

Sep 1st, 2020
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  1. ##### USER COMMANDS
  2. [student@localhost tmp]$ history
  3. 1 vim countdown
  4. 2 bash countdown 13
  5. 3 vim countdown
  6. 4 history
  7. 5 countdown 13
  8. 6 echo $PATH
  9. 7 pwd
  10. 8 cp countdown /usr/local/bin
  11. 9 ./countdown 13
  12. 10 ls -l
  13. 11 chmod +x countdown
  14. 12 ./countdown 13
  15. 13 history
  16. 14 sleep 15 ; cat countdown
  17. 15 sudo useradd linda
  18. 16 su -
  19. 17 sudo useradd linda
  20. 18 id
  21. 19 w
  22. 20 date
  23. 21 history
  24. 22 sudo useradd linda
  25. 23 id linda
  26. 24 sudo -i
  27. 25 sudo passwd linda
  28. 26 sudo su -
  29. 27 su -
  30. 28 history
  31. 29 history -d 28
  32. 30 history
  33. 31 sudo visudo
  34. 32 su - linda
  35. 33 sudo visudo
  36. 34 su - linda
  37. 35 visudo
  38. 36 sudo visudo
  39. 37 sudo vim /etc/sudoers.d/linda
  40. 38 echo $PATH
  41. 39 sudo cp countdown /usr/bin/
  42. 40 countdown 12
  43. 41 vimtutor
  44. 42 vim mynewfile
  45. 43 ls
  46. 44 ls -a
  47. 45 cat .bash_history
  48. 46 cat .bash_history | grep sudo
  49. 47 sudo journalctl | grep sudo
  50. 48 sudo ip addr show
  51. 49 sudo ip a
  52. 50 ip a
  53. 51 systemctl status sshd
  54. 52 firewall-cmd --list-all
  55. 53 sudo systemctl disable --now sshd
  56. 54 sudo systemctl status sshd
  57. 55 sudo systemctl enable --now sshd
  58. 56 sudo systemctl status sshd
  59. 57 cd /
  60. 58 ls
  61. 59 cd /usr
  62. 60 ls
  63. 61 touch hello
  64. 62 cd /tmp
  65. 63 touch hello
  66. 64 sudo -i
  67. 65 history
  70. [root@localhost ~]# history
  71. 1 visudo
  72. 2 id student
  73. 3 usermod -aG wheel student
  74. 4 id student
  75. 5 exit
  76. 6 journalctl
  77. 7 exit
  78. 8 cd /etc
  79. 9 ls
  80. 10 cd /proc
  81. 11 ls
  82. 12 touch hello
  83. 13 less cpuinfo
  84. 14 cd sys
  85. 15 ls
  86. 16 cd net
  87. 17 ls
  88. 18 cd ipv6
  89. 19 ls
  90. 20 cd cond
  91. 21 ls
  92. 22 cd conf
  93. 23 ls
  94. 24 cd all
  95. 25 ls
  96. 26 ip a
  97. 27 echo 1 > disable_ipv6
  98. 28 ip a
  99. 29 pwd
  100. 30 cd /dev
  101. 31 ls
  102. 32 cd
  103. 33 echo 1 > muyfule
  104. 34 cat muyfule
  105. 35 cd /var
  106. 36 ls
  107. 37 cd log
  108. 38 ls
  109. 39 less /etc/passwd
  110. 40 cd /dev
  111. 41 ls
  112. 42 ls -l
  113. 43 cd
  114. 44 man hier
  115. 45 countdown 13
  116. 46 cd /
  117. 47 ls -l
  118. 48 cd /bin
  119. 49 ls
  120. 50 pwd
  121. 51 ls | wc
  122. 52 cd /usr/bin
  123. 53 ls | wc
  124. 54 cd
  125. 55 ls -il /etc/hosts
  126. 56 cd /boot
  127. 57 mount | grep ext4
  128. 58 ls -il
  129. 59 debugfs /boot
  130. 60 debugfs /dev/sda1
  131. 61 cd
  132. 62 ls -il /etc/hosts
  133. 63 ln /etc/hosts myhosts
  134. 64 ls -il /etc/hosts myhosts
  135. 65 echo hello >> /etc/hosts
  136. 66 ls -il /etc/hosts myhosts
  137. 67 ln -s /etc/hosts myshosts
  138. 68 ls -il /etc/hosts myhosts myshosts
  139. 69 cat myshosts
  140. 70 rm /etc/hosts
  141. 71 cat myhosts
  142. 72 cat myshosts
  143. 73 ls -il /etc/hosts myhosts myshosts
  144. 74 ln myhosts /etc/hosts
  145. 75 history
  146. 76 ln /etc myetc
  147. 77 ln -s /etc myetc
  148. 78 ln /boot/vmlinuz-4.18.0-193.el8.x86_64 mykernel
  149. 79 ln -s /boot/vmlinuz-4.18.0-193.el8.x86_64 mykernel
  150. 80 history
  151. 81 mount
  152. 82 mount | grep '^/'
  153. 83 cd /boot
  154. 84 ls
  155. 85 cd /
  156. 86 umount /dev/sda1
  157. 87 cd boot
  158. 88 ls
  159. 89 cd ..
  160. 90 mount /dev/sda1 /boot
  161. 91 ls
  162. 92 cd boot
  163. 93 ls
  164. 94 mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt
  165. 95 man -k user
  166. 96 man man
  167. 97 man apropos
  168. 98 mandb
  169. 99 man -k user
  170. 100 man -k user | wc
  171. 101 man man
  172. 102 man -k user | grep 8
  173. 103 man -k user | grep 8 | wc
  174. 104 man useradd
  175. 105 man ls
  176. 106 info '(coreutils) ls invocation'
  177. 107 find / -name "hosts"
  178. 108 find / -name "*hosts*"
  179. 109 find / -user linda
  180. 110 find / -size +106M
  181. 111 find / -size +106M 2>/dev/null
  182. 112 exit
  183. 113 history
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