
Sunny In Cleveland, Part 5: Fear of the Dark

Sep 20th, 2012
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  1. >You're not sure what's worse
  2. >Suffocating under shit-caked fluffballs, or being eaten by them
  3. "Alright...Sun, you need to be VERY quiet...and what's your name?"
  4. "Jennifer."
  5. "Alright, Jennifer. We're in deep shit right now. The fluffies in here with us are Cannibal FLuffies."
  6. "What? What are those...?"
  7. "They eat meat. They're smart. And we're down here with them."
  8. "Oh, God...Oh my God...No no no no..."
  9. >She starts crying
  10. >You put a finger to your lips, signalling her to be quiet
  11. >You think back to that Jurassic Park scene
  12. >Yep. The one with the raptors
  13. "Listen. We'll be fine if we stay calm. Remember, they're fluffies. They're very fragile."
  14. "But..."
  15. "But nothing. If you see ANY down here besides Sun, kick them. Hard."
  16. "Alright..."
  17. "And DO NOT let them surround you. These things can and will kill you if they get into a big enough group."
  18. >With that, you set off
  19. >You tell Sunsplash to kill the light
  20. >You don't want any fluffies to get the jump on you
  21. >Feeling around in the dark isn't the best, but it's better than being dead
  22. >Soon enough, your eyes adjust
  23. "How much farther?"
  24. "I'm not sure...I've never actually been down here."
  25. "Shit..."
  26. >You hear some movement
  27. "Pway...wan pway wif fwuffy...?"
  28. >Jesus that's creepy
  29. "Hewwo new fwend! Mah name is-NUUU WHY HUWT FWU-ACK..."
  30. "New fwend make good nummies"
  31. "Oh my God...did they-"
  32. "Yeah, they did."
  33. "What do we do?"
  34. "Wah...? Wah noise? Foodies?"
  35. >Shit
  36. >They heard her
  37. "We run."
  38. "But-"
  39. "I SAID RUN!"
  40. >You grab Sunsplash in one hand and Jennifer with the other
  41. >You run through the tunnel system for minutes on end
  42. >Dead end after dead end halts your progress
  43. >With each one, you hear the cannibal herd getting closer
  44. "Wan pway wif new fwends..."
  45. >You turn a corner and are greeted by exactly what you didn't want to see
  46. >About 3 dozen pairs of eyes
  47. >They're all staring right at you
  48. >You freeze in your tracks
  49. "Shit...shit shit shit...Jen, start backing away."
  50. "Alright..."
  51. >She barely gets two steps before the eyes are joined by jagged smiles
  52. >The fluffies' teeth look broken, but sharp
  53. "New fwends nu go...jus wan pway."
  54. >They begin advancing
  55. "On 3, turn and run. 1...2..."
  56. >You turn around and grab Jennifer's wrist
  57. "THREE!"
  59. >You run through the dark tunnels, trying to avoid dead ends
  60. >As you round another corner, your fears are realized
  61. "Shit, there's no way out..."
  62. "Oh my God, no..."
  63. >You hear the herd assemble behind you
  64. >You feel around the walls for something, anything that will get you out
  65. "Any ideas, Jen?"
  66. >She's just sitting in the corner, sobbing
  67. >You can't blame her
  68. >As far as you can tell, you're as good as dead
  69. >And it will hurt
  70. >Wait...
  71. >Where's Sunsplash?
  72. "Sun...Sunsplash!?"
  73. "Hewe, daddeh!"
  74. >She's hiding under some wooden pallets
  75. >You move the wood to give her one last hug when you see it
  76. >There's a trapdor
  78. >You tear the hatch open, grab her, and jump down
  79. >You slam the door shut just as the fluffies lunge at where you were not a moment ago
  80. >You can hear them above
  81. "Fwuffy vewy hungy...wan nummies..."
  82. >You move into the dark room
  83. "Find some lights...this place is different from those tunnels. They should work here."
  84. >You and Jennifer feel around the walls for a bit
  85. >You silently pray that there's no more fluffies down here
  86. >The only fluffy you ever want to see again is Sunsplash
  87. "Hey, I found a switch!"
  88. "Great! Flip it on!"
  89. >Jennifer turns the lights on
  90. >As the room is illuminated, you begin to wish the Cannibal Fluffies were your only problem
  91. >In the center of the room is one of Spaghetti Tower's main support beams
  92. >And it's covered in explosives
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