

Dec 13th, 2019
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  1. command /start:
  2. permission: skript.admin
  3. trigger:
  4. loop all players:
  5. broadcast "&eThe game starts in &615 &eseconds!"
  6. execute console command "/playsound block.note.hat master %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 2 1 1"
  7. wait 14 seconds
  8. broadcast "&eThe game starts in &c5 &eseconds!"
  9. send loop-player title "&a5" for 2 seconds
  10. execute console command "/playsound block.note.hat master %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 2 1 1"
  11. wait 1 seconds
  12. send loop-player title "&64" for 2 seconds
  13. broadcast "&eThe game starts in &c4 &eseconds!"
  14. execute console command "/playsound block.note.hat master %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 2 1 1"
  15. wait 1 seconds
  16. send loop-player title "&63" for 2 seconds
  17. broadcast "&eThe game starts in &c3 &eseconds!"
  18. execute console command "/playsound block.note.hat master %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 2 1 1"
  19. wait 1 seconds
  20. send loop-player title "&c2" for 2 seconds
  21. broadcast "&eThe game starts in &c2 &eseconds!"
  22. execute console command "/playsound block.note.hat master %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 2 1 1"
  23. wait 1 seconds
  24. send loop-player title "&c1" for 1 seconds
  25. broadcast "&eThe game starts in &c1 &eseconds!"
  26. execute console command "/playsound block.note.hat master %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 2 1 1"
  27. command "/clear @a"
  28. wait 1 seconds
  29. set {lobby} to false
  30. set {game} to true
  31. set player's gamemode to survival
  32. give stone pickaxe of efficiency 1 to {red::*}
  33. give stone axe of efficiency 1 to {red::*}
  34. give stone shovel of efficiency 1 to {red::*}
  35. give stone pickaxe of efficiency 1 to {blue::*}
  36. give stone axe of efficiency 1 to {blue::*}
  37. give stone shovel of efficiency 1 to {blue::*}
  38. if {red::*} is set:
  39. set {redsidebar.%loop-player%} to true
  40. send loop-player title "&aGO!" with subtitle "&7Your Team &cRed" for 3 seconds
  41. teleport {red::*} to {redteleport}
  42. execute console command "/playsound block.note.pling master %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 2 2 1"
  43. execute console command "/playsound block.note.pling master %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 2 0.5 1"
  44. execute console command "/playsound block.portal.trigger master %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 2 1 1"
  45. equip loop-player with all leather armour
  46. dye player's helmet red
  47. dye player's chestplate red
  48. dye player's leggings red
  49. dye player's boots red
  50. wait 2 seconds
  51. broadcast "&a------------------------------"
  52. broadcast "&f&l Buy Walls"
  53. broadcast ""
  54. broadcast "&e 鉱石を掘ったらゴールドが手に入るぞ!"
  55. broadcast "&e そのゴールドでショップで武器や装備が"
  56. broadcast "&e 買うことができるぞ!"
  57. broadcast "&e 時間がたつと壁が開くぞ!"
  58. broadcast "&e 壁が開くと相手チームとのバトル開始だ!"
  59. broadcast "&e ゴールドで買ったアイテムや武器をを使って"
  60. broadcast "&e 勝利を目指そう!"
  61. broadcast "&a------------------------------"
  62. broadcast "&aMap create by &edifib"
  63. wait 3 seconds
  64. broadcast "&aランクによって&cキル&aした時や&6ゲーム&aに勝利した時に"
  65. broadcast "&aもらえる&6コイン&aが増えます。"
  66. broadcast ""
  67. broadcast "&aVIP &f&l2倍 &aVIP&6+ &f&l2.5倍 &bMVP &f&l3倍 &bMVP&c+ &f&l4倍"
  68. wait 0.5 seconds
  69. broadcast ""
  70. broadcast "&d/realm &aで &eCash / キャッシュ &aを買うことができます。"
  71. broadcast "&eCash / キャッシュ &aを使ってロビーでランクなどを買うことができます。"
  72. if {blue::*} is set:
  73. set {bluesidebar} to true
  74. send loop-player title "&aGO!" with subtitle "&7Your Team &9Blue" for 3 seconds
  75. teleport {blue::*} to {blueteleport}
  76. execute console command "/playsound block.note.pling master %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 2 2 1"
  77. execute console command "/playsound block.note.pling master %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 2 0.5 1"
  78. execute console command "/playsound block.portal.trigger master %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 2 1 1"
  79. equip loop-player with all leather armour
  80. dye player's helmet blue
  81. dye player's chestplate blue
  82. dye player's leggings blue
  83. dye player's boots blue
  84. wait 2 seconds
  85. broadcast "&a------------------------------"
  86. broadcast "&f&l Buy Walls"
  87. broadcast ""
  88. broadcast "&e 鉱石を掘ったらゴールドが手に入るぞ!"
  89. broadcast "&e そのゴールドでショップで武器や装備が"
  90. broadcast "&e 買うことができるぞ!"
  91. broadcast "&e 時間がたつと壁が開くぞ!"
  92. broadcast "&e 壁が開くと相手チームとのバトル開始だ!"
  93. broadcast "&e ゴールドで買ったアイテムや武器をを使って"
  94. broadcast "&e 勝利を目指そう!"
  95. broadcast "&a------------------------------"
  96. broadcast "&aMap create by &edifib"
  97. wait 3 seconds
  98. broadcast "&aランクによって&cキル&aした時や&6ゲーム&aに勝利した時に"
  99. broadcast "&aもらえる&6コイン&aが増えます。"
  100. broadcast ""
  101. broadcast "&aVIP &f&l2倍 &aVIP&6+ &f&l2.5倍 &bMVP &f&l3倍 &bMVP&c+ &f&l4倍"
  102. wait 0.5 seconds
  103. broadcast ""
  104. broadcast "&d/realm &aで &eCash / キャッシュ &aを買うことができます。"
  105. broadcast "&eCash / キャッシュ &aを使ってロビーでランクなどを買うことができます。"
  107. command /stopgame:
  108. permission: skript.admin
  109. trigger:
  110. loop all players:
  111. delete {red::*}
  112. delete {blue::*}
  113. set {gameplayer} to 0
  114. set {lobby} to true
  115. set {game} to false
  116. teleport loop-player to {defaultspawn}
  117. command "/clear @a"
  118. command "/effect %loop-player% clear"
  119. set slot 0 of loop-player to bedrock named "&c現在コスチューム作成中..." with lore "&1" and "&c&lCOMING SOON..." and "&2"
  120. set slot 4 of loop-player to nether star named "&aGame Join &7(Right Click)"
  121. set loop-player's gamemode to adventure
  123. command /lobbyitem:
  124. permission: skript.admin
  125. trigger:
  126. loop all players:
  127. set slot 0 of loop-player to bedrock named "&c現在コスチューム作成中..." with lore "&1" and "&c&lCOMING SOON..." and "&2"
  128. set slot 4 of loop-player to nether star named "&aGame Join &7(Right Click)"
  130. command /check:
  131. permission: skript.admin
  132. trigger:
  133. send "Red: %{red::*}%"
  134. send "blue: %{blue::*}%"
  135. send "&1"
  136. send "Total: %{gameplayer}%"
  138. command /teleportset <text>:
  139. permission: skript.admin
  140. trigger:
  141. if arg-1 is "red":
  142. set {redteleport} to location of player
  144. if arg-1 is "blue":
  145. set {blueteleport} to location of player
  148. every 1 seconds:
  149. loop all players:
  150. if {game} is true:
  151. if {red::*} is set:
  152. {redsidebar.%loop-player%} is true
  153. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  154. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&lBUY WALLS"
  155. set score "&1" in sidebar of loop-player to 11
  156. set score "&fNext Event:" in sidebar of loop-player to 10
  157. set score "&a%{event}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
  158. set score "&2" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
  159. set score "&c&lR &fRed: &a%{redteam}% &7YOU" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
  160. set score "&9&lB &fBlue: &a%{blueteam}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  161. set score "&3" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  162. set score "&fKills: %{gamekill.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  163. set score "&4" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  164. set score "&fGold: &e%{gold.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  165. set score "&5" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  166. set score "&" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  168. every 1 seconds:
  169. loop all players:
  170. if {game} is true:
  171. if {blue::*} is set:
  172. {bluesidebar.%loop-player%} is true
  173. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  174. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&lBUY WALLS"
  175. set score "&1" in sidebar of loop-player to 11
  176. set score "&fNext Event:" in sidebar of loop-player to 10
  177. set score "&a%{event}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
  178. set score "&2" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
  179. set score "&c&lR &fRed: &a%{redteam}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
  180. set score "&9&lB &fBlue: &a%{blueteam}% &7YOU" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  181. set score "&3" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  182. set score "&fKills: %{gamekill.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  183. set score "&4" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  184. set score "&fGold: &e%{gold.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  185. set score "&5" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  186. set score "&" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  188. on death of player:
  189. if {game} is true:
  190. command "/playsound entity.experience_orb.pickup master %attacker% ~ ~ ~ 2 2 1"
  191. if {default.%victim%} is set:
  192. add 1 to {kills.%attacker%}
  193. add 1 to {gamekill.%attacker%}
  194. add 20 to {coins.%attacker%}
  195. add 80 to {exp.%attacker%}
  196. send "&6+20 coins!" to attacker
  197. send "&d+10 experience (kill)" to attacker
  198. if {vip.%victim%} is set:
  199. add 1 to {kills.%attacker%}
  200. add 1 to {gamekill.%attacker%}
  201. add 40 to {coins.%attacker%}
  202. add 80 to {exp.%attacker%}
  203. send "&6+20 coins! (Rank Bonus +20 Coins)"
  204. send "&d+10 experience (kill)"
  205. if {vip+.%attacker%} is set:
  206. add 1 to {kills.%attacker%}
  207. add 1 to {gamekill.%attacker%}
  208. add 60 to {coins.%attacker%}
  209. add 80 to {exp.%attacker%}
  210. send "&6+20 coins! (Rank Bonus +40 Coins)" to attacker
  211. send "&d+10 experience (kill)" to attacker
  212. if {mvp.%attacker%} is set:
  213. add 1 to {kills.%attacker%}
  214. add 1 to {gamekill.%attacker%}
  215. add 180 to {coins.%attacker%}
  216. add 80 to {exp.%attacker%}
  217. send "&6+20 coins! (Rank Bonus +160 Coins)" to attacker
  218. send "&d+10 experience (kill)" to attacker
  219. if {mvp+.%attacker%} is set:
  220. add 1 to {kills.%attacker%}
  221. add 1 to {gamekill.%attacker%}
  222. add 720 to {coins.%attacker%}
  223. add 80 to {exp.%attacker%}
  224. send "&6+20 coins! (Rank Bonus +700 Coins)" to attacker
  225. send "&d+10 experience (kill)" to attacker
  226. if {special.%attacker%} is set:
  227. add 1 to {kills.%attacker%}
  228. add 1 to {gamekill.%attacker%}
  229. add 720 to {coins.%attacker%}
  230. add 80 to {exp.%attacker%}
  231. send "&6+20 coins! (Rank Bonus +700 Coins)" to attacker
  232. send "&d+10 experience (kill)" to attacker
  233. if {admin.%attacker%} is set:
  234. add 1 to {kills.%attacker%}
  235. add 1 to {gamekill.%attacker%}
  236. add 720 to {coins.%attacker%}
  237. add 80 to {exp.%attacker%}
  238. send "&6+20 coins! (Rank Bonus +700 Coins)" to attacker
  239. send "&d+10 experience (kill)" to attacker
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