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  1. _______________________________________________________________________________
  2. | This is a list of the things One Vision changes. |
  3. | Version: 0.92 |
  4. | |
  5. | |
  6. | (B) Fixed big |
  7. | (+) Buff |
  8. | (-) Nerf |
  9. | (·) Tweaking (neither buff nor nerf, detail changes) |
  10. | [+] New content (units, upgrades, abilities , buildings) |
  11. | [-] Removed content (units, upgrades, abilities , buildings) |
  12. | |
  13. | Graphical additions and changes are not mentioned in the changelog |
  14. | |
  15. | If a line happens to have no symbol it is simply part of the line above it |
  16. | Symbols like ** or -#- are just headlines for factions. |
  17. |_______________________________________________________________________________|
  18. =======================================================================================================================================
  19. ** All Factions **
  20. =======================================================================================================================================
  22. [+] Every player support power now also states its recharge time.
  24. (B) Fixed directional armor for a wide range of units.
  26. (+) All Nod and GDI Commandos heal themselves slowly when out of combat.
  27. All Commandos take 50% more damage from Grenade type damage.
  28. Lowered stealth detection range of all Commandos.
  29. All Commandos take 150% from Sniper damage (but lowered the damage of GDI Snipers).
  30. Increased taken damage from cannon type weapons to 10% (from 5%).
  32. (+) Epic units take less damage from mines.
  34. (+) GDI and Nod Factions start with a money cap of 10000.
  36. (·) Unified the power consumption of all Tier 3 structures to 15 (GDI was 12, Scrin was 10).
  38. (+) Increased stealth detection of all T3 defenses to 250 (from 200).
  40. (+) Slightly lowered sell refund of Construction Yards to 1600$ (from 1750$).
  42. (+) Lowered cost of epic units to 5500$ (from 6000$) and build time to 55s (from 60s).
  44. (+) All epic unit facilities provide 4 repair drones (from 3).
  45. Increased repair radius to 390 (from 340).
  47. (+) All Rocket/Missile infantry take more damage from Grenade type damage.
  48. Removed their damage penalty to aircraft.
  50. (+) Lowered recharge time of EMP Control Centers to 2m 30s (from 3m).
  52. (·) Reworked economy. Lowered cost of all Refineries to 2600$ (from 3000$).
  53. Increased docking time to 9.5s (from 9s).
  54. Increased cost of Harvesters to 1500$ (from 1400$).
  55. Lowered gathering rate of Harvesters by 20%.
  56. Increased power consumption to 14 (from 12).
  57. Increased stored Tiberium to 2500 units of Tiberium (from 2000).
  59. (·) Unified power consumption of all War Factories
  60. Increased power consumption of GDI War Factories to 9 (from 5).
  61. Increased power consumption of Nod War Factories to 9 (from 7).
  62. Increased power consumption of Scrin Gateways to 9 (from 6).
  64. (·) Changed power consumption of all Barracks to 7 (from 5).
  65. Changed power production of Construction Yards to 15 (from 10).
  67. (-) Slightly lowered build radius of Refineries and Cranes.
  69. [-] Removed T4 global passive abilities for now.
  71. =======================================================================================================================================
  72. ** GDI Factions **
  73. =======================================================================================================================================
  75. (+) Slightly increased acceptable weapon delta of Watchtowers (they can aim at more targets without rotating the turret).
  77. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. -#- All GDI factions
  79. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  81. (B) Hammerheads cannot forward shots of Beam Cannons anymore (vanilla KW bug).
  83. (B) Improved accuracy and targeting of Grenadier Squads.
  85. (+) Lowered cooldown of the Airborne to 1m:30s (from 2m).
  87. (+) Increased range of APCs to 265 (from 250) and increased damage.
  88. Deals 75% damage to aircraft (from 100%) and slightly increased acceptable weapon delta.
  89. Lowered health to 2400 (from 2800).
  90. Slightly increased acceptable weapon delta.
  92. (+) Increased health of Surveyor to 4500 (from 2000). This is the same as other factions.
  94. (+) Increased the Orca's "Sensor Ping" ability duration to 12s (from 5s).
  96. (+) Increased damage of Mammoth Tanks to 550 (from 500).
  97. Lowered cost to 2400$ (from 2500$).
  98. Increased main cannon range to 315 (from 300).
  99. Increased speed to 47 (from 45).
  100. Improved armor to Gun and Grenade type damage.
  101. Lowered damage of Railguns to 900 (from 1200), increased rate of fire to 2.6s (from 3.55s).
  102. Their DPS to tanks remains almost the same. Railguns deal 50% damage to infantry (same as Avatars and Tripods).
  103. Remark: Right now, big walls of Mammoths are near unkillable beacause their first wave of shooting is too powerful.
  104. Also, Mammoth tanks heal themselves out of combat. They restore 1000 HP in one minute (max HP is 11500).
  105. Reason for the self-healing was an emphasis on its role as damage-sponge and a throw-back to Mammoth Tanks in past CnC titles.
  107. (·) Moved the "Sharpshooter Team" support power to Armory (from Tech Center).
  108. Lowered cost to 2200$ (from 3100$), lowered cooldown to 3m (from 4m).
  109. Lowered Sniper team count to 2 (from 3).
  111. (·) Lowered cost of Shatterers to 1400$ (from 1500$).
  112. Removed damage penalty to cannon damage of 150%.
  113. Lowered rocket type damage to 75% (from 100%).
  114. Lowered health to 2300 (3400).
  115. Lowered range to 340 (from 350).
  116. Lowered damage to 785 (from 1000) and increased rate of fire.
  117. Changed damage type to cannon (from rocket).
  118. Increased wave speed to 135 (from 115).
  119. Lowered splash radius to 10 (from 12).
  121. (+) Increased health of Orcas to 2100 (from 1800).
  122. Orcas deal +20% more damage to medium tanks.
  124. (+) Lowered cooldown of Orbital Bombardment to 4m (from 7m).
  125. Increased damage radius to 55 (from 45), lowered area of effect to 700 (from 800).
  127. (+) Increased damage of Missile Squads to 270 (from 235).
  128. Lowered health to 250 (from 265).
  130. (+) Changed damage type of Guardian Cannons to Cannon (from Rocket).
  131. Increased damage to 240 (from 220). Now, it kills bikes in 3 shots.
  132. Increased health to 4000 (from 3500).
  133. Remark: This results in noticeably more damage to units like APCs, Pitbulls, Gun Walkers, Buggies or Attack Bikes.
  135. (+) Lowered cost of all Firehawks to 1500$ (from 1600$).
  136. They detect stealthed aircraft in a small radius (so they can hunt Vertigos).
  137. Reworked Missiles: delay between shots, increased range to 475 (from 450).
  138. Increased Missile damage to 1100 (from 1000). With this, they kill a Devastator in 6 shots.
  140. (+) Increased health of all Slingshots to 3200 (from 2900).
  141. Improved turret rotation and aiming capabilities of Slingshots.
  142. Lowered range of Slingshots to 365 (from 375) and they takes less time to aim.
  143. Take 25% grenade type damage (from 35%).
  144. Take 20% rocket type damage (from 25%).
  146. (+) Increased damage of all AA Batteries to 45 (from 38).
  147. Increased upgraded damage to 70 (from 60).
  148. Added minor splash radius of 5 and lowered pre-attack delay.
  149. Drastically increased turret turning radius (it is the same as the Slingshot now).
  151. (+) Lowered cost of Tactical Support Drones to 550$ (from 750$).
  153. (+) Lowered cost of the Engineer's "Neutral Structure Repair" to 200$ (from 400$).
  155. (+) Increased damage of Predators to 460 (from 400).
  156. Added pre attack delay of 0.15s.
  157. Lowered rate of fire to 2.75s (from 2.3s).
  158. Remark: The DPS remains unchanged. However, this allows to kill most tanks in one less shot.
  160. (+) Doubled regeneration speed of Power Packs.
  162. (+) Lowered delay of Commando after using jetpacks to 0.5s (from 2.5s).
  164. (+) Increased projectile speed of Juggernaughts and Behemoths. Improved accuracy and slash radius.
  166. (+) Reworked and buffed Rig and Battlebases.
  167. Lowered cost to 1800$ (from 2000$).
  168. Battlebases also repair aircraft.
  169. Lowered speed of Rigs to 67 (from 72).
  170. Increased health of Rigs to 2500 (from 2000).
  171. Increased health of Battlebases to 6100 (from 5500).
  172. Increased anti-air missile volley size to 4 (from 2), lowered damage to 120 (from 150). Fixed rocket speed.
  173. Removed damage reduction to Cannon damage (from 75% damage).
  174. Lowered damage reduction to Rocket damage to 75% (from 25% damage).
  175. Lowered cannon rate of fire to 2.4s per shot (from 2s).
  176. Halved self-repair speed.
  177. Lowered Railgun DPS to 245 (from 300).
  178. Lowered Sonic Cannon DPS to 225 (from 300).
  180. (·) Reworked Sensor Pods so they last much longer but are not stealthed anymore.
  181. Sensor Pods can be researched from Airfields.
  183. (·) Slightly increased acceptable weapon delta of Watchtowers (they can aim at more targets without rotating the turret).
  184. Lowered the Watchtower's damage to vehicles/structures to 75%.
  185. Increased turret rotation speed.
  187. (-) Lowered power output of upgraded Power Plants to 35 (from 40).
  188. Lowered upgrade cost to 200$ (from 300$). Lowered research time to 4s (from 5s).
  190. (-) Foxholes now cost 50$.
  192. (-) Lowered damage of Snipers to 250 (from 350). This way, they don't one-shot T3 infantry.
  193. Commandos still take the same amount of shots to kill.
  195. (-) Lowered cost of Railguns to 3500$ (from 4000$).
  196. Increased research time to 1m 45s (from 1m 30s).
  198. (-) Increased cost of Supersonic Air Strike to 2500$ (from 2000$).
  199. Changed splash damage. Units take less damage the further they are away from the center.
  201. (-) Lowered range of Light Infantry Scouts to 270 (from 280).
  202. Lowered delay between shots to 1.25 (from 2.1).
  203. Lowered damage to 60 (from 90).
  204. Lowered health to 85 (from 125).
  205. Lowered vision to 550 (from 800).
  206. Lowered stealth detection range to 150 (from 400).
  207. Increased pre-attack cooldown to 0.45 (from 0.35).
  208. Can now also deal damage to vehicles and structures (at 50% less damage).
  209. Lowered stealth detection range to 150 (from 400) and vision to 550 (from 800).
  211. (-) Lowered radar scan duration to 25s (from 40s).
  213. (-) Increased cost of the Stratofighter upgrade to 1500$ (from 1000$).
  214. Increased research time to 45s (from 30s).
  215. Increased cooldown to 90s (from 20s).
  217. (-) Lowered range of Pitbulls to 255 (from 260).
  218. Increased damage taken from Cannon damage to 120% (from 115%).
  219. Lowered damage of mortars to infantry to 50% (from 100%).
  221. (-) Lowered the Sonic Emitter's damage to structures to 70%.
  222. Sonic Emitters consume 20 energy (instead of 15).
  224. (-) Lowered speed of Riflemen Squads to 52 (from 55).
  226. (-) Lowered range of Hammerheads to 275 (from 300).
  227. Lowered health of Hammerheads to 2400 (from 2500).
  228. Lowered speed to 145 (from 160).
  230. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  231. -#- Steel Talons
  232. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  234. [+] Can research EMP Grenades from the Tank Armory.
  236. [+] Added the Sniper Team to Steel Talons.
  238. [+] Added the Bootcamps upgrade. Affected infantry is resistant to suppression, gain experience faster and they have more speed and armor.
  239. It can be researched at the Command Post and costs 1000$.
  241. (B) Fixed wrong slot count for Firestorm Troopers in Global Conquest.
  243. (+) Increased range of Combat Engineers to 150 (from 125).
  245. (+) Increased health of Tank Armory to 3500 (from 3000).
  247. (+) Removed cost of abilities on the Falcon Commando.
  249. (+) Increased damage of Titans to 480 (from 470).
  250. Lowered range to 325 (from 335).
  251. Increased Railgun damage to 720 (from 700).
  252. Lowered turn radius.
  254. (+) Microwave tank now deals +35% damage to structures.
  255. Increased splash radius. Improved armor to Gun and Grenade type damage.
  257. (·) Reverted the MRT.
  258. Lowered health of to 2520 (from 3600), lowered garrisons to 1 slot (from 2) but infantry can shoot out.
  259. Remark: APCs have 2400 HP
  261. (·) Moved the AP Rockets upgrade to the Tech Center.
  262. Moved the Talon Combat Armor to the Tank Amory.
  264. (·) Lowered health of Mutant Mercenaries to 150 (from 250).
  265. Lowered cost to 400$ (from 500$) and increased member count to 5 (from 4).
  266. Increased damage to 5 (from 4) and Increased upgraded damage to 8 (from 6).
  267. Lowered range to 275 (from 280) and added pre-attack delay of 0.2s.
  268. Increased rate of suppression to 75 (from 40).
  269. Lowered vision radius to 350 (from 420).
  271. (·) Lowered cost of the "Talon Armor Upgrade" to 2000$ (from 2500$).
  272. Lowered research time to 60s (from 1:15s).
  273. The upgrade does not grant a second passenger slot anymore.
  274. The upgrade also affects MRTs now.
  276. (-) Increased range of Wolverines to 275 (from 265).
  277. Lowered health of Wolverines to 2400 (from 3200) and added directional armor.
  278. Remark: Wolverine spam was too powerful. Also, they can now be one-shotted by Vertigos or Obelisks.
  280. (-) Lowered health of Heavy Harvesters to 4700 (from 4850).
  281. This is the same as the Black Hand and Reaper-17 Harvester.
  283. (-) Slightly lowered rate of fire for Steel Talons Commando.
  284. Lowered abilities to cost to 250$ (from 500$) and increased ability range to 180 (from 120).
  286. (-) Increased recharge time of the "Adaptive Armor" ability to 15s (from 10s).
  287. Lowered rate of fire to 70% (from 75%).
  288. Increased taken damage to 75% (from 70%).
  290. (-) Removed healing of Steel Talons Commando with veteran rank.
  291. Lowered rate of fire to 3.25s (from 2.8s).
  292. Lowered damage to 500 (from 550).
  293. Lowered range to 300 (from 325).
  294. Removed delay before abilities were activated.
  295. Lowered stealth detection range to 200 (from 400).
  296. Lowered ability cost to 250$ (from 500$) and ability range to 180 (from 120).
  297. Lowered damage of orbital bombard shells to 825 (from 900).
  298. Remark: All Commandos now self-heal out of combat.
  300. (-) Increased damage of Railgun Accelerators to Mammoth Tanks to 250 (from 150).
  301. Increased recharge time to 2m 30s (from 1m).
  302. Increased cost to 1500$ (from 400$).
  304. (-) Lowered range of Behemoths when using areal bombardment to 1200 (from 1800).
  305. Cannot garrison Snipers or Commandos anymore.
  307. (-) Lowered damage of Pitbulls with "AP Rockets" to 260 (from 300).
  308. Lowered bonus damage to aircraft to 130% (from 150%). Now it is the same as Pitbulls without the upgrade.
  310. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  311. -#- ZOCOM
  312. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  314. (B) Predators with Sonic Shells don't damage allied units anymore.
  316. (+) Engineers can be upgraded with Tiberium Field Suits.
  318. (+) Increased damage of Zone Orcas to 1000 (from 750).
  319. Increased delay between shots to 1.3s (from 1.1s).
  320. Increased projectile speed to 425 (from 400).
  321. Removed bonus damage to structures of +20%.
  322. Added bonus damage to medium tanks of +20%.
  323. Increased projectile speed.
  325. (+) Lowered cost of Zone Raiders to 1100$ (from 1200$).
  326. Increased health to 240 (from 210).
  327. Slightly lowered rate of fire and lowered damage to 190 (from 230).
  328. Increased damage of anti-air rockets to 115 (from 100).
  329. Lowered cost of the Zone Raider Drop Pod to 3400$ (from 3800$).
  330. Lowered damage to infantry to 50% (from 100%).
  331. Fixed that Zone Raiders could not detect stealth.
  333. (+) Lowered weapon range of Rocket Harvesters to 225 (from 200).
  335. (+) The MARV can now garrison Echo Troopers.
  337. (+) Reverted "Sonic Grenadiers" into "Grenadiers".
  338. Unlock Sonic Grenades with the "Sonic Shells" upgrade.
  339. Fixed EXP bug.
  341. (+) Missile Squads now benefit from the "Echo Division" upgrade.
  342. This adds an Echo Trooper to the squad similar to Nod Confessors.
  343. Missile Squads were not affected by Tiberium Field Suits.
  345. (+) Increased damage of the Red Arrow's Sonic Cannon to 400 (from 350).
  346. Increased damage of Rocket Launchers to 220 (from 200).
  347. Increased the Red Arrow's leadership aura radius to 200 (from 150)
  349. (+) Increased range of Echo Troopers in Riflemen and Missile Squads to 320 (from 280).
  351. (-) Lowered health of Zone Shatterers to 2300 (from 3400).
  352. Removed damage penalty to cannon damage of 150%.
  353. Lowered taken damage taken from rockets to 75% (from 100%).
  354. Lowered range to 330 (from 350).
  355. Lowered damage to 825 (from 1050) and increased rate of fire.
  356. Changed damage type to cannon (from rocket).
  357. Lowered damage of overload beam to 800 (from 1500).
  358. Lowered overload EMP duration to 5s (from 6s).
  359. Increased damage taken from Gun to 30% (from 25%).
  360. Lowered splash damage radius to 8 (from 12).
  362. (-) Lowered health of Pitbulls with "Extreme Condition Armor" to 1750 (from 2000).
  364. (-) Echo Troopers cannot shoot while moving anymore.
  365. Remark: This only makes a difference when the Troopers are garrisoned within a vehicle.
  367. (-) Lowered armor of Hammerheads with Ceramic Armor.
  368. Lowers incoming damage by 25% (from 50%).
  369. Remark: This is the same as in vanilla KW.
  371. (-) Renamed Aurora to Shockwave.
  372. Changed spread pattern from random to linear.
  373. Lowered health to 2500 (from 3250).
  374. Lowered range to 370 (from 470).
  375. Slightly increased loading time.
  376. Increased turning radius.
  377. Lowered Ceramic Armor damage reduction to 25% (from 50%).
  378. Lowered vision radius to 450 (from 610).
  379. Slows down to 75% speed when firing.
  380. Lowered cost to 1900$ (from 2000$).
  381. Lowered damage to 1500 (from 1650).
  382. Lowered projectile speed to 650 (from 800).
  383. Lowered projectile spread.
  384. Fixed upgraded armor.
  386. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  387. -#- RRF (Rapid Reaction Force)
  388. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  390. (B) Fixed health of RRF Pitbulls.
  392. (B) Fixed a crash to desktop bug, when the AI was building Juggernaughts.
  394. (B) The GDI Spotter (from the Sniper Team) was not affected by the Scanner Packs upgrade. This is fixed.
  396. (+) Increased range of the Commando to 315.
  397. Increased damage to vehicles.
  399. (+) Lowered cost of Zone Troopers to 1000$ (from 1100$).
  400. Slightly lowered rate of fire but increased damage.
  401. Lowered health to 240 (from 280).
  402. Lowered cost of the Zone Trooper Drop Pod to 3400$ (from 3500$).
  404. (+) Increased range of Predator tanks with Railguns to 310 (from 300).
  405. Railguns deal 50% damage to infantry (same as Scorpion Tanks with Lasers)
  406. Railguns have a 0.1 second pre-attack-delay (same as their normal cannon)
  407. Lowered damage of Railguns to 540 (from 572) but increased rate of fire.
  409. (·) Bulldogs now have a burst MG and can be upgraded with AP Ammo.
  410. Fixed targeting priority. It now prefers infantry over tanks.
  411. Increased size of the Bulldog model.
  412. Removed Scanner Packs upgrade.
  413. Slightly Increased damage.
  415. (·) Reverted "Advanced Combat Gear" back to "Composite Armor" and removed special abilities of affecting infantry.
  416. Lowered cost to 1000$ (from 1500$) and research time to 1m (from 1m 30s).
  417. Changed armor to make infantry take 33% less damage (from 50%).
  418. Now, upgraded infantry gains a 15% speed boost.
  420. (·) Lowered cost of the "Sonic Propulsions" upgrade to 2500$ (from 3000$) and research time to 1:15s (from 1:30s).
  421. Lowered speed bonus to 15% (from 20%).
  422. Lowered speed bonus for Predators to 10%.
  424. (·) Lowered extra speed of aircraft with "Carbon Fiber" to +15% (from +25%).
  425. Improved damage reduction to 75% (from 80%).
  427. (-) Orcas with the "Tactical Fiber Armor" don't get a speed-up (but still benefit from better armor).
  428. Lowered damage of Mortars to 400 (from 690).
  429. Increased cost of the Tactical Fiber Armor upgrade to 1500$ (from 1000$).
  430. Increased research time to 45s (from 30s).
  432. (-) Lowered cost of the Firehawk Raid to 1400$ (from 1800$).
  433. Lowered summoned fighters to 2 (from 3).
  434. Lowered scatter radius to 35 (from 50).
  435. Lowered bomb damage to 1850 (from 2000).
  437. (-) Lowered health of Kodiaks to 11000 (from 12500).
  438. Lowered range of primary cannons to 275 (from 300).
  439. Lowered damage of Railguns to 320 (from 340).
  440. Increased damage of secondary cannons to 200 (from 190).
  441. Lowered splash radius to 10 (from 15).
  442. Lowered turret rotation of all weapons.
  443. Added a short delay before the primary cannons attack.
  444. Increased damage to Heavy Tanks by 25%.
  445. Now it slowly heals outside of combat.
  446. Fixed health-bar bug.
  448. =======================================================================================================================================
  449. ** Nod Factions**
  450. =======================================================================================================================================
  451. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  452. -#- All Nod Factions
  453. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  455. [+] Added the Master Computer Countermeasures as support power on the left side bar.
  456. Increased reload time to 1:30s (from 30s).
  458. (B) Flame weapons can now deal friendly fire with force attack.
  459. Remark: No friendly fire was a problem when killing husks.
  461. (B) Fixed a bug that made Nod Construction Yards immune to EMP.
  463. (+) Lowered cost of the "Voice of Kane" to 800$ (from 1000$) and removed its build limit.
  464. Lowered radius to 500 (from 800). Slowly heals infantry over time, but does not resurrect members.
  466. (+) Increased health of AA Turrets to 1250 (from 1000).
  467. Alsi slightly increased health of Laser Cannon.
  469. (+) Lowered cost to 600$ (from 700$), lowered damage to 750 (from 850). Slightly increased damage to infantry.
  470. Fanatics now deal the same amount of damage when crushed or attacking.
  471. Extended the enclosing distance needed for detonation to 30 (from 20).
  472. Lowered suppression threshold to 500 (from 1000).
  474. (+) Increased range of Scorpion Tanks to 290 (from 275).
  475. Increased rate of fire by 10% (including upgraded weapons).
  476. Increased health to 2520 (from 2400).
  477. Lowered speed to 80 (from 85).
  479. (+) Slightly increased damage of Shadow Teams.
  480. They deal significantly more damage when upgraded with laseres.
  482. (+) Lowered cooldown of the "Decoy Disruption Tower" special power to 1m 30s (from 3m).
  484. (+) Increased range of Flame Tanks to 125 (from 100).
  485. Improved resistance to rockets to 30% (from 25%).
  486. Increased turret turn rate.
  487. Increased flame speed to 300 (from 150).
  488. Lowered damage delay to 0.1s (from 0.5s)
  490. (+) Increased health of the Secret Shrine to 3500 (from 3000).
  492. (+) Increased splash radius of Vertigo Bombers to 70 (from 40).
  493. Increased bomb fall speed to 280 (from 200).
  494. Increased damage of Vertigos to 3100 (from 3000).
  495. Lowered reload time to 9s (from 12s).
  496. Deals additional damage to heavy tanks.
  498. (+) Increased health of Stealth Tanks to 2000$ (from 1875).
  499. Lowered damage taken by rockets to 70% (from 75%).
  501. (+) Increased flame travel speed of Black Hand squads to 300 (from 150).
  502. Increased range to 140 (from 130) and slightly increased splash radius.
  503. Lowered pre-attack delay to 0.15s (from 0.35s).
  504. Increased suppression threshold to 800 (from 500).
  505. Lowered unit speed to 62 (from 69).
  506. Removed friendly fire.
  507. Deal 25% less damage to structures.
  509. (·) Attack Bikes deal 150% to aircraft.
  510. Lowered attack bonus of Attack Bikes to aircraft to 150% (from 200%).
  511. Take 60% damage from Gun type damage (instead of 50%).
  512. Added a 0.15s delay before shots.
  514. (-) Lowered upgraded Power plant output to 40 (from 45).
  516. (-) Lowered range of Beam Cannons to 570 (from 600). Slowed down movement speed acceleration.
  517. Now, they take 100% damage from Rockets (from 80%).
  518. Increased charge up time to 1.2s (from 1s).
  520. (-) Lowered vision of Decoy units to 35% (from 50%).
  522. (-) Lowered range of Avatars to 350 (from 375).
  523. Lowered speed to 55 (from 60).
  524. Improved turn radius and takes less rear damage.
  526. (-) Lowered damage of Venoms to 35 (from 42).
  527. Lowered damage with Lasers to 155 (from 175).
  528. Lowered damage with Supercharged Particles to 115 (from 135).
  529. Increased health to 1920 (from 1900).
  530. Increased unupgraded range to 225 (from 200).
  531. Slightly increased acceptable weapon delta.
  532. Venoms deal additional damage to aircraft.
  534. (-) Lowered health of Armageddon Bombers to 4500 (from 6500).
  535. Lowered vision to 220 (from 600).
  536. Remark: This is the same amount of health as in vanilla Kane's Wrath.
  538. (-) Changed splash damage of Tiberium Vapor Bomb.
  539. Units take less damage the further they are away from the center.
  540. Deals significantly less damage to infantry.
  541. Lowered damage to 8000 (from 9000).
  543. (-) Changed damage reduction of deployed Reckoners to 60% (from 75%).
  544. Lowered speed to 105 (from 120).
  545. Increased cost to 800$ (from 700$).
  546. Increased health to 2500 (from 2000).
  547. Lowered health gain when deploying to 1000 (from 1500).
  549. (-) Lowered damage of upgraded Shredder Turrets to vehicles/structures to 70%.
  550. Lowered overall DPS to 112 (from 119).
  551. Lowered splash radius to 25 (from 30) and lowered projectile speed to 700 (from 750).
  552. Lowered damage to 45 (from 50).
  554. (-) Scorpion Tanks upgraded with Dozer Blades now take 35% damage from mines.
  556. (-) Lowered the Obelisks damage to structures to 70%.
  558. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  559. -#- Black Hand
  560. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  562. [+] Replaced the Commando with the High Confessor.
  564. (B) Emissaries had the wrong cost. Fixed cost to 1300$.
  566. (B) Fixed Exp for Confessor Cabals.
  567. They required too much Exp to gain veterancy and awarded too much Exp when killed.
  569. (+) Harvesters gained the "Black Cloak" ability.
  571. (+) Attack Bikes deal +100% damage to aircraft (from +50%). Other Attack Bikes deal +50%.
  573. (+) Lowered build cost of Aftershocks to 2200$ (from 2300$) and build time to 22s (from 23s).
  574. Increased range to 800 (from 700). Lowered unpack duration to 1.5s (from 2s).
  575. Lowered unpack duration to 1.5s (from 2s) and increased rate of fire.
  577. (+) Increased range of Scorpion Tanks with Consecrated Shells to 300 (from 290).
  578. Deals a bit more damage up-front and less damage over time.
  580. (+) Increased splash radius of Widow Bombers.
  582. (+) Fixed the bugged damage of Confessor Cabals.
  583. Increased range to 260 (from 245).
  584. Increased "enclosing distance" to 240 (from 190). This is the distance the unit moves towards a target until it stops.
  586. (+) Increased range of Purifier lasers to 375 (from 350).
  587. Remark: The upgraded laser already had a range of 375.
  588. Removed the leadership buff of Purifiers to nearby infantry units.
  589. Tweaked flamer attack to be more reliable. Increased range and splash radius with Purifying Flame.
  590. Lowered upgraded damage to 1400 (from 1550) but increased rate of fire.
  591. Remark: DPS remains the same, but it takes one more shot to kill other T3 units.
  593. (+) The Redeemer can now garrison Black Templars.
  595. (+) Lowered cost of the Fusion Laser upgrade to 2500$ (from 3000$).
  596. Lowered research time to 1m 15s (from 1m 30s).
  598. (+) Lowered costs of Black Templars to 900$ (from 1000$).
  599. Increased health to 300 (from 285).
  600. Increased range to 275 (from 260).
  601. Increased speed to 60 (from 50).
  602. Increased suppression resistance to 1000 (from 500).
  604. (+) Fanatics can be upgraded with Consecrated Shells.
  606. (+) Nightshard Plating now protects against sniper damage.
  607. Now, Black Hand Squads and Rocket Indoctrines take 2 sniper shots to kill.
  609. (+) Lowered cost of Siege Cadres to 900$ (from 1000$).
  610. Lowered damage of Siege Cadres to vehicles to 50% (from 80%).
  611. Increased damage to 350 (from 250).
  613. (+) Slightly lowered splash radius on Scorcher Buggies.
  614. Increased range to 180 (from 165).
  616. (+) Increased health of Rocket Indoctrines to 285 (from 280).
  617. Improved damage to aircraft to 150% (from 115%).
  618. Increased damage to 245 (from 235).
  619. Lowered range to 325 (from 350).
  621. (-) Lowered damage of Flame Tanks with Purifying Flames to buildings to 125% (from 150%).
  623. (-) Changed build requirements of Aggressor tanks.
  624. They require a Tech Assembly Plant instead of a Secret Shrine and Operations Center.
  625. Aggressor Tanks deal 200% damage to aircraft (from 150%).
  627. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  628. -#- Renegades
  629. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  631. [-] Removed Combat Drugs.
  633. (B/+) Fixed EXP of Shadow Teams. Now they rank up normally.
  635. (B) Fixed stealth detection of Commandos. Like all other Commandos, it now has a stealth detection range of 400.
  637. (B) Confessors of Militant squads can now gain veterancy.
  639. (+) Avatars with Attack Bike parts have greater vision.
  641. (+) Increased range of Vertigos with nuclear component to 150 (from 100).
  643. (+) Increased range of Confessors with Charged Particle Beams to 340 (from 300).
  644. Remark: The range of the Confessor without the upgrade is 325.
  646. (+) Increased damage radius of Dawnbringer Devices to 180 (from 100).
  647. Increased damage radius when upgraded to to 300 (from 200).
  648. Improved armor against Gun and Grenade damage.
  649. Deals less damage to Tiberium and cannot be phased.
  651. (·) Increased cost of the Confessor upgrade to 1500$ (from 1000$).
  652. Now, Confessors respawn Militants all 5 seconds and Rocket Militants all 25 seconds.
  653. Increased Confessor rate of fire by 25%.
  654. Changed effect of Hallucinogenic grenades to lower speed, rate of fire and armor of targets.
  655. Increased grenade effect radius to 35 (from 20) and doubled the projectile speed.
  656. Increased damage of grenades and they suppress enemy infantry.
  657. Each member has more health, but the squad features two less members.
  658. When spawned from sold buildings, they have 90% health (from 100%).
  659. Remark: The range of the Confessor without the upgrade is 325.
  661. (·) Increased damage of Raider Buggies by 20%, lowered damage to aircraft to 75% (from 125%).
  662. Lowered health to 1500 (from 1600).
  664. (+) Increased squad size to 9 (from 8).
  665. Lowered DPS to 14 (from 22).
  666. Increased range to 260 (from 255).
  667. Lowered suppression threshold to 400 (from 500).
  669. (-) Lowered bugged vision of Militant Squads inside buildings.
  670. Slightly lowered DPS.
  672. (-) Lowered health of Rocket Militants to 180 (from 200).
  673. Lowered speed to 53 (from 55) and range to 345 (from 360).
  674. Lowered damage to 265 (from 300) and firing rate to 3.3s (from 2.4s).
  675. Lowered range to 335 (from 345).
  677. (-) Lowered speed bonus from Tiberium Infusion to 110% (from 120%).
  679. (-) Lowered rate of fire bonus of Combat drugs to 30% (from 50%).
  681. (-) Lowered radius of Hallucinogenic Grenades to 20 (from 30).
  682. Lowered effect time to 4s (from 5s).
  684. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  685. -#- Marked of Kane
  686. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  688. [+] Added the "Cyborg Repair Drones" upgrade.
  689. Adds a repair drone to Drone buggies.
  691. [+] Added the "Extended Missile Batteries" upgrade.
  692. Increases range and firing rate of Mantis drones.
  694. [+] Added the "Cybernetic Awakening" support power.
  695. Raises several awakened from the selected ground.
  697. [-] Removed "Scatterfield Jammers" for now.
  699. (B) Fixed Stealth Detection range of Reaper Squads.
  701. (B/+) Fixed the Basilisk upgrade weapon. It had the same weapon as the Mantis.
  702. Increased damage radius of Basilisks to 10 (from 3).
  703. Increased health to 7200 (from 6666). Improved damage to air units.
  704. Increasd speed to 75 (from 60).
  705. Increased vision radius to 550 (from 400).
  706. Increases range and durability of nearby ground units.
  707. Increased cost to 2800$ (from 2600$).
  708. Slightly increased rate of fire.
  710. (+) Cyborgs can be repaired by repair drones.
  712. (+) Moved the "Cyborg EMP Coils" upgrade to the Secret Shrine.
  713. Lowered upgrade cost to 1000$ (from 1500$) and upgrade time to 30s (from 45s).
  714. Lowered EMP radius to 70 (from 75).
  716. (+) Increased turret turn rate of Liquifier Tanks to 110 (from 90).
  717. Increased weapon spray speed to 350 (from 150).
  718. Increased range to 160 (from 140).
  719. Lowered weapon damage delay to 0.1s (from 0.2s).
  720. Improved splash radius, turret turn rate and movement speed.
  721. Increased damage to contained infantry.
  722. Takes 70% damage from Rocket type damage (from 75%).
  723. Increased damage to structures to 75% (from 50%).
  725. (+) Increased damage of Enlightened to 240 (from 230).
  726. Lowered build cost to 1100$ (from 1300$).
  727. Lowered upgraded damage to 300 (from 320).
  728. Increased range to 315 (from 300).
  729. Increased movement speed of Enlightened to 50 (from 45).
  730. Increased health to 450 (from 435).
  731. Lowered EMP duration to 6.25s (from 7.5s).
  733. (+) Increased range of Awakened to 280 (from 270).
  734. Increased damage to heavy infantry (+25%).
  735. Increased upgraded range to 300 (from 280).
  736. Lowered build cost to 900$ (from 1000$).
  737. Increased damage to 14 (from 10). Slightly lowered rate of fire.
  738. Increased movement speed of Awakened to 50 (from 45).
  739. Increased upgraded damage to 160 (from 120). Lowered delay between shots to 0.9s (from 1.2s).
  740. Increased EMP radius to that of the Enlightened. Limited dispatched EMP blasts to one per squad.
  742. (+) Increased range of Reaper Squads to 255 (from 245).
  743. Can fire while moving.
  744. Lowered attack delay of anti-air laser to 1.4s (from 1.5s).
  745. Added small splash to anti-air laser.
  746. Increased health to 335 (from 325).
  747. Removed resistance to Gun damage (was 20%).
  748. Increased speed to 48 (from 36).
  749. Lowered taken damage of cannon/rocket type damage to 20% (from 25%).
  750. Increased anti-aircraft range to 365 (from 350).
  752. (·) Reverted the stats of the Beam Cannon.
  754. (·) Reworked the Mantis to make it more similar to the Seeker.
  755. Lowered speed of Mantis to 100 (from 115).
  756. Increased range to 240 (from 210).
  757. Increased rate of fire and damage slightly.
  758. Deals +50% damage to aircraft (like Bikes or Pitbulls)
  759. Removed stealth detection and bonus repair rate.
  760. Takes 35% Gun damage (from 25%), takes 40% Grenade damage (from 30%).
  761. Lowered vision to 300 (from 350).
  763. (·) Lowered health of Myrmidon to 9500 (from 11000).
  764. Lowered rate of fire to 1.35s (from 1.2s).
  765. Lowered speed to 48 (from 50).
  766. Lowered delay before firing to 0.3s (from 0.5s).
  767. Can be upgraded with Laser Matrix.
  768. Removed prerequisites from Myrmidon upgrades.
  769. Changed Myrmidon upgrades, where each upgrade has a unique support function (repair drone, tiberium sprayer, stealth).
  771. (·) Lowered cost of the Liquified Blue Tiberium upgrade to 1000$ (from 1500$). Lowered research time to 30s (from 45s).
  772. Moved to Operations Center (from Secret Shrine).
  774. (·) Fixed the Centurion's armor.
  775. It took less damage from Cannon damage and more damage from Rocket damage. This was unintended.
  776. Changed movement behavior from that of an Avatar to that of a Titan (less clunky).
  777. Lowered range to 325 (from 350).
  778. Lowered health to 3750 (from 4000).
  779. Increased speed to 50 (from 47).
  780. Takes 70% rocket damage (from 75%), takes 20% gun damage (from 25%).
  781. Increased damage to 500 (from 460) and upgraded damage to 675 (from 650).
  782. This way, it takes one less shot to kill most light vehicles.
  784. (-) Lowered speed bonus of the Cybernetic Legs upgrade to 155% (from 175%).
  785. Lowered upgrade cost to 1500$ (from 2000$) and research time to 45s (from 1m).
  787. (-) Redeemer garrisons deal less damage (Reaper, Enlightened).
  789. (-) Tiberium Troopers can no longer clear garrisons.
  790. Lowered tiberium spray travel speed to 250 (from instant).
  791. However, they can still clear garrisons when upgraded.
  792. Lowered pre-attack delay to 0.15s (from 0.2s).
  793. Increased range to 180 (from 170) and splash radius to 5 (from 2).
  794. Can now attack allied units.
  795. Lowered vision radius to 300 (from 350).
  796. Lowered speed to 43 (from 45).
  797. Increased upgraded damage to 15 (from 13).
  799. (-) Lowered health of Drone Buggies to 1600 (from 1700).
  800. Slightly lowered range and speed.
  801. Lowered speed of repair drone to 120 (from 150).
  802. Made the repair drone an upgrade.
  803. Slighty improved damage.
  805. =======================================================================================================================================
  806. ** Scrin Factions **
  807. =======================================================================================================================================
  808. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  809. -#- All Scrin
  810. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  812. (B) Fixed armor of Devourer Tanks.
  813. They used to take more damage from rocket damage than cannon damage.
  815. (B/+) Fixed attack damage of Seekers with "Dissolver Warpray Cannon".
  816. Now, Seekers deal 95 damage (from 68).
  817. Lowered damage to non civilian structures by 10%.
  818. Seekers receive 90% damage from rocket type damage (from 75%).
  819. Increased range to 260 (from 250).
  820. Now deals 150% damage to aircraft.
  822. (+) Lowered cost of Planetary Assault Carriers to 2800$ (from 3000$).
  823. lowered health to 9000 (from 10000) and shield health to 2000 (from 2500).
  825. (+) Disintegrators only take 20% from Cannon and Rocket damage (from 25%). Lowered damage delay to 0.2s (from 0.4s).
  826. Remark: This is to make them more resiliant against Lasers and Railguns in the lategame.
  828. (+) Devourers and Reaper Tripods charge Tiberium 33% faster.
  830. (+) The Mothership heals out of combat and is affected by Ion Storms.
  832. (+) Increased range of Planetary Assault Carriers to 475 (the range on the Fighers remains the same).
  833. Increased fighter health to 550 (from 500) and they take 80% damage from Gun weapons.
  835. (+) Shock Troopers now deal "cannon" damage. Deal more damage to heavy tanks (+35%).
  836. Shock Troopers receive 15% Cannon type damage (from 5%).
  837. Shock Troopers receive 75% Gun type damage (from 100%).
  838. Lowered health to 230 (from 260).
  839. They now shoot 2 shots in short succession.
  840. Increased aiming speed and weapon range. Added slight pre-attack delay.
  841. Slightly increased damage when upgraded.
  842. Deals +20% damage to aircraft.
  844. (+) Stormriders deal 50% more damage to other aircraft.
  845. Increased vision range to 500 (from 400).
  847. (+) Lowered "Conversion Reserves" ability cooldown to 8s (from 10s).
  848. Increased charge range to 75 (from 50).
  849. Increased charge time duration to 3s (from 2s).
  851. (+) Increased health of the Stasis Chamber to 3250 (from 3000).
  853. (+) Increased health of Buzzer Hives to 2500 (from 2000).
  854. Increased range to 425 (from 400).
  856. (+) Lowered range of Gun/Shardwalkers to 290 (from 300).
  857. Increased damage taken by rockets to 70% (from 60%).
  858. Remark: The armor and health change was an adjustment to the rocket resistance of Buggies.
  860. (-) Lowered damage of Overlord's Wrath to 2500 (from 3000).
  862. (-) Lowered the Gunwalker bonus damage aircraft to 150% (from 180%).
  863. Slightly increased rate of fire and range.
  864. Added minor splash damage to weapon.
  866. (+) Lowered speed of Leeches to 68 (from 72).
  867. Increased range to 170 (from 160).
  868. Increased enclosing distance to 130 (from 120).
  869. Slightly lowered health and increased damage.
  871. (+) Increased range of Ravagers to 325 (from 310).
  872. Increased speed to 71 (from 65).
  873. Added stealth detection.
  874. Lowered damage to vehicles to 75% (from 100%).
  875. Lowered damage to structures to 18% (from 20%).
  876. Tiberium Agitation hits much more reliably.
  877. Can shoot air but only deal 75% damage.
  878. Lowered damage taken from Sniper type damage to 75% (from 100%). Now it takes two sniper shots to kill one.
  879. Lowered damage taken from Cannon type damage to 15% (from 20%).
  881. (+) Increased health of Buzzers to 140 (from 130).
  882. Lowered Take 75% Grenade type damage (from 50%).
  884. (+) Increased upgraded damage of Stormriders to infantry to 50% (from 35%).
  886. (+) Lowered cost of Devourer Tanks to 1500$ (from 1600$).
  887. Slightly lowered damage and range of Devourer Tanks.
  888. Increased damage when charged to 800 (from 750).
  889. Lowered charged damage delay to make them feel more responsive.
  891. (·) Increased cooldown of the "Teleport Units" ability for Prodigies and Masterminds to 45s (from 20s).
  892. Increased radius to 75 (from 50).
  893. Removed restriction that they needed to face the target.
  894. Cannot teleport units out of Stasis Shields.
  895. Lowered health, but increased damage resistance to Gun damage.
  897. (·) Mastermind and Prodigies have a 2.5s delay before capturing buildings.
  898. Lowered mind control cooldown to 20s.
  900. (·) Lowered shield health of Devastator Warships to 2000 (from 2500).
  901. Removed splash damage falloff.
  902. Increased weapon speed 300 -> 350.
  903. Limited turret turn radius to 320° (from 360°).
  905. (·) Lowered health of Corrupters to 3200 (from 3400).
  906. Tweaked attack to make it stronger against infantry.
  908. (·) Units affected by Phase Field cannot be crushed and cannot crush other units.
  910. (-) Lowered damage of Storm Columns to 2200 (from 2500). Added minor pre-attack delay.
  911. Remark: This is the same damage from vanilla KW (but other buffs to the Storm Column remain).
  912. Increased cost to 2600$ (from 2500$), increased power cost to 20 (from 13)
  913. Lowered range to 360 (from 375).
  915. (-) Increased Wormhole cost to 3500$ (from 3000$).
  917. (-) Increased Tiberium Vibration Scan cost to 500$ (from 300$).
  919. (-) Lowered amount of Buzzers from the Buzzer Swarm support power to 4 (from 5).
  920. All buzzers are summoned one after another.
  921. Lowered cost to 1200$ (from 1500$).
  923. (-) Increased cost of Stasis Shield to 2500$ (from 2000$).
  924. Lowered SP duration to 18s (from 20s).
  925. Lowered radius to 110 (from 150).
  926. Does not cancel upgrade/unit production on buildings.
  928. (-) Lowered repair rate of the Repair Drones support power.
  929. Lowered repairs to 80 (from 110).
  930. Lowered SP duration to 40s (from 60s).
  931. Can also be summoned from Warp Chasms now.
  933. (-) Lowered healing rate of Harvesters near Tiberium to 2% (from 4%).
  934. This does not affect the Reaper-17 Harvesters.
  936. (-) Lowered speed of Tripods to 55 (from 60).
  937. Lowered range to 325 (from 350).
  938. Lowered EMP range to 75 (from 100).
  939. Don't take extra damage from the rear or sides.
  941. (-) Lowered damage reduction of Mechapedes to Rocket damage to 90% (from 75%).
  942. Lowered segment cost to 100$ (from 120$).
  943. Increased damage of Disk segments against aircraft.
  944. Increased cost to 1400$ (from 1200$).
  946. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  947. -#- Traveler-59
  948. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  950. [+] Added the "Psychoactive Ammunition" Upgrade.
  951. Increases damage of Gunwalkers, Mindbreakers and Stormriders. Slows down enemy infantry.
  953. [+] Added the Quantum Fields upgrade for Agonizers and Mindbreakers.
  954. It unlocks unique special abilities.
  956. (B) Kinetic Barriers were immune to sniper damage.
  958. (B) Fixed cloned Phantasm EXP bug. They awarded the full exp of a normal Phantasm.
  960. (+) Improved "Advanced Blink Packs".
  961. Tripods and Phantasms don't need to face the target to teleport.
  963. (+) Lowered cost of Phantasm Devices to 1400$ (from 1600$).
  964. Deal Cannon type damage (from Rocket type damage).
  965. Lowered health to 3000 (from 3300).
  966. Slows enemy units by 25%.
  967. Lowered range to 325 (from 365).
  969. (+) Lowered cost of the Cascading Haze upgrade to 2000$ (from 2500$).
  970. Lowered research time to 1m (from 1m 15s).
  972. (+) Lowered cost of the Ichor Agglutinogen upgrade to 2000$ (from 3000$).
  973. Lowered research time to 1m (from 1m 30s).
  974. Lowered speed bonus to 110% (from 115%).
  976. (+) Increased rate of fire of Mindbreaker Swarms.
  977. Increased speed to 75 (from 65).
  978. Increased health to 300 (from 220).
  979. Increased projectile speed to 600 (from 400).
  980. Increased suppression rate to enemy infantry to 12 (from 5).
  981. Can attack aircraft, but only deal 75% damage.
  982. Added buff aura: Increases range, rate of fire and lowers cooldown on unit abilities.
  984. (+) Moved the "Ichor Agglutinogen" upgrade to the Stasis Chamber.
  986. (+) Increased speed of Cultists to 55 (from 40), but lowered upgraded speed to 70 (from 76).
  987. Added another member but lowered health to 160 (from 215).
  989. (·) Lowered cooldown of the Temporal Worm hole to 4m (from 6m).
  990. Increased cost of Temporal Wormhole to 1800$ (from 1200$).
  992. (·) Increased projectile speed of Mindphasers to 100 (from 80).
  993. Mindphasers don't require an upgrade for their teleport ability.
  994. Mindphasers can be upgraded with Kinetic Shields.
  995. Increased cost to 1000$ (from 900$).
  997. (·) Added the "EMP Pulsar" ability to Agonizers.
  998. It's a mid range EMP beam that is unlocked with the "Quantum Fields" upgrade.
  999. Changed the prerequisites for Lurker modules. Now they require the "Cascading Haze" upgrade.
  1000. Lowered health to 220 (from 250).
  1001. Removed Lurker Modules.
  1002. Lowered shield health to 55 (from 80).
  1003. Lowered attack damage, but increased rate of fire.
  1005. (-) Lowered teleport range of Prodigies to 550 (from 750).
  1006. Changed the Prodigy's Area Mind Control duration to 12s (from 20s for vehicles and 6s for infantry).
  1007. Fixed the bug that Area Mind Control could control epic units.
  1008. Lowered AOE mind control range to 350 (from 400).
  1010. (-) Increased cost of Advanced Articulators to 1500$ (from 1000$).
  1011. Lowered speed gain to 170% (from 185%).
  1013. (-) Increased Tiberium Vibration Scan cost to 500$ (from 300$).
  1015. (-) Increased cost of Chaos Lightning to 4500$ (from 2500$).
  1016. Increased cooldown to 6m (from 3m).
  1018. (-) Increased cost of Neural Network Reveal to 3000$ (from 2500$).
  1019. Lowered duration to 12s (from 15s).
  1021. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1022. -#- Reaper-17
  1023. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1025. (B) Infested did not explode when crushed.
  1027. (B) Fixed inconsistencies with MS-8 Devourer.
  1029. (+) Increased range of Scourges.
  1030. They don't deal friendly fire anymore.
  1032. (+) The Terraforming plant now generates credits from killed units nearby.
  1033. Increased cost to 1200$ (from 1000$).
  1034. Spawns with two repair drones.
  1036. (+) Lowered the cost of Devourer Tank's "Eviscerator Artillery" mutation to 150$ (from 250$).
  1037. Lowered mutation time to 3s (from 5s).
  1038. Cannot fire while moving.
  1039. Slightly lowered health and damage.
  1041. (·) Lowered cost of Shardwalkers to 700$ (from 800$), lowered health to 2600 (from 2700).
  1042. Lowered damage to 80 (from 120, same as Shard Walker). Lowered upgraded damage to 125 (from 165).
  1044. (·) Rebalanced the Shardwalker Mutations:
  1045. - Trepidator Mutation: Lowered cost to 150 (from 200). Removed movement speed buff (can now only detect stealth).
  1046. - Shardroamer Mutation: Reworked the mutation so it cannot shoot air. Now it shoots explosive shards.
  1048. (·) Reverted the Manhunter back to a normal Seeker.
  1049. Vindicator Mutation: The mutation will make the Seeker similar to the Manhunter, but also lower armor of enemy targets.
  1051. (·) Removed the "Shard Pack" upgrade from Disintegrators.
  1052. Instead, Disintegrators can be upgraded with the "Amplified Ichor Conversion" upgrade.
  1053. This increases the damage to 120 (from 90).
  1055. (-) Increased cost of Armored Articulators to 2000$ (from 1500$) and research time to 1m (from 45s).
  1056. Lowered additional speed to 130% (from 155%) and 125% for Disintegrators.
  1057. Increased additional HP to 30% (from 25%).
  1059. (-) Reverted build cost of Rift Generators to 5000$ (from 4500$).
  1061. (-) Increased cost of Forcefield Generators to 3000$ (from 2500$) and build time to 1m 30s (from 1m 15s).
  1062. Note: Messenger-8 Forcefields cost 3500$.
  1064. (-) Increased energy cost of Shardling Hives to 8 (from 7). Fixed Shardling health (had too little).
  1065. Note: I thought it was justified since Shardlings deal extra damage to vehicles but cost the same as Buzzer Hives.
  1067. (-) Lowered damage of Shardlings to vehicles to 50% (from 100%).
  1068. But doesn't deal friendly fire anymore.
  1070. (-) Lowered shield health of Tripods to 2000 (from 2500).
  1071. Lowered damage with Amplified Ichor Conversion to 10% (from 15%).
  1072. Charged Tripods deal 50% damage to infantry (just like uncharged lasers).
  1074. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1075. -#- Messenger-8
  1076. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1078. [+] Added the "Shock Pods" support power in T4.
  1080. [-] Removed the Extraction Node special power.
  1082. [-] Removed the Emergency repair special power.
  1084. (+) The Mastermind will increase gained experience of nearby units.
  1085. It also increases combat effectiveness of nearby infantry.
  1087. (+) Lowered cost of the Exoskeleton Adaptation upgrade to 1000$ (from 2000$).
  1088. Lowered received damage for Masterminds to 75% (from 65%).
  1089. Disintegrators take even less cannon and rocket damage.
  1091. (+) Lowered recharge time of "Blink Packs" to 15s (from 20s).
  1093. (+) Increased upgraded damage of Gunwalkers to aircraft to 160% (from 135%) and added a small splash damage effect.
  1094. Remark: The bonus damage is 200% without the upgrade
  1096. (+) Increased damage of upgraded Disintegrators to 120 (from 105).
  1097. Increased upgraded weapon range to 200 (from 185).
  1099. (+) Lowered the cost of the Forcefield Generators upgrade to 3500$ (from 4000$).
  1100. Increased research time to 3:15s (from 3:00s).
  1102. (-) Lowered teleport cooldown of units to 20s (from 30s).
  1103. Lowered range to 650 (from 750).
  1105. (-) Lowered damage of upgraded Corrupters to 45 (from 50).
  1106. Lowered bonus damage to structures when upgraded with "Corrosive Ichor" to 125% (from 150%).
  1108. (-) Lowered shield health of Tripod Annihilators to 2000 (from 2500).
  1109. Lowered delay between shots with Negative Energy Lance to 1.675 (from 1.5).
  1110. Lowered upgraded damage to 650 (from 670).
  1111. Increased upgrade cost of "Negative Energy Lance" to 3000$ (from 2500$).
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