
Blue Robin 4

Jan 19th, 2015
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  1. >Three taps on his door
  2. >No turning back
  3. >No giving up
  4. >You need to do this
  5. >You have your reasons, and this isn't just an order
  6. >...
  7. >You hear steps approach from behind the door
  8. >And the proverbial butterflies flutter in your tummy
  9. >How do you even ask a question like this?
  10. >'Oh excuse me Anon, mind if I make a glass dildo replica of your penis real quick?'
  11. >You shudder
  12. >You doubt you can even stomach saying some of those words out loud
  13. >The heat under your cheeks tells you're already twisted up
  14. >You gulp as the door opens
  15. >But...
  16. >It's not Anon that opens it
  17. >That's... 'Virgin,' you think his name was
  18. >He seems a bit shocked to see you for some reason
  19. >Is there something on your face?
  20. >Golly, you sincerely hope not
  21. >"Who's at the door, man?"
  22. >Soon, Anon is standing behind Virgin
  23. >"Oh it's Robin. Damn it's cold out today, come on in."
  25. >You are Robin and right now, you're sitting across from Virgin in Anon's living room
  26. >Your nerves are through the roof by this point
  27. >All in anticipation of the impending conversation
  28. >Virgin hasn't even said hello since you showed up
  29. >Though he does seem kind of... down
  30. >Poor colt
  31. >You wonder why Ms. Corral and Ms. Caramel defended you against him at the club
  32. >He seems quiet and nice to you
  33. >Maybe a little eager, but not a bad stallion at heart
  34. >At least, that's what you think
  35. >Anon enters the living room from the kitchen with two cups
  36. >Two cups that smell very familiar
  37. >He sets one down in front of you
  38. >"Here you go. Careful, shit's hot man."
  39. "T-thank you Mr. Anonymous."
  40. >You pick up the cup and take a small sip
  41. >Oh yeah, you know this flavor well
  42. >It's only the only thing you ever order after work
  43. >The familiarity of the coffee calms your nerves quite a bit
  44. >...until you remember why you're here
  46. >"You can call me 'Anon' if ya want. Everyone 'round here does. So, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
  47. >Here it comes
  48. >Though you really feel like this is something that should be between you, Anon, and Caramel
  49. "A-actually, Mr. Ano, er, Anon, would it be okay if we talked in p-private?"
  50. >"Uh, sure."
  51. >Anon looks over at Virgin
  52. >"Wanna head upstairs real quick while we have a little chat?"
  53. >"I guess so. Let me know when you're done."
  54. >Oh he definitely doesn't sound to happy
  55. >Not angry or upset
  56. >Just... sad
  57. >Nothing like how he was at that club
  58. >You wonder what happened
  59. >Once Virgin is gone, Anon speaks up
  60. >"So, what's the problem? Still embarrassed about what happened at the club? If that's the case, I wouldn't worry too much abo-"
  61. "Nononono! I-it's not about that.. but it's not much better."
  62. >"Well, just relax man. You have no idea what kind of shit I've been through with Caramel and Goldie around, so hit me with your best shot."
  63. "I... it's about my work and a request I received from Ms. Caramel yesterday."
  64. >Anon rubs his chin in thought
  65. >"You run that new glass-makin' shop down the street from that little cafe, don't ya?"
  66. >You nod
  67. >"Well, considering you make a lot of stuff and it's Caramel we're talkin' about, I'm guessing she ordered somethin' raunchy."
  68. >You... what
  69. >He must really know Ms. Caramel
  70. >"I'm gonna guess she wants a dildo or somethin'."
  71. >He must REALLY know Ms. Caramel
  72. >You are shocked at how quickly Anon is figuring this out
  73. >"Knowing her, she'd want to screw with you after that club incident. And since I kinda did that on accident, I'm gonna say she wants you to make a dildo replica of my dick. Right?"
  74. >Your mind goes completely blank for a second
  75. >He... he figured it all out in twenty seconds
  76. >W-what is he?
  77. >"Judging by the look on your face, I'm gonna assume I'm right."
  79. >You can't say a thing
  80. >Not a single word
  81. >There are no words for this
  82. >"Well that's not so bad. I thought this was gonna be a repeat of the 'honey incident' or something."
  83. >Not so bad?
  84. >You stressed for an entire day over this
  85. >Had trouble falling asleep
  86. >What little sleep you did have was nightmares
  87. >And it's 'not so bad?'
  88. >You live in dark times
  89. >"Well, if I talk to Caramel about this, I'm sure we can work out-"
  90. "You can't!"
  91. >Anon freezes at just looks at you
  92. >"I can't? Is there a catch? Damn that Caramel, she can get real crafty."
  93. "N-no, there's no catch. But this order - all of my orders - they're not just jobs. They're commitments."
  94. >"So you want to go through with this, even if it's just some cruel jokes on our behalf?"
  95. "Even so, Mr. Anonymous. This is something I have to do."
  96. >Wow, what just came over you?
  97. >You've never talked to anyone like that since...
  98. >Well, in a long time
  99. >It... scares you
  100. >It brings back bad memories
  101. >"Welp, if you wanna do it so badly then it's fine by me. I can head over to your shop tomorrow at around noon. Sound good?"
  102. >Well that turned around fast
  103. >Again finding yourself at a loss for words, you simply nod in response
  104. >You haven't lived in this town for half a month and already...
  105. >Oh when will this nightmare end?
  107. >You are Virgo
  108. >What's going on with you?
  109. >A cute mare was so close by, but you didn't feel like yourself
  110. >What's weirder is that you felt fine all day up until you saw Robin at the door
  111. >Now you feel like a tangled up spring
  112. >So much tension, but nowhere to let it go
  113. >And what's up with Robin showing up here in the first place?
  114. >Is she and Anon hooking up now?
  115. >Wait
  116. >Why do you care about that so much?
  117. >Sure, you've never been the best with mares
  118. >But you've always just kinda... moved on
  119. >So what's different about this new mare?
  120. >You don't even know her
  121. >Or is she not the problem?
  122. >Are all your years of failures be finally weighing down on you?
  123. >You know it sounds crazy, but will you die alone?
  124. >With a track record like yours, could you be realizing that that might be your fate?
  125. >Maybe... maybe you should just stop trying
  126. >Hell, Robin already chose someone else over you
  127. >Just like that too
  128. >But what are you doing wrong?
  129. >You look out one of Anon's windows to the street below
  130. >Various couples and families trot by happily
  131. >You can't help but wonder 'How do I get from me to... them?'
  133. >You hear Anon's front door open then close again
  134. >You see Robin promptly leaving
  135. >"Yo! Get your ass down here!"
  136. >Oh there's an idea
  137. >Why don't you just ask Anon?
  138. >He always has some kind of answer for anything
  139. >He's helped you countless times before too
  140. >And with no strings attached, save for giving you shit all the time
  141. >But he's a good friend, you think
  142. >He keeps you out of trouble
  143. >You trot back downstairs and think
  144. >Of what to say
  145. >Where to start
  146. >How to word everything
  147. >How you can't pin this feeling you have
  148. >This feeling of realizing that maybe you aren't all you thought you were
  149. >That you could be some below-average stallion no mare wants
  150. >Doomed to the friendzone for the rest of your life
  151. >The very thought terrifies you
  152. >You get back down to Anon's living room
  153. >"Took you long enough. What, were you building the damn stairs to get down or somethin'?"
  154. >You smirk and take a deep breath
  155. "Hey Anon, we need to talk."
  156. >Anon cocks an eyebrow at you
  157. "It's serious."
  159. [End chapter 4]
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