

Feb 8th, 2017
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  1. Name: Gocarit
  2. Power Level: Unknown
  3. Race: Saiyan/God Of Destruction/Angel Guardian/Supreme Kai
  4. Forms: Royal Super Saiyan, Saiyan God Of Destruction, Zeno Super Saiyan White
  5. Moves: Kamehameha, Dragon Rush, Solar Flare, Spirit Bomb, Dragon Fist, Omega Blaster, Galick Gun, Ice Breath, Earth Power, Destruction Meteor Storm, Mighty Hurricane Fury, Nova Star, Raigo, Heat Vision, Omnibeam, Chaos Blast, Time Skip, Psychic, Aura Cannon, Cosmic Storm, Neutron Flare Cannon, Lunatic Stream, Holy Light, Excalibur Blast, Chaos Nova, Chaotic Water Fist, Chaos Light Spear, Chaos Dark Rift, Chaos Speed Blitz, Chaos Torrent Blast, Chaos Nightmare Cannon, Chaos Hyper Wave, Genesis Sphere, Hero Hope Finale, Galaxite Kamehameha,
  6. Abilities: Complete Arsenal (Information Unknown)
  7. Gender: Male
  8. Age: 20
  9. Eye Color: Yellow
  10. Birth Place: Planet Vegeta
  11. Backstory: Unknown. Said to Come From Planet Sadala In Universe 6 To Protect The Earth In Universe 7 For Reasons Unknown.
  12. Personality: Friendly. Likes to train and spar. Loves Cute Animals. Strategist. Powerful but always holds back his power as he loses control of himself when above a certain level of power. Cares About The Planet and all living things on it. Likes to make many friends of many things.
  13. Current Home: Universe 7 Earth
  14. Occupation: Saiyan Protector Of Earth.
  15. Fav Food: Pizza And Fruit Cake
  16. Fav Color: Blue
  17. Dislikes: Friends Fighting In a bad way. Those Who would do harm to others. Villains And Evildoers.
  18. Enemies: Any Villain.
  19. Group: Z Fighter Group
  20. Hobbies: Training. Making Friends. Exploring.
  21. Likes: Friends. Nice People. Cute Animals (Kittens And Puppies Especially)
  22. Love Status: Single
  23. Religion: Unknown
  24. Positive Traits: Friendly Towards Others. Always Willing to Help Everyone Out. Optimistic. Always happy to bring smiles to everyone. Very Social.
  25. Negative Traits: Trusts People Too much at times. Can Also Be overprotective. When at the higher level stages of power he loses control and his anger takes control.
  26. Height: 5.6
  27. Weight: 130 lbs
  28. Hair Color: Black
  29. Skin: White
  30. Character Theme: Kanto Champion Theme Black 2 White 2
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