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Oct 19th, 2017
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  1. [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.7.3
  2. [INFO] Loading properties
  3. [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
  4. [INFO] Preparing level "world"
  5. [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0
  6. [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1
  7. [INFO] Done (1071135105ns)! For help, type "help" or "?"
  8. [INFO] Otend [/] logged in with entity id 19 at (-265.9375, 69.0, -56.34375)
  9. [INFO] [CONSOLE] p
  10. [INFO] [CONSOLE] pe
  11. [INFO] [CONSOLE] pen
  12. [INFO] <Otend> no
  13. [INFO] [CONSOLE] :(
  14. [INFO] PiemanXC [/] logged in with entity id 209 at (-284.25, 69.0, -47.0)
  15. [INFO] <Otend> hi
  16. [INFO] <PiemanXC> hi ian
  17. [INFO] <PiemanXC> are we working on the house more?
  18. [INFO] <Otend> I am, at least.
  19. [INFO] <Otend> all I can make are standard rooms for some reason
  20. [INFO] <PiemanXC> what do you mean?
  21. [INFO] <Otend> as in, that's all I end up building, pretty much
  22. [INFO] <PiemanXC> oh
  23. [INFO] <PiemanXC> make something unique then
  24. [INFO] <Otend> one sec
  25. [INFO] thaostra [/] logged in with entity id 282 at (-264.125, 69.0, -52.78125)
  26. [INFO] <Otend> oh what a coincidence
  27. [INFO] <thaostra> what?
  28. [INFO] <Otend> I was about to build a Protomen-referencing sign
  29. [INFO] <Otend> and The Hounds starts playing
  30. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 323 9
  31. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 323
  32. [INFO] PiemanXC issued server command: give PiemanXC 85 30
  33. [INFO] PiemanXC: Giving PiemanXC some 85
  34. [INFO] PiemanXC issued server command: give PiemanXC 5 64
  35. [INFO] PiemanXC: Giving PiemanXC some 5
  36. [INFO] <thaostra> heh
  37. [INFO] <PiemanXC> otend
  38. [INFO] <Otend> ?
  39. [INFO] <PiemanXC> you just need a creative idea
  40. [INFO] <PiemanXC> you just need to think creatively
  41. [INFO] <Otend> Hmm...
  42. [INFO] <thaostra> green's not a creative color
  43. [INFO] <Otend> also, you now have Karma Chameleon stuck in your head
  44. [INFO] <PiemanXC> nope
  45. [INFO] <Otend> you do now
  46. [INFO] <thaostra> so are you finishing your mob farm?
  47. [INFO] <thaostra> hello?
  48. [INFO] <Otend> hi
  49. [INFO] PiemanXC issued server command: give PiemanXC 6 64
  50. [INFO] PiemanXC: Giving PiemanXC some 6
  51. [INFO] PiemanXC issued server command: give PiemanXC 5 64
  52. [INFO] PiemanXC: Giving PiemanXC some 5
  53. [INFO] PiemanXC issued server command: time add 8000
  54. [INFO] PiemanXC: Added 8000 to time
  55. [INFO] <thaostra> why is it dark right now
  56. [INFO] <PiemanXC> cause I wanted it to be
  57. [INFO] <thaostra> yes God
  58. [INFO] <PiemanXC> I wanted to see how my addition to the house looked lit up
  59. [INFO] <thaostra> i'm currently making a mob farm if that's alright with you
  60. [INFO] <PiemanXC> yeah
  61. [INFO] <PiemanXC> I found a nigger sheep
  62. [INFO] <PiemanXC> so I killed it
  63. [INFO] <thaostra> bah bah black man, have you any weed? yes sir yes sir three dime bags full
  64. [INFO] <thaostra> er *yo yo
  65. [INFO] <PiemanXC> I wonder what happens if TNT falls through the void
  66. [INFO] <Otend> hmm
  67. [INFO] * Otend is still thinking
  68. [INFO] <thaostra> nothing
  69. [INFO] <thaostra> can you TP me? i wanna see if my player catch will work in SMP
  70. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 20 64
  71. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 20
  72. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 20 64
  73. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 20
  74. [INFO] <PiemanXC> ok
  75. [INFO] PiemanXC issued server command: tp piemanxc thaostra
  76. [INFO] PiemanXC: Teleporting piemanxc to thaostra.
  77. [INFO] <PiemanXC> hi
  78. [INFO] <thaostra> hi
  79. [INFO] <thaostra> i'm trying to make my mob farm SMP-ready
  80. [INFO] <PiemanXC> so what IS a player catch
  81. [INFO] <thaostra> and by doing that make it look natural, even with chunk errors
  82. [INFO] <thaostra> right here
  83. [INFO] <thaostra> what are you doing?
  84. [INFO] <PiemanXC> ah I see
  85. [INFO] <thaostra> try it
  86. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 20 64
  87. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 20
  88. [INFO] <PiemanXC> how
  89. [INFO] <thaostra> TP to the surface or something
  90. [INFO] <thaostra> it's right next to your mob farm
  91. [INFO] PiemanXC issued server command: tp piemanxc otend
  92. [INFO] PiemanXC: Teleporting piemanxc to otend.
  93. [INFO] <PiemanXC> hi ian
  94. [INFO] <Otend> hi
  95. [INFO] <thaostra> tell me when you get there
  96. [INFO] <thaostra> i wanna see
  98. [INFO] <thaostra> matt, are you going to test it?
  99. [INFO] <PiemanXC> I'm getting there
  100. [INFO] <thaostra> okay
  101. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 20 64
  102. [INFO] <thaostra> just not sure where you are
  103. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 20
  104. [INFO] <PiemanXC> otend can I go around you
  105. [INFO] <PiemanXC> oh
  106. [INFO] <Otend> sorry
  107. [INFO] <PiemanXC> lol
  108. [INFO] <PiemanXC> it's k
  109. [INFO] <thaostra> i see
  110. [INFO] <PiemanXC> nice
  111. [INFO] <thaostra> you live
  112. [INFO] <thaostra> you fell at terminal velocity and yet you were stopped just in time
  113. [INFO] <thaostra> SCIENCE
  114. [INFO] PiemanXC issued server command: tp piemanxc otend
  115. [INFO] PiemanXC: Teleporting piemanxc to otend.
  116. [INFO] <PiemanXC> this is one funky ass house
  117. [INFO] <Otend> Does anyone know how to approximate a telescreen?
  118. [INFO] <Otend> Glass?
  119. [INFO] <thaostra> a what
  120. [INFO] <Otend> basically
  121. [INFO] <Otend> a TV
  122. [INFO] <thaostra> eh depends on how you want it to be measured
  123. [INFO] <Otend> It will be part of a large tower.
  124. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 42 64
  125. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 42
  126. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 42 64
  127. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 42
  128. [INFO] PsyclonJesus [/] logged in with entity id 2172 at (-27.5, 75.62000000476837, 6.5)
  129. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 42 64
  130. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 42
  131. [INFO] <Otend> who might this be
  132. [INFO] <Otend> :U
  133. [INFO] notlimahc [/] logged in with entity id 2216 at (-21.5, 78.62000000476837, -8.5)
  134. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I am Mira!
  135. [INFO] <thaostra> not really sure if you want one that's to scale with real TVs or epic huge one
  136. [INFO] <Otend> oh shit
  137. [INFO] <Otend> HI MIRA
  138. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Rawr
  139. [INFO] <notlimahc> I'm Mantorok
  140. [INFO] <Otend> :O
  141. [INFO] <Otend> woohoo
  142. [INFO] <thaostra> hello Mira
  143. [INFO] <Otend> #fstdt+other people mashup
  144. [INFO] <thaostra> whom i don't think i've ever met before
  145. [INFO] <Otend> oh god
  146. [INFO] <Otend> this laptop is now 74 C
  147. [INFO] <Otend> apparently
  148. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> lagging like hell
  149. [INFO] <Otend> really?
  150. [INFO] <Otend> must be your end
  151. [INFO] <thaostra> maybe matt's setup is lagging because there are more players
  152. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Yeah
  153. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> And I can't get blocks
  154. [INFO] <thaostra> blocks don't update correctly?
  155. [INFO] <notlimahc> It's your problem, Mira. I've been mining fine.
  156. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Holy shit
  157. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Benny Hill Mant
  158. [INFO] * Otend whistles that song
  159. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I am unlagging a bit now
  160. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Aussie, give me some shelter
  161. [INFO] <Otend> Shelter?
  162. [INFO] <thaostra> matt, when 1.8 gets out, how about we create an Anarchy server with your old compy?
  163. [INFO] [CONSOLE] sounds like fun
  164. [INFO] PsyclonJesus lost connection: disconnect.quitting
  166. [INFO] PsyclonJesus [/] logged in with entity id 2698 at (-14.14930446154347, 79.0, -69.3343239640646)
  167. [INFO] <Otend> etc
  168. [INFO] <thaostra> in theory it will spend the rest of its days tethered to a power cable and ethernet cable
  169. [INFO] <thaostra> running Debian with MC with a low Nice setting
  170. [INFO] <notlimahc> stop hitting me
  171. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> D: Whoops
  172. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I'm still got some lag going on
  173. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 65 64
  174. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 65
  175. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 42 64
  176. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 42
  177. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 42 64
  178. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 42
  179. [INFO] <PiemanXC> damn tree
  180. [INFO] <PiemanXC> grow faster
  181. [INFO] <notlimahc> use bonemeal on it
  182. [INFO] <PiemanXC> oh right
  183. [INFO] PiemanXC issued server command: give PiemanXC 352
  184. [INFO] PiemanXC: Giving PiemanXC some 352
  185. [INFO] <PiemanXC> mira have you seen The House yet?
  186. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> No
  187. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> How do I get there?
  188. [INFO] <PiemanXC> good question
  189. [INFO] <PiemanXC> I am not sure where you are
  190. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Do you have ops?
  191. [INFO] <PiemanXC> s
  192. [INFO] <notlimahc> hit F3, read co-ords
  193. [INFO] <PiemanXC> yes
  194. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> You can do a teleport I think
  195. [INFO] <PiemanXC> it's my server
  196. [INFO] <Otend> so, Matt
  197. [INFO] <Otend> I am building the tower
  198. [INFO] <PiemanXC> is that okay with tou mira?
  199. [INFO] <PiemanXC> *you
  200. [INFO] <Otend> from The Fall
  201. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Do iiit
  202. [INFO] PiemanXC issued server command: tp psyclonjesus PiemanXC
  203. [INFO] PiemanXC: Teleporting psyclonjesus to PiemanXC.
  204. [INFO] <thaostra> so much lag
  205. [INFO] <PiemanXC> yeah a little bit
  206. [INFO] <notlimahc> Mira is going to abandon me
  207. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> rahhh
  208. [INFO] <thaostra> blocks don't flow in water correctly
  209. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I'll come back for you
  210. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> With bacon
  211. [INFO] <PiemanXC> I don't see a mira yet
  212. [INFO] <Otend> Am I doing this right?
  213. [INFO] <PiemanXC> oh hi
  214. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> *wookie cry*
  215. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 42 64
  216. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 42
  217. [INFO] <PiemanXC> so yeah this is the modular house mira
  218. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> There should be a village
  219. [INFO] <Otend> we're building something like one
  220. [INFO] <Otend> IN THE AIR
  221. [INFO] <thaostra> can i see?
  222. [INFO] <thaostra> it's cramped down here
  223. [INFO] <PiemanXC> that's what she said
  224. [INFO] <PiemanXC> ahhh
  225. [INFO] <thaostra> TP pls
  226. [INFO] <PiemanXC> i'm gonna turn the door annoyer on
  227. [INFO] PiemanXC issued server command: tp thaostra piemanxc
  228. [INFO] PiemanXC: Teleporting thaostra to piemanxc.
  229. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 42 64
  230. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 42
  231. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 42 64
  232. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 42
  233. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 42 64
  234. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 42
  235. [INFO] <thaostra> d'aww it's Chewie
  236. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> needs more rapid pulsers
  237. [INFO] <PiemanXC> damn it
  238. [INFO] <PiemanXC> I can't do it josh
  239. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 89 64
  240. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 89
  241. [INFO] <thaostra> i just showed you last time
  242. [INFO] <PiemanXC> nice
  243. [INFO] <thaostra> WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE
  244. [INFO] <notlimahc> I didn't ask for this
  245. [INFO] <thaostra> it's like having a penis inserted into each ear
  246. [INFO] <PiemanXC> so ian
  247. [INFO] <PiemanXC> what is the tower for
  248. [INFO] <thaostra> not like that's a bad thing
  249. [INFO] <Otend> it's a Protomen homage
  250. [INFO] <PiemanXC> how so
  251. [INFO] <Otend> the tower mentioned in Light Up The Night
  252. [INFO] <Otend> and the one that is the focus of The Fall
  253. [INFO] <Otend> ahh not yet
  254. [INFO] PsyclonJesus tried command: tp psyclonjesus notlimahc
  255. [INFO] <Otend> dammit
  256. [INFO] <Otend> :<
  257. [INFO] <PiemanXC> you can see my addition to the house from here ian
  258. [INFO] <Otend> yep
  259. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Could you tp me back to mant?
  260. [INFO] <Otend> nice
  261. [INFO] <PiemanXC> there is a sheep climbing it
  262. [INFO] <PiemanXC> :|
  263. [INFO] PiemanXC issued server command: tp thaostra piemanxc
  264. [INFO] PiemanXC: Teleporting thaostra to piemanxc.
  265. [INFO] <Otend> wot
  266. [INFO] <Otend> ahh
  267. [INFO] <Otend> oh no
  268. [INFO] <PiemanXC> see the sheep on the minecart tracks
  269. [INFO] <Otend> this will not end well
  270. [INFO] <Otend> no sir
  271. [INFO] <PiemanXC> fuckin sheep
  272. [INFO] <Otend> You may not want to be on here much longer...
  273. [INFO] <PiemanXC> why?
  274. [INFO] <Otend> I'm building glass
  275. [INFO] <PiemanXC> oh
  276. [INFO] <Otend> and shit
  277. [INFO] <Otend> god dommet
  278. [INFO] <thaostra> he he
  279. [INFO] <thaostra> what's the point of this
  280. [INFO] <Otend> Protomen reference
  281. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 20 64
  282. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 20
  283. [INFO] <thaostra> oh i thought this was compensation
  284. [INFO] <Otend> nope
  285. [INFO] <Otend> it has to look down over all there is
  286. [INFO] <Otend> or, at least, the general level of it
  287. [INFO] <thaostra> i can't see much
  288. [INFO] <thaostra> perhaps if i turned rendering distance to Far
  289. [INFO] <Otend> please exit kind sirs
  290. [INFO] <Otend> thank you
  291. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Pie!
  292. [INFO] <PiemanXC> mira!
  293. [INFO] <thaostra> CAKE
  294. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Give Mant some company
  295. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> TP me to him
  296. [INFO] <PiemanXC> where is he
  297. [INFO] <PiemanXC> i dunno his username
  298. [INFO] <notlimahc> -7,-66
  299. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> notlimahc
  300. [INFO] PiemanXC issued server command: tp psyclonjesus notllimahc
  301. [INFO] <thaostra> hey matt, let's make my flaming death dispenser
  302. [INFO] <notlimahc> It's C Hamilton backwards :P
  303. [INFO] PiemanXC issued server command: tp psyclonjesius notlimahc
  304. [INFO] PiemanXC issued server command: tp psyclonjesus notlimahc
  305. [INFO] PiemanXC: Teleporting psyclonjesus to notlimahc.
  306. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> yes
  307. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Mant's real name is Clifford Hamilton
  308. [INFO] <thaostra> how uh classy
  309. [INFO] <PiemanXC> gonna take a minecraft break
  310. [INFO] <PiemanXC> to play chess
  311. [INFO] <thaostra> which people have made in MC so that there is no need to take a break
  312. [INFO] <Otend> <__<
  313. [INFO] PiemanXC lost connection: disconnect.quitting
  314. [INFO] <thaostra> anyone mind i make my death machine on this tower?
  315. [INFO] <thaostra> i want to make it rain fire
  316. [INFO] Otend issued server command: spawn
  317. [INFO] Unknown console command. Type "help" for help.
  318. [INFO] [CONSOLE] there are no plugins on this server
  319. [INFO] [CONSOLE] sorry
  320. [INFO] <Otend> aww
  321. [INFO] <thaostra> for what?
  322. [INFO] <Otend> teleport
  323. [INFO] [CONSOLE] anything
  324. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> yay
  325. [INFO] <thaostra> oh that's no big deal
  326. [INFO] <thaostra> matt, can i?
  327. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 65 64
  328. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 65
  329. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 323 8
  330. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 323
  331. [INFO] <notlimahc> sleep time
  332. [INFO] <thaostra> SLEEP
  333. [INFO] <thaostra> logging ot briefly
  334. [INFO] thaostra lost connection: disconnect.quitting
  335. [INFO] <Otend> boo
  336. [INFO] <Otend> ow
  337. [INFO] <Otend> :<
  338. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> :D
  339. [INFO] <notlimahc> hey Mira, come check out this cave
  340. [INFO] Otend issued server command: help
  341. [INFO] Otend issued server command: tp Otend PiemanXC
  342. [INFO] Otend issued server command: tp otend thaostra
  343. [INFO] Otend issued server command: list
  344. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> where at?
  345. [INFO] <Otend> someone kill me please
  346. [INFO] <Otend> kthx
  347. [INFO] <Otend> actually
  348. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 46 64
  349. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 46
  350. [INFO] <notlimahc> haha
  351. [INFO] thaostra [/] logged in with entity id 5074 at (-240.5625, 122.0, -50.1875)
  352. [INFO] <notlimahc> Mira, follow me
  353. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 278
  354. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 278
  355. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 77 1
  356. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 77
  357. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> neato
  358. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> haha
  359. [INFO] <Otend> enjoy your pit
  360. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> need coal badly
  361. [INFO] <Otend> check the new pit
  362. [INFO] <notlimahc> look up Mira
  363. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> delicious carbon shower
  364. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 46 5
  365. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 46
  366. [INFO] Otend issued server command: give otend 77 1
  367. [INFO] Otend: Giving Otend some 77
  368. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I'm gonna give our trees some light
  369. [INFO] <notlimahc> that tree was my wife!
  370. [INFO] Otend issued server command: tp otend thaostra
  371. [INFO] Otend: Teleporting otend to thaostra.
  372. [INFO] <thaostra> yo
  373. [INFO] <thaostra> you have dispensers?
  374. [INFO] <Otend> nop
  375. [INFO] <thaostra> hm
  376. [INFO] Otend lost connection: disconnect.quitting
  377. [INFO] thaostra tried command: playerlist
  378. [INFO] thaostra tried command: help
  379. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I can't find our cave!
  380. [INFO] <notlimahc> lol
  381. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I am directionally-challenged
  382. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> derp
  383. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> dammit, Mant
  384. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Just like Brisbane, eh?
  385. [INFO] <notlimahc> I felt home-sick
  386. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> hahaha
  387. [INFO] <notlimahc> there's now a skylight
  388. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> how modern
  389. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> oh shit
  390. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Don't let me trees catch fire
  391. [INFO] <thaostra> what?
  392. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> thunderstorm
  393. [INFO] <thaostra> then don't have them outside?
  394. [INFO] <notlimahc> they won't catch fire, it's raining :P
  395. [INFO] <notlimahc> holy shit, that's the closest strike I've ever seen
  396. [INFO] <thaostra> they view is amazing here
  397. [INFO] <thaostra> can see all of the lightning strikes
  398. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Mant, where the hell did you go
  399. [INFO] <notlimahc> Bum Fuck, Egypt
  400. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> your bacon got cold
  401. [INFO] <notlimahc> I'm down a massive cave I found
  402. [INFO] <notlimahc> now I am dead
  403. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> shall we hold a service?
  404. [INFO] <notlimahc> you bithc
  405. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> mitts off the big tree
  406. [INFO] <notlimahc> Want to go spelunking?
  407. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> okay
  408. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I have my proper gear on
  409. [INFO] <notlimahc> turtleneck sweater?
  410. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> black
  411. [INFO] <notlimahc> blackest of the blacks?
  412. [INFO] <notlimahc> Mira, up here in the snow
  413. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> world hole
  414. [INFO] <notlimahc> chunk error?
  415. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> yeah
  416. [INFO] PsyclonJesus lost connection: disconnect.quitting
  417. [INFO] PsyclonJesus [/] logged in with entity id 10534 at (-80.11787320345854, 110.0, 111.69815168475373)
  418. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> nice vista
  419. [INFO] <thaostra> sooo where are you guys from respectively
  420. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Chicagoland
  421. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Or FSTDT
  422. [INFO] <notlimahc> my mother's vagina
  423. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I always come from Mant's mother's vagina
  424. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Just much more recently
  425. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> *also, not always
  426. [INFO] <thaostra> what's FSTDT
  427. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Fundies Say The Darndest Things
  428. [INFO] <thaostra> oh
  429. [INFO] <thaostra> they sure do
  430. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> A site mocking crazy fundamentalists on the internet
  431. [INFO] <thaostra> i think i've seen it
  432. [INFO] <thaostra> just so we're clear, i come from a vagina as well :D
  433. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Yeah, Pie and Otend also go there
  434. [INFO] <notlimahc> Mira, where did you go?
  435. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I don't know, it was laggy and I lost you
  436. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I went home
  437. [INFO] <thaostra> damnit
  438. [INFO] <thaostra> i messed up Unity
  439. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> BACON
  440. [INFO] thaostra lost connection: disconnect.quitting
  441. [INFO] <notlimahc> Mira, queen of the porkchops
  442. [INFO] <notlimahc> well, I'm leaving
  443. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> ta
  444. [INFO] notlimahc lost connection: disconnect.quitting
  445. [INFO] thaostra [/] logged in with entity id 11296 at (-237.625, 122.0, -48.65625)
  446. [INFO] <thaostra> well that was dumb
  447. [INFO] <thaostra> who's still alive
  448. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> me
  449. [INFO] <thaostra> ah, someone survived the pandemic
  450. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> By being on the other side of the world :p
  451. [INFO] <thaostra> where are you then?
  452. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Close by 0,0
  453. [INFO] <thaostra> hm
  454. [INFO] PsyclonJesus lost connection: disconnect.genericReason
  455. [INFO] <thaostra> =\
  456. [INFO] PsyclonJesus [/] logged in with entity id 12514 at (-11.515755368548149, 41.0, -52.424977845025005)
  457. [INFO] <thaostra> i don't see you
  458. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I am spelunking
  459. [INFO] <thaostra> coords?
  460. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> x: -5 y: 13 z: -51
  461. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> DIAMOND
  462. [INFO] <thaostra> all i see is lava
  463. [INFO] <thaostra> lemme guess, you wanted me to dig straight down, so that i would fall in
  464. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> nah, I see ya
  465. [INFO] <thaostra> well JOKE'S ON YOU I DIDN'T FALL IN
  466. [INFO] <thaostra> where you going
  467. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> no clue, a bit confused
  468. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> eep
  469. [INFO] <thaostra> knock knock
  470. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> your skin is spooky
  471. [INFO] <thaostra> it is?
  472. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> yes
  473. [INFO] <thaostra> well i was bored and made this in paint
  474. [INFO] <thaostra> oh iron
  475. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I'm trying to get some obsid
  476. [INFO] <thaostra> why
  477. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> It's a secret to everybody
  478. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Or just Mant
  479. [INFO] <thaostra> i'll bribe you with this diamond
  480. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I want to hide a portal beneath our house
  481. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> DIAMOND
  482. [INFO] <thaostra> come back.. i have more
  483. [INFO] <thaostra> here MIRA MIRA MIRA
  484. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> :D
  485. [INFO] <thaostra> that's it
  486. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Thanks!
  487. [INFO] <thaostra> you're welcome
  488. [INFO] [CONSOLE] surprise buttsex
  489. [INFO] <thaostra> btw, i made this skin BEFORE enderman were cool
  490. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> haha
  491. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Hipster endermen
  492. [INFO] <thaostra> (seriously i think mojang and saw this and said
  493. [INFO] [CONSOLE] I made my 50x50 swastika before it was cool to make 50x50 swastikas
  494. [INFO] <thaostra> that's fucking creepy..LET'S PUT IT IN THE GAME")
  495. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> crap, it keeps falling into lava
  496. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Wish I had some water
  497. [INFO] <thaostra> what does?
  498. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Oh hey
  499. [INFO] <thaostra> oh, this
  500. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Danke!
  501. [INFO] <thaostra> do ittashimashite
  502. [INFO] <thaostra> i think this is a bit much for 10 blocks of obsidian, don't you think?
  503. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I've got 4 now
  504. [INFO] <thaostra> i'd rather farm it than mine it
  505. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> yeah, good idea
  506. [INFO] <thaostra> i have no idea how to get back to the surface other than killing myself
  507. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Me neither...
  508. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I shall get there eventually
  509. [INFO] <thaostra> i could mine us out of here
  510. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I think I could find how I got in here
  511. [INFO] CONSOLE: Giving thaostra some 7
  512. [INFO] CONSOLE: Giving PsyclonJesus some 7
  513. [INFO] <thaostra> whelp i fell into lava
  514. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> :/
  515. [INFO] <thaostra> was gonna give you 8 more diamond..
  516. [INFO] <thaostra> this is why we can't have nice things
  517. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> heh
  518. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I found my original cave!
  519. [INFO] <thaostra> where?
  520. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> x: 9 y: 49 z: -54
  521. [INFO] <thaostra> damn
  522. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Now I am at my home at x: -12 y: 76 z: -70
  523. [INFO] CONSOLE: Giving thaostra some 7
  524. [INFO] <thaostra> i have no idea how to get there
  525. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Hope and friendship will be your guides
  526. [INFO] <thaostra> also i think digging straight down would be rude
  527. [INFO] * thaostra dies while searching
  528. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Down?
  529. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> It's on the surface
  530. [INFO] CONSOLE: Giving PsyclonJesus some 7
  531. [INFO] <thaostra> hm
  532. [INFO] <thaostra> let's see
  533. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> RAWR
  534. [INFO] <thaostra> hi there
  535. [INFO] <thaostra> i uh
  536. [INFO] <thaostra> gave you something else
  537. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> what was it?
  538. [INFO] <thaostra> fits well with my enderman-like abilities
  539. [INFO] <thaostra> bedrock!
  540. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> D:
  541. [INFO] <thaostra> i tossed one down to you
  542. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I didn't notice that
  543. [INFO] <thaostra> is it in your inventory?
  544. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> yep
  545. [INFO] <thaostra> he he
  546. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I can't wait for Mant to log in again
  547. [INFO] <thaostra> if those aren't the screams of the damned i don't know what is
  548. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> hehehe
  549. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> MY ROSES
  550. [INFO] <thaostra> a flower!
  551. [INFO] <thaostra> uh it's for you
  552. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> aww
  553. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Giving me my own flower
  554. [INFO] <thaostra> it matches!
  555. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> how sweet
  556. [INFO] <thaostra> i have such good taste
  557. [INFO] <thaostra> i wish we could chop down trees IRL by punching them
  558. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Believe me, I've tried
  559. [INFO] <thaostra> ...why?
  560. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I didn't get wood at all
  561. [INFO] <thaostra> you sure?
  562. [INFO] <thaostra> you still where you are before?
  563. [INFO] <thaostra> i want to try something
  564. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> yep
  565. [INFO] <thaostra> i want to try a secure channel in MC
  566. [INFO] <thaostra> at least, as a concept
  567. [INFO] <thaostra> in theory, we'll be able to communicate in-game without no one knowing
  568. [INFO] <thaostra> not even the person admining this
  569. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> oh, neat
  570. [INFO] <thaostra> okay, ready?
  571. [INFO] <thaostra> stand next to me
  572. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> yep
  573. [INFO] <thaostra> place sign in front like this
  574. [INFO] <thaostra> does it work?
  575. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I think my sign disappeared
  576. [INFO] <thaostra> i have it
  577. [INFO] <thaostra> whoops
  578. [INFO] <thaostra> hm
  579. [INFO] <thaostra> looks like i can't see you typing
  580. [INFO] <thaostra> this can be inconvenient because you would need to destroy signs a lot
  581. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> heh, yeah
  582. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Do you have any red mushrooms?
  583. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I wanna make some soup
  584. [INFO] <thaostra> no i do not
  585. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I see your sign text
  586. [INFO] <thaostra> it looks like only you can see what you're typing
  587. [INFO] <thaostra> others like me can only see text when the sign is placed
  588. [INFO] <thaostra> that was good
  589. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Nice secret :p
  590. [INFO] <thaostra> i love hacking minecraft
  591. [INFO] <thaostra> what's this?
  592. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Something I'm working on
  593. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> No clue what it's supposed to be
  594. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I ran out of brick
  596. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> haha
  597. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> pretty much
  598. [INFO] <thaostra> me: what is it?
  599. [INFO] <thaostra> I DON'T KNOW
  600. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> It's mystical and magical surely
  601. [INFO] <thaostra> where did you get the brick
  602. [INFO] <thaostra> i can't find any
  603. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Mant had some clay stashed in the chest
  604. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I haven't seen any
  605. [INFO] <thaostra> i see
  606. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> I'm gonna go look in the Nether for some mushrooms real quick
  607. [INFO] <thaostra> so what kind of stuff have you made in MC?
  608. [INFO] <thaostra> k then
  609. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Oh, not much
  610. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> In single, I'm working on a cobblestone castle town
  611. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> It's my most ambitious project
  612. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> fudge, I think the nether is broken
  613. [INFO] thaostra tried command: msg
  614. [INFO] <thaostra> are you using a mod?
  615. [INFO] <thaostra> (Too Many Items)
  616. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> nope
  617. [INFO] <thaostra> oh
  618. [INFO] notlimahc [/] logged in with entity id 15177 at (-14.253388913896135, 75.0, -69.57353972142296)
  619. [INFO] <thaostra> how long have you been playing?
  620. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> Uh, almost a year?
  621. [INFO] <notlimahc> why can I hear a portal?
  622. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> You hear a portal?
  623. [INFO] <thaostra> that's just me
  624. [INFO] <notlimahc> In the house
  625. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> odd
  626. [INFO] <thaostra> i'm that creepy
  627. [INFO] <thaostra> :D
  628. [INFO] <PsyclonJesus> MAKE IT RAIN
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