
All Conditions/Effects for XS

Sep 15th, 2024
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  1. //==============================================================================
  3. //==============================================================================
  6. void main()
  7. {
  8. trEventSetHandler(644, "eventHandler");
  9. }
  11. void eventHandler(int eventID=-1)
  12. {
  13. switch(eventID)
  14. {
  15. case 644:
  16. {
  17. xsEnableRule("_all_conditions");
  18. break;
  19. }
  20. }
  21. }
  23. rule _all_conditions
  24. highFrequency
  25. active
  26. {
  27. trArmySelect("default");
  28. bool bVar1 = (trUnitDistanceToPoint(-1, -1, -1) == 0);
  30. trArmySelect("default");
  31. bool bVar2 = (trUnitDistanceToUnitID(-1) == 0);
  33. trArmySelect("default");
  34. bool bVar3 = (trUnitAlive()==true);
  36. trArmySelect("default");
  37. bool bVar4 = (trUnitDead()==true);
  39. trArmySelect("default");
  40. bool bVar5 = (trUnitHasLOS(1));
  42. trArmySelect("default");
  43. bool bVar6 = (trUnitIsOwnedBy(1));
  45. trArmySelect("default");
  46. bool bVar7 = (trUnitVisibleToPlayer()==true);
  48. int powerID = kbGodPowerGetID("default");
  49. bool bVar18 = ((kbGodPowerGetNumCharges(powerID, 1) > 0 || kbGodPowerIsRepeatable(powerID, 1)) && kbGodPowerIsOnCooldown(powerID, 1) == false);
  51. trUnitSelectClear();
  52. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  53. bool bVar66 = (kbUnitGetNumberContainedOfType(-1, kbGetUnitTypeID("Unit")) == 1);
  55. trUnitSelectClear();
  56. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  57. bool bVar68 = (trUnitDistanceToPoint(-1, -1, -1) == 0);
  59. trUnitSelectClear();
  60. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  61. bool bVar69 = (trUnitDistanceToUnitID(-1) == 0);
  63. trUnitSelectClear();
  64. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  65. bool bVar70 = (trUnitHasTarget(false)==true);
  67. trUnitSelectClear();
  68. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  69. bool bVar71 = (trUnitHasLOS(1));
  71. trUnitSelectClear();
  72. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  73. bool bVar72 = (trUnitAlive()==true);
  75. trUnitSelectClear();
  76. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  77. bool bVar74 = (trUnitIsAttacking()==true);
  79. trUnitSelectClear();
  80. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  81. bool bVar75 = (trUnitDead()==true);
  83. trUnitSelectClear();
  84. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  85. bool bVar77 = (trUnitImmobilized()==true);
  87. trUnitSelectClear();
  88. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  89. bool bVar78 = (trUnitInLush(1)==true);
  91. trUnitSelectClear();
  92. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  93. bool bVar79 = (kbUnitGetCurAnimationID(-1) == kbGetAnimationID(""));
  95. trUnitSelectClear();
  96. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  97. bool bVar80 = (trUnitIsSelected());
  99. trUnitSelectClear();
  100. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  101. bool bVar81 = (trUnitIsNotOwnedBy(1));
  103. trUnitSelectClear();
  104. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  105. bool bVar82 = (trUnitIsOwnedBy(1));
  107. trUnitSelectClear();
  108. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  109. bool bVar83 = (trUnitPercentComplete() == 100);
  111. trUnitSelectClear();
  112. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  113. bool bVar84 = (trUnitPercentDamaged() == 100);
  115. trUnitSelectClear();
  116. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  117. bool bVar85 = (trUnitVisibleToPlayer()==true);
  120. bool bVar86 = ();
  123. bool tempExp = ((true) && bVar1 && bVar2 && bVar3 && bVar4 && bVar5 && bVar6 && bVar7 && (trBuildingIsOnCursor("default")) && (trTownBellRung(-1)) && (trTownBellUnrung(-1)) && (trChatHistoryContains("", 1)) && (trIsDialogueNotPlaying()) && (trCinematicIsAborted()) && (trCounterGetValue("countdown") == 0) && (kbGodPowerGetNumUsedTimes(kbGodPowerGetID("default"), 1) > 0) && (kbGodPowerCheckActive(kbGodPowerGetID("default"), 1)) && (kbGodPowerCheckActiveForAnyPlayer(kbGodPowerGetID("default"))) && bVar18 && (kbGodPowerIsRepeatable(kbGodPowerGetID("default"), 1) == true) && (kbGodPowerGetNumCharges(kbGodPowerGetID("default"), 1) == 0) && (kbUnitTypeCount("LogicalTypeBuildingsNotWalls", 1, cUnitStateAlive)==0) && (kbUnitTypeCount("LogicalTypeValidSPCUnitsDeadCondition", 1, cUnitStateAlive, true)+kbUnitTypeCount("LogicalTypeBuildingsNotWalls", 1, cUnitStateAlive)==0) && (kbUnitTypeCount("LogicalTypeValidSPCUnitsDeadCondition", 1, cUnitStateAlive, true)==0) && (kbUnitTypeCount("LogicalTypeNeededForVictory", 1, cUnitStateAlive, true)==0) && (kbPlayerGetPop(1) == 1) && (trPlayerGetDiplomacy(1, 2) == "Ally") && ((kbPlayerGetPopCap(1) - kbPlayerGetPop(1)) == 1) && (trPlayerGetCivilization(1, "Default")) && (kbUnitTypeCount("Unit", 1, cUnitStateQueued) > 0) && (trPlayerAtPopCap(1)) && (trPlayerIsDefeated(1)) && (trPlayerIsDefeatedOrResigned(1)) && (trPlayerGetType(1)==0) && (trPlayerIsActive(1)) && (kbGetNumberResourceGatherers(1, "Food") == 1) && (kbGetTotalResourceAmount(1, kbGetResourceID("Food")) == 1) && (kbGetResourceAmount(1, kbGetResourceID("Food")) == 1) && (kbGetStatValueInt(1, 0) == 0) && (trTechStatusActive(1, 0)) && (trTechStatusResearching(1, 0)) && (trTechStatusCheck(1, 0, 2)) && (kbUnitTypeCount("default", 1, cUnitStateAlive) == 1) && (kbUnitTypeCount("default", 1, cUnitStateAlive) == 1) && (kbUnitTypeCount("default", 1, cUnitStateBuilding+cUnitStateQueued) == 1) && (trPlayerGetVillagerPriority(1) == 0) && (trUnitTypeIsHovered("default")) && (trQuestVarGet("QV1") == 1) && (trQuestVarGet("QV1") == trQuestVarGet("QV2")) && (abs(trQuestVarGet("QV1") - trQuestVarGet("QV2")) == 1) && (trGetWorldDifficulty() == 0) && (trPlayerControlsSocket(1, -1)) && (trSocketIsEmpty(-1)) && (trGetTerrainHeight(vector(0, 0, 0)) == 1) && (trTerrainAtPosition("", vector(0, 0, 0))) && (trWaterAtPosition("", vector(0, 0, 0))) && ((xsGetTimeMS() - cActivationTime) >= 0) && ((xsGetTime() - (cActivationTime / 1000)) >= 0) && (trWPFDialogOpen(0)) && (trInGamepadMode()) && (trInInputContext("world")) && (trIsMinimapExpanded()) && (trInRadialMenuPage(0)) && (kbUnitTypeCountInArea("Unit", 1, cUnitStateAlive, -1, 10) == 1) && (trUnitTypeIsSelected("default", false)) && (trObjectGettingWorked(-1)) && bVar66 && (kbUnitGetNumberContained(-1) == 1) && bVar68 && bVar69 && bVar70 && bVar71 && bVar72 && (trAnythingIsSelected()) && bVar74 && bVar75 && (kbUnitIsContainedBy(-1, kbGetUnitTypeID("default"))) && bVar77 && bVar78 && bVar79 && bVar80 && bVar81 && bVar82 && bVar83 && bVar84 && bVar85 && bVar86);
  124. if (tempExp)
  125. {
  126. trEventFire(-1);
  127. xsDisableRule("_all_conditions");
  128. trDisableRule("all_conditions");
  129. }
  130. }
  132. rule _all_effects
  133. highFrequency
  134. active
  135. {
  136. trExecuteOnAI(2, "scenarioAIRemoveInactive()");
  137. trAddArmyToPlan("default", "PlanName");
  138. trExecuteOnAI(1, "");
  139. if (true)
  140. {
  141. void(int, int, string, int, vector, float, int, int) wrapper = [](
  142. int playerIdentifier = 2,
  143. int armyID = -1,
  144. string planName = "",
  145. int playerToAttack = 1,
  146. vector location = cOriginVector,
  147. float engageRange = 50.0,
  148. int evaluationFrequency = 5000,
  149. int pri = 50)
  150. {
  151. trExecuteOnAI(playerIdentifier, "scenarioCreateAttackPlan("+armyID+", "+planName+", "+playerToAttack+", vector"+location+", "+engageRange+", "+evaluationFrequency+", "+pri+")");
  152. };
  153. wrapper(default, "AttackPoint", 1, vector(0, 0, 0), 50, 5000, 50);
  154. }
  155. if (true)
  156. {
  157. void(int, int, string, vector, float, int, float, int) wrapper = [](
  158. int playerIdentifier = 2,
  159. int armyID = -1,
  160. string planName = "",
  161. vector location = cOriginVector,
  162. float engageRange = 50.0,
  163. int evaluationFrequency = 5000,
  164. float gatherDistance = 25.0,
  165. int pri = 50)
  166. {
  167. trExecuteOnAI(playerIdentifier, "scenarioCreateDefendPlan("+armyID+", "+planName+", vector"+location+", "+engageRange+", "+evaluationFrequency+", "+gatherDistance+", "+pri+")");
  168. };
  169. wrapper(default, "DefendPoint", vector(0, 0, 0), 50, 5000, 25, 50);
  170. }
  171. trExecuteOnAI(2, "scenarioDisableAI()");
  172. trKillAIPlan(1, "PlanName");
  173. trAISetAttackResponseDistance(1, 0.0);
  174. trExecuteOnAI(2, "scenarioAIStartInactive()");
  175. trUnitSelectClear();
  176. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  177. trChangeProtoUnitInArea(1,"Unit",10,"", false);
  178. trUnitSelectClear();
  179. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  180. trConvertUnitsInArea(1,1,"Unit",10);
  181. trUnitSelectClear();
  182. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  183. trDamageUnitsInArea(1,"Unit",10,50);
  184. trUnitSelectClear();
  185. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  186. trDamageUnitsPercentInArea(1,"Unit",10,50);
  187. trUnitSelectClear();
  188. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  189. trHealUnitsInArea(1,"Unit",10,50);
  190. trUnitSelectClear();
  191. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  192. trHealUnitsPercentInArea(1,"Unit",10,50);
  193. trUnitSelectClear();
  194. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  195. trKillUnitsInArea(1,"Unit",10);
  196. trUnitSelectClear();
  197. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  198. trRemoveUnitsInArea(1,"Unit",10,false);
  199. trArmySelect("default");
  200. trUnitAddModifier(0, -1, 1.0, 0);
  201. trArmySelect("default");
  202. trUnitAdjustModifier(0, -1, 1.0, 0);
  203. trArmySelect("default");
  204. trUnitApplyEffect(0, 0);
  205. trArmySelect("default");
  206. trUnitApplyEffectProtoUnit(0, 0, 1, "Villager");
  207. trArmySelect("default");
  208. trUnitApplyEffectDamage(0, 0, 1.0, -1);
  209. trArmySelect("default");
  210. trArmyUnitChangeName("Name", "Villager");
  211. trArmySelect("default");
  212. trUnitChangeProtoUnit("Villager");
  213. trArmyClear("default");
  214. trArmySelect("default");
  215. trUnitBuildUnit("default", vector(-1, -1, -1));
  216. trArmySelect("default");
  217. trUnitConvert(1);
  218. trArmySelect("default");
  219. trUnitHighlight(2.5, true);
  220. trArmySelect("default");
  221. trUnitGarrison(-1, -1);
  222. trArmySelect("default");
  223. trUnitHighlight(2.5, false);
  224. trArmySelect("default");
  225. trUnitDelete(false);
  226. trArmySelect("default");
  227. trUnitMakeInvulnerable(true);
  228. trArmySelect("default");
  229. trUnitMoveToPoint(-1, -1, -1, -1, false, false, 1.0);
  230. trArmySelect("default");
  231. trUnitMoveToUnit(-1, -1, false, false, 1.0);
  232. trArmySelect("default");
  233. trUnitMutate("Villager", false);
  234. trArmySelect("default");
  235. trUnitPatrolToPoint(-1, -1, -1, false, 1.0);
  236. trArmySelect("default");
  237. trUnitPerformAction("", -1, vector(-1,-1,-1), false);
  238. trArmySelect("default");
  239. trUnitDelete();
  240. trArmySelect("default");
  241. trUnitReposition(0, 0, 0, false, false);
  242. trArmySelect("default");
  243. trUnitRepositionToUnit(-1, false, false);
  244. trArmySelect("default");
  245. trUnitReveal(1, true);
  246. trArmySelect("default");
  247. trUnitRotateX(0, false);
  248. trArmySelect("default");
  249. trUnitRotateY(0, false);
  250. trArmySelect("default");
  251. trUnitRotateZ(0, false);
  252. trArmySelect("default");
  253. trUnitSetAnimationPath("","0",false,-1,false);
  254. trArmySelect("default");
  255. trUnitSetShading(-1, 100);
  256. trArmySelect("default");
  257. trUnitSetStance("Aggressive");
  258. trArmySelect("default");
  259. trUnitSetVariation(0);
  260. trArmyDispatch("default", "Villager", 0, 0,0,0, 0, true, false);
  261. trArmyDispatchAtUnit("default", "Villager", 0, -1, 0, true, false);
  262. trArmySelect("default");
  263. trUnitDoWorkOnUnit(-1,-1);
  264. trArmyDoWorkOnArmy("default", "default", -1);
  265. trArmySelect("default");
  266. trUnitTeleport(0, 0, 0);
  267. trArmySelect("default");
  268. trUnitThrow(0, 15, 1, 6, 10, 0.1);
  269. trArmySelect("default");
  270. trUnitSetHeading(0);
  271. trUnitSelectClear();
  272. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  273. trGenerateLush();
  274. trPlaceFoundation("Villager", 0,0,0, 0, 1, 0.0);
  275. trBuildingTimeShiftAtPos(-1, -1, -1, -1);
  276. trCameraStateView(0);
  277. trCameraStateView(0, 1);
  278. trCameraCut();
  279. trCameraCutPlayer(1, );
  280. trUnitSelectClear();
  281. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  282. trCameraLockOnUnit(true,0,-1);
  283. trUnitSelectClear();
  284. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  285. trCameraPanWithUnit(true, -1);
  286. trCameraLock(true);
  287. trCameraTrackLoad("default");
  288. trCameraTrackPlay(-1, -1, false, 5000);
  289. trCameraTrackPlayPlayer("default", 1, false, 5000);
  290. trCameraShake(5.0, 0.25);
  291. trCampaignProgress();
  292. trCampaignProgressChoice();
  293. trCampaignBranchChoice("", true);
  294. trCampaignLoseMission();
  295. trCampaignStartNew("Advance", "default");
  296. trSoundPlayDialogue(1, "", "", "", "default", -1, false, 1, false);
  297. trChatHistoryClear();
  298. trChatClearHudMessages();
  299. trChatKeepLastMessagesOnScreen(true);
  300. trChatSend(1, "default");
  301. trChatSendToPlayer(1, 1, "default");
  302. trChatSendSpoofed(1, "default");
  303. trChatSendSpoofedToPlayer(1, 1, "default");
  304. trSoundPlayDialogueTalkingHeads(1, "", "", "", "", true, "default", -1, false, 1);
  305. trChatSetStatus(true);
  306. trUIFadeToColor(0,0,0,1000,1000,true,-1);
  307. trLetterBox(true, true);
  308. trSetObscuredUnits(false);
  309. trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "{STR_TIMER_PERCENT}", "kbUnitGetStatInt(-1, cUnitStatBuildProgressPercent)", -1, -1, 100, false, false);
  310. trCounterAddTime("countdown", 30, 0, "The End is Near", 644);
  311. trCounterTimeSetValue("countdown", 0);
  312. trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "", "", -1, 0, 0, false, false);
  313. trCounterDecrementManual("countdown", 1);
  314. trCounterIncrementManual("countdown", 1);
  315. trCounterSetManual("countdown", 0);
  316. trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "", "kbGetNumberResourceGatherers(0, \"Food\")", -1, -1, 0);
  317. trCounterPersistent("countdown", true);
  318. trCounterPlayerSpecific("countdown", true, 1);
  319. trCounterPause("countdown", true);
  320. trCounterAddPlayerName("countdown", "The End is Near", 0);
  321. trCounterSetPlayerName("countdown", 0);
  322. trCounterAbort("countdown");
  323. trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "", "kbGetResourceAmount(0, 0)", -1, -1, 0, false, false);
  324. trCounterSetVisibility("countdown", true);
  325. trCounterAddString("countdown", "The End is Near");
  326. trCounterSetManualString("countdown", "The End is Near");
  327. if (true == false)
  328. {
  329. trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "{STR_TIMER_PERCENT}", "kbUnitGetStatInt(-1, cUnitStatHPRatioPercent)", -1, -1, 100, false, false, true);
  330. }
  331. else
  332. {
  333. trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "{STR_TIMER_PERCENT}", "kbUnitGetStatInt(-1, cUnitStatHPRatioPercent)", -1, 100, 0, true, false);
  334. }
  335. if (true == false)
  336. {
  337. trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "", "kbUnitGetStatFloat(-1, cUnitStatCurrHP)", -1, -1, kbUnitGetStatFloat(-1, cUnitStatMaxHP), false, false, true);
  338. }
  339. else
  340. {
  341. trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "", "kbUnitGetStatFloat(-1, cUnitStatCurrHP)", -1, kbUnitGetStatFloat(-1, cUnitStatMaxHP), 0, true, false);
  342. }
  343. trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "", "kbGetNumberUnitTypeKilled(\"Villager\", 0)", -1, -1, 0, false, false, false, true);
  344. trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "", "kbUnitTypeCount(\"Villager\", 0, cUnitStateDead)", -1, -1, 0, false, false, false, true);
  345. trCounterAddGenericXS("default", "The End is Near", "", "kbUnitTypeCountInArea(\"Unit\", 0, cUnitStateAlive, -1, 10)", -1, -1, 0);
  346. trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "", "kbGetStatValueInt(0, cStatTypeEnemyUnitsKilled)", -1, -1, 0);
  347. trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "", "kbGetStatValueInt(0, cStatTypeUnitsLost)", -1, -1, 0);
  348. trCounterAddGenericXS("countdown", "The End is Near", "", "kbUnitTypeCount(\"Villager\", 0, cUnitStateAlive)", -1, -1, 0, false, false, false);
  349. trMinimapFlare(1, 1.0, vector(0,0,0), true);
  350. trShowImageDialog("default", "");
  351. trWorldSpacePromptHide("default id");
  352. trWorldSpacePromptArea("default id", vector(-1, -1, -1), "default", vector(0,0,0));
  353. trWorldSpacePromptArmy("default id", "default", true, "default", vector(0,0,0));
  354. trWorldSpacePrompt("default id", -1, true, "default", vector(0,0,0), "vfx_top");
  355. trMessageSetText("default", -1);
  356. trObjectivesTracker("default", "default", "default", -1);
  357. trOverlayText("Default", 3.0, 60, 247, 214, 177);
  358. trShowHidePopup(0, true);
  359. trShowTextMessage("Default", "Default");
  360. trShowWinPopup("You Win", "default", true);
  361. trClearCounterDisplay();
  362. trSetCounterDisplay("Default");
  363. trUnitSelectClear();
  364. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  365. trDefakifySelection();
  366. trUnitSelectClear();
  367. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  368. trDefakifySelectionSubModels("", );
  369. trDefakifyArmy("default");
  370. trUnitSelectClear();
  371. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  372. trFakifySelection(0);
  373. trFakifyArmy("default", 0);
  374. trUnitSelectClear();
  375. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  376. trUnitPlayerFakifyInArea(0, 0, "Unit", 10);
  377. trUnitSelectClear();
  378. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  379. trFakifySelectionSubModelByOverrideName("default", 0);
  380. trUIFlashAgeUp(true);
  381. trUIGamepadPromptFlash(0, true);
  382. trUIFlashGodPowerAtSlot(0, true);
  383. trUIIdleBannerFlash(0, true);
  384. trUIMinimapFlash(true);
  385. trUIPanelFlash(0, true);
  386. trUIResourceEntryFlash(0, true);
  387. trUIFlashTech(0, true);
  388. trUIFlashTrain("Villager", true);
  389. trUIFlashAbility("", true);
  390. trUIFlashCommand("", true);
  391. trUIVillagerPriorityButtonFlash(0, true);
  392. trUIVillagerPriorityButtonHUDFlash(true);
  393. trGodPowerEnableBlocking(true);
  394. trPlayerTechTreeEnabledGodPowers(1, true);
  395. trGodPowerGrant(1, "default", 1, 0, false, false);
  396. trGodPowerGrantAtSlot(1, "default", 1, 0, 0, false, false);
  397. trUnitSelectClear();
  398. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  399. trGodPowerInvoke(1, "default", vector(0,0,0), vector(0,0,0), false);
  400. trGodPowerInvokeAtArmy(1, "default", "default", false);
  401. trGodPowerRedefine(1, "default", "", "", "");
  402. trPlayerKillAllGodPowers(1);
  403. trGodPowerSetCooldown(1, "default", 0);
  404. trGodPowerSetCost(1, "default", 0, 0);
  405. trGodPowerSetUseCount(1, "default", 0);
  406. setPowerNumUsedTimes(1, "default", );
  407. trCreateRevealer(1, "default", vector(-1, -1, -1), 10.0, false);
  408. trSetRevealerActiveState("default", true);
  409. trFadeOutMusic(3.0);
  410. trMusicPlayCurrent();
  411. trMusicPlay("default", 4.0);
  412. trPlayNextMusicTrack();
  413. trMusicSetCurrentMusicSet(0);
  414. trMusicSetMood(0);
  415. trMusicStop();
  416. trObjectiveComplete(-1, false, true);
  417. trObjectiveCreateMarker(-1, "default", vector(-1, -1, -1));
  418. trObjectiveFailed(-1, true);
  419. trForceShowObjectivePanel(true);
  420. trObjectiveHide(-1);
  421. trObjectiveIncomplete(-1, true);
  422. trObjectiveRemoveMarker(-1, "default");
  423. trObjectiveShow(-1, true);
  424. trActivateCheat(1, "");
  425. trPlayerAdjustScore(1, );
  426. trPlayerAllowAgeUpSpawning(1, true);
  427. trPlayerSetWon(1, false);
  428. trPlayerChangeProtoUnit(1, "", "", false);
  429. trPlayerSetDefeated(1);
  430. trTechRemove(1, "default", 0);
  431. trEchoStatValue(1, 0);
  432. trPlayerGrantResources(1, "Food", 100);
  433. trPlayerSetVictorious(0);
  434. trPlayerModifyData(1, 0, -1, 1.0, 0);
  435. trPlayerModifyResourceData(1, 0, 0, 1.0, 0);
  436. trPlayerMutateUnits(1, "", "", false);
  437. trPlayerOverrideArtCulture(1, "WesternEurope");
  438. trPlayerOverrideCivName(1, "");
  439. trPlayerEnablePartisans(1, true);
  440. trQueueStartingUnits(1);
  441. trPlayerKillAllBuildings(1);
  442. trPlayerRemoveAllUnits(1);
  443. trPlayerResetBlackMap(1);
  444. trPlayerTribute(1, "Food", 100, 2);
  445. trPlayerSetCiv(1, "");
  446. trPlayerSetColor(1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  447. trPlayerSetDiplomacy(1, 2, "Ally", true);
  448. trPlayerSetName(1, "");
  449. trPlayerSetScore(1, );
  450. trTechSetStatus(1, 0, 2);
  451. trPlayerAllowShades(1, true);
  452. trPlayerAllowStartingUnitsSpawning(1, true);
  453. if (true == false)
  454. {
  455. trTechSetStatus(1, cTechPharaohFirstSpawn, cTechStatusUnobtainable);
  456. }
  457. trPlayerSetActive(1);
  458. trPlayerEnableTimeshift(1, true);
  459. trPlayerTimeshiftAddEntry(1, "House", 1.0, 1.0);
  460. trPlayerTimeshiftModifyCost(1, "House", 1.0, 0);
  461. trPlayerModifyLOS(1, true, 2);
  462. trShowChoiceDialog("default", "default", -1, "default", -1);
  463. trShowChoiceDialogForPlayer(1, "default", "default", -1, "default", -1);
  464. trProtounitActionSpecialEffect("Villager", "", 1, 0, "All", -1, 1.0, 0.0);
  465. trProtounitActionSpecialEffectActive("Villager", "", 1, 0, "All", -1, true);
  466. trProtounitActionSpecialEffectDuration("Villager", "", 1, 0, "All", -1, 1.0, 0);
  467. trProtounitActionSpecialEffect("Villager", "", 1, 0, "All", -1, 1.0, 0.0);
  468. trProtounitActionSpecialEffect("Villager", "", 1, 0, "All", xsFloatToInt(0 * 1000.0), 1.0, 0.0);
  469. trProtounitActionSpecialEffectModifier("Villager", "", 1, 0, "All", 0.0, 0, -1);
  470. trProtounitActionSpecialEffectProtoUnit("Villager", "", 1, 0, "All", "0", 1.0, 0.0);
  471. trProtounitAddTech("Villager", 1, 0, 0, 0);
  472. trProtounitAddTrain("Villager", 1, "", 0, 0);
  473. trProtounitAddCommand("Villager", 1, "", 0, 0);
  474. trProtoUnitChangeName("Villager", 1, "", "", "");
  475. trProtoUnitActionSetEnabled("Settler", 1, "", true);
  476. trProtoUnitHighlight(1, "Villager", 2.5, true);
  477. trForbidProtounit(1, "default");
  478. trModifyProtounitAction("Villager", "", 1, 0, 1.0, 0);
  479. trModifyProtounitActionUnitType("Villager", "", "", 1, 0, 1.0, 0);
  480. trModifyProtounitData("Villager", 1, 0, 1.0, 0);
  481. trModifyProtounitResource("Villager", "Food", 1, 0, 1.0, 0);
  482. trProtoUnitMovementType("Villager", 1, "0");
  483. trProtounitRemoveTech("Villager", 1, 0);
  484. trProtounitRemoveTrain("Villager", 1, "");
  485. trProtounitRemoveCommand("Villager", 1, "");
  486. trProtoUnitSetFlag(1, "Villager", "", true);
  487. trProtoUnitSetIcon("Villager", 1, "", "");
  488. trProtoUnitSetUnitType(1, "Villager", "", true);
  489. trUnforbidProtounit(1, "default");
  490. trQuestVarCopy("QV1", "QV2");
  491. trQuestVarEcho("QV1");
  492. trQuestVarSet("QV1", trGetScenarioUserData(0, 0, ""));
  493. trQuestVarSet("QV1", trQuestVarGet("QV1") + 0);
  494. trQuestVarSet("QV1", trQuestVarGet("QV1") + trQuestVarGet("QV2"));
  495. trQuestVarSetFromRand("QV1", 1, 100, true);
  496. trQuestVarSetFromRandUnique("QV1", 1, 100, true);
  497. trSetCurrentScenarioUserData(0,trQuestVarGet("QV1"));
  498. trQuestVarSet("QV1", 0);
  499. trRateConstruction(1.0);
  500. trRatesReset();
  501. trRateResearch(1.0);
  502. trRateTrain(1.0);
  503. trRelicCreate(0,0,0, 0, "RelicAnkhofRa");
  504. trRelicForce(-1, "RelicAnkhofRa");
  505. trRenderSky(true, "(none)", 0, 0, true);
  506. trSetFogAndBlackmap(true, true);
  507. trSetFogAndBlackmapMultiplayer(true, true);
  508. trSetLighting("default",5.0);
  509. trRenderRain(0.0);
  510. trSetShadowFarClip(true, 50.0);
  511. trRenderSnow(0.0);
  512. trEndChallenge("");
  513. trEndGame();
  514. trEnforceAIAssist(true);
  515. trLeaveGame();
  516. trHideScoreboard();
  517. trMapMutateUnits("", "", false);
  518. trGamePause(true);
  519. trPlayerResetBlackMapForAllPlayers();
  520. trRestartScenario();
  521. trRevealEntireMap();
  522. trSetUnitIdleProcessing(true);
  523. trDisableConquestCheck(true);
  524. trDisablePopCapNotifications(true);
  525. trDisablePowerNotifications(true);
  526. trDisablePowerTimers(true);
  527. trSetShowCursor(true);
  528. trSetPauseOnAgeUpgrade(true);
  529. trSetPauseInObjectiveWindow(true);
  530. trSetUserControls(false);
  531. trSocketBuild(1, -1, "TradingPost");
  532. trSocketPlaceFoundation(1, -1, "TradingPost");
  533. trBlockAllAmbientSounds();
  534. trBlockAllSounds(true);
  535. trDisableNotificationSounds(true);
  536. trFadeOutAllSounds(3.0);
  537. trSoundPlayFN("default", -1, "","");
  538. trSoundsetPlay("");
  539. trSoundsetPlayPlayer(1, "");
  540. trUnBlockAllAmbientSounds();
  541. trUnblockAllSounds();
  542. trDisableNotificationSounds(false);
  543. trTechHideEffects(0, 1, false);
  544. trTechModifyCost(0, 1, 0, 1.0, 0);
  545. trTechModifyResearchPoints(0, 1, 1.0, 0);
  546. trTechSetIconPath(0, 1, "");
  547. trTechReplaceIconByTech(0, 1, 0);
  548. trTechSetStringID(0, 1, "", 0);
  549. trChangeTerrainHeightCircular(vector(0, 0, 0), 0, 0, true);
  550. trChangeTerrainHeight(0,0,0,0, 0, true);
  551. trPaintTerrainCircularBySubtypeName("", vector(0, 0, 0), 0, true);
  552. trPaintTerrainBySubtypeName("", 0,0,0,0, true);
  553. trPaintWaterCircular("", vector(0, 0, 0), 0, true);
  554. trPaintWaterRectangular("", 0,0,0,0, true);
  555. trEventFire(-1);
  556. trDisableTrigger(-1);
  557. trTutorialEndChoice();
  558. trUIBlockRadialMenu(0, true);
  559. trUIGamepadPromptVisibility(0, true);
  560. trUIHideRadialMenuPromptPanel(true);
  561. trUIPanelVisibility(0, true);
  562. trFormationScale(1.0);
  563. trUnitSelectClear();
  564. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  565. trUnitAddModifier(0, -1, 1.0, 0);
  566. trUnitSelectClear();
  567. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  568. trUnitAdjustModifier(0, -1, 1.0, 0);
  569. trUnitSelectClear();
  570. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  571. trUnitApplyEffect(0, 0);
  572. trUnitSelectClear();
  573. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  574. trUnitApplyEffectProtoUnit(0, 0, 1, "Villager");
  575. trUnitSelectClear();
  576. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  577. trUnitApplyEffectDamage(0, 0, 1.0, -1);
  578. trUnitSelectClear();
  579. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  580. trUnitChangeName("Name");
  581. trUnitSelectClear();
  582. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  583. trUnitChangeProtoUnit("Villager", false, false);
  584. trUnitSelectClear();
  585. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  586. trUnitBuildUnit("default", vector(-1, -1, -1));
  587. trUnitSelectClear();
  588. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  589. trUnitConvert(1);
  590. trUnitCreate("Villager", 0,0,0, 0, 1, false);
  591. trUnitCreateFromSource("Villager", -1, -1, 1);
  592. for (int i = 0; i < 0; i++)
  593. trUnitCreate("Villager", 0,0,0, 0, 1);
  594. trUnitCreateFromSourceMulti("Villager", -1, -1, 1, 1);
  595. trUnitSelectClear();
  596. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  597. trDamageUnit(1);
  598. trUnitSelectClear();
  599. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  600. trDamageUnitPercent(50);
  601. trUnitSelectClear();
  602. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  603. trUnitDelayedTransform();
  604. trUnitSelectClear();
  605. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  606. trUnitSetConvertible(1, true);
  607. trDisableUnitDeletion(false);
  608. trUnitSelectClear();
  609. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  610. trUnitHighlight(2.5, true);
  611. trUnitSelectClear();
  612. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  613. trUnitGarrison(-1,-1);
  614. trUnitSelectClear();
  615. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  616. trImmediateUnitGarrison(-1);
  617. trUnitSelectClear();
  618. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  619. trHealUnit(1);
  620. trUnitSelectClear();
  621. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  622. trHealUnitPercent(50);
  623. trUnitSelectClear();
  624. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  625. trUnitHighlight(2.5, false);
  626. trUnitSelectClear();
  627. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  628. trUnitDelete(false);
  629. trUnitSelectClear();
  630. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  631. trUnitMakeInvulnerable(true);
  632. trUnitSelectClear();
  633. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  634. trUnitSetPassiveMode(true);
  635. trUnitSelectClear();
  636. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  637. trUnitModifyResourceInventory(0, 1.0, 0);
  638. trUnitSelectClear();
  639. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  640. trUnitMoveFromArea(-1, -1, -1, -1, false, 1, "Unit", 10);
  641. trUnitSelectClear();
  642. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  643. trUnitMoveFromAreaToUnit(-1, false, 1, "Unit", 10);
  644. trUnitSelectClear();
  645. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  646. trUnitMoveToPoint(-1, -1, -1, -1, false, false, 1.0);
  647. trUnitSelectClear();
  648. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  649. trUnitMoveToUnit(-1, -1, false, false, 1.0);
  650. trUnitSelectClear();
  651. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  652. trUnitMutate("Villager", false);
  653. trUnitSelectClear();
  654. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  655. trUnitPatrolToPoint(-1, -1, -1, false, 1.0);
  656. trUnitSelectClear();
  657. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  658. trUnitPerformAction("", -1, vector(-1,-1,-1), false);
  659. trUnitSelectClear();
  660. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  661. trUnitPerformAction("", -1, vector(-1,-1,-1), false);
  662. trUnitSelectClear();
  663. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  664. trUnitTransformCommand();
  665. trUnitSelectClear();
  666. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  667. trUnitDestroy(false);
  668. trUnitSelectClear();
  669. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  670. trUnitReposition(0, 0, 0, false, false);
  671. trUnitSelectClear();
  672. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  673. trUnitRepositionToUnit(-1, false, false);
  674. trUnitSelectClear();
  675. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  676. trUnitReveal(1, true);
  677. trUnitSelectClear();
  678. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  679. trUnitRotateX(0, false);
  680. trUnitSelectClear();
  681. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  682. trUnitRotateY(0, false);
  683. trUnitSelectClear();
  684. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  685. trUnitRotateZ(0, false);
  686. trUnitSelectClear();
  687. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  688. trUnitGameSelect(true);
  689. trUnitSelectClear();
  690. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  691. trUnitSetAnimationPath("","0",false,-1,false);
  692. trUnitSelectClear();
  693. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  694. trUnitSetAnimationPath("","0",false,-1,false);
  695. trUnitSelectClear();
  696. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  697. trUnitSetAnimation("",0,false,-1,false);
  698. trUnitSelectClear();
  699. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  700. trUnitSetHitpoints(1);
  701. trUnitSelectClear();
  702. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  703. trUnitSetScale(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
  704. trUnitSelectClear();
  705. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  706. trUnitSetShading(-1, 100);
  707. trUnitSelectClear();
  708. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  709. trUnitSetStance("Aggressive");
  710. trUnitSelectClear();
  711. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  712. trUnitSetVariation(0);
  713. trUnitSelectClear();
  714. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  715. trUnitSetVeterancyRank(0);
  716. trShowDamage(-1, "", "", "");
  717. trUnitSelectClear();
  718. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  719. trUnitRemoveControlAction();
  720. trUnitSelectClear();
  721. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  722. trUnitDoWorkOnUnit(-1, -1);
  723. trUnitSelectClear();
  724. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  725. trUnitTeleport(0, 0, 0);
  726. trUnitSelectClear();
  727. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  728. trUnitTeleportToUnit(-1);
  729. trUnitSelectClear();
  730. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  731. trUnitThrow(0, 15, 1, 6, 10, 0.1);
  732. trUnitSelectClear();
  733. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  734. trUnitSetHeading(0);
  735. trUnitSelectClear();
  736. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  737. trUnitFaceUnit(-1,-1);
  738. trUnitSelectClear();
  739. trUnitSelectByID(-1);
  740. trUnitUngarrisonContained();
  741. trSetCurrentScenarioUserData(0,0);
  743. xsDisableRule("_all_effects");
  744. trDisableRule("all_effects");
  745. }
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