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holy lessons

a guest
Jun 14th, 2023
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  1. [07:10] Led her older cousin to the church, taking a seat in a pew she folded her robes under herself as she would let her hands rest in her lap. "Well tell me what you know so far about holy magic so I can get an idea of where my momma had guided you up until now?"
  3. The child then removing her hat and sword setting them beside her as was becoming the normal for her now.
  5. (Phoenix Altan)
  6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. [07:29] The two cousins strolls towards the local Church within the city of Aphros.
  10. Adrian lowers upon an empty seat, loosening the strap around his waist, freeing his weapon of choice. His hands plop upon his lap, folding neat like a bowtie as his thumbs circles around one in an endless race. Both orbs take flight towards a nearby window, eyeing the stars illuminate the dozing heavens, relishing in its dazzling sight.
  12. "I’ve learned over the years, holy magic is born from the desire to protect. It guides the selfless into battle, aiding them, serving as a as their sword and shield, and even can heal the wound."
  14. "That sword and shield is something I see myself as for the family." Adrian adorns a tiny grin; hope clung to his features, desiring to protect his home and kins.
  16. "As for manifesting it. I never grasped it completely…"
  17. (Adrian Sun-Broxley)
  18. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. [07:38] The girl would nod, remaining silent for a short while. Small hands sitting in her lap until she moved her arm, raising her right hand into the air. "Protection is not the only feeling that is associated with using holy magic, for me it was a want to help the people. To be able to heal their wounds and sooth their souls."
  22. The girl waving her hand a bit as she would begin to procure traces of holy light in her hand. The very nature of the raw mana gentle and warm even from what the boy could tell. "To successfully use holy magic, the life stream and you need to form a kind of connection. When I became a priestess this connection was then formed more easily thus allowing me to utilize holy magic. I am not sure if you wish to take this path but it is one open to you, however if not."
  24. Her hand would close as she then would lower her hand into her lap, then leaning over to grab hold of Adrian's hands with her own and motioning for him to open them. "To let you get an idea of the connection you are looking to form, we will use me as a conduit of sorts. We will pool our mana together and I will let you freely manipulate some of it to get a feeling for the difference between it and simple mana."
  26. The girl then offered a soft gaze with a smile to him, taking hold of both of his hands gently. Her robes falling from her arm's around her form, the braids of her hair dangling in front of her face. A long breath was then taken in as she channeled her energy through her. Spec's of holy light generating around her and converging into her hands. Then slowly transferring itself into the boys circuits.
  28. The over all sensation that he should have felt would be one of warmth, love, and genuine kindness no ferocity or maliciousness detected what so ever from her magic.
  29. (Phoenix Altan)
  30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. [08:21] Golden fur ears flickers. Adrian senses Phoenix’s gentle touch clasps his hand. He naturally opens his hands to the Kitsune, accepting what was to come. A golden hue generates, sparkling like stardust, transferring from one cousin to another without complaints.
  34. A surge of warmth flushes throughout Adrian’s mana circuits like a soothing tidal wave. Forest-green orbs closes, bathing in the sunny warmth that floods within, stirring his emotions, cascading them with kindness and love, nothing but the purest intent of a selfless person.
  36. "So, this is what dad felt…" A tranquil soft-spoken tone sails free past Felinae’s lips.
  38. Crystal clear as day; a teardrop rains on down Adrian’s features. With the blessings of love, they were also sadness stirring within his heart. Andriel’s disappearance pounds into his beating heart. For the first time, he felt his father’s strength, the force of a righteous man.
  40. "Why’d you have to leave us, Father? Forgive me for not spending much time with you as a kid. I wish you could see your boy now; I promise I’ll do my best."
  42. Adrian’s prayers races across the cosmos, searching far and wide for Andriel, sending him blessings wherever he may be. A last tear weeps free. Warmth erupts off Broxley like a passionate volcano, loving and holding no desire to hurt those within its path. For a second, a sunny hue sparkles around him, showering him and protecting him before its disappearances.
  44. Ultimately, his watery eyes awaken, looking towards Phoenix as her mana slips away from his grips.
  46. "Please tell me, how do I deepen my connection like yours?"
  47. (Adrian Sun-Broxley)
  48. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  50. [08:40] The child would hold her soft smile, her form unmoving as she would notice the tear's begin to form in his eye's. With the last bit of light fading away from the duo's hands she would lift her own from his grasp. Her gaze would rest onto the older boy for a short while, seeing him express the pain of his father having left them.
  52. A small frail hand would move to rest onto his shoulder, a few soft pat's coming from the kitsune as her lip's pursed together searching for words to say help sooth him. "A long time ago, there were times when I thought I would not live or make it. They were rather bad times if I am being honest. But in times when I had doubt I often looked to a quote that I had come to read in a book. It's from Sheng if you have any interest in it but it goes like so."
  54. The girl then clearing her throat a bit as she would take in a deep breath.
  56. "If you are feeling disheartened, that you somehow are not enough. Set your heart ablaze, Dry your eye's and look ahead. You may feel like you are digging your heels in, but the flow of time waits for no one. It won't patiently stand by as you grieve."
  58. Her hand then lifting from Adrian's shoulder and coming to grasp her other hand in front of her. The girl then lowering your head. "I pray that your father is in good health Adrian, I am sure Enarr will guide him well."
  60. Her hands then coming to rest at her side.
  61. (Phoenix Altan)
  62. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  64. [09:20] The last drop of warmth departs from him. Adrian’s palms awaken, clenching on to nothing but emptiness, wanting to relish in its strength. His head dips downwards as he runs his forearm across his damp eyes, noticing a soft set of pats rain down upon his shoulder.
  66. "He’s out there somewhere…" Broxley stares upon the onyx carpet, staring at the emptiness it possesses, such as his aching heart.
  68. Alas, in broken times there was always a light that glimmers ahead. Phoenix’s soothing, soft-spoken words break free within the Church. Warm to the touches, guiding to the soul, they were uplifting in every way, serving as fiery motivation to strive on.
  70. Adrian nods ever so often, running his palm across his eyes, drying them for the best. Although emptiness still dwells within, questions that were left unanswered, a fire ignites within his very core. The tall Felinae arises from his seat, gazing upon the statue within the Church, welcoming him with arms wide open.
  72. A step forward, then another as the boy advances closer. Both palms slowly clench down to those brisk bones printing on his skin. A determined swordsman was born this night.
  74. "I to pray he is in good health." Adrian’s head tilts upwards, gazing upon the statue’s covered visage.
  76. "Phoenix, please leave me to my mourning alone. They are answers and things I need to find out for myself. I need not burden anyone with my sorrows, as I’ll rise above them for the better."
  78. Broxely glances over his shoulder, flashing a warm smile at his cousin.
  80. "Thank you."
  82. Adrian’s ultimate words set free as his eyes returned to the statue, remaining in utter silence.
  83. (Adrian Sun-Broxley)
  84. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  86. [09:30] The child giving a nod to them would then offer a soft smile. "Very well then, but as for your own connection. You must find your own way cousin."
  88. With that she would go to stand, placing her weapon back at her hip and her hat atop of her head. "I am sure you will find your answer soon enough Adrian."
  90. (Phoenix Altan)
  91. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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