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zotonic ping issue

a guest
Dec 11th, 2013
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  1. <tjarvstrand> hc, mawuli Trying to follow the "getting started"-instructions on the zotonic webpage but I don't seem to be able to connect to the erlang node
  2. <tjarvstrand> does it have any funny erlang cookie set?
  3. <tjarvstrand> kaos_: ^
  4. <kaos_> Hi :)
  5. <tjarvstrand> sorry for bothering everyone, not sure who's in the know :)
  6. <kaos_> zotonic doesn't specify any cookies, if that was your question..
  7. <tjarvstrand> ok
  8. <kaos_> more often is a dns/hostname issue
  9. <tjarvstrand> I'm having troubles connecting to the erlang node
  10. <tjarvstrand> hm
  11. <kaos_> does your local hostname resolve?
  12. <tjarvstrand> what name does the erlang-node use?
  13. <kaos_> default is to use short name with your hostname, if I remember correctly
  14. <tjarvstrand> erl_call -sname zotonic001@brunsnultra -a 'zotonic ping' says 'failed to connect to node zotonic001@brunsnultra'
  15. <kaos_> ah.. looks like defaults ;)
  16. <tjarvstrand> yeah
  17. <kaos_> what does `host brunsnultra` say?
  18. <tjarvstrand> weird, it times out
  19. * You are now known as kaos
  20. <kaos> eh.. ok, that was unexpected.
  21. <tjarvstrand> yeah
  22. <kaos> is it listed in your /etc/hosts file?
  23. <tjarvstrand> I don't have any problems connecting to any other erlang nodes on my system
  24. <tjarvstrand> yup
  25. <tjarvstrand> erl -sname foo in one terminal and erl_call -sname foo@brunsnultra -a 'code all_loaded' work fine
  26. <kaos> hmm..
  27. <tjarvstrand> (edts@brunsnultra)1> net:ping(foo@brunsnultra). pong (edts@brunsnultra)2> net:ping(zotonic001@brunsnultra). pang
  28. <kaos> what does `epmd -names` say?
  29. <tjarvstrand> zotonic001 is listed in epmd -names
  30. <kaos> hah
  31. * vmaatta ( has joined #zotonic
  32. <tjarvstrand> btw I used the ppa to install
  33. <kaos> ok.. should work, too.. :p
  34. <tjarvstrand> hehe, yeah, one would hope so :)
  35. <kaos> (foo@cypher)1> net:ping(zotonic001@cypher).
  36. <kaos> pong
  37. <tjarvstrand> works wehn building from the latest github source
  38. <kaos> does it.. wow. gah..
  39. <tjarvstrand> or at least I can ping the node
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