
Bomberman Tournament "Notes"

Apr 28th, 2014
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  1. PvtCb: Bases in Bomberman Tournament are random with their layouts lol
  2. PvtCb: It's Doshin all over again
  3. PvtCb: But really random this time
  4. PvtCb: We dead?
  5. PvtCb: I'm getting really excited to take Yashi's bhero any% record
  6. danidesu: NICE
  7. danidesu: do it
  8. danidesu: yashi is a cock
  9. PvtCb: I'm so stupidly close. All I need is a pretty good run and I got this
  10. PvtCb: My sun of bests is 1:00 ahead of his
  11. You joined the room.
  12. Current chat topic is “Bomberman Speedrunning shenanigans”, set by footbigmike.
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  15. Current chat topic is “Bomberman Speedrunning shenanigans”, set by footbigmike.
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  18. Current chat topic is “Bomberman Speedrunning shenanigans”, set by footbigmike.
  19. PvtCb: *backflips*
  20. danidesu: ded
  21. PvtCb: *whistles*
  22. danidesu: tumbleweed
  23. LeafeonZ joined the room.
  24. 12:25 AM
  25. PvtCb: Yeah that's priming
  26. LeafeonZ: ah, ok
  27. PvtCb: Lets you set up a complicated system to detonate bombs earlier
  28. LeafeonZ: so there are skips?
  29. LeafeonZ: oh, neat
  30. PvtCb: In bases? There are 3 rooms in fantasy you can blaze through with three bomb and one room that has a broken spinner that sends you to the exit
  31. PvtCb: I've looked really hard into skipping stuff in this game and it's mostly useless stuff
  32. LeafeonZ: I wish you could skip ceedrun
  33. LeafeonZ: only use him in that one little corridor
  34. PvtCb: Like the second Karabon you get you can fight again immediately if you lose then flail on the d-pad
  35. PvtCb: But it's useless because his pattern is 2x up, 2x down. The only random part is where the pattern starts
  36. PvtCb: But you can win every time
  37. LeafeonZ: yeah
  38. 12:30 AM
  39. danidesu: who is this new
  40. PvtCb: I really want to route 100% instead because FireKong and RC bombs do some really crazy shit but getting them both takes forever
  41. PvtCb: VG asking about btourney
  42. LeafeonZ: For the Kameking fight, I found that Seawing and P.Dragon is the best
  43. LeafeonZ: hi
  44. LeafeonZ: You basically don't need to train them at all
  45. PvtCb: I use SeaWing then Unagi. P. Dragon is wrong type
  46. PvtCb: Pure water deals double damage
  47. PvtCb: And all elements besides fire deal 1x damage
  48. LeafeonZ: hmm
  49. LeafeonZ: alright
  50. PvtCb: Sibloon is the backup but if he comes out you're basically screwed already
  51. LeafeonZ: I went basically by level
  52. LeafeonZ: probably best to do Unagi first and save before
  53. LeafeonZ: since seawing doesn't really lose
  54. LeafeonZ: oh, I guess it doesn't matter
  55. LeafeonZ: resetting takes too long for this game
  56. PvtCb: I still need to figure out what I'm doing for the bases in terms of RNG manipulation with saving
  57. danidesu left the room. (Ping timeout: 145 seconds)
  58. 12:36 AM
  59. LeafeonZ: do you know how the rng for the bases works?
  60. LeafeonZ: are there a few set patterns for the whole base?
  61. LeafeonZ: is it by room?
  62. PvtCb: Frame you enter base
  63. PvtCb: Set patterns but it might as well be by room. There are a ton of layouts
  64. LeafeonZ: Do you know how many?
  65. LeafeonZ: otherwise, I could look at the ram
  66. PvtCb: I got to 30 in Magnet before I stopped counting. This includes enemy movement
  67. danidesu joined the room.
  68. LeafeonZ: enemy movement is determined by the base seed?
  69. PvtCb: Enemy movement is also dictated by RNG in the overworld
  70. PvtCb: Seeds are created base on frame until transition an area
  71. PvtCb: *based
  72. PvtCb: I also think if you die it gets reset but I haven't tested that
  73. LeafeonZ: huh, interesting
  74. LeafeonZ: you can skip the water bomb right?
  75. LeafeonZ: or is that a flag for kaiman?
  76. 12:41 AM
  77. PvtCb: Nope. Have to get TwinDragon for Pretty
  78. PvtCb: Kaimin's trigger is medicine
  79. LeafeonZ: you also need to talk to that lady on the south shore
  80. LeafeonZ: by where you enter the water
  81. LeafeonZ: you need a bomb to get to the whale?
  82. LeafeonZ: I don't remember that
  83. PvtCb: I actually need to test that
  84. PvtCb: Yeah
  85. LeafeonZ: I ran into that problem when I was playing through the game
  86. PvtCb: I'm a little fuzzy on my notes past Magnet
  87. LeafeonZ: you do need to talk to that lady
  88. PvtCb: But I believe so
  89. LeafeonZ: also, how do you get power bombs?
  90. LeafeonZ: they may be worth it
  91. PvtCb: Hammer
  92. PvtCb: But they're outclassed by Elekong
  93. LeafeonZ: true
  94. LeafeonZ: so you can get elekong in ~45 seconds on average?
  95. PvtCb: Yeah. Like one screen to the right after the village before the desert you transition up and down a lot and his oasis spawns
  96. 12:46 AM
  97. LeafeonZ: alright
  98. PvtCb: I think it's 6 transitions, talking to him, and exiting the oasis
  99. PvtCb: P. Animal makes the pickup pretty quick
  100. PvtCb: Speaking of which I suck at minivans you okay to rescue him
  101. PvtCb: *minigame
  102. PvtCb: Thanks phone
  103. LeafeonZ: the minigames feel weird to me
  104. LeafeonZ: especially that one
  105. PvtCb: That one's just really hard. The other ones are easy to create a system for
  106. PvtCb: But they are all awkward
  107. LeafeonZ: I did that one pretty easily, but it just felt like it didn't really belong
  108. PvtCb: I played it while seasick so it might just be that
  109. PvtCb: Hudson was kinda scraping from the bottom of the barrel for ideas with btourney
  110. LeafeonZ: yeah, lol
  111. 12:52 AM
  112. LeafeonZ: huh, I'm still not sure if water bombs are needed...
  113. LeafeonZ: I guess I'll see tonight
  114. PvtCb: I have my GBA right here. I can check
  115. LeafeonZ: alright
  116. LeafeonZ: if you want
  117. PvtCb: God bless routing games on portables
  118. LeafeonZ: lol I wish I could find my cart
  119. PvtCb: I got mine for $15 or so
  120. PvtCb: The one I had as a kid died in an amazing way
  121. LeafeonZ: how'd it die?
  122. PvtCb: You ever seen what happens with a GB Pokemon game after it's Gamesharked hard? As the battery died all my data was wiped but a lot of the hearts could be picked up again
  123. PvtCb: Blew my 12 year old mind
  124. LeafeonZ: lol, nice
  125. 1:00 AM
  126. LeafeonZ: I think the tough guy minigame is probably the worst
  127. LeafeonZ: It was for me anyway
  128. PvtCb: I thought that was pretty easy. All timing
  129. LeafeonZ: I dunno, It felt like more rng to me
  130. PvtCb: You do not need the Aqua bomb
  131. LeafeonZ: alright, normal bomb all the way
  132. PvtCb: Whale area is opened by a pressure switch
  133. LeafeonZ: and all the money you need is 200G for the teryaki beef
  134. PvtCb: Yeah
  135. LeafeonZ: Do you get the bomb up in the PrettyBase?
  136. PvtCb: You could pick up a second after you get Unagi for an easy heart
  137. PvtCb: Teas
  138. PvtCb: Yes
  139. LeafeonZ: I was going to say that that ones pretty far out of the way, but it's probably worth it
  140. LeafeonZ: wait, a second teriyaki beef?
  141. 1:06 AM
  142. PvtCb: Yeah. Second teriyaki
  143. LeafeonZ: is it still 200G?
  144. PvtCb: Yeah
  145. PvtCb: You get so much gold though
  146. LeafeonZ: Yeah
  147. LeafeonZ: But you can get a large potion in the same shop for 100G
  148. PvtCb: I get the one out of Magnet and just hold it
  149. LeafeonZ: yeah, I suppose
  150. PvtCb: It's not needed until you get 5 health
  151. LeafeonZ: I wish you could hold multiple
  152. PvtCb: And if see your about to die you save or warp with Pommy
  153. PvtCb: 90% of my deaths are caused by my own explosions
  154. PvtCb: So you need a lot of health
  155. LeafeonZ: lol, mine too
  156. PvtCb: But the drop rate on small potions is usually enough to survive until you beat a base
  157. LeafeonZ: it's much worse before p. knuckle and tough guy though
  158. PvtCb: Bomb kick saved my stupid ass so much
  159. LeafeonZ: yep, lol
  160. LeafeonZ: and that's pretty much the best way for the max fight too
  161. LeafeonZ: just kick and stop right next to him
  162. 1:11 AM
  163. LeafeonZ: Have you done that priming glitch for any of the bosses?
  164. LeafeonZ: I know it'd save a bunch of time at least for the 3rd boss
  165. PvtCb: Nah. Lure him to a corner, equip p. animal, and drop bombs stop him from escaping
  166. PvtCb: It's really handy with Magbat
  167. PvtCb: *Magnet
  168. PvtCb: Can't really use it on Pretty
  169. PvtCb: I'm working on a field of death for the lat boss (blanking on his name), but Max keeps messing it up
  170. LeafeonZ: BrainBomber
  171. PvtCb: Ty
  172. LeafeonZ: Do you know if the japanese version is very much different from us?
  173. PvtCb: Yeah but that fight is horseshit even if you have landlines to cheese him
  174. PvtCb: Really?
  175. PvtCb: That's damn interesting
  176. LeafeonZ: no, do you know if?
  177. PvtCb: Nope
  178. PvtCb: I know bhero USA and JP are almost entirely different games
  179. LeafeonZ: Because if the text is just fast enough, you'd be able to skip a cycle on the last few bosses I think
  180. LeafeonZ: because you can throw bombs if you hold while walking in
  181. PvtCb: I think text is the standard one character per frame
  182. LeafeonZ: yeah, but less text for JP
  183. LeafeonZ: but the explosions don't hurt until after the text is gone
  184. PvtCb: Yeah. I'm gonna keep routing with Eng and see if JP has anything new once I find a cart or a rom
  185. 1:16 AM
  186. LeafeonZ: I suppose I could look into it as well
  187. PvtCb: There's a 2 frame delay between a bomb being touched by a flame and it exploding
  188. PvtCb: You could use that
  189. LeafeonZ: hm
  190. LeafeonZ: I don't know, in english, the bomb explodes far before the text is over
  191. LeafeonZ: at least for how fast I've been mashing
  192. PvtCb: I'm not entirely sure what this trick is so I'm just shooting ideas out
  193. PvtCb: I could test it with TAS sometime
  194. LeafeonZ: basically, you're able to set or throw a bomb as you're entering the boss room
  195. LeafeonZ: before the cutscene starts
  196. LeafeonZ: I don't know how many frames you have to set a bomb, but just holding a bomb makes you throw it when the cutscene starts
  197. PvtCb: Before he takes your fuse Karabon?
  198. LeafeonZ: yeah
  199. LeafeonZ: hm
  200. LeafeonZ: forgot about that part of it
  201. LeafeonZ: the cutscene's probably too long anyway
  202. PvtCb: I don't even know if they have a Hitbox before tgeyvtransform
  203. PvtCb: Yay autocorrect
  204. LeafeonZ: lol
  205. LeafeonZ: I don't think they do
  206. LeafeonZ: I just thought that maybe the cutscene would be fast enough in jp so that they would get one as the bomb explodes
  207. PvtCb: Maybe something for 100% once you have FureKong
  208. PvtCb: Just toss a bomb and mash b for first frame damage
  209. LeafeonZ: yeah, that'd be cool
  210. 1:21 AM
  211. LeafeonZ: you can change karabons before you screen transition by the way
  212. LeafeonZ: so that would work
  213. PvtCb: It's pretty picky from what I rememb
  214. PvtCb: er
  215. LeafeonZ: yeah, it's not too easy
  216. LeafeonZ: well, more it's easy to mess up
  217. PvtCb: There's a lot of really crazy frame-perfect tricks I found while TASing btourney
  218. LeafeonZ: really? Like what?
  219. LeafeonZ: anything doable?
  220. LeafeonZ: in RTA
  221. PvtCb: Like if you diagonally rub a corner for less than 7 frames you get a 2 pixel teleport after you clear the corner
  222. PvtCb: And there's a bomb prime in Louie Forest that's fran-perfect that saves 4 seconds
  223. LeafeonZ: is that the first forest?
  224. PvtCb: Yeah
  225. LeafeonZ: or which?
  226. LeafeonZ: oh, wow
  227. 1:27 AM
  228. PvtCb: The TAS hasn't gotten past Magnet yet because I'm trying to find the optimal layout but there is likely going to be some new stuff with throws
  229. PvtCb: You can keep the explosion going to stunlick sveything
  230. PvtCb: *stunlock everything
  231. LeafeonZ: like keep throwing bombs into the explosion?
  232. PvtCb: Yeah. I used it a lot in Plasma because some of those enemies suck to attack twice
  233. PvtCb: After the short recovery frames they're danagd again
  234. LeafeonZ: Yeah, that's what I had found
  235. LeafeonZ: how many recovery frames do they have?
  236. PvtCb: I think something between 40 and 80
  237. PvtCb: Need to test that out
  238. LeafeonZ: and it runs at basically 60 fps?
  239. PvtCb: Yeah
  240. PvtCb: I haven't seen any lag frams anywhere
  241. 1:33 AM
  242. LeafeonZ: wait, bizhawk can't do gba?
  243. PvtCb: There's a custom Visualboy emulator
  244. LeafeonZ: huh
  245. PvtCb: I use it for the lua scripting
  246. LeafeonZ: can you view the ram with it?
  247. PvtCb: You can count individual lag frames
  248. LeafeonZ: I was more going for testing how many base layouts there are
  249. PvtCb: Oh. I am not sure
  250. LeafeonZ: I think I can do it with MHS, but it wasn't working correctly for alttp, so I'm not sure
  251. PvtCb: http:/​/​​p/​vba-rerecording/
  252. PvtCb: Yeah there's a built in script function to get the ram
  253. 1:39 AM
  254. LeafeonZ: nice, this is pretty much what bizhawk has
  255. PvtCb: I used bizhawk once for a bhero trick
  256. PvtCb: Not that familiar with it
  257. LeafeonZ: I started looking into the Oracle games with it, just seeing what values it had for speeds and stuff like that
  258. LeafeonZ: it's pretty interesting to look into the values the games work with
  259. PvtCb: IIRC kirkq said bhero changes enemy layiur every couple thousand clock cycles
  260. 1:44 AM
  261. PvtCb: *layouts
  263. WTF do I do for 100% in btourney? (all bombs, all karabons, all upgrades (shoes/armor/fire/bomb/hearts)
  264. WHAT KARABONS for any% (all but Th. Liger, Pteradon, Elekong (99% sure he's faster to get), MariGon, FireKong)
  266. Ceedrun 2x, switch (EZPZ)
  267. Bombdrop Arrow Lane? (Re-check, but doubtful)
  268. Barrels and bombs, random??? (Bases random, but should even out)
  269. Warp back to base start (Golem)
  270. Bomb primer (kicks, throws, early places, RC)
  271. Magnet FireUp
  273. Landmine on Dragon? (100% only, almost certainly slower to get camera, photograph Louie, hand over photograph, get sensor, exchange Sensor for Landmine, and equip Landmine for Magnet)
  274. Corner Max
  275. Re-use spinners
  276. Landmines are now mandatory
  277. Explosion re-use
  281. #Global
  282. =16 pixel blocks
  283. =2 pixel slide after released input
  284. =3 frame input delay
  285. =80% Karabons for clear
  286. ~Check Pommy warp times
  287. ~Check equip speeds
  288. ?Tank rooms
  291. >Elekong?
  292. +safe
  293. +really fast
  294. -slightly out of way
  295. ~worth it for Golem base alone
  297. >MariGon?
  298. +safe primes
  299. +early game
  300. ?faster primes
  301. -fairly out of way
  302. ~check how long it takes to pickup
  304. >FireKong?
  305. +safety
  306. +fast primes
  307. ?needs RC Bombs to be really useful
  308. -late game
  309. -really out of way
  310. ~check combo with RC bomb, check pattern speed up
  311. ~check the base pickup time
  313. >Fire Ups?
  314. +faster bosses and rooms
  315. +
  316. -dangerous
  317. -slightly out of way
  318. ~check the base pickup time
  320. >Bomb Ups?
  321. /So many tricks involve bomb throws it's stupid to skip the first upgrade. The debate is over 3 bomb or 4 bomb
  322. ~check the base pickup time
  324. >Armor?
  325. /You're always a few hits away from death. Outside of the boss hearts and maybe the teriyaki heart, you have no extra health
  326. +global safety net
  327. ~check the base pickup time
  329. >Karabon Master Battle?
  330. /KameKing is lvl 57 Fi/Wa/El
  331. /Best 2 out of 3
  332. ?Wa 2x, Ea 1x, El 1x, Fi 0x
  333. ?SeaWing, Unagi, Sibloon, anyone high level
  335. #ROUTE
  336. Skip Girl
  337. Enter Forest
  338. Skip Louie
  339. Get Ring
  340. Exit Forest
  341. Give ring to girl
  342. Get Pommy
  343. Beat Karabon trainer
  344. Exit Alpha
  345. Travel to Beta
  346. Clear barrels
  347. Get Radar
  348. Exit Beta
  349. Enter Magnet
  350. Get Elifan
  351. Get Silver Shoes
  352. Fuse P. Fangs
  353. Defeat Magnet
  354. Get Sharkun
  355. Enter Gamma
  356. ?Get Transistor
  357. Enter Delta
  358. Get RainDrop
  359. Enter Delta
  360. Create AquaBomb
  361. Get Medicine
  362. Get Kai-Man
  363. Enter Sea
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