
Rise of the Runelords, Session 7: Ch. 1, Burnt Offerings

Feb 11th, 2014
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  1. [13:32] <@Aqu> --- Rise of the Runelords, Session 7: Chapter 1, Burnt Offerings ---
  2. [13:33] <@Aqu> As the morning begins, Palurin and Victanys wake; both preparing for the day in their respective rooms. Meanwhile, Mahd and Pwent, having both gorged themselves on alcohol, are taking a few extra minutes to sleep.
  3. [13:35] <Harvey> When Palurin is finished with his magical preparations, he rises, donning his clothes, armor, and cloak, and heading downstairs.
  4. [13:35] <Harvey> Mahd is still asleep.
  5. [13:36] <@Aqu> Victanys dons her leather armor and reloads her wrist-sheaths, kukri within. After taking a quick few minutes to brush her hair, she heads out, walking downstairs and towards the dining hall. She smiles at Palurin as she meets him in the hall. "Good morning," she greets.
  6. [13:37] <Harvey> "Morning," he answers relatively cheerfully, bread and water in hand."
  7. [13:37] <@Aqu> Pwent grumbles to himself as a rebellious beam of light hits his eyes and rolls out of bed. With a sigh, and more grumbling, he begins to prepare himself for the day, praying to Desna for spells.
  8. [13:38] <Harvey> Mahd is still sleeping.
  9. [13:38] <@Aqu> Unfortunately for Palurin, the bread and water is nowhere to be found.
  10. [13:38] <@Aqu> Entering the dining hall of the Rusty Dragon, it appears that only a few patrons are within; oddly none eating breakfast, as breakfast is not set, with only a small halfling woman serving drinks. The elderly halfling is someone that you've seen before in passing, a maid that works for Ameiko.
  11. [13:39] <@Aqu> Her eyes, with eyebrows furrowed as she twiddles her fingers, lock onto Palurin and Victanys as they enter. She's obviously upset, and shuffles quickly to the pair.
  12. [13:40] <@Aqu> "Y-you both," she starts, stammering. "you're of the heroes that helped our town, yes?"
  13. [13:41] <Harvey> "We are, yes," Palurin answers slowly, not sure what's going on.
  14. [13:43] <@Aqu> The halfling nods, shaking her head. "Then I need your help. With Hemlock gone, I don't think the guards can handle it." She frowns. "Ameiko's gone missing."
  15. [13:44] <@Aqu> Victanys frowns. "Missing?" She quirks her head. "Do you suspect she's hurt, or...? Can she be just off for errands?"
  16. [13:45] <Harvey> Palurin scowls. "I wonder if that old man had anything to do with it..."
  17. [13:46] <@Aqu> The halfling shakes her head fervently. "No." She looks about the dining hall. "But we need to speak about this in private... can you follow me to the kitchen?"
  18. [13:47] <Harvey> Palurin nods, standing up.
  19. [13:48] <@Aqu> Victanys nods, stepping aside to let the woman lead. "Sure."
  20. [13:49] <@Aqu> The halfling moves quickly, heading through a door normally reserved for Ameiko and staff only and into the kitchen.
  21. [13:52] <@Aqu> Leading both into the kitchen, she turns and lets out an exasperated sigh. "I woke this morning to find Ameiko hadn't made breakfast-- which she's never done before. I woke on Ameiko's door, and didn't get a response… so I entered. Ameiko's bed is empty and she didn't even sleep in it last night!" She frowns, reaching into her pockets to pull out a slip of paper. "And I found this."
  22. [13:53] <Harvey> Palurin takes the paper, looking it over.
  23. [13:59] <@Aqu> There are two sides of the note, one in an unrecognizable handwriting, the other in common. It begins, "Hello, sis!" and continues, "I hope this letter finds you well, and with some free time on your hands, because we've got something of a problem. It’s to do with father.
  24. [13:59] <@Aqu> "Seems that he might have had something to do with Sandpoint’s recent troubles with the goblins, and I didn't want to bring the matter to the authorities because we both know he'd just weasel his way out of it. You've got some pull here in town, though.
  25. [13:59] <@Aqu> "If you can meet me at the Glassworks at midnight tonight, maybe we can figure out how to make sure he faces the punishment he deserves.Knock twice and then three times more and then once more at the delivery entrance and I'll let you in. In any case, I don't have to impress upon you the delicate nature of this request.
  26. [13:59] <@Aqu> "If news got out, you know these local rubes would assume that you and I were in on the whole thing too, don't you? They’ve got no honor at all a round these parts. I still don't understand how you can stand to stay here.
  27. [13:59] <@Aqu> "Anyway, don't tell anyone about this. There are other complications as well, ones I'd rather talk to you in person about tonight. Don’t be late." The letter ends with the name 'Tsuto'.
  28. [14:00] <Harvey> Palurin grunts, handing the note to Victanys. "I'd say this is where we're going."
  29. [14:01] <@Aqu> Victanys frowns, glancing at the halfling. "And who is Tsuto?"
  30. [14:02] <@Aqu> The halfling sighs. "Tsuto is her brother-- something of a scandal when he was born because he's a half elf." She shakes her head, explaining, "Neither of Ameiko's parents are elves, and when Lonjiku discovered it, the affair was the talk of the town."
  31. [14:03] <Harvey> Palurin pales noticeably, though he quickly pulls his hood on tighter.
  32. [14:05] <@Aqu> "Poor Tsuto was sent off to Turandarok Academy to be raises away from his mother and father, but Ameiko visited him in secret… It changed a few years later when Tsuto struck Ameiko in a disagreement." She sighs.
  33. [14:05] <@Aqu> "Not sure what it was about, but Ameiko left Sandpoint for a year, only to return for her mother's funeral. At the funeral, Tsuto was quite public in his opinions that his father had pushed Atsuii off a cliff to her death, and during the funeral there was a confrontation.
  34. [14:05] <@Aqu> "Lonjiku nearly broke Tsuto’s jaw with his cane, after which Tsuto cursed him and left Sandpoint. Ameiko has tried to reestablish contact with him ever since, but was never able to track him down." She nods, looking between Palurin and Victanys. "I think he's been up to no good."
  35. [14:07] <Harvey> Palurin frowns even more, not liking the sound of familial infighting.
  36. [14:08] <@Aqu> Victanys looks to Palurin with slight worry after hearing of the trouble the half elf was dealt, and sighs. "Right." She smirks. "The sheriff did ask us to stay in town-- might as well help out." She nods to Palurin. "Think the other two wouldn't mind going to the glassworks and checking it out?"
  37. [14:10] <Harvey> Palurin shrugs, glancing in the vague direction of the stairs. As they're speaking, Mahd is just now rolling out of bed and putting some pants on.
  38. [14:13] <@Aqu> The halfling, still quite nervous, nods. "It
  39. [14:13] <@Aqu> "It'd mean a great deal if you helped her... I'm sure if she's in trouble, she'll offer you a reward."
  40. [14:14] <Harvey> Palurin waves his hand dismissively at the mention of the reward. "We owe her for letting us have free room and board for so long anyway."
  41. [14:16] <@Aqu> Victanys nods. "Yeah," she moves towards the kitchen exit. "let's talk to the others, see what they think."
  42. [14:17] <Harvey> Palurin follows her. Mahd is also now coming downstairs with Orick in tow.
  43. [14:25] <@Aqu> Pwent follows behind Orick, having just finished preparing his spells.
  44. [14:26] <@Aqu> Victanys stops the troop on as the reach the end of the stairs, holding out the letter for all to see. "Sorry Mahd, Pwent, no breakfast. Ameiko's missing."
  45. [14:27] <Harvey> "If we retrieve her can we get breakfast?" Mahd asks blearily.
  46. [14:28] <@Aqu> Victanys chuckles and nods. "I guess that's a way of looking at it, yes."
  47. [14:28] <@Aqu> Pwent grumbles. "Then off we go."
  48. [14:28] <Harvey> Mahd stares at them through her mask for a moment before turning on her heel and heading out the door with Orick.
  49. [14:29] <@Aqu> Victanys shrugs. "One way of motivation, I suppose." She gestures for Palurin to follow as both her and Pwent hurry off after Mahd.
  50. [14:30] <Harvey> Palurin follows as well, forcing himself to look straight ahead and not stare at Victanys.
  51. [14:34] <@Aqu> Palurin finds a somewhat long walk to focus so intently on -not- staring at Victanys. Eventually though, the group reach the glassworks. A rather large factory, gated off, though oddly, the front gate is currently open, with chimneys still pluming with smoke.
  52. [14:34] <@Aqu> For a factory, it is oddly quiet. Furthermore, all of the windows seem to have their curtains drawn, disallowing anyone to look within.
  53. [14:35] <Harvey> "Should we try the side door mentioned?" Palurin asks as he surveys the ominous building.
  54. [14:36] <@Aqu> Victanys shakes her head. "No, that'd warn him that someone else read the note..." She glances at the building, eyes staying on its front entrance. "I'd bet it's locked. I'd also bet that I can unlock it, quietly enough."
  55. [14:37] <@Aqu> Pwent shrugs, moving through the gated entrance towards the door. "Then let's get on with it." His stomach grumbles. "Need food after las' night."
  56. [14:39] <Harvey> Palurin nods, looking to Victanys to lead the way.
  57. [14:40] <@Aqu> Victanys nods, moving for the door. "Aaaand," she checks the lock. "it is." Leaning down, it takes her only a moment to retrieve her thieving tools, and she gets to work...
  58. [14:41] <@Aqu> While Victanys works on the lock, a call is heard from the other side of the gate. A citizen of Sandpoint, wearing a frown, points to the group. "Hey, whatcha doing there?"
  59. [14:43] <Harvey> "A city service," Mahd grumbles, glaring at the man from behind her mask.
  60. [14:45] <@Aqu> The man frowns, shaking his head. "By breaking and entering?"
  61. [14:45] <@Aqu> Pwent grumbles. "Dinn'a y'think it's odd, that the glassworks is all locked up'n quiet? It's a business right, shouldn't it be open?"
  62. [14:46] <Harvey> "Look, don't worry about it. We're the Heroes of Sandpoint, after all!" Mahd boasts, voice filled with fake bravado.
  63. [14:47] <@Aqu> Victanys rolls her eyes, turning around and momentarily pausing her lockpicking. "Don't mind them-- with Belor out getting more guards, we're doing some of his duty. He told us to look after the town, and we are."
  64. [14:48] <@Aqu> The man's eyebrows furrow, but eventually he nods. "Right... I'd suggest going to the Kaijitsu manor first and asking there, but do what you will." The peasant shrugs and moves along.
  65. [14:49] <@Aqu> Victanys sighs, leaning down to get back to her work.
  66. [14:49] <@Aqu> With a smirk, she finishes, hearing the click of the door unlock. "Done," Victanys says, standing. "Ready to go?"
  67. [14:49] <Harvey> Mahd watches the townsman go with thinly veiled irritation. "I hate peasants," she mumbles.
  68. [14:50] <Harvey> Palurin looks at the door with a quick nod.
  69. [14:52] <Harvey> Before anyone can open it though, Mahd points at it, muttering. With a tiny flash of light, the door swings open on it's own.
  70. [14:52] <@Aqu> Victanys blinks. "A little unnecessary."
  71. [14:53] <Harvey> Mahd shrugs. "It doesn't hurt."
  72. [14:55] <@Aqu> Pwent nods. "Let's get movin'." He steps through the door, waiting for his companions to follow after him.
  73. [14:56] <Harvey> Palurin is close behind, with Orick behind him. Mahd is in the rear of the procession.
  74. [14:56] <@Aqu> Victanys follows, trying to stick to the shadows, doing what she does best.
  75. [14:56] <@Aqu> With the door open, the group can a set of double-doors immediately to the entrances left, and they see a long hallway that twists northeast.
  76. [14:59] <@Aqu> Orick, Victanys, and Pwent all hear high-pitched giggles, shrieks, and breaking glass coming from what lies beyond the double-doors.
  77. [15:00] <@Aqu> Pwent frowns. "Goblins. The little buggers're workin' with this Tsuto..." He growls. "A bet he's the one that led 'em."
  78. [15:00] <@Aqu> Pwent points to the set of doors. "Can hear em there."
  79. [15:00] <Harvey> Orick swivels to the sound, marching towards the doors without a second's hesitation. Palurin looks to where Pwent is pointing, following Orick.
  80. [15:04] <@Aqu> Victanys frowns and nods, drawing her kukri. Pwent follows suit, mace and shield ready.
  81. [15:04] <@Aqu> Pwent points his shield hand to his mace, mumbling in dwarven. After a moment, the mace glows with a faint light.
  82. [15:05] <Harvey> Orick reaches the door, drawing his greatsword. Mahd steps up behind him, placing a hand on his back and muttering to herself. After a moment, Orick begins to double in size once more.
  83. [15:09] <Harvey> That done, she begins casting again, causing a circular shield of energy to appear in front of Orick. She grins, looking at the other party members. "Ready when you guys are."
  84. [15:10] <@Aqu> Victanys and Pwent nod.
  85. [15:11] <Harvey> She points at this door, opening it magically. Orick quickly steps through.
  86. [15:12] <@Aqu> A furnace burns along the southeast wall of this room. Marble tables sit in the chamber, used to work raw glass into usable shapes, with nearby wooden tables cluttered with various tools of the trade. The building’s furnace rumbles loudly, adding to the cacophony of sounds coming from the eight goblins within.
  87. [15:12] <@Aqu> The room is a gruesome sight, as the bodies of eight staff members lie in various stages of dismemberment; goblins carrying legs and arms to burn in the glasswork fires. In the center of the room is another ghastly sight; the body of Ameiko's father, propped up in a chair and incased in thick, runny sheets of hardened glass.
  88. [15:13] <Harvey> Palurin simply looks over the scene, drawing his sword.
  89. [15:18] <Harvey> Palurin quickly approaches one of them near the edge of the room, sword at the ready.
  90. [15:19] <Harvey> Mahd looks over the goblins with a little grin, patting Orick on shoulder to give his massive body a soft glow.
  91. [15:21] <@Aqu> Victanys moves along the edge of the room, sticking to where the goblins won't notice her.
  92. [15:22] <@Aqu> Pwent growls, charging another goblin nearby, ending up next to Palurin.
  93. [15:23] <Harvey> Orick thunders down on a different goblin than the one Pwent and Palurin are engaging.
  94. [15:24] <Harvey> Palurin scowls at the beasts, thrusting forward at the closest one.
  95. [15:25] <@Aqu> Palurin's swing misses, the goblin ducking below.
  96. [15:27] <Harvey> She stays near the back, drawing her knife for the time being.
  97. [15:28] <@Aqu> Victanys moves on the goblin Palurin missed, kukri aimed to drive into its back.
  98. [15:29] <@Aqu> With a swift slash, the goblin shrieks, dropping as the knife drives through its shoulder blades.
  99. [15:29] <@Aqu> Two goblins in the back shriek and howl, seeing their companions go down, but instead of charging, they throw shards of glass at Victanys!
  100. [15:30] <@Aqu> Luckily for her, she's able to dodge the improvised weapons, and the glass breaks harmlessly on the ground.
  101. [15:31] <@Aqu> Two goblins attempt to slash at Orick's knees, while another pair attempt to gut Pwent. The final goblin in the close combat draws a pair of tongs holding molten glass, swinging it at Victanys for killing his goblin friend.
  102. [15:33] <@Aqu> A single strike lands relatively harmlessly against Orick's form.
  103. [15:34] <@Aqu> The goblin wielding tongs manages to swing and hit Victanys, painfully burning her arm.
  104. [15:34] <@Aqu> Victanys scowls, gritting her teeth as she resists the pain from the burning glass.
  105. [15:35] <@Aqu> Pwent, after both goblins miss, replies with a heavy-handed blow from his mace.
  106. [15:36] <@Aqu> Pwent easily bashes the skull of one goblin, the small light dissapating off of his mace.
  107. [15:37] <Harvey> The glow of his body transfers to Orick's blade as he raises it up, bringing it down on the head of the goblin who hit him.
  108. [15:38] <@Aqu> Orick's blade digs itself into the ground next to the goblins; the wily and quick creatures able to dodge to the side.
  109. [15:38] <Harvey> Palurin turns to the goblins who struck at Victanys, lunging forward at the closest.
  110. [15:42] <@Aqu> Palurin's blade pierces the goblin's chest, ending its life as it drops the flaming tongs. Victanys smiles, nodding appreciatively to Palurin.
  111. [15:44] <Harvey> Mahd hurries up to the group of goblins near Palurin, stabbing at one with her dagger.
  112. [15:45] <@Aqu> Mahd causes the goblin to shriek in pain, yet it is not quite killed.
  113. [15:45] <@Aqu> Victanys turns on the goblin Mahd stabbed, aiming to finish it off.
  114. [15:46] <@Aqu> The goblin drops as Victanys plants another knife in a goblin's back.
  115. [15:50] <@Aqu> The two remaining goblins attack, one slashing at Orick, another at Pwent.
  116. [15:50] <@Aqu> The wily goblin at Orick's knees manages another strike, driving his dogslicer into the metal of Orick's form.
  117. [15:51] <@Aqu> Pwent growls, attempting to kill the second goblin attacking him.
  118. [15:51] <@Aqu> Unfortunately the dwarf's mace goes astray.
  119. [15:52] <Harvey> Orick raises his blade, bringing it down against the goblin once more.
  120. [15:54] <@Aqu> Once again, Orick's massive swing goes astray, hitting the ground.
  121. [15:55] <@Aqu> The two glass throwers line up their targets, glass and debris thrown towards Orick.
  122. [15:55] <@Aqu> Once again, the glass smashes against the ground.
  123. [16:00] <Harvey> Palurin scowls at the fools throwing glass, advancing on them until he's just out of melee range. He points a hand at the two of them, muttering to himself. Suddenly, a large spray of multicolored lights spray from his hand at the goblins.
  124. [16:02] <@Aqu> Both creatures are knocked unconscious, immediately falling to the floor.
  125. [16:03] <Harvey> Mahd laughs at them, stabbing at Orick's goblin again.
  126. [16:04] <@Aqu> Mahd manages another clean swipe, causing the goblin much pain.
  127. [16:04] <@Aqu> Victanys comes in behind the goblin, using the opening to flank it and assist Mahd, slicing at its back.
  128. [16:05] <@Aqu> With assistance from Victanys, Orick's last goblin goes down with a thud.
  129. [16:07] <@Aqu> The single remaining goblin, with two unconscious, growls, seeing how dismal his chances are. He attempts to run!
  130. [16:07] <@Aqu> Pwent manages to bash its head before it gets too far, dropping it as well.
  131. [16:07] <@Aqu> Two unconscious goblins remain.
  132. [16:08] <Harvey> Palurin approaches one of the goblins, taking the length of rope from his shoulders and beginning to tie it up.
  133. [16:34] <Harvey> Mahd approaches the second goblin, looking it over. "Can I kill it?" She asks, looking around.
  134. [16:35] <@Aqu> Victanys shakes her head. "Leave one alive... we can ask where Tsuto and Ameiko are."
  135. [16:36] <Harvey> Mahd points at Palurin tying the second one up.
  136. [16:38] <@Aqu> Victanys shrugs. "Yeah, fine. End it."
  137. [16:38] <Harvey> Mahd laughs happily, shoving her dagger into the unconscious goblin's throat.
  138. [16:41] <@Aqu> The goblin dies with a gurgle.
  139. [16:43] <Harvey> Palurin finishes securing the goblin, kicking it in the side.
  140. [16:46] <@Aqu> After several moments, the goblin wakes, squirming against his bonds. He hisses, seeing his captors. "Gah! Longshanks, let me go!"
  141. [16:48] <Harvey> Palurin says nothing, kicking him again in the side. "Who leads you?"
  142. [16:49] <@Aqu> The goblin growls. "I tell you, you let me go?"
  143. [16:49] <Harvey> Mahd kneels next to him grinning. "Of course," she answers cheerfully.
  144. [16:55] <@Aqu> The goblin growls. "I not trust you!" He looks up to Palurin, repeating himself.
  145. [16:56] <Harvey> Mahd grabs the goblin by the ear, turning him to face her. "If you don't tell us what we want to know, I will make you feel pain the likes of which you will never forget," she purrs, speaking in the Goblin's own language.
  146. [17:00] <@Aqu> The goblin gulps, then nods. He looks to the end of the furnace room, pointing his head towards the northeast door. "Go through there, then left. Longshank's down there with his sister." He grins. "We beat her up good."
  147. [17:01] <Harvey> She nods, standing. She turns back to Orick, who is back to normal size. "Kill him. Make sure he suffers."
  148. [17:01] <@Aqu> Victanys frowns. "Let's move. Find Tsuto and Ameiko."
  149. [17:02] <@Aqu> Pwent nods. "Aye. Before she's hurt more."
  150. [17:02] <Harvey> Palurin is already moving, Orick stooping down to begin working on the goblin. Mahd follows Palurin, knife in hand.
  151. [17:10] <@Aqu> Following the goblin's directions and heading down the stairs leads you to a room used to store sand and other raw materials. Two wheelbarrows sit against the wall. Just east of the stairs, a brick wall has been dismantled to reveal an older passageway leading south.
  152. [17:11] <Harvey> "Looks like we're going underground," Palurin grumbles, staring into the passage.
  153. [17:13] <@Aqu> Victanys sighs. "It does." She frowns. "Might get darker, and I can't see with darkvision like some of you can." She glances at Pwent and Mahd. "Have a spell of light?"
  154. [17:13] <@Aqu> Pwent nods, pointing his hand to his mace. After a moment, it lights up like a torch, light radiating from it
  155. [17:14] <Harvey> Mahd gestures towards the tunnel. "Lead the way," she says half-jokingly.
  156. [17:16] <@Aqu> Pwent nods, heading down the tunnel...
  157. [17:17] <@Aqu> Victanys follows, letting the light guide her as she falls back to the darkness.
  158. [17:18] <Harvey> Palurin follows, sword in hand. He can see just fine without the torch, as can Mahd.
  159. [17:19] <@Aqu> Moving down the passage reveals a large, empty chamber with four more doors, all fit into the natural stone. Entering the chamber from the north, a door lies on both the east and western sides, with two doors on the southern wall, far apart from each other.
  160. [17:20] <Harvey> Mahd groans loudly, looking around.
  161. [17:20] <Harvey> Palurin looks around as well. "Split up or stick together?"
  162. [17:21] <@Aqu> Victanys shakes her head. "Stick together." She looks to Mahd. "Why don't we stay in this chamber, and you open each door with your spell-- that way we can deal with any trouble out here."
  163. [17:22] <Harvey> Mahd shrugs, starting with door to their immediate left, opening it magically.
  164. [17:23] <@Aqu> The room, once opened, looks very small- used to store glassware, windows, and other finished goods.
  165. [17:25] <Harvey_> Palurin approaches the room, peeking inside.
  166. [17:28] <@Aqu> Palurin sees a few of the finished products, but they are not of much value unless he needs a new window or glass vase.
  167. [17:28] <Harvey> He returns to the center of the room, just as Mahd opens the next door.
  168. [17:31] <@Aqu> Inside the next is a long tunnel leading leading further below. Palurin recognizes parts of it; a path that Nualia took.
  169. [17:32] <Harvey> He pales slightly. "I recognize this place from my dreams," he mumbles. Mahd peers down it for a moment before looking at the other doors. "Should I open those first?"
  170. [17:34] <@Aqu> Victanys nods. "Yeah, lets be thorough."
  171. [17:34] <Harvey> Mahd nods, opening the third door.
  172. [17:37] <@Aqu> Beyond the door is a large office, stately desk and small bedroom within. As soon as the door opens, a half elf comes into view. He was hiding next to the door, and now aims his bow forward, firing a single arrow into the group.
  173. [17:38] <@Aqu> Fortunately for Palurin, the arrow misses, narrowly.
  174. [17:40] <@Aqu> Tsuto grins, flashing his white teeth, and fires another arrow into the group.
  175. [17:41] <@Aqu> The arrow hits its mark, piercing into Mahd's chest.
  176. [17:43] <@Aqu> Victanys growls, reaching back for her starknife, and launches it at the half elf.
  177. [17:44] <@Aqu> Unfortunately, the half elf dodges and it flies into the room behind him.
  178. [17:45] <Harvey> "Orick!" Mahd screams, both aloud and telepathically. The armor swiftly rises from the bloody remains of the goblin, beginning to sprint back to her. That done, she turns to Palurin, placing a hand on his back as a soft glow transfers to his body.
  179. [17:47] <@Aqu> Pwent growls and charges forward, attempting to smack the cocky half elf's face with his mace!
  180. [17:47] <@Aqu> Unfortunately the cocky half elf dodges, smirking as he moves to the side.
  181. [17:47] <@Aqu> "You can't hope to beat me," he notes. "You'll all die."
  182. [17:49] <Harvey> Palurin glares at the half-elf for a moment, suddenly pulling his hood back. "You're a fool. It's because of idiots like you that we're looked down upon!" Palurin bellows, raising his hand to shoot a blast of white magical energy.
  183. [18:02] <@Aqu> The half elf grunts and frowns as he's blasted by the missiles.
  184. [18:03] <Harvey> As soon as the magic makes contact, Palurin moves forward, thrusting with his blade as the glow transfers to it.
  185. [18:05] <@Aqu> Palurin misses as the man moves away.
  186. [18:06] <@Aqu> Tsuto shakes his head. "No, we must fight to stop our shame." The half elf lunges forward, attempting to hit Palurin's chest with an open palm.
  187. [18:07] <@Aqu> Palurin manages to dodge, and the half elf growls. "Very well," he attempts to leap over Palurin and out of reach.
  188. [18:10] <Harvey> Orick appears in the room, charging at the half-elf with his greatsword held forward in a massive lunge.
  189. [18:12] <@Aqu> Tsuto smirks as he moves to the side, letting the greatsword lunge harmlessly to the side of him.
  190. [18:12] <@Aqu> Victanys charges the other side of Tsuto, trying to drive a kukri into his back.
  191. [18:12] <@Aqu> The half elf still proves too fast, moving out of the way.
  192. [18:13] <Harvey> Mahd steps up behind Orick, grimacing through the pain of having an arrow in her shoulder. She places a hand on his back, giving him a soft glow.
  193. [18:15] <Harvey> Paurin scowls further, moving forward to slice diagonally at the adversary.
  194. [18:17] <@Aqu> The half elf once again sidesteps.
  195. [18:18] <@Aqu> Pwent moves to Mahd, placing a hand on her to give her a heal.
  196. [18:19] <@Aqu> Tsuto grins, rolling through an opening to slip away from all three close combatants. "Can't quite catch me," he teases, firing an arrow at the new fighter-- Orick.
  197. [18:20] <@Aqu> The arrow lands, burying itself in Orick's chest.
  198. [18:22] <Harvey> Orick doesn't even flinch, stepping forward to swing downward with his glowing blade.
  199. [18:23] <@Aqu> The half elf is truly swift. Orick misses.
  200. [18:23] <@Aqu> Victanys groans, going in for another attempt, dagger aimed for his back!
  201. [18:24] <@Aqu> Victanys' dagger hits its mark, but doesn't penetrate far through his armor. Tsuto still groans in pain, growling.
  202. [18:25] <Harvey> Emboldened by the healing, Mahd moves forward, drawing her dagger and attempting to plunge it into the half-elf's chest.
  203. [18:27] <@Aqu> Mahd manages a wicked cut on his forearm.
  204. [18:28] <Harvey> Palurin thrusts forward again, intent on killing this fool.
  205. [18:32] <@Aqu> Palurin misses!
  206. [18:37] <@Aqu> Pwent grumbles. This is going nowhere. He runs up to Tsuto and places his hand upon Tsuto's leg. Closing his eyes, he channels harmful negative energy into it.
  207. [18:39] <@Aqu> Tsuto groans as the negative energy channels through him. With a growl, he turns on Victanys, the one that stabbed his back, and attempts to hit her chest with an open palm.
  208. [18:39] <@Aqu> Victanys growls in turn, dodging the blow.
  209. [18:40] <@Aqu> Tsuto shakes his head then tumbles out of the fray, away once again.
  210. [18:45] <Harvey> Orick pursues him, swinging down on him once more.
  211. [18:47] <@Aqu> Orick manages to brutally slash Tsuto, throwing him to the ground and knocking him out cold. He drops his bow as he hits the floor.
  212. [18:47] <@Aqu> Victanys groans. "Jeeze... that was annoying."
  213. [18:48] <@Aqu> Pwent nods, stepping up to Victanys to heal her burn from the goblins. "Aye, that it was."
  214. [18:48] <@Aqu> Two rays of light hit Victanys from Pwent's hands, curing her burns.
  215. [18:48] <Harvey> Palurin curses, approaching the unconscious half-elf. Mahd, meanwhile, pats Orick happily on the back.
  216. [18:51] <Harvey> Palurin turns to the suit of armor. "If the goblin is dead, can you bring me the rope?" {Go for it,} Mahd murmurs to Orick, so he nods, turning to sprint back up to main factory floor.
  217. [18:51] <@Aqu> Tsuto is presently bleeding out as Pwent steps over him to staunch the bloodloss. "Should probably turn him into the guard, and tell them what happened here..."
  218. [18:54] <Harvey> "First we need to find Ameiko," Palurin says slowly, looking towards the final doorway.
  219. [18:55] <@Aqu> Victanys nods, "Right." She moves over to the door. Locked. She groans, getting out her thievery tools and gets to work.
  220. [18:57] <Harvey> Orick is soon back with the rope, handing it to Palurin. He soon bends down, tying up Tsuto with the extremely bloody rope...
  221. [18:57] <@Aqu> Victanys smirks, standing up after making short work of the lock. She opens the door, and within is Ameiko. She lies on her side on the floor, bound at the wrists and ankles with rope and blindfolded and gagged with strips of leather. She looks badly wounded, unconscious.
  222. [18:58] <@Aqu> Victanys frowns, moving within. "Pwent," she calls. "get in here and heal her!"
  223. [18:59] <Harvey> With Tsuto secured, Palurin rises, pulling his hood back up and entering to room as well to begin undoing her own bonds.
  224. [18:59] <@Aqu> Pwent nods, shuffling into the room. He lays a hand on her form as Palurin removes her bonds, sending his healing energy into her.
  225. [19:00] <@Aqu> After Palurin removes her bindings, her eyes flutter open. With a groan, she sits up, looking to her saviors. She seems distraught, going over what happened in her head, and sighs. "My brother, is he...?"
  226. [19:00] <Harvey> "He's alive. Barely," Palurin answers quickly.
  227. [19:03] <@Aqu> Ameiko nods. "Thank you..." She shakes her head. "Turn him in to the guard..." She frowns. "He, and those leading him, are planning to burn Sandpoint to the ground." She hesitates, shaking her head. "Nualia leads him."
  228. [19:03] <@Aqu> Victanys blinks. "Is that... Palurin?"
  229. [19:04] <Harvey> Palurin has turned exceptionally pale, standing slowly.
  230. [19:06] <@Aqu> Ameiko sighs. "I must warn my father," she attempts to stand, having difficulty until Victanys assists.
  231. [19:07] <Harvey> "The man from the inn?" Palurin asks.
  232. [19:07] <@Aqu> Ameiko nods. "Yes... I know he is not the most caring sort, but he is family."
  233. [19:08] <Harvey> "He's dead. Your brother encased him in molten glass..."
  234. [19:09] <@Aqu> Ameiko's gaze hardens. She looks to the ground with a sigh. "Then I must be going." She shakes her head. "Thank you for your rescue. Rest assured, you may stay at my inn for the rest of your lives, should you wish it." She moves away from Victanys, and heads to leave, ignoring her bound brother.
  235. [19:12] <Harvey> Palurin watches her go with a sigh, turning around to investigate the room she was in and the one her brother was in more thoroughly. Mahd, meanwhile, is happily disarming Tsuto and tossing his weapons into a pile on the opposite side of the room.
  236. [19:12] <@Aqu> Victanys frowns. "Well... should we turn in Tsuto to the guards now, or continue through the cavern?"
  237. [19:15] <@Aqu> On Tsuto, Mahd finds a potion of cure light wounds, a composite short bow with 15 arrows, a silver ring, a set of masterwork thieves’ tools, a masterwork flute, silver earrings, a journal, 6 pouches of gold dust worth, 8 pouches of silver dust, and sixty platinum coins.
  238. [19:16] <Harvey> Mahd splits the money up, nabs the earrings and ore dust, leaving everything else for whoever wants them.
  239. [19:18] <@Aqu> Pwent steps over, casting a spell of detection...
  240. [19:18] <@Aqu> Pwent smiles. "The ring's magical, with a spell of protection on it. Nothin' else."
  241. [19:18] <@Aqu> Pwent looks between Orick and Palurin. "With you two on the front lines, one of ye should get it."
  242. [19:19] <@Aqu> Victanys takes the masterwork thieves' tools.
  243. [19:21] <Harvey> Orick says nothing, so Palurin shrugs, taking it.
  244. [19:21] <@Aqu> Victanys also takes the shortbow to sell for later.
  245. [19:24] <@Aqu> Victanys grabs the journal and begins flipping through it...
  246. [19:28] <@Aqu> Victanys pales. "The journal… it's the goblin attack plan. It looks like," she frowns. "they're going to bring a force of 200 to burn Sandpoint to the ground." She holds a page open to see. "Is this the girl?" she ask, pointing to a drawing resembling Nualia… only this time, with a demonic hand, bat wings, horns, a forked tail, and fangs.
  247. [19:30] <Harvey> Palurin nods slowly, paling and scowling. Mahd peeks around him to look at it.
  248. [19:31] <@Aqu> Victanys flips to the next page, a journal entry. Within, it details that they have enlisted the help of a powerful Quasit whom is "in the smuggling tunnel below my father's glassworks". Nualia also seems to be wanting to remove her "celestial taint" and replacing it with her "mother's grace".
  249. [19:33] <Harvey> Palurin scowls even further, glancing towards the tunnel. "I don't think there's any question of dealing with whatever's down there."
  250. [19:34] <@Aqu> Pwent nods. "Aye. A quasit, while not as bad as others, is still a lesser demon."
  251. [19:35] <Harvey> Mahd perks up. "Demon, you say?"
  252. [19:35] <@Aqu> Victanys shakes her head. "That's not all. I don't know what the fuck to make of these..." She shows another two pages, seeming to be stolen from Nualia herself. A journal from the past.
  253. [20:07] <@Aqu> "Esastus 18, 4698: Dad said he was working on my birthday cake so he let me end my studies early today. I went outside and there were some boys from the academy, and… they threw rocks at me and one hit me. I have a huge bruise, it bled some too. They called me a freak and laughed at me.
  254. [20:07] <@Aqu> "I was crying so father said no one is as gifted as I am, and that my silver hair and violet eyes are a blessing from the Godess Desna. He said I'm an angel."
  255. [20:08] <@Aqu> "Ruthona 1, 4700: Master Gandethus gave us an impossible amount of work today and I was trying to finish up when I noticed Amylee an the other girls snickering and pointing at me, again. I did what teacher said and tried to ignore them, but they wouldn't stop.
  256. [20:08] <@Aqu> I excused myself from my studies and hid in the bathroom for a little while, but the girls had piled furniture in front of the doorway. I was loved in there all afternoon and half the night. I screamed, but no one helped me. When the candle went out it was so dark
  257. [20:08] <@Aqu> "I was scared I was going to die. Mr. Stoot came by and let me out; he was making some pretty wood birds for the stairs. I'm never going back to Turandarok again, Ezakien can't make me. He's not my real dad anyways."
  258. [20:09] <@Aqu> "Pharast 10, 4700: I was walking home from the academy today and took a shortcut past Crachtooth's tavern and a bunch of boys from school were following me. The boys at school are always staring at me. They were saying disgusting things and hollering at me, It was Banny Harker I think.
  259. [20:09] <@Aqu> "One of them called me a slut; I started to run and dropped my work. Dad wanted to know why I was crying, but I just wanted him to leave me alone."
  260. [20:09] <@Aqu> "Pharast 24, 4700: The traders always gawk at me in the market. It's not my fault I'm different! I wasn't wearing my hat today, while I was picking up some things for dinner, some old woman snipped off my braid with a knife. She told me that my silver hair will bring her luck."
  261. [20:09] <@Aqu> "I don't know what to say, but now I have a bald patch. Amylee and her little friends are going to make fun of me, I just know it. Father told me not to go out so much, and that I should spend more time praying."
  262. [20:10] <@Aqu> "Gozram 5, 4700: I was walking down Cliff street minding my own business when about a dozen of the farmers in for the harvest started crowding around me. I just wanted to go. They started telling me to cure them of their rashes and boils. They smell horrible.
  263. [20:10] <@Aqu> "I tried to be nice, but when I said I couldn't, one of them pulled my hair and started yelling at me to cure his warts. They wanted to know when they should plant their potatoes, like I should know. One of them told me I was blessed by Desna and that my voice could drive away the voices her was hearing and that he was haunted by evil spirits.
  264. [20:10] <@Aqu> "I screamed at them and I finally pulled away, but one of them pulled out some of my hair. They chased me all the way to the church. I locked myself in and they were pounding on the door. Why does this keep happening?"
  265. [20:11] <@Aqu> "Gozram 15, 4700: Father told me today that I would be sent to the Windsong Abbey on my 17th birthday. He didn't even ask me. I don't want to be a nun. I love Desna, but that's not what I want. He's not letting me go out until I do perfect on the verses, catechisms, and scriptures.
  266. [20:11] <@Aqu> "I'm going to spend the whole summer locked up in this church. I just want to get out of here, be like everyone else."
  267. [20:11] <@Aqu> "Calistil 3, 4701: I met a cute older varisian boy today from Magnimar. He took me on a picnic on a cliff that overlooks the Old Light. He talked to me like I was a person, and we stayed there for hours. He's the first boy who ever talked to me like this, not staring and all weird.
  268. [20:11] <@Aqu> "I might be in love. Is this what love feels like? His name is Delek Viskanta."
  269. [20:12] <@Aqu> "Calistil 29, 4701: My love threw rocks at my window and I climbed out tonight. We walked along the beach beneath the glassmaker's factory. We found a little cave that goes back a ways. I was a little scared at first, but we made love.
  270. [20:12] <@Aqu> "Delek says that he loves me and we will run to Magnimar to get married. He says he has family there we can stay with. This is moving so fast, but it feels right. Desna's listening after all. Thank you."
  271. [20:12] <@Aqu> "Erastus 21, 4701: Father says he's going to send me to Windsong Abbey. He doesn't like me hanging around Delek. He says that I must remain 'pure', but I think I'm pregnant. I haven't told anyone, but I'm going to tell Delek at the cave tonight when we sneak out. More later…"
  272. [20:12] <@Aqu> "Erastus 22, 4701: How could he! He told me he loves me, but he's leaving me. He's leaving for Magnimar and wants nothing to do with me-- that I'm just a whore. He said he doesn't love me and that I'm a foolish and stupid girl. He walked away. What am I going to do? I can't tell my father…"
  273. [20:12] <@Aqu> "Erastus 23, 4701: Father yelled at me again. He called me a harlot and told me to go pray to Desna. I stayed at the alter for 3 hours and she didn't answer me. Desna doesn't care about me. She thinks I'm worthless too. Delek, why do I still love you? I hate you. "
  274. [20:13] <@Aqu> "Ruthona 2, 4702: I'm so angry. I don't know what's come over me. Everyone's been so mean lately, and I've been having such terrifying dreams lately. Father won't let me go out. He says it's because of the Chopper, but I know he's ashamed of me. Mother goddess Desna, if you're here, I'm listening, just make the pain go away."
  275. [20:13] <@Aqu> "Ruthona 23, 4702: I finally snuck out of church tonight. I just had to get out. It was dark and I saw Mr. Stoot. He had dropped a few of his carved birds and they shattered. I helped him pick them up.
  276. [20:13] <@Aqu> "He told me I was still beautiful to him and that I shouldn't go out at dark-- that it wasn't safe. I stayed at the cave for a few hours, like Delek and I used to."
  277. [20:13] <@Aqu> "Abadius 26, 4702: They killed Mr. Stoot. They said he was the Chopper. They said he killed Mrs. Deverin's fiancé. I can see his house burning from my room. Mr. Stoot would never hurt anyone. How can they do that to him? He was always so nice to me… I keep having troubling dreams. I don't feel well at all, and I think the baby knows I'm upset."
  278. [20:13] <@Aqu> "Abadius 27, 4702: Something is wrong. I'm so sick. Something is wrong with the baby. There's blood, it's too soon. I'm only 7 months in. I saw dad talking to that butcher Hannah. I don't want to lose my baby. Dad won't even look at me. Why is he talking to her?! Desna please make the pain go away. Save my baby, please. I'll never do anything bad again. "
  279. [20:16] <Harvey> "Well. That's quite dour," Mahd says dryly. Palurin simply scowls even further, expression stormy.
  280. [20:17] <@Aqu> Pwent frowns. "If... she's the one we're fighting, what do we plan to do?"
  281. [20:19] <Harvey> "What can we do? We just don't have enough information..." Palurin mutters, glaring down the passageway.
  282. [20:21] <@Aqu> Victanys sighs. "It may be best to turn Tsuto in to the guard and have them stand watch at this passage. That way, we can prepare to attack after we rest."
  283. [20:22] <Harvey> "I like that plan. We haven't even had breakfast yet!" Mahd chimes in.
  284. [20:24] <@Aqu> Pwent nods. "Aye." He looks to Orick. "Orick and I c'n do that-- take'm to the guard and explain the situation, and the rest of you can sell the goods we found here and buy what w'need. After we rest, we'll come back tonight."
  285. [20:26] <Harvey> Mahd nods to Orick, who promptly grabs the bound half-elf slinging him over his shoulder.
  286. [20:27] <@Aqu> Pwent nods, leading Orick out to the town barracks...
  287. [20:27] <Harvey> Orick follows silently unless spoken to.
  288. [20:27] <@Aqu> Victanys nods, looking to Mahd and Palurin. "Alright... let's sell what we got and buy what we need. Mahd, you planning on keeping the ore dust? I can appraise it if you want-- see what we can get for it."
  289. [20:28] <Harvey> Mahd shrugs, tossing it to Victanys. "I was gonna sell it."
  290. [20:29] <@Aqu> Pwent doesn't speak, goal set. After dropping Tsuto off and explaining the situation, a half-dozen guard are dispatched to clean up the glassworks and guard the tunnel. Tsuto, of course, is imprisoned and to be sent off to Magnimar once Hemlock returns.
  291. [20:29] <@Aqu> Victanys nods, taking the ore dust and inspecting it.
  292. [20:30] <@Aqu> Victanys smirks. "Should be able to net another 350 gold for this."
  293. [20:30] <Harvey> "Excellent," Mahd grins. Palurin is still being mopey and dour.
  294. [20:31] <@Aqu> Victanys nudges Palurin as she heads out to the market. "Hey, we'll solve this."
  295. [20:32] <Harvey> He sighs, nodding as he follows her. Mahd is practically skipping, the idea of having so much more money very appealing.
  296. [20:33] <@Aqu> The group goes to buy and sell goods, with Pwent and Orick joining them...
  297. [20:53] <@Aqu> The group returns to the Dragon and goes their separate ways.
  298. [20:54] <@Aqu> Pwent returns to his room, looking to sleep in order to be ready to return in the night.
  299. [20:55] <Harvey> Palurin does the same, though he doesn't sleep just yet. Mahd sets off back to town with her shiny new knife to look for Shayliss.
  300. [20:56] <@Aqu> Shayliss is manning the counter at the general store, Mahd soon finds. Shayliss beams, smiling widely as she sees the tiefling.
  301. [20:56] <@Aqu> After about half an hour, Palurin hears a knock on his door.
  302. [20:58] <Harvey> Still out of it, Palurin points at the door knob, magically turning it and pulling inward. He's taken his cloak and armor off.
  303. [20:58] <Harvey> Mahd grins as well beneath her mask, approaching the counter happily. "Busy?" she asks.
  304. [20:59] <@Aqu> Shayliss smiles. "I was," she moves to the front door, shutting it and turning the lock. "was."
  305. [21:00] <@Aqu> Victanys enters, sitting next to Palurin. She looks over him with slight concern and sighs. "...You alright?"
  306. [21:01] <Harvey> Mahd smiles, taking her mask off and setting it on the counter. Orick is left standing near the door. {Let me know if anyone comes in.} she sends. She turns to the beautiful young woman. "Excellent," she purrs.
  307. [21:02] <Harvey> Palurin sighs, staring at the floor. "No..." he mumbles.
  308. [21:03] <@Aqu> Shayliss giggles. "I had fun that night..." She raises an eyebrow with an expecting smile. "So it wasn't a one-time deal?"
  309. [21:04] <@Aqu> Victanys sighs, nodding. "Yeah. Those journals..." she trails off.
  310. [21:05] <Harvey> Mahd grins again, grabbing Shayliss' hips and pulling her forward so she can kiss her passionately.
  311. [21:05] <Harvey> Palurin sighs again. "I hate humans," he announces sadly.
  312. [21:06] <@Aqu> Victanys winces. "I... not all humans are bad," she says defensively, looking a bit hurt.
  313. [21:07] <@Aqu> Shayliss closes her eyes, letting out a pleasant moan as she presses herself against Mahd.
  314. [21:08] <Harvey> Palurin's eyes widen as he looks at Victanys. "You're not... I didn't mean... I...! I'm sorry..." he finishes lamely, looking back at the floor.
  315. [21:09] <Harvey> Mahd pulls back a little to lick her lips seductively. "Shall we head to your room?" she murmurs huskily.
  316. [21:10] <@Aqu> Shayliss purses her lips. "Oh... I'd really love to, but Father told me to keep the store open, and if he returns..."
  317. [21:11] <@Aqu> Victanys' eyebrows furrow and she looks away. "It's alright..."
  318. [21:13] <Harvey> Palurin looks miserable. "No, it's not. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking..."
  319. [21:14] <Harvey> Mahd laughs, one hand stroking the small of Shayliss' back. "Then what shall we do with ourselves?"
  320. [21:14] <@Aqu> Victanys sighs. "I... kinda get what you mean; what they did to that girl, what they caused her to do..."
  321. [21:15] <@Aqu> Shayliss taps her chin, thinking... She chuckles. "You know, I was thinking of excuses of why we shouldn't, but... let's go to my room."
  322. [21:15] <Harvey> Palurin nods slightly. "Even so, I shouldn't take it out on you. I'm sorry..."
  323. [21:16] <Harvey> Mahd grins. "Lead the way. Orick will let me know if anyone's coming."
  324. [21:17] <@Aqu> Victanys nods, and after a moment, leans against Palurin. "Thanks. And... apology accepted."
  325. [21:17] <@Aqu> Shayliss nods, eagerly taking Mahd's hand and leading her upstairs.
  326. [21:20] <Harvey> Mahd follows willingly, practically purring in anticipation.
  327. [21:20] <Harvey> Palurin blushes, glancing at Victanys.
  328. [21:21] <@Aqu> Victanys remains silent, small blush on her cheeks and seemingly lost in thought.
  329. [21:24] <@Aqu> Mahd and Shayliss go to her room and enjoy themselves... for several hours. Fortunately, Ven Vinder doesn't return in that time.
  330. [21:25] <Harvey> Palurin is perfectly content to sit in silence.
  331. [21:26] <@Aqu> Victanys eventually speaks up, looking into Palurin's eyes. "So you hate humans... not me, right?"
  332. [21:27] <Harvey> Palurin glances at her with a little blush, shaking his head. "No! No. I don't hate you."
  333. [21:28] <@Aqu> Victanys smiles faintly. "Good."
  334. [21:30] <Harvey> Palurin nods again, glancing away with a blush. "Yeah..." he mumbles.
  335. [21:34] <@Aqu> Victanys' smile grows, seeing Palurin's blush, but for now, she turns her head away, silent once more.
  336. [21:36] <Harvey> Palurin continues to sit, not wanting to stick his foot in his mouth again.
  337. [21:38] <@Aqu> Victanys chuckles, standing. "Good... afternoon, Palurin. It's best that we sleep to prepare."
  338. [21:39] <Harvey> He nods, standing. "Thank you for coming," he responds a little awkwardly.
  339. [21:40] <@Aqu> Victanys nods, taking her leave, "No problem."
  340. [21:42] <Harvey> Palurin blushes at the shut door, sitting down on the bed and leaning back to sleep. After a while Mahd returns to the inn with Orick, going up to her room.
  341. [21:44] <@Aqu> Both Pwent and Victanys head to their rooms, getting ready to sleep.
  342. [21:44] <@Aqu> --End Session--
  343. [21:44] <@Aqu> Experience: 700
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