
Letter in the Pouch

Sep 11th, 2019
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  1. To Chief Noa
  3. I hope this letter finds you well, as well as the rest of the senior officers. Junior Officer Caedius, Chronicler for the House of the Rising Sun, has brought to my attention that his original stationing is in the inner city of Gravesford, and that the house currently stands empty. Enclosed is the address, as well as the location of his lockbox containing the spare key to the building. He informs it isn't much, but that it will at least give you a base of operation in the city.
  5. I am aware that the lieutenant will likely be participating in the yearly monk competition right now, and that your summons were at the request of your Patron Master Wei, and that you are likely under contract, but at my advice (if I may be so bold to suggest it) I think it wise to gather intel while in the city at large. Being shipped to Caedius' home, at expense to the coffers, is a supply of food and drink that should last around a month's time, as well as important documentation and sets of clothing for each of you.
  7. Glory to the House and the Sun
  8. 2Lt. Capirti
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