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a guest
Feb 23rd, 2019
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  1. command /shop:
  2. trigger:
  3. wait 1 tick
  4. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Shop > Main" to player
  5. format slot 4 of player with gold ingot named "&e&lBALANCE OF PLAYER" with lore "&7You have a total of &6%balance of player% &7balance." to be unstealable
  6. format slot 10 of player with iron sword named "&6&lCOMBAT &7(Right-Click)" to run [execute player command "combatshop"]
  7. format slot 12 of player with iron pickaxe named "&6&lTOOLS &7(Right-Click)" to run [execute player command "toolsshop"]
  8. format slot 14 of player with log named "&6&lBLOCKS &7(Right-Click)" to run [execute player command "blocksshop"]
  9. format slot 16 of player with fireworks named "&6&lMISC &7(Right-Click)" to run [execute player command "miscshop"]
  11. command /combatshop:
  12. trigger:
  13. wait 1 tick
  14. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Shop > Combat" to player
  15. format slot 0 of player with redstone block named "&c&lBACK" with lore "&7Go back to the main menu." to run [execute player command "shop"]
  16. format slot 4 of player with gold ingot named "&e&lBALANCE OF PLAYER" with lore "&7You have a total of &6%balance of player% &7balance." to be unstealable
  17. format slot 10 of player with diamond helmet named "&bDiamond Helmet &7($400)" with lore "&f&l* &7Left-Click to buy!" to close
  18. format slot 11 of player with diamond chestplate named "&bDiamond Chestplate &7($500)" with lore "&f&l* &7Left-Click to buy!" to close
  19. format slot 12 of player with diamond leggings named "&bDiamond Leggings &7($400)" with lore "&f&l* &7Left-Click to buy!" to close
  20. format slot 13 of player with diamond boots named "&bDiamond Boots &7($300)" with lore "&f&l* &7Left-Click to buy!" to close
  21. format slot 14 of player with diamond sword named "&bDiamond Sword &7($500)" with lore "&f&l* &7Left-Click to buy!" to close
  22. format slot 15 of player with bow named "&bBow &7($500)" with lore "&f&l* &7Left-Click to buy!" to close
  23. format slot 16 of player with arrow named "&b16x Arrows &7($100)" with lore "&f&l* &7Left-Click to buy!" to close
  25. command /toolsshop:
  26. trigger:
  27. wait 1 tick
  28. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Shop > Tools" to player
  29. format slot 0 of player with redstone block named "&c&lBACK" with lore "&7Go back to the main menu." to run [execute player command "shop"]
  30. format slot 4 of player with gold ingot named "&e&lBALANCE OF PLAYER" with lore "&7You have a total of &6%balance of player% &7balance." to be unstealable
  31. format slot 10 of player with diamond pickaxe named "&bDiamond Pickaxe &7($250)" with lore "&f&l* &7Left-Click to buy!" to close
  32. format slot 11 of player with diamond axe named "&bDiamond Axe &7($150)" with lore "&f&l* &7Left-Click to buy!" to close
  33. format slot 12 of player with diamond shovel named "&bDiamond Shovel &7($100)" with lore "&f&l* &7Left-Click to buy!" to close
  35. command /blocksshop:
  36. trigger:
  37. wait 1 tick
  38. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Shop > Tools" to player
  39. format slot 0 of player with redstone block named "&c&lBACK" with lore "&7Go back to the main menu." to run [execute player command "shop"]
  40. format slot 4 of player with gold ingot named "&e&lBALANCE OF PLAYER" with lore "&7You have a total of &6%balance of player% &7balance." to be unstealable
  41. format slot 10 of of player with log named "&664x Wood &7($100)" with lore "&f&l* &7Left-Click to buy!" to close
  42. format slot 11 of of player with stone named "&664x Stone &7($100)" with lore "&f&l* &7Left-Click to buy!" to close
  44. command /miscshop:
  45. trigger:
  46. wait 1 tick
  47. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Shop > Tools" to player
  48. format slot 0 of player with redstone block named "&c&lBACK" with lore "&7Go back to the main menu." to run [execute player command "shop"]
  49. format slot 4 of player with gold ingot named "&e&lBALANCE OF PLAYER" with lore "&7You have a total of &6%balance of player% &7balance." to be unstealable
  50. format slot 10 of player with golden apple named "&61x Golden Apple &7($50)" with lore "&f&l* &7Left-Click to buy!" to close
  51. format slot 11 of player with experience bottle named "&6100 XP &7($200)" with lore "&f&l* &7Left-Click to buy!" to close
  52. format slot 12 of player with fireworks named "&632x Fireworks &7($100)" with lore "&f&l* &7Left-Click to buy!" to close
  53. format slot 13 of player with lapis lazuli named "&664x Lapis Lazuli &7($200)" with lore "&f&l* &7Left-Click to buy!" to close
  54. format slot 14 of player with elytra named "&61x Elytra &7($100)" with lore "&f&l* &7Left-Click to buy!" to close
  55. format slot 15 of player with ender pearl named "&64x Ender Pearl &7($1200)" with lore "&f&l* &7Left-Click to buy!" to close
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