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a guest
Jun 24th, 2018
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  1. disable-fall-damage: true
  2. regions:
  3. uuid-migration:
  4. perform-on-next-start: false
  5. keep-names-that-lack-uuids: true
  6. use-creature-spawn-event: true
  7. sql:
  8. use: false
  9. dsn: jdbc:mysql://localhost/worldguard
  10. username: worldguard
  11. password: worldguard
  12. table-prefix: ''
  13. enable: true
  14. invincibility-removes-mobs: false
  15. nether-portal-protection: false
  16. fake-player-build-override: true
  17. explosion-flags-block-entity-damage: true
  18. high-frequency-flags: false
  19. protect-against-liquid-flow: false
  20. wand: 334
  21. max-claim-volume: 30000
  22. claim-only-inside-existing-regions: false
  23. location-flags-only-inside-regions: false
  24. max-region-count-per-player:
  25. default: 7
  26. auto-invincible: false
  27. auto-invincible-group: false
  28. auto-no-drowning-group: false
  29. use-player-move-event: true
  30. use-player-teleports: true
  31. security:
  32. deop-everyone-on-join: false
  33. block-in-game-op-command: false
  34. host-keys-allow-forge-clients: false
  35. host-keys: {}
  36. summary-on-start: true
  37. op-permissions: true
  38. build-permission-nodes:
  39. enable: false
  40. deny-message: '&eSorry, but you are not permitted to do that here.'
  41. event-handling:
  42. block-entity-spawns-with-untraceable-cause: false
  43. interaction-whitelist: []
  44. emit-block-use-at-feet: []
  45. protection:
  46. item-durability: true
  47. remove-infinite-stacks: false
  48. disable-xp-orb-drops: false
  49. disable-obsidian-generators: false
  50. gameplay:
  51. block-potions: []
  52. block-potions-overly-reliably: false
  53. simulation:
  54. sponge:
  55. enable: false
  56. radius: 3
  57. redstone: false
  58. default:
  59. pumpkin-scuba: false
  60. disable-health-regain: false
  61. physics:
  62. no-physics-gravel: false
  63. no-physics-sand: false
  64. vine-like-rope-ladders: false
  65. allow-portal-anywhere: false
  66. disable-water-damage-blocks: []
  67. ignition:
  68. block-tnt: false
  69. block-tnt-block-damage: false
  70. block-lighter: false
  71. fire:
  72. disable-lava-fire-spread: true
  73. disable-all-fire-spread: false
  74. disable-fire-spread-blocks: []
  75. lava-spread-blocks: []
  76. mobs:
  77. block-creeper-explosions: true
  78. block-creeper-block-damage: true
  79. block-wither-explosions: true
  80. block-wither-block-damage: true
  81. block-wither-skull-explosions: true
  82. block-wither-skull-block-damage: true
  83. block-enderdragon-block-damage: true
  84. block-enderdragon-portal-creation: true
  85. block-fireball-explosions: true
  86. block-fireball-block-damage: true
  87. anti-wolf-dumbness: true
  88. allow-tamed-spawns: true
  89. disable-enderman-griefing: true
  90. disable-snowman-trails: true
  91. block-painting-destroy: true
  92. block-item-frame-destroy: true
  93. block-armor-stand-destroy: true
  94. block-plugin-spawning: true
  95. block-above-ground-slimes: true
  96. block-other-explosions: true
  97. block-zombie-door-destruction: true
  98. block-creature-spawn: []
  99. player-damage:
  100. disable-fall-damage: true
  101. disable-lava-damage: true
  102. disable-fire-damage: true
  103. disable-lightning-damage: true
  104. disable-drowning-damage: true
  105. disable-suffocation-damage: true
  106. disable-contact-damage: true
  107. teleport-on-suffocation: true
  108. disable-void-damage: true
  109. teleport-on-void-falling: true
  110. disable-explosion-damage: true
  111. disable-mob-damage: true
  112. disable-death-messages: true
  113. chest-protection:
  114. enable: false
  115. disable-off-check: false
  116. crops:
  117. disable-creature-trampling: false
  118. disable-player-trampling: false
  119. weather:
  120. prevent-lightning-strike-blocks: []
  121. disable-lightning-strike-fire: true
  122. disable-thunderstorm: true
  123. disable-weather: true
  124. disable-pig-zombification: true
  125. disable-powered-creepers: true
  126. always-raining: false
  127. always-thundering: false
  128. dynamics:
  129. disable-mushroom-spread: true
  130. disable-ice-melting: true
  131. disable-snow-melting: true
  132. disable-snow-formation: true
  133. disable-ice-formation: true
  134. disable-leaf-decay: true
  135. disable-grass-growth: true
  136. disable-mycelium-spread: true
  137. disable-vine-growth: true
  138. disable-soil-dehydration: true
  139. snow-fall-blocks: []
  140. blacklist:
  141. use-as-whitelist: false
  142. logging:
  143. console:
  144. enable: true
  145. database:
  146. enable: false
  147. dsn: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft
  148. user: root
  149. pass: ''
  150. table: blacklist_events
  151. file:
  152. enable: false
  153. path: worldguard/logs/%Y-%m-%d.log
  154. open-files: 10
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