);
- }
- trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "", "kbGetNumberUnitTypeKilled(\"Villager\", 0)", -1, -1, 0, false, false, false, true);
- trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "", "kbUnitTypeCount(\"Villager\", 0, cUnitStateDead)", -1, -1, 0, false, false, false, true);
- trCounterAddGenericXS("default", "The End is Near", "", "kbUnitTypeCountInArea(\"Unit\", 0, cUnitStateAlive, -1, 10)", -1, -1, 0);
- trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "", "kbGetStatValueInt(0, cStatTypeEnemyUnitsKilled)", -1, -1, 0);
- trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "", "kbGetStatValueInt(0, cStatTypeUnitsLost)", -1, -1, 0);
- trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "", "kbUnitTypeCount(\"Villager\", 0, cUnitStateAlive)", -1, -1, 0, false, false, false);
- trMinimapFlare(1, 1.0, vector(0,0,0), true);
- trShowImageDialog("default", "");
- trWorldSpacePromptHide("default id");
- trWorldSpacePromptArea("default id", vector(-1, -1, -1), "default", vector(0,0,0));
- trWorldSpacePromptArmy("default id", "default", true, "default", vector(0,0,0));
- trWorldSpacePrompt("default id", -1, true, "default", vector(0,0,0), "vfx_top");
- trMessageSetText("default", -1);
- trObjectivesTracker("default", "default", "default", -1);
- trOverlayText("Default", 3.0, 60, 247, 214, 177);
- trShowHidePopup(0, true);
- trShowTextMessage("Default", "Default");
- trShowWinPopup("You Win", "default", true);
- trClearCounterDisplay();
- trSetCounterDisplay("Default");
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trDefakifySelection();
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trDefakifySelectionSubModels("", );
- trDefakifyArmy("default");
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trFakifySelection(0);
- trFakifyArmy("default", 0);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitPlayerFakifyInArea(0, 0, "Unit", 10);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trFakifySelectionSubModelByOverrideName("default", 0);
- trUIFlashAgeUp(true);
- trUIGamepadPromptFlash(0, true);
- trUIFlashGodPowerAtSlot(0, true);
- trUIIdleBannerFlash(0, true);
- trUIMinimapFlash(true);
- trUIPanelFlash(0, true);
- trUIResourceEntryFlash(0, true);
- trUIFlashTech(0, true);
- trUIFlashTrain("Villager", true);
- trUIFlashAbility("", true);
- trUIFlashCommand("", true);
- trUIVillagerPriorityButtonFlash(0, true);
- trUIVillagerPriorityButtonHUDFlash(true);
- trGodPowerEnableBlocking(true);
- trPlayerTechTreeEnabledGodPowers(1, true);
- trGodPowerGrant(1, "default", 1, 0, false, false);
- trGodPowerGrantAtSlot(1, "default", 1, 0, 0, false, false);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trGodPowerInvoke(1, "default", vector(0,0,0), vector(0,0,0), false);
- trGodPowerInvokeAtArmy(1, "default", "default", false);
- trGodPowerRedefine(1, "default", "", "", "");
- trPlayerKillAllGodPowers(1);
- trGodPowerSetCooldown(1, "default", 0);
- trGodPowerSetCost(1, "default", 0, 0);
- trGodPowerSetUseCount(1, "default", 0);
- setPowerNumUsedTimes(1, "default", );
- trCreateRevealer(1, "default", vector(-1, -1, -1), 10.0, false);
- trSetRevealerActiveState("default", true);
- trFadeOutMusic(3.0);
- trMusicPlayCurrent();
- trMusicPlay("default", 4.0);
- trPlayNextMusicTrack();
- trMusicSetCurrentMusicSet(0);
- trMusicSetMood(0);
- trMusicStop();
- trObjectiveComplete(-1, false, true);
- trObjectiveCreateMarker(-1, "default", vector(-1, -1, -1));
- trObjectiveFailed(-1, true);
- trForceShowObjectivePanel(true);
- trObjectiveHide(-1);
- trObjectiveIncomplete(-1, true);
- trObjectiveRemoveMarker(-1, "default");
- trObjectiveShow(-1, true);
- trActivateCheat(1, "");
- trPlayerAdjustScore(1, );
- trPlayerAllowAgeUpSpawning(1, true);
- trPlayerSetWon(1, false);
- trPlayerChangeProtoUnit(1, "", "", false);
- trPlayerSetDefeated(1);
- trTechRemove(1, "default", 0);
- trEchoStatValue(1, 0);
- trPlayerGrantResources(1, "Food", 100);
- trPlayerSetVictorious(0);
- trPlayerModifyData(1, 0, -1, 1.0, 0);
- trPlayerModifyResourceData(1, 0, 0, 1.0, 0);
- trPlayerMutateUnits(1, "", "", false);
- trPlayerOverrideArtCulture(1, "WesternEurope");
- trPlayerOverrideCivName(1, "");
- trPlayerEnablePartisans(1, true);
- trQueueStartingUnits(1);
- trPlayerKillAllBuildings(1);
- trPlayerRemoveAllUnits(1);
- trPlayerResetBlackMap(1);
- trPlayerTribute(1, "Food", 100, 2);
- trPlayerSetCiv(1, "");
- trPlayerSetColor(1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- trPlayerSetDiplomacy(1, 2, "Ally", true);
- trPlayerSetName(1, "");
- trPlayerSetScore(1, );
- trTechSetStatus(1, 0, 2);
- trPlayerAllowShades(1, true);
- trPlayerAllowStartingUnitsSpawning(1, true);
- if (true == false)
- {
- trTechSetStatus(1, cTechPharaohFirstSpawn, cTechStatusUnobtainable);
- }
- trPlayerSetActive(1);
- trPlayerEnableTimeshift(1, true);
- trPlayerTimeshiftAddEntry(1, "House", 1.0, 1.0);
- trPlayerTimeshiftModifyCost(1, "House", 1.0, 0);
- trPlayerModifyLOS(1, true, 2);
- trShowChoiceDialog("default", "default", -1, "default", -1);
- trShowChoiceDialogForPlayer(1, "default", "default", -1, "default", -1);
- trProtounitActionSpecialEffect("Villager", "", 1, 0, "All", -1, 1.0, 0.0);
- trProtounitActionSpecialEffectActive("Villager", "", 1, 0, "All", -1, true);
- trProtounitActionSpecialEffectDuration("Villager", "", 1, 0, "All", -1, 1.0, 0);
- trProtounitActionSpecialEffect("Villager", "", 1, 0, "All", -1, 1.0, 0.0);
- trProtounitActionSpecialEffect("Villager", "", 1, 0, "All", xsFloatToInt(0 * 1000.0), 1.0, 0.0);
- trProtounitActionSpecialEffectModifier("Villager", "", 1, 0, "All", 0.0, 0, -1);
- trProtounitActionSpecialEffectProtoUnit("Villager", "", 1, 0, "All", "0", 1.0, 0.0);
- trProtounitAddTech("Villager", 1, 0, 0, 0);
- trProtounitAddTrain("Villager", 1, "", 0, 0);
- trProtounitAddCommand("Villager", 1, "", 0, 0);
- trProtoUnitChangeName("Villager", 1, "", "", "");
- trProtoUnitActionSetEnabled("Settler", 1, "", true);
- trProtoUnitHighlight(1, "Villager", 2.5, true);
- trForbidProtounit(1, "default");
- trModifyProtounitAction("Villager", "", 1, 0, 1.0, 0);
- trModifyProtounitActionUnitType("Villager", "", "", 1, 0, 1.0, 0);
- trModifyProtounitData("Villager", 1, 0, 1.0, 0);
- trModifyProtounitResource("Villager", "Food", 1, 0, 1.0, 0);
- trProtoUnitMovementType("Villager", 1, "0");
- trProtounitRemoveTech("Villager", 1, 0);
- trProtounitRemoveTrain("Villager", 1, "");
- trProtounitRemoveCommand("Villager", 1, "");
- trProtoUnitSetFlag(1, "Villager", "", true);
- trProtoUnitSetIcon("Villager", 1, "", "");
- trProtoUnitSetUnitType(1, "Villager", "", true);
- trUnforbidProtounit(1, "default");
- trQuestVarCopy("QV1", "QV2");
- trQuestVarEcho("QV1");
- trQuestVarSet("QV1", trGetScenarioUserData(0, 0, ""));
- trQuestVarSet("QV1", trQuestVarGet("QV1") + 0);
- trQuestVarSet("QV1", trQuestVarGet("QV1") + trQuestVarGet("QV2"));
- trQuestVarSetFromRand("QV1", 1, 100, true);
- trQuestVarSetFromRandUnique("QV1", 1, 100, true);
- trSetCurrentScenarioUserData(0,trQuestVarGet("QV1"));
- trQuestVarSet("QV1", 0);
- trRateConstruction(1.0);
- trRatesReset();
- trRateResearch(1.0);
- trRateTrain(1.0);
- trRelicCreate(0,0,0, 0, "RelicAnkhofRa");
- trRelicForce(-1, "RelicAnkhofRa");
- trRenderSky(true, "(none)", 0, 0, true);
- trSetFogAndBlackmap(true, true);
- trSetFogAndBlackmapMultiplayer(true, true);
- trSetLighting("default",5.0);
- trRenderRain(0.0);
- trSetShadowFarClip(true, 50.0);
- trRenderSnow(0.0);
- trEndChallenge("");
- trEndGame();
- trEnforceAIAssist(true);
- trLeaveGame();
- trHideScoreboard();
- trMapMutateUnits("", "", false);
- trGamePause(true);
- trPlayerResetBlackMapForAllPlayers();
- trRestartScenario();
- trRevealEntireMap();
- trSetUnitIdleProcessing(true);
- trDisableConquestCheck(true);
- trDisablePopCapNotifications(true);
- trDisablePowerNotifications(true);
- trDisablePowerTimers(true);
- trSetShowCursor(true);
- trSetPauseOnAgeUpgrade(true);
- trSetPauseInObjectiveWindow(true);
- trSetUserControls(false);
- trSocketBuild(1, -1, "TradingPost");
- trSocketPlaceFoundation(1, -1, "TradingPost");
- trBlockAllAmbientSounds();
- trBlockAllSounds(true);
- trDisableNotificationSounds(true);
- trFadeOutAllSounds(3.0);
- trSoundPlayFN("default", -1, "","");
- trSoundsetPlay("");
- trSoundsetPlayPlayer(1, "");
- trUnBlockAllAmbientSounds();
- trUnblockAllSounds();
- trDisableNotificationSounds(false);
- trTechHideEffects(0, 1, false);
- trTechModifyCost(0, 1, 0, 1.0, 0);
- trTechModifyResearchPoints(0, 1, 1.0, 0);
- trTechSetIconPath(0, 1, "");
- trTechReplaceIconByTech(0, 1, 0);
- trTechSetStringID(0, 1, "", 0);
- trChangeTerrainHeightCircular(vector(0, 0, 0), 0, 0, true);
- trChangeTerrainHeight(0,0,0,0, 0, true);
- trPaintTerrainCircularBySubtypeName("", vector(0, 0, 0), 0, true);
- trPaintTerrainBySubtypeName("", 0,0,0,0, true);
- trPaintWaterCircular("", vector(0, 0, 0), 0, true);
- trPaintWaterRectangular("", 0,0,0,0, true);
- trEventFire(-1);
- trDisableTrigger(-1);
- trTutorialEndChoice();
- trUIBlockRadialMenu(0, true);
- trUIGamepadPromptVisibility(0, true);
- trUIHideRadialMenuPromptPanel(true);
- trUIPanelVisibility(0, true);
- trFormationScale(1.0);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitAddModifier(0, -1, 1.0, 0);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitAdjustModifier(0, -1, 1.0, 0);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitApplyEffect(0, 0);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitApplyEffectProtoUnit(0, 0, 1, "Villager");
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitApplyEffectDamage(0, 0, 1.0, -1);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitChangeName("Name");
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitChangeProtoUnit("Villager", false, false);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitBuildUnit("default", vector(-1, -1, -1));
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitConvert(1);
- trUnitCreate("Villager", 0,0,0, 0, 1, false);
- trUnitCreateFromSource("Villager", -1, -1, 1);
- for (int i = 0; i < 0; i++)
- trUnitCreate("Villager", 0,0,0, 0, 1);
- trUnitCreateFromSourceMulti("Villager", -1, -1, 1, 1);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trDamageUnit(1);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trDamageUnitPercent(50);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitDelayedTransform();
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitSetConvertible(1, true);
- trDisableUnitDeletion(false);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitHighlight(2.5, true);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitGarrison(-1,-1);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trImmediateUnitGarrison(-1);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trHealUnit(1);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trHealUnitPercent(50);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitHighlight(2.5, false);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitDelete(false);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitMakeInvulnerable(true);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitSetPassiveMode(true);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitModifyResourceInventory(0, 1.0, 0);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitMoveFromArea(-1, -1, -1, -1, false, 1, "Unit", 10);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitMoveFromAreaToUnit(-1, false, 1, "Unit", 10);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitMoveToPoint(-1, -1, -1, -1, false, false, 1.0);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitMoveToUnit(-1, -1, false, false, 1.0);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitMutate("Villager", false);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitPatrolToPoint(-1, -1, -1, false, 1.0);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitPerformAction("", -1, vector(-1,-1,-1), false);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitPerformAction("", -1, vector(-1,-1,-1), false);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitTransformCommand();
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitDestroy(false);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitReposition(0, 0, 0, false, false);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitRepositionToUnit(-1, false, false);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitReveal(1, true);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitRotateX(0, false);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitRotateY(0, false);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitRotateZ(0, false);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitGameSelect(true);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitSetAnimationPath("","0",false,-1,false);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitSetAnimationPath("","0",false,-1,false);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitSetAnimation("",0,false,-1,false);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitSetHitpoints(1);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitSetScale(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitSetShading(-1, 100);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitSetStance("Aggressive");
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitSetVariation(0);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitSetVeterancyRank(0);
- trShowDamage(-1, "", "", "");
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitRemoveControlAction();
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitDoWorkOnUnit(-1, -1);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitTeleport(0, 0, 0);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitTeleportToUnit(-1);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitThrow(0, 15, 1, 6, 10, 0.1);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitSetHeading(0);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitFaceUnit(-1,-1);
- trUnitSelectClear();
- trUnitSelectByID(-1);
- trUnitUngarrisonContained();
- trSetCurrentScenarioUserData(0,0);
- xsDisableRule("_all_effects");
- trDisableRule("all_effects");
- }
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