
Dream: 10/14/2020

Oct 14th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Part 1: I play 1v1 Among Us with Rocks but he had MKCocoon voice
  3. So 1v1 Among Us is like the dumbest shit ever. I played with Rocks but he had MKCocoon’s Voice like half the time. The game kinda looked like Friday the 13th game. For the first game I was a crewmate and rocks was the impostor. I managed to last long enough to press the emergency button. The only problem was that rocks was convinced he was the crewmate and we both voted each other resulting in a tie. Rocks killed me immediately after. For the second game, rocks killed me immediately. For the third game. I came up on a graveyard, I then remembered there is always a shotgun underneath the ash tombstone (Spelunky 1 knowledge). I could use the shotgun to shoot rocks and win as crewmate. Unfortunately I spent forever looking for the Ash tombstone and died for it. On the 4th game I got imposter, instantly called reactor, and booled at spawn. (Context, you need two people to fix reactor, I am imposter so I just don’t have to fix it and instantly winz). After that me and rocks realized this was too dumb to be fun and gave up.
  5. Part 2: New Pokemon Trailer that me and my sister popped off over
  7. My sister woke me up early in the morning. There was a new trailer dropped for a brand new revolutionary pokemon game and she wanted to watch it with me. The game looked like a pmd + collectathon esque game (No actual in gamefootage was shown, only cutscenes). Art style was very Wind Waker cel shaded like. The pokemon are very fluffy similar to some of the art styles I’ve seen on twitter. The main hub area looked a lot like the Forest Haven from Wind Waker ( but with more layers and it was much larger, it was floating and there were houses everywhere so it kinda also felt pulled from Skyward Sword. There were two main characters that were shown, a Riolu based off of Teeters Riolu ( but closer to the height of an actual riolu, and an Emolga based off of Npon’s Emolga ( without the red eye and it was way more fluffy. Both characters were shown sleeping in a cel shaded river.
  9. The gimmick of this game is that you can repair / unlock areas by collecting and spending AIR MILES (AAAAA). One area is a cave to the very bottom left of the village. After that, a scene was then shown of the village getting attacked, there were a bunch of explosions and many pokemon were falling to their deaths. This game was gonna be dark as fuck. The scene was in greyscale so I am assuming this is backstory for why we need to repair everything. Inside the cave mentioned eariler it was cool lookin, kinda like an HD version of pmd2’s Crystal Cave from chapter 12. Deep in the cave, a giant Braixen can be found, there were two Torchic's camping on it's head. The Braixen's head was peeking out of a hole but it didn’t look like it was trapped. At some other point in the dream, me and my sister were at the Braixen's head irl. We decided to camp there too because it had really good internet. We watched the trailer several times but I still don’t know what the game was called.
  11. At my dad’s pc, there was some really short and thin KKona who probably had zero interest in what we were watching but at one point while me and my sister were rewatch it the trailer for the third time, the KKona mention the game could be super grindy since we had to spend so many Air Miles. My dad called me to wake up for swimming (I am retired btw) but it sounded super realistic so I woke up, my dad left the house like 7 hours ago btw.
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