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"Health Aspects Overlooked" by Jason Espy

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Dec 14th, 2011
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  1. July 03, 2011
  4. DESPITE A MOUNTAIN of scientific evidence that says a gay lifestyle is a deviant and unhealthy behavior, why did New York City become the sixth state to extend full marriage rights to homosexuals?
  6. Notice i said, "Scientific Evidence."
  8. Back in the 1950s movies stars and starlets popularized tobacco use by using those products while on the silver screen. Tobacco use was vogue.
  10. Then grotesque soars starting appearing on people's lips and eating away at their faces. Avid smoker John Wayne with his six packs a day habit died in 1979 due to lung and stomache cancer.
  12. Many felt tobacco use was wrong, but couldnt exactly quantify those gut feelings. That was until a mountain of scientific evidence started coming forth.
  14. The research against smoking started trickling out and the government knew something was wrong, but the scientific evidence wasnt there to back it up. So the first warning levels carried the word "MAY".
  16. Then the labels took another progression , "Warning: The Surgeon General has determined that cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health."
  18. These labels appeared on cigarette packages until 1985 when the Surgeon General acquired enough evidence to absolutely point fingers at the tobacco industry. Our nation finally reached a level of scientific certainty to go from it "may cause" to emphatically sayings, "smoking causes"
  20. The homosexual lifestyle is on that same road. We are progressing from, "We've got a gut feeling it's wrong," to now building scientific evidence probing it.
  22. Gay men cannot give blood. The FDA has enough scientific research to prove that the homosexual lifestyle is unhealthy and accepting their blood would jeopardize our supply.
  24. If you go to the American Red Cross blood drive to give blood, you'll be asked if you are a homosexual. It's part of the screening process. It's questions number 21 and 34, according to the FDA's Guidance for Industry: Implementation of Acceptable Full-Length Donor History Questionnaire and Accompanying Materials for Use in Screening Donors of Blood and Blood Components-2006.
  26. The whole argument that a gay lifestyle is benign and laughable. It's unhealthy and government should oppose it, instead of embracing it.
  28. Did you know that being gay reduces your life expectancy by 20-plus years? If you want to die early, go gay.
  30. "If the same pattern of mortality were to continue, we estimate that neraly half of gay and bisexual men aged 20 years will no reach their 65th birthday," accoding to the scientific study "Modeling the impact of HIV disease on mortality in gay and bisexual men"" by researchers at the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, St. Pauls Hospital, Vancouver.
  32. Our government discourages the use of tobacco that reduces life-span by 10 to 15 years. But when it comes to homosexuals with 20-plus reduced years of life, they will encourage it by endorsing marriage rights to gays.
  34. The Vancouver study is not alone. But lets say the life spans were equal. The gay lifestyle is unhealthy. The Centers for Disease Control agrees in its 2010 research. Homosexual men are more likely to contradict and spread AIDS and syphilis, the CDC says. Almost 60% of all new cases comes from 2 % of the population - the gays.
  36. Even the gay communities own media agrees with the CDC.
  38. "And although the perception of AIDS as a "gay disease" has largely receded from the minds of most Americans, AIDS activists say they find themselves in the ironic position of having to remind Congress and state and local governments that more resources and funding are needed for HIV prevention programs targeting gay and bisexual men," according to a June 3, 2011 article in the Washington Blade by Louis Chibbaro Jr.
  40. The article goes on to repeat the CDC statistics. BUT note from the article how the "activists" want more money from the government.
  44. Studies also show:
  46. *Gays have higher STD infections (male homosexuality rate is 17 percent versus straight males at 6.6 percent.
  48. *Suicides and/or attempts are higher in the gay population.
  50. *Gays have higher incidences of psychiatric disorder.
  52. *Homosexuals are almost 20 times more likely to be abused by homosexuals than by heterosexuals.
  54. Like the government has done with tobacco use, it should also discourage homosexuality.
  56. The gay lifestyle does not just stay in the bedroom. It's public and becomes a tax burden. The taxpayer will foot the bill for more congressional and state funding for the gays, their extra expensive health care and the local level will see public safety addressing higher abuse repors in that population.
  58. It's funny that New York was considering a fat tax to disourage one unhealthy segment of its population. But yet it discourages the unhealthy gay lifestyle by extending marriage rights? Double talk it seems.
  60. Im fat and thats wrong.
  62. People are gay and thats wrong.
  64. Government should not support fat people. We hold no special class or recognition. Morbidly obese people are not covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act nor should we.
  66. Being obese is unnatural amd i admit that. But the gays need to admit that their lifestyle is also unnatural, a deviant behavior.
  68. The APA also listed homosexuality as a disoreder in its first publication in 1952. After much pandering to the gay community, the APA removed that sexual disorder by its 1987 edition.
  70. The lifestyle is wrong.
  72. The history of civilization calls it wrong.
  74. Nature calls it wrong.
  76. Homosexuality has popped up in societies from time to time, but it was always a deviant lifestyle.
  78. Last but not least, Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God says its wrong. In fatc, that is one point every major religion agrees, homosexuality is wrong.
  82. The above usage of a copyrighted document applies to Fair Usage (17 U.S.C. § 107) as it is used for purposes of News, Criticism, and Commentary.
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