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a guest
Mar 9th, 2021
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  1. # In death messages, you can add a new death detection message if you want to!
  2. # Here is a list of death causes
  4. prefix: '&7[&6UHC&7] '
  5. Messages:
  6. No-Permission: You dont have the permission to do this!
  7. Unknown-Command: Unknown command! use /uhc for a list of commands
  8. Player-Join: You have joined the lobby!
  9. Player-Leave: You have left the game!
  10. Lobby-Not-Set: Lobby has not been set yet!
  11. Already-In-Game: You are already in the game!
  12. Not-In-Game: You are not in the game!
  13. Not-In-Lobby: You must be in the lobby to do this!
  14. Coins-Update: Your coins have been updated!
  15. Modifier-Update: Your modifier has been updated!
  16. Party-Must-Be-Leader: You must be the party leader to do this!
  17. Party-Player-Not-Available: Party member &b%member% &6is not available currently!
  18. No-Available-Arena: Could not find any available arena!
  19. Arena-No-Lobby: The arena does not have a lobby yet!
  20. Must-Have-Empty-Hand: You must have an empty hand to use this sign!
  21. Player-Kill: You have killed &e%target% &7and received &d%coins% &7coins and &d%exp% &7exp!
  22. Killstreak-Award: '&a&lYou have received the &e&l%killstreak% &a&lplayer killstreak
  23. awards!'
  24. Invalid-Mystery-Box: The mystery box has invalid settings!
  25. Player-Teleport: '&aYou have been teleported!'
  26. Player-Spectate: You are now spectating the arena!
  27. Invalid-Item: Invalid item!
  28. Not-Enough-Coins: You do not have enough coins to do this!
  29. Not-Enough-Space: You do not have enough inventory space!
  30. Item-Purchase: You have &asuccessfully &6purchased the item!
  31. Item-Select: 'You have selected the item: &a%item%'
  32. Item-Owned: '&cYou have already purchased this item!'
  33. Cooldown: You must wait &d%seconds% &6seconds to do this again!
  34. Pvp-Enable: '&c&lPlayer damage has been enabled!'
  35. Deathmatch-Start: '&c&lDeathmatch has started!'
  36. Unknown-Player: Could not find that player!
  37. No-Available-Items: There are no available items that you can unlock!
  38. Mystery-Box-Item-Unlock: '&aCongratulations! &6you have unlocked the item: %item%'
  39. Player-Already-Invited: That player is already invited!
  40. Item-Sell: You have &asuccessfully &6sold your item for &b%value% &6coin(s)!
  41. Player-Inactive: That player is no longer active in the arena!
  42. Command-Block: You may not use that command while ingame!
  43. Player-Rank-Up: You have &aranked &6up to rank &b%rank%&6!
  44. Arena-Not-Available: You may not join the arena at this time!
  45. Arena-No-Spawnpoints: The arena does not have enough spawnpoints!
  46. Arena-Full: The arena does not have enough space!
  47. No-Available-Team: The arena does not have an available team for your party!
  48. Player-Join-Arena: '&e%player% &6has joined the game! &d(%players%/%maxplayers%)!'
  49. Player-Select-Team: You are now on the %team% &6team!
  50. Player-Select-Team-Error: You can not join this team right now!
  51. Player-Leave-Arena: '&e%player% &6has left the game! &d(%players%/%maxplayers%)!'
  52. Leave-Arena-Error: Only the leader of the party can do this!
  53. Countdown-Cancel: Countdown has been cancelled due to insufficient amount of players!
  54. Arena-Starting-Countdown: The arena is starting in &b%seconds% &6seconds!
  55. Arena-Starting-Countdown-Shortening: The countdown timer has been skipped to &b%seconds% &6seconds!
  56. Arena-Start: '&6&lThe game has begun!'
  57. Spectator-Tip: As a spectator, you can left click air or right click a block to access the &a&nspectator gui!
  58. Kit-Receive: You have received your &a%kit% &6kit items!
  59. Player-Vote: '&d%player% &6has voted for &e%option% &c(%votes%)!'
  60. Arena-Borders-Leave: '&cYou can not leave the arena borders!'
  61. Arena-Borders-Outside: '&cYou are outside the arena borders!'
  62. Arena-Win: '&a&lCongratulations! &6you have won the game!'
  63. Arena-Win-Prize: You have received &d%coins% &6coins for winning!
  64. Arena-Lose: You failed to reach the safe point!
  65. Arena-Lose-Spectators-Message: The arena has concluded! No one won!
  66. Party-Player-Leave: You have left the party!
  67. Party-Player-Leave-Alert: '&c%player% &6has left the party!'
  68. Party-Full: This party is full!
  69. Party-Join: '&e%player% &6has joined the party!'
  70. Party-Not-Invited: You are not invited to this party!
  71. Party-Invite-Send: '&e%player% &6has sent an invitation to &a%target%'
  72. Party-Invite-Receive: You have been invited to &b%leader%&6 party! this invitation will expire in &d%seconds% &6seconds!
  73. Party-Invitation-Expire: Party invitation has expired!
  74. Party-Player-Kick: You have been kicked!
  75. Party-Player-Kick-Alert: '&e%leader% &6has kicked &c%player%'
  76. Party-New-Leader: '&e%player% &6is the new party leader!'
  77. Party-Unknown-Player: Could not find that player in your party!
  78. Party-Self-Invite: You cant invite your self!
  79. Arrow-Hit: '&e%player% &7is now on &c%health% %heart%&e!'
  80. Tracking-Player: '&eTracking the player: %target%'
  81. Invalid-Party: Invalid party.
  82. Invalid-Arena: Invalid arena.
  83. Invalid-Entity: Invalid entity type.
  84. Reload-Kick: Plugin has been reloaded! due to that you have been kicked
  85. Death-Messages:
  86. FALL: '&e%player% &7fell to their death!'
  87. ENTITY_ATTACK: '&e%player% &7was killed by a monster!'
  88. LAVA: '&e%player% &7thought swimming in lava is fun!'
  89. SUFFOCATION: '&e%player% &7suffocated!'
  90. VOID: '&e%player% &7fell into the void!'
  91. DROWNING: '&e%player% &7does not know how to swim!'
  92. FIRE: '&e%player% &7burned to their death!'
  93. FIRE_TICK: '&e%player% &7burned to their death!'
  94. ENTITY_EXPLOSION: '&e%player% &7exploded into million pieces!'
  95. BLOCK_EXPLOSION: '&e%player% &7exploded into million pieces!'
  96. UNKNOWN: '&e%player% &7has been killed by an unknown object!'
  97. PLAYER:
  98. SUICIDE: '&e%player% &7has killed himself!'
  99. OTHER:
  100. - '&c%player% &ehas been killed by &a%killer%&e!'
  101. - '&c%player% &ewas brutally murdered by &a%killer%&e!'
  102. - '&c%player% &eweapon could not stand against &a%killer%&e!'
  103. - '&a%killer% &egave a helping hand in &c%player% &edeath!'
  104. - '&a%killer% &ecould not resist killing &c%player%&e!'
  105. Arena-Settings:
  106. - '&3======== &bArena Settings &3======='
  107. - '&b - &6Time: &e&l%votedTime%'
  108. - '&b - &6Scenario: &e&l%votedScenario%'
  109. - '&b - &6Health: &e&l%votedHealth%'
  110. - '&3============================'
  111. Inventories:
  112. Profile-Inventory: '&9Your profile'
  113. Stats-Inventory: '&9Your Stats'
  114. Spectator-Menu: '&9Spectator Menu'
  115. Quit-Inventory: '&cAre you sure you want to quit?'
  116. Game-Inventory: '&9Inventory'
  117. Achievements-Inventory: '&cAchievements'
  118. Confirm-Purchase: '&cConfirm your purchase!'
  119. Party-Settings: '&cParty Settings'
  120. Party-Players: '&9Party Players:'
  121. Teleporter: '&cTeleport to players'
  122. Recipes: '&cRecipes (Select mode)'
  123. Recipe: '&cCustom Recipe'
  124. Normal-Recipes: '&cNormal UHC'
  125. Speed-Recipes: '&9Speed UHC'
  126. Team-Selector: '&9Team Selector'
  127. Arena-Settings: '&9Arena Settings'
  128. Signs:
  129. Title: '&a[UHC]'
  130. Leave: '&cleave'
  131. Autojoin: '&cautojoin'
  132. Join: '&cjoin'
  133. Arena-Color: b
  134. Leaderboard-Title: '&bTop #&4'
  135. Leaderboard-Stat-Color: '4'
  136. States:
  137. WAITING: '&aWaiting'
  138. STARTING: '&eStarting'
  139. INGAME: '&cIngame'
  140. ENDING: '&cEnding'
  141. ROLLBACKING: '&cRollbacking'
  142. QUEUED: '&cQueued'
  143. DISABLED: '&cDisabled'
  144. Items:
  145. Quit: 'MAGMA_CREAM : name:&c&lQuit : lore:&7Click to quit the game!'
  146. Arena-Selector: 'DIAMOND_AXE : name:&6&lPlay : lore:&7Click to join a game!'
  147. Shop: 'EMERALD : name:&a&lShop : lore:&7Click to buy new items!'
  148. Profile: 'SKULL_ITEM:3 : name:&b&lProfile : lore:&7Click to view your profile!'
  149. Party: 'WORKBENCH : name:&d&lParty : lore:&7Click to manage your party!'
  150. Teleporter: 'COMPASS : name:&b&lTeleport : lore:&7Click to teleport to other players'
  151. Autojoin: 'WATCH : name:&b&lAutojoin : lore:&7Click to join the best : lore:&7available
  152. arena!'
  153. Back: 'EYE_OF_ENDER : name:&a&lBack : lore:&7Click to go back!'
  154. Stats: 'PAPER : name:&aStats'
  155. Inventory: 'CHEST : name:&b&lInventory'
  156. Achievements: 'ENDER_CHEST : name:&dAchievements'
  157. Confirm: 'STAINED_GLASS:5 : name:&a&lConfirm'
  158. Cancel: 'STAINED_GLASS:14 : name:&c&lCancel'
  159. Next: 'STAINED_GLASS:5 : name:&aNext page'
  160. Previous: 'STAINED_GLASS:14 : name:&cPrevious page'
  161. Normal-UHC: 'CHEST : name:&c&nNormal UHC'
  162. Speed-UHC: 'ENDER_CHEST : name:&9&nSpeed UHC'
  163. Recipes: 'ENCHANTED_BOOK : name:&b&lCustom Recipes'
  164. Team-Selector: 'BEACON : name:&a&lTeam Selector'
  165. Vote: 'WATCH : name:&d&lVote : lore:&7Click to vote for the arena settings'
  166. Titles:
  167. Starting: '&cStarting in &e%seconds% &cseconds'
  168. Starting-Shortening: '&cTimer skipped to &6%seconds% &cseconds'
  169. Start: '&cGame has begun!'
  170. Win: '&aCongratulations!'
  171. Player-Spectate: '&cYou are now spectating!'
  172. Killstreak: '&cYou have a killstreak of &b%killstreak%'
  173. Pvp-Enable: '&cDamage has been enabled!'
  174. Lores:
  175. Description: '&eDescription:'
  176. Rarity: '&eRarity: %rarity%'
  177. Value: '&eValue: &d%price%$'
  178. Armor: '&eArmor:'
  179. Helmet: '&5 - &aHelmet: &d%helmet%'
  180. Chestplate: '&5 - &aChestplate: &d%chestplate%'
  181. Leggings: '&5 - &aLeggings: &d%leggings%'
  182. Boots: '&5 - &aBoots: &d%boots%'
  183. Items: '&eItems:'
  184. Item: '&5 - &d%item%'
  185. No-Items: '&dNONE'
  186. Permission-Needed: '&cRequires Permission'
  187. Selling: '&cSold for &e%coins% &ccoin(s)!'
  188. Lines: '&b&m-------------'
  189. Players: '&ePlayers: &b%players%&e/&b%maxplayers%'
  190. Team-Size: '&eTeam size: &b%teamsize%'
  191. State: '&eState: %state%'
  192. Arena-Type: '&eType: &b%type%'
  193. Cost: '&eCost: &d%cost%'
  194. Content: '&eContent:'
  195. Rarities: '&eRarities:'
  196. Inventory-Instructions: '&5- &b&nLeft click to equip &5/ &c&nRight click to sell'
  197. Scoreboards:
  198. Lobby:
  199. Title: '&d%pointedstar% &6&lUHC &d%pointedstar%'
  200. Content:
  201. - '&e&m-----------'
  202. - '&a> Coins:'
  203. - '%coins%'
  204. - '&a> Games played:'
  205. - '%games_played%'
  206. - '&a> Normal/Speed Wins:'
  207. - '%normal_wins%/%speed_wins%'
  208. - '&a> Exp/Rank:'
  209. - '%player_exp%/%player_rank%'
  210. - ' '
  211. - '&a> Cage:'
  212. - '%selected_cage%'
  213. - '&a> Trail:'
  214. - '%selected_trail%'
  215. - '&e&m-----------'
  216. Normal-UHC-Arena-Lobby:
  217. Title: '&d%pointedstar% &6&lUHC &d%pointedstar%'
  218. Content:
  219. - '&e&m-----------'
  220. - '&a> Time: &f%timer%'
  221. - ' '
  222. - '&a> Players: &f%players%&e/&f%max_players%'
  223. - '&a> Map: &f%arena%'
  224. - ' '
  225. - '&7%date%'
  226. - '&e&m-----------'
  227. Normal-UHC-Arena-Game:
  228. Title: '&d%pointedstar% &6&lUHC &d%pointedstar%'
  229. Content:
  230. - '&e&m-----------'
  231. - '&a%current_event% &fin'
  232. - '%current_event_timer%'
  233. - ' '
  234. - '&a> Players:'
  235. - '&f%players%&e/&f%max_players%'
  236. - ' '
  237. - '&aWorld Border'
  238. - -%border_distance%, +%border_distance%
  239. - ' '
  240. - '&7%date%'
  241. Speed-UHC-Arena-Lobby:
  242. Title: '&d%pointedstar% &6&lSpeed UHC &d%pointedstar%'
  243. Content:
  244. - '&e&m-----------'
  245. - '&a> Time: &f%timer%'
  246. - ' '
  247. - '&a> Players: &f%players%&e/&f%max_players%'
  248. - '&a> Map: &f%arena%'
  249. - ' '
  250. - '&7%date%'
  251. - '&e&m-----------'
  252. Speed-UHC-Arena-Game:
  253. Title: '&d%pointedstar% &6&lSpeed UHC &d%pointedstar%'
  254. Content:
  255. - '&e&m-----------'
  256. - '&a%current_event% &fin'
  257. - '%current_event_timer%'
  258. - ' '
  259. - '&a> Players:'
  260. - '&f%players%&e/&f%max_players%'
  261. - ' '
  262. - '&aWorld Border'
  263. - -%border_distance%, +%border_distance%
  264. - ' '
  265. - '&7%date%'
  266. Match-Conclusion:
  267. - '%randomcolor%&m==============================='
  268. - ' '
  269. - ' &e%star% %winners% &7won the game! &e%star%'
  270. - ' '
  271. - '&6 1st Killer - %topkiller1_name% - %topkiller1_kills%'
  272. - '&e 2nd Killer - %topkiller2_name% - %topkiller2_kills%'
  273. - '&c 3rd Killer - %topkiller3_name% - %topkiller3_kills%'
  274. - ' '
  275. - '%randomcolor%&m==============================='
  276. Stats:
  277. NORMAL_KILLS: Normal Kills
  278. SPEED_KILLS: Speed Kills
  279. DEATHS: Deaths
  280. KDR: KDR
  281. PROJECTILES_HIT: Projectiles Hit
  282. PROJECTILES_LAUNCHED: Projectiles Launched
  283. ACCURACY: Accuracy
  284. BLOCKS_PLACED: Blocks placed
  285. BLOCKS_BROKEN: Blocks broken
  286. ITEMS_ENCHANTED: Items enchanted
  287. ITEMS_CRAFTED: Items crafted
  288. FISHES_CAUGHT: Fishes caught
  289. GAMES_PLAYED: Games played
  290. COINS: Coins
  291. NORMAL_WINS: Normal Wins
  292. SPEED_WINS: Speed Wins
  293. MODIFIER: Modifier
  294. PLAY_TIME: Play Time
  295. PLAYER_EXP: Exp
  296. RANK: Rank
  297. NEXT_RANK_NEEDED_EXP: Next rank needed exp
  298. Stats-Inventory-Styling:
  299. Stat: '&a%stat%:'
  300. Value: '&e%value%'
  301. Holographic-Leaderboard-Styling:
  302. Header: ''
  303. Body: '&7#&d1 &b%stat% &7- %player% - &e%score%'
  304. Footer: '&7&m-------------------------'
  305. Holographic-Stats:
  306. - '&7&m---&a %player_name% &7stats &m---'
  307. - '&bNormal/Speed Kills &7%arrow% &e%normal_kills%&7/&e%speed_kills%'
  308. - '&bCoins &7%arrow% &e%coins%'
  309. - '&bDeaths &7%arrow% &e%deaths%'
  310. - '&bGames played &7%arrow% &e%games_played%'
  311. - '&bNormal/Speed Wins &7%arrow% &e%normal_wins%&7/&e%speed_wins%'
  312. - '&bProjectiles launched &7%arrow% &e%projectiles_launched%'
  313. - '&bProjectiles hit &7%arrow% &e%projectiles_hit%'
  314. - '&bExp &7%arrow% &e%player_exp%'
  315. - '&bRank &7%arrow% &e%player_rank%'
  316. - '&bBlocks placed &7%arrow% &e%blocks_placed%'
  317. - '&bBlocks broken &7%arrow% &e%blocks_broken%'
  318. - '&bItems enchanted &7%arrow% &e%items_enchanted%'
  319. - '&bItems crafted &7%arrow% &e%items_crafted%'
  320. - '&bFishes caught &7%arrow% &e%fishes_caught%'
  321. - '&7&m----------------------'
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