
Day 316.8 Wise livechat Saturday September 2 2017

Sep 2nd, 2017
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  1. Day 316.8 Wise livechat Saturday September 2 2017
  3. Wise Guys Last Mile
  8. Live chat
  9. ringo stark​Hey Scrunchy!
  10. 2JOHNNYT​Lets get this party started!
  11. OnegativeWomb!​YOU STOP THREATING
  12. Amelie Dauphine​Hey friends.
  13. 2JOHNNYT​@ringo stark you think George, Jason, & Trish will get the band back together?
  14. OnegativeWomb!​WHO
  15. Mac J​Can you REALLY not believe how quick this is unfolding, George 😉
  16. OnegativeWomb!​Okay
  17. OnegativeWomb!​BUTT
  18. OnegativeWomb!​YEP.
  19. Kathleen Elder​Hey everybody
  20. OnegativeWomb!​ALEXANDRIA
  21. Mac J​@OnegativeWomb! Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.
  22. Kellee Johnson​George were getting attention,,, yay
  23. Kellee Johnson​It starting to come out with lame stream
  24. Dire Straights​👌
  25. Anonymous​Howdy Feorge
  26. Dire Straights​Oh boy!!! ohh!!!!
  27. OnegativeWomb!​OKAY
  28. Anonymous​*George Webb
  29. Mac J​@OnegativeWomb! Love, whose month is ever May, Spied a blossom passing fair, Playing in the wanton air: Through the velvet leaves the wind, All unseen can passage find;
  30. Dire Straights​Rim shot!!!
  31. OnegativeWomb!​Cheese
  32. Peacock​it's not about practice
  33. OnegativeWomb!​OKAY
  34. rup pert​Roll playing via LARP
  35. Mtk Maid​Da
  36. Amelie Dauphine​@OnegativeWomb! ‘She’s beautiful, and therefore to be wooed; She is woman, and therefore to be won’
  37. Mac J​@OnegativeWomb! By heaven, I do love: and it hath taught me to rhyme, and to be melancholy.
  38. Dire Straights​nyet
  39. OnegativeWomb!​KING
  40. OnegativeWomb!​OKAY.
  41. Anonymous​Allen Iverson ' We Talkin About Practice, Practice, We Talkin About Practice'
  42. Dire Straights​Rainy Day
  43. Mac J​@Amelie Dauphine i like it - I strictly use Shakespeare on love - because AI can't understand love, right 😉
  45. rup pert​Odessa files is indeed a great movie
  46. Kathleen Elder​He's too busy ubering it up!
  47. OnegativeWomb!​BUCKWHEAT
  48. Dire Straights​ooh Owls & 33$ Hoods
  49. OnegativeWomb!​SAUSAGE
  50. Amelie Dauphine​@Mac J Fun isn't it.
  51. Mtk Maid​Kash
  52. OnegativeWomb!​BUCKWHEAT
  53. Dire Straights​Squirell
  54. Mac J​@Amelie Dauphine 'Tis
  55. Kathleen Elder​Awan is an uber driver. Sure he is.
  56. Dire Straights​BOTs... lol
  57. rup pert​Killing for organs Med star
  58. Mtk Maid​Just a cheap plug for Uber
  59. OnegativeWomb!​MURDERERS
  60. Suzy Odom​YUKE YUKE
  61. Dire Straights​Yuck yuck or yucca
  62. OnegativeWomb!​Yuck yuck
  63. Mistress JHolly​Yuk, Does he have a drivers license even?
  64. Kathie​Uber said he never worked for hem.
  65. Mac J​@OnegativeWomb! Love's tongue proves dainty Bacchus gross in taste: For valour, is not Love a Hercules, Still climbing trees in the Hesperides?
  66. Dire Straights​Hi Scrunchie s!!!
  67. Kathie​For them
  68. OnegativeWomb!​where u
  69. Anonymous​and they build Medicare/Medicaid for the Surgeries up to 1 million
  72. Peacock​George needs to file a complaint against the lawyer for saying Imran works for Uber.
  73. Kathleen Elder​I know. Imran s pants are on FORE
  74. Kathleen Elder​FIRE
  75. Mac J​@OnegativeWomb! But love is blind, and lovers cannot see The pretty follies that themselves commit
  76. Dire Straights​@MacJ hi
  77. Dire Straights​@Amelie 🙏🙌🙏🙌🙏
  78. Mac J​@Dire Straights - Care for some Shakespeare today ? 😉
  79. Dire Straights​You'll have to ask that father's spirit...👍
  80. Dire Straights​thy
  81. Anonymous​where is this?
  82. Dire Straights​Hark...Over Yonder way
  83. Dire Straights​my Fav is Hamlet... @MacJ
  84. Dire Straights​ok back to listen to Kevin Shipp on Haggman
  85. ringo stark​The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time—it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd.
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