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Jun 23rd, 2018
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  1. - [Table of Content](#table-of-content)
  2. - [Mengenal Vue](#mengenal-vue)
  3. - [Apa itu Vue?](#apa-itu-vue)
  4. - [Sejarah Vue](#sejarah-vue)
  5. - [Mengapa Memilih Vue?](#mengapa-memilih-vue)
  6. - [Framework Javascript Populer](#framework-javascript-populer)
  7. - [Didukung Banyak Pustaka](#didukung-banyak-pustaka)
  8. - [Bukan One Man Show](#bukan-one-man-show)
  9. - [Digunakan Perusahaan Besar](#digunakan-perusahaan-besar)
  10. - [Mudah Dipelajari](#mudah-dipelajari)
  11. - [Mudah Diintegrasikan dengan Pustaka Lain](#mudah-diintegrasikan-dengan-pustaka-lain)
  12. - [Dukungan Official untuk Pengembangan Aplikasi Enterprise](#dukungan-official-untuk-pengembangan-aplikasi-enterprise)
  13. - [Fitur Utama](#fitur-utama)
  14. - [Virtual DOM](#virtual-dom)
  15. - [Component Base](#component-base)
  16. - [Template](#template)
  17. - [Modularity](#modularity)
  18. - [Reactivity](#reactivity)
  19. - [Routing](#routing)
  20. - [State Management](#state-management)
  21. - [Develompent Tools](#develompent-tools)
  22. - [Instalasi & Konfigurasi](#instalasi-konfigurasi)
  23. - [Hello World](#hello-world)
  24. - [Menguji Reaktifitas](#menguji-reaktifitas)
  25. - [Kesimpulan](#kesimpulan)
  26. - [Dasar-Dasar Vue](#dasar-dasar-vue)
  27. - [Objek Vue](#objek-vue)
  28. - [Inisiasi Objek Vue](#inisiasi-objek-vue)
  29. - [Properti el](#properti-el)
  30. - [Properti Data](#properti-data)
  31. - [Siklus Objek Vue](#siklus-objek-vue)
  32. - [create](#create)
  33. - [mount](#mount)
  34. - [update](#update)
  35. - [destroy](#destroy)
  36. - [Penulisan Template](#penulisan-template)
  37. - [Data Teks](#data-teks)
  38. - [Data Raw HTML](#data-raw-html)
  39. - [Data Attribute](#data-attribute)
  40. - [JavaScript Expression](#javascript-expression)
  41. - [Properti Template](#properti-template)
  42. - [Properti Methods, Computed, & Filters](#properti-methods--computed--filters)
  43. - [Properti Methods](#properti-methods)
  44. - [Properti Computed](#properti-computed)
  45. - [Properti Filters](#properti-filters)
  46. - [Argumen Pada Filters](#argumen-pada-filters)
  47. - [Chaining Filters](#chaining-filters)
  48. - [Deklarasi Filters Secara Terpisah](#deklarasi-filters-secara-terpisah)
  49. - [Kesimpulan](#kesimpulan)
  50. - [Directive](#directive)
  51. - [Mengenal Directive](#mengenal-directive)
  52. - [v-html](#v-html)
  53. - [v-once](#v-once)
  54. - [v-text](#v-text)
  55. - [v-show](#v-show)
  56. - [v-if](#v-if)
  57. - [v-on](#v-on)
  58. - [v-bind](#v-bind)
  59. - [Kesimpulan](#kesimpulan)
  60. - [List](#list)
  61. - [Menampilkan Data Array](#menampilkan-data-array)
  62. - [v-for Menggunakan Tag Template](#v-for-menggunakan-tag-template)
  63. - [v-for Menggunakan Index](#v-for-menggunakan-index)
  64. - [Menampilkan Data Objek](#menampilkan-data-objek)
  65. - [Menampilkan Data Collection](#menampilkan-data-collection)
  66. - [Atribut Key](#atribut-key)
  67. - [Membatasi v-for menggunakan v-if](#membatasi-v-for-menggunakan-v-if)
  68. - [Perubahan (mutation) Data Pada Array](#perubahan-mutation-data-pada-array)
  69. - [push() & pop()](#push-pop)
  70. - [unshift() & shift()](#unshift-shift)
  71. - [sort() & reverse()](#sort-reverse)
  72. - [splice()](#splice)
  73. - [fungsi set pada Vue](#fungsi-set-pada-vue)
  74. - [Perubahan Data Pada Objek](#perubahan-data-pada-objek)
  75. - [Kesimpulan](#kesimpulan)
  76. - [Form](#form)
  77. - [Input Binding](#input-binding)
  78. - [Text](#text)
  79. - [Boolean](#boolean)
  80. - [Array](#array)
  81. - [Filtering Data List](#filtering-data-list)
  82. - [Handling Submit Form & Validation](#handling-submit-form-validation)
  83. - [Validasi Data](#validasi-data)
  84. - [Prepare Data Submit](#prepare-data-submit)
  85. - [Send Data To Server](#send-data-to-server)
  86. - [Handling File Upload](#handling-file-upload)
  87. - [Kesimpulan](#kesimpulan)
  88. - [Component](#component)
  89. - [*Component* Dasar](#component-dasar)
  90. - [Component Naming](#component-naming)
  91. - [Component Registration](#component-registration)
  92. - [Global Component](#global-component)
  93. - [Local Component](#local-component)
  94. - [Deklarasi Properti Data](#deklarasi-properti-data)
  95. - [Reusable Component](#reusable-component)
  96. - [Component Lanjutan](#component-lanjutan)
  97. - [Passing Data To Component](#passing-data-to-component)
  98. - [Directive Pada Component](#directive-pada-component)
  99. - [Update Data Parent From Component](#update-data-parent-from-component)
  100. - [Two Way Data Binding on Component](#two-way-data-binding-on-component)
  101. - [Content Distribution with Slots](#content-distribution-with-slots)
  102. - [Single File Component](#single-file-component)
  103. - [Dynamic Components](#dynamic-components)
  104. - [Transition Effect](#transition-effect)
  105. - [Mixins](#mixins)
  106. - [Plugins](#plugins)
  107. - [Deklarasi Plugins](#deklarasi-plugins)
  108. - [Menggunakan Plugin](#menggunakan-plugin)
  109. - [Kesimpulan](#kesimpulan)
  110. - [Routing](#routing)
  111. - [Features](#features)
  112. - [Installation](#installation)
  113. - [Getting Started](#getting-started)
  114. - [Dynamic Routing](#dynamic-routing)
  115. - [Component BooksComponent](#component-bookscomponent)
  116. - [Component BookComponent](#component-bookcomponent)
  117. - [Programmatic Navigation](#programmatic-navigation)
  118. - [Penamaan Routes](#penamaan-routes)
  119. - [Passing Props To Route Component](#passing-props-to-route-component)
  120. - [Transitions Effect](#transitions-effect)
  121. - [Navigation Guards](#navigation-guards)
  122. - [Global](#global)
  123. - [Per Route](#per-route)
  124. - [Dalam Component](#dalam-component)
  125. - [Prevent Leave Accident](#prevent-leave-accident)
  126. - [Authentication Route](#authentication-route)
  127. - [Kesimpulan](#kesimpulan)
  128. - [State Management](#state-management)
  129. - [Mengenal State Management](#mengenal-state-management)
  130. - [Pustaka State Management](#pustaka-state-management)
  131. - [Instalasi](#instalasi)
  132. - [Dev Tools](#dev-tools)
  133. - [Getting Started](#getting-started)
  134. - [Mengakses Store Via Component](#mengakses-store-via-component)
  135. - [Getters](#getters)
  136. - [Mutations](#mutations)
  137. - [Actions](#actions)
  138. - [Menangani Two Way Data Binding](#menangani-two-way-data-binding)
  139. - [Mapping Store](#mapping-store)
  140. - [Mapping State](#mapping-state)
  141. - [Mapping Getters](#mapping-getters)
  142. - [Client Storage](#client-storage)
  143. - [Kesimpulan](#kesimpulan)
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