
Dry Bowser and Toadette's Stinky Storm

Dec 18th, 2018
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  1. Dry Bowser was forced to go on another whirlwind adventure around the world with Toadette, who was determined to treasure track all the bright shiny jewels and moons around the world. Dry Bowser sighed as he was taking the time to have his bones get washed by the rain in a rainy Koopa Cape, being in the forest section as nearby him within a placed tent was Toadette farting up a storm more dangerous than the one they were in.
  3. "Can't you ever stop being so disgusting?" Dry Bowser grumbled as he brushed back his soaked red hair occasionally. "It's getting too obnoxious for me to-"
  5. "-Ooh, I'm sorry, DB!" Toadette fanned the stinky air she was creating with her smelly farts, shaking her head. "I can't help it! I can store a lot of spores in me!"
  7. Dry Bowser sighed as he was about to get up, when suddenly a huge surge of water came towards him and Toadette, being washed away as they went through the wooded area, going past the tube section as they ended up in the sea. Dry Bowser popped his head out of the water as he noticed a large amount of bubbles, with them being from Toadette's farts, who popped out with a blush on her face.
  9. Dry Bowser: (rolling his eyes) You really can't control the situation regarding your body, huh.
  11. Toadette: Well it's what happens when anything makes you gassy! (giggles in flatulence)
  13. Dry Bowser pulled out one of his fragile bones and used it to row his way near the coast, with Toadette spinning her pink mushroom pigtails as she grabbed Dry Bowser by the hand and flew in the stormy air, combating the lightning accompanying the thunder with her own booming farts.
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