

Jun 11th, 2014
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  1. AnonymousGuevara> The track was, luckily, by now empty, the last person, some pretty-looking boy, having left off to a club or home or something, so the girl was left in peace to... er... walk around on her hands.
  2. <AnthyDos> She manages a decent stride across part of the track before losing her balance, flopping onto her back with a thud that fills the almost silence of the afternoon day, staring up at the sky a little with a bit of a goofy smile on her face. It's only a few moments before she hops back up to her feet, and noticing no one else is around, she starts wandering back towards the school building to just check up on people!
  3. <AnonymousGuevara> As she passed by the equipment shed, though, there was a sensation... almost as if something was "calling" to her from within.
  4. <Anthy> "..." she immediately turns to it, rushing to open the shed, she didn't check it yet!
  5. <AnonymousGuevara> Inside the shed was, well, no one. It was empty, sans equipment, but somehow it felt like this would be a great place to train at least, even better than the track!
  6. <Anthy> She ponders to herself a little...there's all the gear, and it is oddly spacious as he paces in it a little...
  7. <AnonymousGuevara> Sure, there was all that gear, but it felt like this place called out to her fighting spirit, unlike any other before! More than any dojo even! It was as if this place called out "show me your passion!"
  8. <Anthy> She tenses up a little even, spreading her feet to shoulders' width apart, "This...This is perfeeect!" She shouts aloud, pumping a fist into the air!
  9. <AnonymousGuevara> Truly it was! It was as if the entire area proclaimed "do your best in training here!" Maybe there was a shrine or something here once, or whatever kind of dumb plot hook you'd expect from a martial arts flick!
  10. <Anthy> She doesn't think too much more about it, simply just feeling so...pumped, so strong and energetic! She throws a few more punches at the air as she grins!
  11. <Anthy> "AAah! This is just the best! I can't believe I'm just finding this place!"
  12. <AnonymousGuevara> "... Huh, looks tough enough. Firm-lookin` body and all, but man, can a girl even fight...?" Okay, that wasn't a part of the martial art film cliches, though. Weird, booming voices speaking to you was more along the lines of horror.
  13. <Anthy> "What was that!?" She sends a foot flying in a perfect circle as she turns about face!
  14. <AnonymousGuevara> "Chick's got a good reaction speed, too. ... Tch, I'd rather have a big, strong dude for this, but... Hey! Hey you! Do you want more power?" the disembodied voice asked as her turning around confirmed she was "alone" in the room.
  15. <AnonymousGuevara> ... Oh, no! THEN THAT HAD TO HAVE MEANT THIS PLACE WAS HAUNTED!
  16. <Anthy> "..." She stares at the emptyness of the shed, definately no one in here, "...are you a ghost sir?"
  17. <Anthy> "Like, the dead spirit of the ancestors or something?" She brings a finger to her chin.
  18. <AnonymousGuevara> "A ghost? A GHOST?!" the loud voice boomed, as the room shook a bit. "You retarded or something?! Do I LOOK like a ghost?!" A form materialized in front of her, a floating body with no arms, and a pretty scary face with horns. "I'm Take-Minakata, one of the greatest warriors of this land!"
  19. <AnonymousGuevara> ... well, he DID kinda` appear in front of her, which is what ghosts do...
  20. <Anthy> "...Well you were kinda visible, and you kinda formed like one...those are some pretty ghosty things, you kinda look spooky like a ghosty too...though the horns are cool!" She actually reaches up to touch them.
  21. <AnonymousGuevara> "DON'T TOUCH MY HORNS." In response, the floating creature brought its ugly mug back, pulling away. "Jeez, man, I get it, we fighters aren't the sharpest knives, but come on, this is dumb! You should be prostrating or something, don't they teach kids anything in these 'schools'? ... Whatever, do you want power or not?! Because if not, you should run in terror before I smash you into a
  22. <AnonymousGuevara> pulp." Big words from an armless... demon thing.
  23. <Anthy> The red haired girl stares at him more, "It isn't nice to just assume things like that you know..." She crosses her arms, puffing her chest out, "But, yes I like power, I really like being strong and super good at so many sports!" She then puts her hands on her hips, still pushing her chest out as she tries to make herself look like the bigger of the two...despite being face to face with the big grey-skined demony thing, "...though
  24. <Anthy> Coach always says power is earned, not just given!"
  25. <AnonymousGuevara> "Man, who said I'm GIVING you power? This isn't a charity! You will earn my power, if you want it! My strength isn't some sort of power you just give out all willy-nilly to whoever first shows up!" Oh, she seemed to have struck a nerve. "... Hmmm... we could do a sumo match, or maybe I can demand a sacrifice of blood... That's a good idea, actually... Hey, girl! I will give you power
  26. <AnonymousGuevara> beyond your wildest imagination if you defeat a worthy foe. And no scrawny wimps! Those who challenge those weaker than them are cowards!"
  27. <Anthy> "No Duh!" she pumps a fist, "Bring it horny guy!" she seems completely oblivious to what she just said.
  28. <Anthy> "Just point me towards him!"
  29. <AnonymousGuevara> "IDIOT!" Suddenly he moved forward, cocking his head back, before smacking her on the top of the head with the bottom sides of his horns. "I'm telling YOU to go find someone! Find someone, and beat them up around here! If you do, I will lend you my power!"
  30. <Anthy> "Nngh!" She grits her teeth, shoving back a little, "Fine!" She promptly runs out of the shed, not giving pause as she looks all about, continuously running!
  31. <AnonymousGuevara> The school surely had someone to beat up in it, someone huge! Strong! HUGESTRONG! But where, where could they be?! As she rounded the corner of the school, however, she saw something that was, well, sadly a reoccurring thing; A few of the fourth year boys had a second year by the collar, pinned against the wall.
  32. <Anthy> "HEEEEEEEEY!!!~" She shouts aloud as some sort of battlecry, already charging towards them without a second thought!
  33. <AnonymousGuevara> "Jin, you holdin` out on us?! You bastard, I thought we were friends!" one shouted at the terrified boy, that kid running track earlier. The one that looked more like a girl, really, than a boy. Before he could whimper out a response, however, the three looked up to see a charging, screaming bundle of energy rushing them. "... H-Hey, piss off! This got nothin` to do with you!" One of the
  34. <AnonymousGuevara> three, definitely someone from the sumo club, shouted out to her.
  35. <AnonymousGuevara> "Yeah!" another, an obvious delinquent, shouted, and the third, the shortest of the three but clearly the brains behind the operation (and the one pinning the bullied kid to the wall) nodded in agreement.
  36. <Anthy> Sadly talking is for fools! Still screaming her lungs out in some sort of faux kung-fu battlecry as she's leaped, both of her feet in the air, driving heels first at the one holding the boy against the wall!
  37. <AnonymousGuevara> Time seemed to slow down for her target as her heels impacted with his face, his head slowly recoiling, nose crushing, before he went flying and tumbling across the ground, their mark slumping down the wall as the other two stared in shock. Holy SHIT, did this girl just DROPKICK THEIR BUDDY?!
  38. <AnonymousGuevara> "... Y-YOU BIIIIITCH!" the sumo member tried to grab her, probably planning on crushing her in a bearhug or something.
  39. <Anthy> She managed to twist while still in the air, avoiding his clutches as she lands on the ground roughly, dust kicking up as she plants her hands on the ground, promptly spinning her leg around to sweep the sumo dude, only a brief pause in her battle cry before she makes contact, again making that faux kung-fu sound!
  40. <AnonymousGuevara> Down went Tubby, and Yankee swung a fist at her face in response, trying to cover his downed friend.
  41. <Anthy> As that fist flies towards her prone on-her-back state, she pulls her hands off of the ground, letting herself fully drop with a soft-ish thud, her hands clasping quickly around Yankee's wrist, stopping the fist before she kicks her feet up, wrapping them around his arm, crossing and pushing against his neck as she /pulls/ hard on his arm, "SAY UNCLE!~"
  42. <Anthy> As that fist flies towards her prone on-her-back state, she pulls her hands off of the ground, letting herself fully drop with a soft-ish thud, her hands clasping quickly around Yankee's wrist, stopping the fist before she kicks her feet up, wrapping them around his arm, crossing and pushing against his neck as she /pulls/ hard on his arm, "SAY UNCLE!~"
  43. <AnonymousWORMvara> "OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWUNCLEUNCLEUNCLEEEEE!" the Yankee squealed, much like a piggy really, as he was easily pulled to the ground by the submission hold, allowing him to tap out wildly.
  44. <Anthy> She swiftly lets him go, popping up onto her feet and triumphantly put her foot on his chest, flexing a little as she feels so proud of winning!~
  45. <Anthy> ...though eventually she turns to the previous track runner, "You okay?"
  46. <AnonymousGuevara> "Y... Yeah... I-I'm okay... !!! W-Watch out!" Behind her, Tubby had risen, trying to grab her in a choke hold now so he could lift her off his friend.
  47. <Anthy> She sends not one, but both of her elbows back into the member of the sumo club, shoving into him with all of her weight!
  48. <AnonymousGuevara> The bullied kid and the sumo wrestler both turned various shades of pale as her elbows impacked his stomach, Tubby turning a bit green as he stumbled away, his cheeks puffing out and hands covering his mouth. He made it behind the bushes before going down, his sounds almost masking the sound "shhk" of a switchblade coming from below her. Well, it made sense a delinquent would have a knife,
  49. <AnonymousGuevara> but that was probably not the safest place to pull it from, as his hand got caught in his jacket and the blade ended up puncturing his side, causing him to let out a little squeak of pain.
  50. <AnonymousGuevara> Man, delinquents these days were rather... DELINQUENT in looking cool! ... Get it?
  51. <AnonymousGuevara> "OW OW OW OW LEMME UP I NEED A NURRRSEEEEE"
  52. <Anthy> She pulls her foot off of him, "Better hurry off to her office!" She puts her hands on her hips.
  53. <AnonymousGuevara> Off he ran, stumbling to his feet as he held his hurt side, his knife getting tossed away in his hurried retreat. All that left there was an unconscious kid, a sumo wrestler making very nasty sounds behind a bush, and the surprise savior and her savee.
  54. <AnonymousGuevara> "... T-Thanks..." the boy muttered sheepishly, still on the ground.
  55. <Anthy> "You're welcome! I try my best to help anyone, bullying is just wrong and makes the school not what it should be!" She spouts off, "I want it to be just the best!" She continues a little more, eventually offering him a hand.
  56. <AnonymousGuevara> The boy took it, letting her help him to his feet, as he bowed his head in appreciation. Well, and a little bit of embarrassment. Forcing someone to go out of their way to save him and all...
  57. <AnonymousGuevara> "... U-Um... t-that's true, I guess..."
  58. <Anthy> "Don't worry at all, it's only right to help those in trouble!" She pats him on the shoulder.
  59. <AnonymousGuevara> Of course, her pats on the shoulder unbalanced him a bit, making him struggle to keep on his feet, but at least it got a little smile out of him. Taking on three people at once, SURELY that was a good enough "blood sacrifice" or whatever!
  60. <Anthy> ...she actually remembers that, just seeing someone bullied seemed to trigger something in her, "Well, See you later!~" She happily skips along back to the shed.
  61. <AnonymousGuevara> Back in the shed, the spirit of whatever seemed to be in a laughing fit, his back turned as he tried to stop it. "PFFFTHAHAHAHAHA, DID YOU SEE THE ONE THAT RAN AWAY'S TEARS?! WHAT A WIMP! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ... Haaa... A-Alright, alright, that was good. Your fighting spirit has shown true, and even better was that I could see that you weren't even thinking about your quest as you defended
  62. <AnonymousGuevara> the weak. Very well, Girl! You're interesting enough! I shall loan you the power of Take-Minakata, once one of the rulers of this land!" the demon announced, turning back to face her. Man, did he wish he had arms to wipe away the tears of laughter. Who knew that even a devil may cry when presented with such an amusing sight?
  63. <Anthy> "Coooool!" She beams a little, "...wait, so how are you going to do it, is it some weird shiny artifact thingy?"
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