

Jan 28th, 2015
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  1. Fake ip us ít hơn 9 năm
  2. + Hello team facebook I think facebook should delete this account immediately for some reason cheat facebook age to participate and there are bad manners to everyone. I hope that Facebook will review and delete this account as to what Facebook terms. Thank you facebook team.
  3. + Here is one fake account. it's not properly declare his age to pass facebook security and no adult supervision. This account was to go fraudulent impersonation and harassment facebook community.
  4. Fake ip niu di lân 9 năm
  5. + I suggest removing the line this time, please please. for putting the wrong year of birth in order to overcome security Facebook's privacy then it is fake friends and the community
  6. + I expect facebook or review and delete this account immediately for violating facebook on the things that have agreed, this account was deliberately cheat facebook name and age to participate harassment, invasion of privacy, but of others. This severely violates Facebook terms. Expect this facebook account deleted soon
  7. + This timeline impersonating me and my friends. and it provides false information on birth date to register your account facebook. I think this is a time line of the one baby 9 year old , The father of the account confirmed account this children 9 years old. I hope that Facebook this account deactivated for Facebook becoming safer and it true to the terms of use facebook-Thank you Facebook team .
  8. + Here is one fake account. it's not properly declare his age to pass facebook security and no adult supervision. This account was to go fraudulent impersonation and harassment facebook community. I ask please delete this account. facebook team thanks
  9. ~~~~~~ FAQ Sex 2 ~~~~~~
  10. Vào:
  12. Bạn có tài khoản Facebook không: Có
  14. Are you blocked from seeing the content you want to report?: Có
  16. Địa chỉ Email liên hệ của bạn:
  18. Have many pieces of content do you want to report?: 4
  20. When was this content posted?
  22. VIP: The following accounts that use invalid applications
  23. fake is someone to post sexual
  24. I suggest teams delete facebook account immediately
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