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Apr 22nd, 2018
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  1. Mara Kaid you're fucking retard. I don't know how many times I have to say it for you to stop positing bullshit, but i'll keep doing it. Because you're unable to reach anything in this game except trolling you support any new game mechanics that make it more difficult for others to reach what you couldnt reach anyway.
  2. Just to point out, 62nd didnt go attack any SAP while that sap was defended. You tried to do it, but ran away the moment defence forces flashed on your radar (2.5clicks away). To say you *did* it you either have to go there and WIN or go there and LOSE, or shut the fuck up about it.
  4. I (and most of CIR that i know) agree with NeX and Remedy posters. (apologies for calling you out by corp tags, and not by names, I'm terribad with names...except Mara Kaid, because that name flashes way too often with mostly stupid posts. It's why I remember its name, and will be forgotten just as fast when I stop playing the game.)
  6. 1) Intrusion 2.0 became a fucking Avatar Creations Incarna project. Devs, your GAME IS LIVE! You're treating it like it's still in close or open beta, doing radical changes, and NOT! listening and acting on public opinion, rather you seem to be on a vendetta, telling players how they SHOULD play. You're failing at keeping your sandbox FULL OF PLAYERS exactly with those actions. If you want your sandbox to be yours alone, just say so, play your own damn game, and most of people will probably go play something else. You picked the worst possible time to do it, because of you hadn't noticed EVE (yes I mentioned it), which is your main contender in the sandbox mmo niche, made a fantastic patch, and is gaining popularity very fast again, with almost every bitter vet i know (in fact I only know 1 person who hasnt resubbed,yet) resubbing again. If you don't get your heads out of the dirt, your game is about to die in a (financial) fire.
  8. 2) Capturing time/defending time needs to be brought much closer to 1 than it currently is. It is ridiculous defenders NEED 10X the numbers of attacking force (that's why 62nd totally failed at attacking any defended sap as they dont have any fighting numbers - except in the forums where Mara counts for 13-37) just because the SAP can be finished so quickly. Any nondecent attack force can kill the SAP btw while combating defenders.
  10. 3) The SAP timers need to be brought further apart. While I agree that not any 1 corp should be owning more than a few stations, defending even 1 station becomes a tedious task after a few days of doing it. Why the hell are you treating your game like it has 3k players, and average corp has 150 players? Smell the salt, check the stats of your game and build game mechanics on that. You guys are capable of data mining, which you've proved on numerous occasions, now do it in a constructive way.
  12. 4) The mechanic needs to be inserted where the defending force can CLOSE the SAP SOMEHOW! Waiting for 1 fucking hour is a waste of ANYONE's $/hr, unless you're having fun with it. We're not. EULA says that if some1's keeping players from fun, we can petition it, FINE I PETITION FOR HARRASSMENT BY AC and you need to do something about it!
  14. 5) Scanning the SAP times needs to go. Away. That's the short of it. Why? You (*you* , devs) wanted the beta islands owners to be the corp(s) that had the highest active members and highest activity on the island. Your new system only allows ANY corp to simply scan the SAP, arrive in 5 person SMALL bot force, ninja close the SAP and GTFO. Is that the activity YOU wanted to see? Cause in that case I can see why Mara is so happy fucking jumping up and down like a monkey in its cage eating stacks of banans. Its corp does exactly that. If your system were trully about highest UNDISPUTED activity on an island, then defenders should be able to SEE (physically be there) when their sap goes online and will (or should) also be able to do something about it.
  17. Probably about 1 more point I wanted to post here, but switching from a AC supporter to AC prosecutor is taxing and I forget quickly:)
  19. br,
  20. T.
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