
Twisted Fate p1

Nov 17th, 2012
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  1. I will probably continue this if I get stuck on RiE or when I am finished with RiE. Until then enjoy what might be
  3. >A forest surrounds you on all sides
  4. >The deep oranges and yellows of Autumn hang in the trees around you
  5. >The sun shines down between the branches bringing sustaining warmth the cold forest floor
  6. >An icy wind circles between the trees promising the winter that is soon to come
  7. >You have no recollection of this place or how you got here
  8. >The last thing you remember is sitting on your couch drinking away the memories of the girl who broke your heart
  9. >The lost love that drove you into a deep spiraling depression
  10. >Perhaps you fell asleep and this is an whiskey induced dream?
  11. >If it is then this is the best dream you have had in months
  12. >However that is not saying much as lately your dreams have been filled with lament and fear.
  13. >And honestly this much nicer than sitting on your couch trying to find the bottom of a bottle
  14. >Why not go with it?
  15. >You see no path or any discernible way to know where to go
  16. >To your left light streams down from above forming almost a road of light
  17. >Deciding that you might as well be warm you follow the sunlit "path"
  18. >That cold wind seems to shift to your back as you walk sending shivers down your spine.
  19. >You cannot remember ever feeling cold in a dream before this.
  20. >Then again none of your dreams have ever been as vivid as this.
  21. >It all seems more real than anything you have experienced before
  22. >The forest fades from a dense mass of trunks to scattered trees across an open field
  23. >The ground before you sloping up to a hill that is the only change in elevation you have come across
  24. >Sitting atop the crest is a long deep mahogany colored table with three indistinct figures seated on one side
  25. >You stare at the sight before you for a short while pondering the scene before you.
  26. >Who is around the table? Why are there three of them?
  27. >Finally working up the nerve you trudge your way up the hill never taking your eyes from them.
  28. >Eventually you get a good look at the beings that rest upon the gilded chairs
  29. >Sitting a short distance apart are three what you can only assume are people people wearing earthen toned doublets that cover their overly long white arms
  30. >Each of the three were wearing a porcelain mask shaped to resemble a woodland creature.
  31. >From behind their masks spills hair of a platinum sheen that threatens to blind you with the suns reflection
  32. >On the left a stag, on the right an owl, and one of a fox on the one sitting in the center
  33. >Each silently eying you as you approach
  34. >Sitting on the table is a small banquet that seems to have all your favorites
  35. >As you approach that you have decided to aptly call "Stag" stands and pulls a chair out for you
  36. >On his hands are white gloves that seem to cover impossibly long fingers
  37. >"Thank you." you say more out of habit than actually politeness
  38. >Taking a seat you cant help but be impressed at the strange things the mind can dream
  39. >"Fox" waves his hand above the food in front of you. It seems like he is offering some to you.
  40. >However the sheer surreality of the situation removes any thought of actually attempting to consume anything.
  41. >"No thank you. This all looks very good but I am not hungry right now."
  42. >Fox nods to you before waving his hand once more over the table causing the food and plates to disappear
  43. >You stare momentarily where the food once was before movement makes you look up
  44. >The movement was Fox turning to the others each in turn and nodding.
  45. >All three stand and in a chorus of voices the words seem to flow from all around you. You cannot distinguish which voice belongs to any of the three
  47. "Long, long ago in the ages of old
  48. A pact was made by the children of man
  49. A bargain struck with souls and gold
  50. We took them as far away as we can"
  52. >Upon the table an image forms
  53. >A scene of a table set upon a snowy field at the edge of a forest
  54. >You see group of men dressed in pelts and rough cloth standing across from these three at a similar but much larger table
  55. >Behind the men seemed to be hundreds of others. Men, women, and children all silent and watching.
  56. >A sack of coins is tossed on the table where it spills out showering the table with gold
  57. >Then a line of people bound together is led to the table. One of the men hands the free end of rope to Stag
  58. >Who nods and guides the line of people into the forests edge
  60. "We lead them to a promised place
  61. Beyond the fears of war and strife
  62. Man trusted and followed the fairer race
  63. In a new land they made their life"
  65. >Fox takes the hand of each of the men in turn causing them to shudder from his touch.
  66. >With a flourish of his arms he motions to a doorway that is set between two trees.
  67. >An ornate door inlaid with silver has the images of two rearing pegasi upon it
  68. >Owl runs his hand over the door lightly before grasping a ring hanging from the center and opens it slowly
  69. >On the other side of the doorway is a vibrant meadow covered in flowers
  70. >The people begin to go through the doorway as the image fades
  72. "There was but only one golden law
  73. If a man lays with a foreign beast
  74. Back to their world all man will withdraw
  75. And on their souls we all would feast"
  77. >Another image appears. It is a village built into the lower reaches of a mountain.
  78. >People are milling about around stone homes
  79. >The image seems to zoom in on a home in the distant corner of the village
  80. >It zooms in through the roof and shows you a strange sight
  81. >A man having sex with a strange creature that your brain tells you is a minotaur
  82. >A bell tolls from everywhere at once.
  83. >Suddenly he is naked in a forest glade surrounded by hundreds of other humans.
  84. >They look down to find themselves bound and being led into the darkness by Fox
  86. "Once more with man we desire a pact
  87. We have come to offer a new land
  88. If a change to your life you wish to enact
  89. Merely reach out and take our hand"
  91. >Once again the image fades.
  92. >Fox has his gloved hand offered out to you.
  93. >The idea of getting away from current life was staggering.
  94. >No more shitty job or dealing with all the assholes that surround you day to day.
  95. >Yet...
  96. >Fox seems to sense your hesitation
  98. "You hate your life we know this for true
  99. Regretting your decisions and all you know
  100. Pain and desperation is why we chose you
  101. And why on you this offer we bestow"
  103. >Your life is terrible. The only person you actually thought cared for you just left you for your beast friend.
  104. >Since then every day has been a living hell. You can't escape it.
  105. >Just yesterday you were contemplating suicide
  106. >The only one who would notice you were dead would be your landlord when you did not pay rent
  108. "We offer all and ask for naught
  109. You will not regret the deal we make
  110. Though there is a rule if you forgot
  111. If it is broken your soul we will take"
  113. >The offer is beyond tempting
  114. >You get everything for nothing as long as you follow the one rule
  115. >A new life, a new world, a new home.
  116. >Everything in you wants you to accept. However there is this nagging in the back of your mind.
  117. >"Nothing is ever free." the one bit of advice your dad gave you before he ran off leaving you alone
  118. >"You say you ask for naught. Why would you do this? What does making me happy gain you?"
  119. >Fox seems to flinch ever so slightly at your question
  121. "Millennia ago we lived in this place
  122. A world of beauty, life, and peace
  123. We were expelled by an enemy in disgrace
  124. Perhaps through you our exile will cease"
  126. >This does not feel right but it makes some sense.
  127. >"Alright I really want to accept your offer but first I have two questions. Question one, why did you get expelled? Question two, why do you need me?"
  128. >Fox stands silently like a silent judge contemplating your punishment
  129. >After a few moments a single voice carries over the cold breeze that accompanies it
  131. "We lived in an unspoiled land
  132. Safe and secure and hidden away
  133. When they came we made our stand
  134. We then lost to our dismay"
  136. "With them came the Sun and the Moon
  137. From our realms and homes we were hurled
  138. As our forests were burned and hewn
  139. We were forever banished to this world"
  141. "Into you we place our hope and desire
  142. Go into this land and be our eyes
  143. A passage back through you we shall acquire
  144. Should you succeed than you man name your prize"
  146. >His hand is still waiting for you
  147. >Hovering over the table like a guillotine ready to drop
  148. >You get what you want and they get what they want
  149. >If this is not just a dream than you will come out of this ahead
  150. >You stand and clasp Fox's hand and look into a pair of deep golden eyes that stare at you from behind it
  151. >The golden eyes of a fox stare back at you as the mask begins to shift into some warped form of a smile
  153. "Our bargain is agreed and our end we give
  154. In the magical land of Equestria you shall awaken
  155. A wondrous land full of happiness and place to live
  156. Never shall you miss the world you have forsaken"
  158. >The world seems to shake around you as the grip on your hand gets tighter
  159. >The bones in your hand begin to creak as you try to tear you hand from his painful grip
  160. >You cry out loudly as it feels like your hand is being juiced
  161. >All at once his hand opens and fall back into the chair you had just stood from
  162. >Something wraps around your arms and chest as you attempt to stand pulling you back down to the chair
  163. >You try to look down to see what it was when something grabs you by the neck and slams your head into the back of the seat
  164. >A deep blackness overtakes you and your consciousness quickly fades
  166. >You are Fluttershy and its been a hard day
  167. >The first half of the day was normal for you
  168. >ON a normal day you feed the animals, Gather eggs, Make breakfast for yourself, clean house, clean out animal pens, take a shower, feed the animals again, make lunch, pick berries and herbs, sell them to Pinky, come home, feed animals again, make dinner, and do the dishes.
  169. >However today you had to try to rebuild your chicken coop after Yip the fox decided to try and eat your feathered friends
  170. >Luckily Harry was there to protect them without hurting Yip but in return you had to patch up a chicken coop and bandage a few bites on Harry
  171. >Your hasty repairs are good for tonight but you are going to have to hire somep0ny who is better with their hooves than you to fix it for good
  172. >All in all today was exhausting and you really want to get to bed
  173. >You make your way to your room at what could be considered glacial speeds
  174. >Quietly yawning you lay down in bed
  176. >"MEEP!" you quietly meep.
  177. >Grabbing the covers you throw them over yourself and make yourself as small as possible
  178. >After a few moments you don't hear another noise and you bring yourself to peep above the covers
  179. >Now that you think about it you are sure the sound came from outside
  180. >Oh dear what if it was one of your animal friends hurt
  181. >It didn't sound familiar but sometimes animals sound completely different when injured
  182. >You shakily get out of bed and make your way downstairs
  183. >Hearing a light scratching at the door you open it slightly and peek outside
  184. >A large furry head is all you can see
  185. >"EEEEEEEEEP!"
  186. >Quick as Rainbow Dash you are hiding under the cushions of your couch shivering
  187. >A familiar growl emanates from the doorway
  188. >Peeking your head out you see Harry looking in from outside
  189. >Mustering up courage at the presence of one of your oldest animal friends you come out of your hiding spot
  190. >"Oh my goodness Harry I am so sorry. I was just so surprised by you that it frightened me out of my wits."
  191. >Harry nods and smiles in that strange way that bears do
  192. >"Did you hear that yell earlier Harry?" he nods "Do you think it may be a poor animal in trouble?"
  193. >He sits back on his haunches and does the strange movement that is a bears shrug
  194. >You gulp loudly as you try to work up the nerve to ask what you are about to ask
  195. >"Harry c-can you go with me to find out?"
  196. >He nods and starts walking around to the back of your house
  197. >You quickly grab your lantern from the storage closet and light it
  198. >When you get to the back of your house you see Harry standing and staring off at the Everfree Forest
  199. >He turns back for a moment and looks at you before he lopes off to the forests edge
  200. >Once more you gulp before steeling yourself with the thought of a wounded animal friend
  201. >You head out following Harry as he heads straight for that wall of trees that signifies the edge of safety
  202. >He plunges into the darkness of the forest without slowing down at all
  203. >You stay right on his heels afraid of losing sight of him in the darkness
  204. >"Hello? Is there an injured little creature out there that needs some help?"
  205. >It was barely above a whisper but it made you feel better having asked
  206. >Suddenly Harry has his head in the air and is sniffing like crazy
  207. >His head jerks back and forth before he snarls
  208. >A low growl you have only heard once before escapes his throat
  209. >You cringe. The last time you heard that growl timber wolves had approached your home and Harry ran them off.
  210. >Suddenly he stops and charges forward through the brush
  211. >You rush forward trying to follow him
  212. >Branches striking you across the face and wings as you fly behind him
  213. >He pulls away from you as you try your best to keep up
  214. >Suddenly an overly large limb comes into view and you are not able to dodge it
  215. >A few moments later you are on the ground nursing your head
  216. >The blow caught you off guard
  217. >Other than a large lump forming on the side of your head you are undamaged
  218. >Your lamp landed upright on the ground thankfully
  219. >Harry however is nowhere to be seen and you are not quite sure where you are anyways
  220. >As you were about to fly over the treetops to get your a nearby growl tells you that Harry did not keep running
  221. >You push through and the sight before you Causes you to drop to the ground
  222. >A break in the trees allows Luna's light to shine down through the trees revealing a strange sight
  223. >In the middle of a small clearing sits a large golden throne-like chair masterfully engraved
  224. >The chair is haphazardly wrapped in roots growing out from the ground around it all stemming from a small golden leaved tree that seems to be growing out of the top of the chair
  225. >And seated in this forest throne was a creature unlike you had ever seen
  226. >It reminded you of monkeys and yet its shape was more that of a Minotaurs
  227. >As you examine it you see that the roots that wrap around the chair seem to also be binding the creature to it
  228. >Under the roots the creature seems to be wearing some sort of clothes
  229. >That suggest that it is at least moderately intelligent
  230. >So you don't need to worry it can take care of itself right?
  231. >NO this thing obviously needs help. You cant leave it!
  232. >But how can you help it? Maybe if you removed the roots?
  233. >You start to approach it but Harry jumps between you and the chair
  234. >"Harry he could be hurt I need to see if I can help."
  235. >You try to go around Harry and this time he only eyes you cautiously
  236. >Nervously you approach the chair and poke one of the roots with your hoof
  237. >IT feels like a normal root if a bit less giving than what you are used to
  238. >Grabbing one in your mouth you start to pull when you feel a tingling starts in your mouth and flows through the rest of your body
  239. >It causes you to let go of the root and fly back a few feet as you feel each hair on your body stand at attention
  240. >As you back off you see a green and purple flame burst from the tree that is residing on top of the chair
  241. >You stare at it and see tiny flecks of pink and yellow that remind you way to much of your own coloration
  242. >The fire burns down from the tree and along the roots that surround him
  243. >Small wisps of multicolored flame float away from the chair and off into the forest bobbing up and down looking eerily like butterflies scattering into the woods
  244. >Once every last root was engulfed in flames a soft ringing seemed to fill the glade
  245. >Suddenly the creatures eyes opened wide. They almost seemed to from the reflection of the moonlight and flame.
  246. >Throwing itself forward the roots crumbled yet the flames remained
  247. >One arm thrust out into the sky the creature landed on its knees before looking you dead in the eyes and speaking in a voice that seemed made of hundreds of whispers
  248. "Help me"
  249. >He proceeded to fall flat on his face with his arm stretched out to you
  250. >As his fingers passed you a small bolt of purple fire leaped off him and struck your right fore hoof
  251. >The shock was similar to a static shock but a dull numbness lingered
  252. >When his body strikes the ground fully the flame explodes into more of the multicolored butterflies that disappear into the forest
  253. >They leave behind the strange creature covered in burns that seem to spiral up his body
  254. >You can smell the blood as it begins to drip from the burns
  255. >Whatever it is now burned badly but do you still want to help it after what you saw?
  256. >What if it is a monster?
  257. >But it asked for help!
  258. >The argument goes on in your head for a minute before the obvious answer wins
  259. >It is hurting and it asked for help. You cant turn away from it.
  260. >Examining its wounds you see that the bleeding is not bad. It looks the fire cauterized his wounds. You know burns will bleed a lot if they are moved
  261. >But what would you do with him? He obviously was magic in some way. The hospital would not know what to do with him
  262. >Maybe Twilight would know what to do with it
  264. 2 Hours Later
  265. >You finally arrived at Twilight's treebrary
  266. >It was not easy nor was it quick
  267. >First you had to construct a litter to haul him after Harry refused to let him ride on his back
  268. >Then you had to convince Harry to help you pull it into town
  269. >Whatever this thing is Harry did not like it.
  270. >You stopped at your house and grabbed all the bandages you had before continuing on to Twilight's
  271. >Luckily you saw nop0ny on your way here
  272. >Pulling the litter right up to the door you do a light knock like usual
  273. >After a minute you knock again.
  274. >Harry was frustrated at this point and slams his paw on the door a few times rattling the windows
  275. >A quiet shout and a few seconds later and a much bedraggled Twilight answers the door
  276. "Fluttershy its like 2AM what are yo-"
  277. >Her words cut out as she sees the litter with the creature on it and Harry standing beside it
  278. >After a few seconds of silence you say "Oh T-twilight I am so sorry you see I-I found it in the woods. It is burned fairly badly and is magic so I figured you...I hope your not mad"
  279. >You bite your lip. You didn't realize how late it was
  280. >She looks at you and then back at the thing on the cot before plopping on her flanks
  281. "Fluttershy how in Equestria did you find something that has been extinct for almost 2000 years?"
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