
Savior (FiE:4)

May 16th, 2012
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  1. >You are Fiddlesticks
  2. >And you SUCK at running.
  3. >Like, really really fucking suck at it.
  4. >You're legs are made of sticks, for Leagues sake!
  5. >Fortunately, you remember some form of spell to increase your speed.
  6. >You focus your inner magics, and a blue blast of light emanates from you, as you nearly quadruple your speed.
  7. >The effect wont last long, but any burst of speed is better than no burst of speed.
  8. >After a short while, you hear a scream in the distance.
  9. >You recognize the tone of something being terrorized.
  10. >You relish the moment, savor the sound as it hits your metaphysical ear drums, when you are jolted out of your stupor.
  11. >That voice sounded famili-
  12. >”Let me go! I know magi- AUUGH!”
  13. >Oh hell no.
  14. >Although the haste spell has worn, you continue running at the same pace, in order to “save” Twilight.
  15. >You had no real reason to save her, but hey, if you weren't allowed to kill her, why should someone else get to?
  16. >Besides, she might be able to get you back to the Halls.
  17. >You stop in a bush, your form hidden perfectly in its leafy foliage.
  18. >You peek out, and you see him.
  19. >Warwick.
  20. >Talk about a fearsome opponent on the Fields of Justice. This werewolf would destroy anything in its way.
  21. >You have fought him once before, and you were not eager to do it again.
  22. >Then you notice the significant size difference
  23. >This werewolf is much MUCH smaller than Warwick.
  24. >And its fur isn’t the sleek jet black color of your old foe.
  25. >No, this thing stood perhaps as tall as you when you slouched.
  26. >And its fur was gray.
  27. >”Your spells are nuthin against us” the gray dog spat at Twilight, who was being held high in the air by her horn.
  28. >A new, rather annoying voice, enters the fray.
  29. >”Yes! Your little magics aren’t gonna do hay against us dogs! We are protected by the gems!”
  30. >”Yeah, our gemsies will protect us!” a third voice quipped
  31. >Oh good lord.
  32. >You've killed geniuses, you've killed elite warriors. You have killed pillagers, and murderers, wraiths, golems, wizards, werewolves, and just about every other adjective you could think of.
  33. >But you would have never thought you were going to add “mentally retarded dog people” to that list
  34. >That was definitely a first
  35. >Today is a day full of firsts for you! Fortunately, there is one common denominator among that list.
  36. >You have had to kill them.
  37. >You are good at killing
  38. >But you are far better at causing fear.
  39. >And this is a perfect time to show them how good you are at your craft.
  40. >”You 2 stays heres, and make sure nuffin comes into the den.”
  41. >”Yes boss” the other 2 haphazardly slap to attention.
  42. >Oh good lord, this was going to be so easy.
  45. >Okay, lets evaluate the situation.
  46. >You want to go into a tiny den full of angry dog people, due to the fact the person who interrogated you will probably be killed by them.
  47. >And you want to prevent this, why?
  48. >Because, brain. If I am not allowed to kill her, I'm going to make sure no one else is allowed to either.
  49. >Oh, that makes sense.
  50. >I thought so.
  51. >After your brief internal monologue, you decide to come up with a better plan than just “kill everything that isn't purple”
  52. >You're new plan is “Kill everything that isn’t a purple pony.”
  53. >After all, there could be purple retarded dog people in there.
  54. >The very thought of that makes you laugh out loud.
  55. >Being the Personification of fear, your laugh is more of a terrifying cackle than a laugh.
  56. >”Who there?” One of the dogs begins shaking in his non-existent boots. The other lowers a spear toward the bush you are hiding in.
  57. >”You. Stay.” The spear holding dog barked (literally) at the other.
  58. >It runs towards your hiding-bush, brandishing the spear wildly.
  59. >You lay your scythe on the ground, blade up, and as the dog steps in, you tug on the spear.
  60. >Once he is close enough, you grab the scruff of his neck, and slam him downwards onto the scythe blade.
  61. >Within a second, your blade is sticking clean through its stomach, slicing through the dogs lower spine with ease.
  62. > The scythe is no longer a shined steel, but a shined crimson color, as you indulge on the fear emanating from the wounded lycanthrope.
  63. >You pick the dog back up, forcing him off your blade, and throw him out of the bush, towards the other guard.
  64. >The dying dog crawls towards its friend and whimpers loudly, its lower legs dragging uselessly behind it.
  65. >When the healthy dog is close to the dying one, you feel it.
  66. >The fear.
  67. >When the crippled dog looks up at its friend, you hear a gentle sob
  68. >You throw your scythe, impacting the bleeding dogs skull. After a brief twitch, it plays dead.
  69. >Except for the part where it isn’t acting.
  70. >You speak loudly from your hiding bush “You are pathetic.”
  71. >The other dog, holding his dead comrade in its hands, looks up towards the bush.
  72. >It grabs the sword from its scabbard, and swings blindly at the bush you were hiding in.
  73. >You had already rolled to a nearby bush, continuing your speech after it stops swinging.
  74. >”You let your friend die”
  75. >The dog yelps in delicious fear, as it turns towards the other bush, and begins swinging again.
  76. >And as before, you roll into another form of cover. “Do not despair though, mutt.”
  77. >It snarls, baring its rather long and yellow teeth. Apparently mutt was offensive to these things
  78. >”Your end will be quick and painful, I promise.”
  79. >The dog runs toward the tree with reckless abandon as you charge up a teleporting spell.
  80. >When the dog lunges to look behind the tree, you disappear in a cloud of black smoke, a few crows flying away from where you once stood..
  81. >The dog is utterly stunned, and absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, terrified beyond its simple canine mind.
  82. >It turns around slowly.
  83. >As it turns, your eyes meet his.
  84. >Before it can make a sound, you swing your scythe upwards with ease, slicing through its crotch and exiting through its skull.
  85. >With a sickening splash, the lycanthropes still beating heart fall upon the ground, resting on a pile of gore that's slick with blood.
  86. >Both halves of the body fall to the ground with a thud.
  88. >You know fear. So of course, you know you cant just leave these dismembered canines laying around. >You quickly slice off the head of the first dead dog, and grab a grounded half of the other
  89. >You approach the hole in the ground they called a den, and drop the head down it.
  90. >After about 3 seconds you hear a dulled crack as it hits the ground.
  91. >Wait for it...
  92. >Wait for it...
  93. >Ah, there it is. The terrified howls and yelps of many scared dogs.
  94. >That sound is music to your ears. Your own personal orchestra playing a symphony you have created yourself.
  95. >You are a damn good composer.
  96. >Thanks, brain.
  97. > You use the enchantment on the scythe to shrink it down to a one handed weapon.
  98. >You jump down the hole.
  99. >As you descend,, you slide your scythe blade into the wall.
  100. >When you land, dust flies all around you, and you use this new found concealment to hide in the shadows.
  101. >When the dust clears, you see at least 15 dogs standing at the entrance, wearing worn, tattered leather armor, and holding crude makeshift weapons
  102. >After what seemed like an eternity, you let out a loud maniacal laugh.
  103. >The dogs jump and shiver in fear, but continue to hold their ground.
  104. >You fall silent and willed your eyes to glow brighter.
  105. >They are all too terrified to move.
  106. >This must change. Immediately.
  107. >You lean forward into the light, smiling wide, exposing your dripping black teeth to them, and calmly inform them:
  108. >”Your end will be far worse than your friend's was.”
  109. >You toss the half of the body you dragged with you towards them.
  110. >With a schlop and a thud, the halved body rolls, its crimson interior displayed towards the dogs.
  111. >Half the dogs fled down the chamber, howling and yelping in fear.
  112. >The other half are clearly shaken, but were unmoved.
  113. >Perhaps its time for one of your famous ultimatums.
  114. >May they forever live in infamy.
  115. >”Slay each other, and whoever lives, will survive the nightmares to come” You cackle again, stepping back into the darkness, your eyes fade to black.
  116. >And you wait.
  117. >Within seconds, the dogs are fighting among themselves, teeth gnashing, claws slashing, and blood spilling
  118. >This was working far better than you expected.
  119. >Within a minute, only one stood, blood and dirt caked onto its fur, a tear running down its eyes, spear broken in half.
  120. >”I killed my brothers, gem-eyes. Please lets me lives. I'll do anythings!”
  121. >With grammar like that, you should kill him out of spite, but you said you would let the victor live.
  122. >You step forward, your form coming into the light fully for the first time.
  123. >The terrified dog steps backwards, dropping his half a weapon.
  124. >You approach him, bloody hand-scythe held low, and you are within an inch of his face.
  125. >You do not fear reaction from him. You control him now. You made him kill, you can surely make him do this next thing.
  126. >You hold your mouth close to his ear as you hiss.
  127. >”Run”
  129. >Damn it
  130. >Maybe you should have told him to walk briskly instead.
  131. >Dogs are damn fast, and you are not. Even casting haste on yourself barely helped.
  132. >The dog turns a corner, bursting through a thin curtain of wool, shouting unintelligibly about blood, murder, and scarecrows.
  133. >After a few seconds, you reach the end of the hall, and use your scythe to cut through the curtain.
  134. >Shit.
  135. >There are at least 25 dogs, if not more. They look far larger than the other dogs, and look well armored compared to the ones you encountered earlier.
  136. >And the whole group is looking at the stick man who cut their curtain-door hybrid down.
  137. >You stare at them, poker-face engaged. You are clearly outnumbered, but you have years of battle experience with your scythe.
  138. >It might take a while, but you can easily kill them all with your-
  139. >”Help.” a weak voice calls out.
  140. >Nah.
  141. >You need to kill fast, and scythe is too slow.
  142. >Is it that time, brain?
  143. >It sure is, Fiddle.
  144. >Murder time FUN TIME!
  145. >You expand your arms out, channeling some very dark and terrifying magics.
  146. >Your eyes begin to glow fiercely, bright green orbs floating around you.
  147. >”The end is near!” You shout.
  149. >Instantly, you are teleported to the center of the pack, a murderous flock of crows swirling around you.
  150. >You begin laughing, as you strike down any dogs who are close to you.
  151. >You form a black cloud around your hand, and throw it at a dog who is attempting to escape. In mid flight, it turns into a very large crow, a worm sticking out of its eye socket, its blackened heart exposed through its ribs.
  152. >The crow begins striking the dog, blinding it, before it moves onto other dogs.
  153. >It was over before it truly began.
  154. >The crows, now slick with gore, are resting on the bodies of the fallen canines, picking at their furred flesh, cawing intermittently.
  155. >You smile. It's been a while since you have fed the birds.
  156. >Oh, how you spoil them.
  157. >You hear the distinct sound of vomiting behind you.
  158. >You turn, raising your scythe, and striking down in one fluid movement.
  159. >The lock being severed from the cage, a heaving purple pony is now free.
  160. >”What... what did * blaaargh*” She cant finish her sentence.
  161. >You gently pick her up once the dry heaves stop.
  162. >At first, she is terrified, with good reason
  163. >You literally waltzed into a room, stared down 20+ dogs, then murdered everything in sight.
  164. >Well, everything except for the purple pony.
  165. >You did want to stick to your plan, after all.
  166. >After a brief second, she stops shivering in fear, and begins to sob.
  167. >Add this to your list of firsts.
  168. >What's that, brain?
  169. >Saving an innocent.
  170. >For the first time in a long time, you actually feel good about what you did.
  171. >Not that you regret anything you did in the past.
  173. >You make it out of the cave, either cutting down any resistance you meet, or manipulating their fear to such an extent that they refuse to leave the fetal position.
  174. >Twilight's eyes are pressed firm against your chest, blocking the terrible sights from gracing her pupils and thoughts.
  175. >You flash out of the hole you were in, and notice the sun begin to set.
  176. >You direct yourself towards the direction of the barn, and head off in that direction in a slow jog.
  177. >Don't want to jostle the now sleeping pony any more than you ha-
  178. >Your twig leg gets caught on a vine.
  179. >Face, meet ground
  180. >It does not like you.
  181. >* hrk*
  182. >You roll off the slightly injured, and now fully awake, unicorn.
  183. >”Ugh... what happe-Oh sweet Celestia!” She points a hoof at your chest.
  184. >You look down.
  185. >There's a huge gash across your chest, along with a small hole a bit higher.
  186. >Damn, Twilight's horn made that hole in your chest when you accidentally fell on her.
  187. >Wide slashes were easy to mend together.
  188. >Tiny holes are another story.
  189. >You shrug
  190. >”We need to get you home, fast!”
  191. >You shrug again, picking yourself up.
  192. >”How can you just shrug?! You should be dying right now! Bleeding at least!”
  193. >* stare*
  194. >”R...right... no blood. I don’t think I'll ever get used to that.” she nervously chuckles
  196. >“Well,” She evaluates the situation “We are in the middle of the Everfree forest, and its getting dark. This forest is a very dangerous when its dark.”
  197. >You tap your now 2 handed scythe reassuringly.
  198. >You begin to walk towards the barn
  199. >”Oh no you don’t. You aren't walking any further with that wound on your chest”
  200. >”Watch me” you whisper, as you pass by Twilight.
  201. >Suddenly, tackle-hug from behind.
  202. >You feel a sensation familiar to using a flash teleport spell.
  203. >With a crack, you find yourself in the barn next to Twilight.
  204. >Then you hear it.
  205. >A delicious sound, if you do say so yourself.
  207. >It takes a moment for the terrified screams to die down, but they do.
  208. >Apparently, a bloodied up scarecrow that is twice your size suddenly appearing in front of you with a large, gore slick scythe in its hand is terrifying.
  209. >Who would have guessed.
  210. >Both Kickface and Fluttershy back away from your form, a Twilight in front of you explaining to 2 screaming mares that you saved her life, and that if you were an evil being, you wouldn't have bothered.
  211. >Do you bother telling them the reason?
  212. >You may be a scarecrow, but you do have some form of a brain, contrary to a very popular song stating otherwise.
  213. >And that brain is shouting at you to not say a damn word to anybody.
  214. >”So, you saved mah friend?” AppleKick inquired
  215. >* nod*
  216. >”Well shoot, I think I may have misjudged yah then.”
  217. >* stare *
  218. >”Well... uh... you don’t need to stare at me like that...” she nervously looks at her 2 friends.
  219. >They shrug, and you kneel down, getting to her eye level.
  220. >She quivers as you do so, remembering what happened last time you did that.
  221. >”You kicked me in the head. Multiple times.” you whisper
  222. >”I...uh...ah....Ah'm...sorry” she looks down slightly, her hat covering her eyes from your view
  223. >You feel a flash of pain in your chest.
  224. >Was it the wound that caused that?
  225. >Wait, you don’t feel pain on the inside of your chest. What could it be?
  226. >You remember reading one of your dusty tomes about something called “guilt”.
  227. >Remembering the description of the word, you realize this situation could classify as one where it would be justified to feel “guilt”
  228. >”Ah'm sorry ah kicked ya. Ya just scared me so bad, that...”
  229. >You nod and lightly touch her shoulder.
  230. >You smile without teeth, in an effort to ease the tension
  231. >Damn your chronically terrifying expression.
  232. >She winces
  233. >”I am sorry for scaring you as I did in the past, and just now.” you try to chuckle in a non shit-your-pants-in-pure-horror way.
  234. >Add this to the list Brain. First time apologizing to something I terrified, and chuckling without killing something immediately after.
  235. >Noted.
  236. >”Well, I have to head home” Twilight announces to no one in particular.
  237. >”Oh no, you can't! You're bleeding so much! You wouldn't even make it off the farm!” an exacerbated yellow pegasus states.
  238. >”Flutters, don’t worry about me, I only have a a couple scratches. Most of this blood isn't even mine” She nervously laughed, cringing at the though of being covered in someone else's blood. “Beside, Fiddlesticks is wounded.”
  239. >Fluttershy turned her head, and gasped.
  240. >”Oh my goodness! We have to get you to a doctor! You're so badly hurt!”
  241. >* shrug *
  242. >”Uhm, Flutters, maybe taking him to a doc isn’t the best thang for him. Ah mean, look at him. He's covered in blood and carrying a scythe bigger than us.” She sizes up the scythe as she says this “He ain't exactly a living bleeding thing either, so Ah don't think the doctor'll be able to help.”
  243. >”Oh.. uhm...well... Mister Fiddlesticks?” Fluttershy looks at you with the most d'aww-tastic eyes you've ever seen.
  244. >* shrug * “I don’t need a healer for physical wounds. If you have thread and needle, I can sew myself back together. I've done it before.”
  245. >The yellow pony is taken aback by how casually you mention sewing yourself back together.
  246. >Applejack grins.
  247. >”Ah think I have just the place in mind to get you sewed up, Fiddle.”
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