
ok that's enough guys

Sep 5th, 2017
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  1. Sometime last year, I got DMed by a dude 😎 on Twitter. I’d πŸ˜— interacted with πŸ‘ him πŸ‘΄ a πŸ‘Œ little, πŸ‘Œ but πŸ‘ didn’t πŸ‘ really 😍 know πŸ’­ him. πŸ‘΄ We πŸ‘₯ certainly weren’t close 🌍 enough πŸ’¦ to πŸ’¦ have πŸ‘ the πŸ‘ kind πŸ™ of πŸ’¦ joke πŸ˜‚ I πŸ‘ assumed he πŸ‘¨ was πŸ‘ making, πŸ‘§ anyway. πŸ”› The πŸ‘ DM simply 😑 read πŸ“˜ β€˜SEND NUDES’. Of πŸ’¦ course 🏎 I πŸ‘ replied πŸ” β€˜lol no’ and πŸ‘ thought πŸ’­ nothing 🚫 of πŸ’¦ it. πŸ’― Probably 😻 just πŸ‘ an πŸ‘Ή off πŸ“΄ color πŸ‘ joke. πŸ˜‚ Went πŸ‘ out πŸ’― for πŸ† to πŸ’¦ the πŸ‘ store, πŸͺ the πŸ‘ usual πŸ˜„ shit. πŸ’© When πŸ‘ I πŸ‘ came πŸ’¦ back, πŸ”™ I πŸ‘ shit πŸ’© you πŸ‘ˆ not, 🚫 I πŸ‘ had πŸ’‹ over πŸ‘ 30 πŸ“… DMs πŸ“₯ from πŸ‘‰ this πŸ‘ˆ guy. πŸ‘± They πŸ‘₯ all πŸ’― read πŸ“˜ β€˜SEND NUDES’. Okay, πŸ‘Œ I πŸ‘ thought, πŸ’­ that’s πŸ’ͺ creepy and πŸ‘ annoying 😠 as πŸ‘ shit. πŸ’© Blocked. Didn’t πŸ‘ even πŸŒƒ think πŸ’­ about πŸ’¦ the πŸ‘ incident again 😬 for πŸ† a πŸ‘Œ month. Ever realize πŸ’‘ that 😐 something πŸ˜… major πŸ”‘ has πŸ‘ happened πŸ‘‰ in πŸ‘ your πŸ‘ life πŸ‘€ that 😐 seems πŸ‘€ innocuous at πŸ† the πŸ‘ time, πŸ• and πŸ‘ kick πŸ‘ž yourself 😎 in πŸ‘ retrospect for πŸ† not 🚫 acknowledging how πŸ’― groundbreaking the πŸ‘ event πŸ“† was πŸ‘ when πŸ‘ it πŸ’― played 🎳 out? πŸ’― That 😐 was πŸ‘ me 😭 with πŸ‘ this πŸ‘ˆ fucking πŸ‘‰ guy, πŸ‘± the πŸ‘ πŸ“¬πŸ‘€SEND NUDESπŸ•πŸ’¦πŸ†lad. A πŸ‘Œ month 😯 later, πŸ•‘ the πŸ‘ incident all πŸ’― but πŸ‘ forgotten, I πŸ‘ went πŸ‘ to πŸ’¦ get πŸ”Ÿ my πŸ‘¨ mail. It had πŸ’‹ hardly πŸ”‡ been πŸ‘ the πŸ‘ first πŸ‘† time πŸ• someone πŸ‘€ had πŸ’‹ been πŸ‘ pushy for πŸ† nudes, and πŸ‘ it's πŸ•› not 🚫 like πŸ’– he πŸ‘¨ sent πŸ“€ unsolicited peen or πŸ’ something. I'd never πŸ™… dealt with πŸ‘ a πŸ‘Œ stalker before, πŸ˜‚ if πŸ‘ that 😐 was πŸ‘ even πŸŒƒ what 😦 this πŸ‘ˆ was. SEND NUDES. Until πŸ™„ now, πŸ‘‹ I'd πŸ™ still πŸ‘ held πŸ‘ out πŸ’― hope πŸ™ that 😐 this πŸ‘ˆ was πŸ‘ a πŸ‘Œ prank. Why did πŸ‘ he πŸ‘¨ even πŸŒƒ need πŸ‘‰ me 😭 to πŸ’¦ send πŸ“¨ nudes if πŸ‘ he'd 😢 been πŸ‘ watching πŸ‘€ me 😭 shower? πŸ’¦ And, πŸ‘ shit, πŸ’© I πŸ‘ hadn't heard πŸ‘‚ a πŸ‘Œ single 🏻 sound πŸ”‡ from πŸ‘‰ the πŸ‘ bathroom, 🚽 and πŸ‘ I'd πŸ™ been πŸ‘ pretty on edge.
  3. I remember you. πŸ€”πŸ’­ That 🌜 night πŸŒ™ in β˜”οΈπŸ’ Seattle πŸ™πŸŒƒ. We were both 🀝 huddling πŸ˜¬πŸ‘‡ under the πŸŒ‰ 5th Ave Bridge πŸŒ‰ with the other πŸ€ πŸ‘³πŸ‘΅ homeless 🏠🚫. I'm πŸ˜… glad 😱😭 you're πŸ€— still ☠️❌ alive. βœ… This is Bob. I was πŸ‘»πŸ˜± haunted πŸ˜±πŸ˜±πŸ‘»πŸ‘» by 🏜SAND DUNES🏜. WhatπŸ€”does itπŸ‘»πŸ˜¨mean? WhatπŸ‘»πŸ€”does itπŸ‘»πŸ˜¨πŸ€‘want? StopβŒπŸ‘»πŸ›‘πŸ˜€hauntingβ˜ οΈπŸ›‘me. GetπŸ‘»βŒout of myπŸ‘»β›”οΈhead.😀😀 I'm just a πŸ’΅πŸ“‰ poor πŸ’±πŸ’¬dyslexicπŸ”ƒπŸ‘¨guy.
  5. πŸ“¬πŸ‘‰this to 20 🏜🏜SAND DUNES🏜🏜 or you'll ❌never❌ receiveπŸ€³πŸ‘€nudesπŸ•πŸ’¦again😀😀😀
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