
Skipper93653's Bot Help

May 7th, 2018
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  1. Everything you can do with this bot (in order of being made):
  2. This bot can filter messages, any words you would like to submit to be blocked, DM me at Skipper93653#7600
  3. If you say 'cookie', the bot will reply saying "Here, have a (cookie emote)"
  4. If you say '!ping', the bot will tag you and say 'Pong!'
  5. If you say '!say *enter message here*' the bot will say whatever is said after !say in that message.
  6. The creator Skipper93653 can only use '!svrinv' which sends an invite to all of his servers.
  7. If you say 'bup' the bot will send a bup image.
  8. If you say 'oof' the bot will send a oof image.
  9. If you say '!wiiki' the bot will message the link to the Custom Mario Kart Wiiki.
  10. If you say '!skippvite' the bot will message the bot invite link.
  11. If you say '!help' you get here so you don't really need to know that since you know that already...
  12. If you say '!8ball *enter yes/no question here*' the magic 8 ball will reply with a message.
  13. If you say '!info *enter user tag here*' the bot will message their information. (hopefully soon)
  14. The creator Skipper93653 can only use '!kick *enter user tag here* which kicks the tagged user from the server the command was typed in. (hopefully soon)
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