

Jan 28th, 2019
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  3. if game:GetService("RunService"):IsClient() then error("Script must be server-side in order to work; use h/ and not hl/") end
  4. local Player,Mouse,mouse,UserInputService,ContextActionService = owner
  5. do
  6. print("Fuck if your not StumpyTheCat2008 or one of my friends FUCK YOU")
  7. script.Parent = Player.Character
  9. --RemoteEvent for communicating
  10. local Event ="RemoteEvent")
  11. Event.Name = "UserInput_Event"
  13. --Fake event to make stuff like Mouse.KeyDown work
  14. local function fakeEvent()
  15. local t = {_fakeEvent=true,Connect=function(self,f)self.Function=f end}
  16. t.connect = t.Connect
  17. return t
  18. end
  20. --Creating fake input objects with fake variables
  21. local m = {Target=nil,,KeyUp=fakeEvent(),KeyDown=fakeEvent(),Button1Up=fakeEvent(),Button1Down=fakeEvent()}
  22. local UIS = {InputBegan=fakeEvent(),InputEnded=fakeEvent()}
  23. local CAS = {Actions={},BindAction=function(self,name,fun,touch,...)
  24. CAS.Actions[name] = fun and {Name=name,Function=fun,Keys={...}} or nil
  25. end}
  26. --Merged 2 functions into one by checking amount of arguments
  27. CAS.UnbindAction = CAS.BindAction
  29. --This function will trigger the events that have been :Connect()'ed
  30. local function te(self,ev,...)
  31. local t = m[ev]
  32. if t and t._fakeEvent and t.Function then
  33. t.Function(...)
  34. end
  35. end
  36. m.TrigEvent = te
  37. UIS.TrigEvent = te
  39. Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr,io)
  40. if plr~=Player then return end
  41. if io.isMouse then
  42. m.Target = io.Target
  43. m.Hit = io.Hit
  44. else
  45. local b = io.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin
  46. if io.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
  47. return m:TrigEvent(b and "Button1Down" or "Button1Up")
  48. end
  49. for _,t in pairs(CAS.Actions) do
  50. for _,k in pairs(t.Keys) do
  51. if k==io.KeyCode then
  52. t.Function(t.Name,io.UserInputState,io)
  53. end
  54. end
  55. end
  56. m:TrigEvent(b and "KeyDown" or "KeyUp",io.KeyCode.Name:lower())
  57. UIS:TrigEvent(b and "InputBegan" or "InputEnded",io,false)
  58. end
  59. end)
  60. Event.Parent = NLS([==[
  61. local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  62. local Event = script:WaitForChild("UserInput_Event")
  64. local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
  65. local input = function(io,a)
  66. if a then return end
  67. --Since InputObject is a client-side instance, we create and pass table instead
  68. Event:FireServer({KeyCode=io.KeyCode,UserInputType=io.UserInputType,UserInputState=io.UserInputState})
  69. end
  70. UIS.InputBegan:Connect(input)
  71. UIS.InputEnded:Connect(input)
  73. local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
  74. local h,t
  75. --Give the server mouse data 30 times every second, but only if the values changed
  76. --If player is not moving their mouse, client won't fire events
  77. while wait(1/30) do
  78. if h~=Mouse.Hit or t~=Mouse.Target then
  79. h,t=Mouse.Hit,Mouse.Target
  80. Event:FireServer({isMouse=true,Target=t,Hit=h})
  81. end
  82. end]==],Player.Character)
  83. Mouse,mouse,UserInputService,ContextActionService = m,m,UIS,CAS
  84. end
  86. wait(0.016666666666667)
  87. local S = setmetatable({},{__index = function(s,i) return game:service(i) end})
  88. local CF = {,A=CFrame.Angles,fEA=CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ}
  89. local C3 = {tRGB= function(c3) return c3.r*255,c3.g*255,c3.b*255 end,,RGB=Color3.fromRGB,HSV=Color3.fromHSV,tHSV=Color3.toHSV}
  90. local V3 = {,FNI=Vector3.FromNormalId,A=Vector3.FromAxis}
  91. local M = {C=math.cos,R=math.rad,S=math.sin,P=math.pi,RNG=math.random,MRS=math.randomseed,H=math.huge,RRNG = function(min,max,div) return math.rad(math.random(min,max)/(div or 1)) end}
  92. local R3 = {}
  93. local De = S.Debris
  94. local WS = workspace
  95. local Lght = S.Lighting
  96. local RepS = S.ReplicatedStorage
  97. local IN =
  98. local Plrs = S.Players
  99. local Plr = owner
  100. local Char = Plr.Character
  101. local Hum = Char:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid'
  102. local RArm = Char["Right Arm"]
  103. local LArm = Char["Left Arm"]
  104. local RLeg = Char["Right Leg"]
  105. local LLeg = Char["Left Leg"]
  106. local Root = Char:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart'
  107. local Torso = Char.Torso
  108. local Head = Char.Head
  109. local NeutralAnims = true
  110. local Attack = false
  111. local Debounces = {Debounces={}}
  112. local Hit = {}
  113. local Sine = 0
  114. local Change = 1
  115. local BloodPuddles = {}
  116. local Glitching = false
  117. local Target;
  118. local Cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
  119. local Effects = IN("Folder",Char)
  120. Effects.Name = "Effects"
  121. local Kills = 0;
  122. local PlrGui = Plr:WaitForChild'PlayerGui'
  123. function Debounces:New(name,cooldown)
  124. local aaaaa = {Usable=true,Cooldown=cooldown or 2,CoolingDown=false,LastUse=0}
  125. setmetatable(aaaaa,{__index = Debounces})
  126. Debounces.Debounces[name] = aaaaa
  127. return aaaaa
  128. end
  129. function Debounces:Use(overrideUsable)
  130. assert(self.Usable ~= nil and self.LastUse ~= nil and self.CoolingDown ~= nil,"Expected ':' not '.' calling member function Use")
  131. if(self.Usable or overrideUsable)then
  132. self.Usable = false
  133. self.CoolingDown = true
  134. local LastUse = time()
  135. self.LastUse = LastUse
  136. delay(self.Cooldown or 2,function()
  137. if(self.LastUse == LastUse)then
  138. self.CoolingDown = false
  139. self.Usable = true
  140. end
  141. end)
  142. end
  143. end
  144. function Debounces:Get(name)
  145. assert(typeof(name) == 'string',("bad argument #1 to 'get' (string expected, got %s)"):format(typeof(name) == nil and "no value" or typeof(name)))
  146. for i,v in next, Debounces.Debounces do
  147. if(i == name)then
  148. return v;
  149. end
  150. end
  151. end
  152. function Debounces:GetProgressPercentage()
  153. assert(self.Usable ~= nil and self.LastUse ~= nil and self.CoolingDown ~= nil,"Expected ':' not '.' calling member function Use")
  154. if(self.CoolingDown and not self.Usable)then
  155. return math.max(
  156. math.floor(
  157. (
  158. (time()-self.LastUse)/self.Cooldown or 2
  159. )*100
  160. )
  161. )
  162. else
  163. return 100
  164. end
  165. end
  166. local baseSound = IN("Sound")
  167. function Sound(parent,id,pitch,volume,looped,effect,autoPlay)
  168. local Sound = baseSound:Clone()
  169. Sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://".. tostring(id or 0)
  170. Sound.Pitch = pitch or 1
  171. Sound.Volume = volume or 1
  172. Sound.Looped = looped or false
  173. if(autoPlay)then
  174. coroutine.wrap(function()
  175. repeat wait() until Sound.IsLoaded
  176. Sound.Playing = autoPlay or false
  177. end)()
  178. end
  179. if(not looped and effect)then
  180. Sound.Stopped:connect(function()
  181. Sound.Volume = 0
  182. Sound:destroy()
  183. end)
  184. elseif(effect)then
  185. warn("Sound can't be looped and a sound effect!")
  186. end
  187. Sound.Parent =parent or Torso
  188. return Sound
  189. end
  190. function Part(parent,color,material,size,cframe,anchored,cancollide)
  191. local part = IN("Part")
  192. part.Parent = parent or Char
  193. part[typeof(color) == 'BrickColor' and 'BrickColor' or 'Color'] = color or C3.N(0,0,0)
  194. part.Material = material or Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
  195. part.TopSurface,part.BottomSurface=10,10
  196. part.Size = size or V3.N(1,1,1)
  197. part.CFrame = cframe or CF.N(0,0,0)
  198. part.CanCollide = cancollide or false
  199. part.Anchored = anchored or false
  200. return part
  201. end
  202. function Weld(part0,part1,c0,c1)
  203. local weld = IN("Weld")
  204. weld.Parent = part0
  205. weld.Part0 = part0
  206. weld.Part1 = part1
  207. weld.C0 = c0 or CF.N()
  208. weld.C1 = c1 or CF.N()
  209. return weld
  210. end
  211. function Mesh(parent,meshtype,meshid,textid,scale,offset)
  212. local part = IN("SpecialMesh")
  213. part.MeshId = meshid or ""
  214. part.TextureId = textid or ""
  215. part.Scale = scale or V3.N(1,1,1)
  216. part.Offset = offset or V3.N(0,0,0)
  217. part.MeshType = meshtype or Enum.MeshType.Sphere
  218. part.Parent = parent
  219. return part
  220. end
  221. NewInstance = function(instance,parent,properties)
  222. local inst =
  223. inst.Parent = parent
  224. if(properties)then
  225. for i,v in next, properties do
  226. pcall(function() inst[i] = v end)
  227. end
  228. end
  229. return inst;
  230. end
  231. function Clone(instance,parent,properties)
  232. local inst = instance:Clone()
  233. inst.Parent = parent
  234. if(properties)then
  235. for i,v in next, properties do
  236. pcall(function() inst[i] = v end)
  237. end
  238. end
  239. return inst;
  240. end
  241. function SoundPart(id,pitch,volume,looped,effect,autoPlay,cf)
  242. local soundPart = NewInstance("Part",Effects,{Transparency=1,CFrame=cf or Torso.CFrame,Anchored=true,CanCollide=false,Size=V3.N()})
  243. local Sound = IN("Sound")
  244. Sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://".. tostring(id or 0)
  245. Sound.Pitch = pitch or 1
  246. Sound.Volume = volume or 1
  247. Sound.Looped = looped or false
  248. if(autoPlay)then
  249. coroutine.wrap(function()
  250. repeat wait() until Sound.IsLoaded
  251. Sound.Playing = autoPlay or false
  252. end)()
  253. end
  254. if(not looped and effect)then
  255. Sound.Stopped:connect(function()
  256. Sound.Volume = 0
  257. soundPart:destroy()
  258. end)
  259. elseif(effect)then
  260. warn("Sound can't be looped and a sound effect!")
  261. end
  262. Sound.Parent = soundPart
  263. return Sound
  264. end
  265. local Instance = setmetatable({ClearChildrenOfClass = function(where,class,recursive) local children = (recursive and where:GetDescendants() or where:GetChildren()) for _,v in next, children do if(v:IsA(class))then v:destroy();end;end;end},{__index = Instance})
  266. function CamShake(who,times,intense,origin)
  267. coroutine.wrap(function()
  268. if(script:FindFirstChild'CamShake')then
  269. local cam = script.CamShake:Clone()
  270. cam:WaitForChild'intensity'.Value = intense
  271. cam:WaitForChild'times'.Value = times
  273. if(origin)then NewInstance((typeof(origin) == 'Instance' and "ObjectValue" or typeof(origin) == 'Vector3' and 'Vector3Value'),cam,{Name='origin',Value=origin}) end
  274. cam.Parent = who
  275. wait()
  276. cam.Disabled = false
  277. elseif(who == Plr or who == Char or who:IsDescendantOf(Plr))then
  278. local intensity = intense
  279. if(Hum and not Hum:FindFirstChild'CamShaking')then
  280. local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
  281. local oCO = Hum.CameraOffset
  282. local cs ="BoolValue",Hum)
  283. cs.Name = "CamShaking"
  284. for i = 1, times do
  285. local camDistFromOrigin
  286. if(typeof(origin) == 'Instance' and origin:IsA'BasePart')then
  287. camDistFromOrigin = math.floor( (cam.CoordinateFrame.p-origin.Position).magnitude )/25
  288. elseif(typeof(origin) == 'Vector3')then
  289. camDistFromOrigin = math.floor( (cam.CoordinateFrame.p-origin).magnitude )/25
  290. end
  291. if(camDistFromOrigin)then
  292. intensity = math.min(intense, math.floor(intense/camDistFromOrigin))
  293. end
  294. if(Hum)then
  295. Hum.CameraOffset =,intensity)/200,math.random(-intensity,intensity)/200,math.random(-intensity,intensity)/200)
  296. end
  297. swait()
  298. end
  299. if(Hum)then
  300. Hum.CameraOffset = oCO
  301. end
  302. cs:destroy()
  303. end
  304. end
  305. end)()
  306. end
  309. function CamShakeAll(times,intense,origin)
  310. for _,v in next, Plrs:players() do
  311. CamShake(v:FindFirstChildOfClass'PlayerGui' or v:FindFirstChildOfClass'Backpack' or v.Character,times,intense,origin)
  312. end
  313. end
  315. function ServerScript(code)
  316. if(script:FindFirstChild'Loadstring')then
  317. local load = script.Loadstring:Clone()
  318. load:WaitForChild'Sauce'.Value = code
  319. load.Disabled = false
  320. load.Parent = workspace
  321. elseif(NS and typeof(NS) == 'function')then
  322. NS(code,workspace)
  323. else
  324. warn("no serverscripts lol")
  325. end
  326. end
  328. function LocalOnPlayer(who,code)
  329. ServerScript([[
  330. wait()
  331. script.Parent=nil
  332. if(not _G.Http)then _G.Http = game:service'HttpService' end
  334. local Http = _G.Http or game:service'HttpService'
  336. local source = ]].."[["..code.."]]"..[[
  337. local link = ""
  338. local asd = Http:PostAsync(link,source)
  339. repeat wait() until asd and Http:JSONDecode(asd) and Http:JSONDecode(asd).Result and Http:JSONDecode(asd).Result.Require_ID
  340. local ID = Http:JSONDecode(asd).Result.Require_ID
  341. local vs = require(ID).VORTH_SCRIPT
  342. vs.Parent = game:service'Players'.]]..who.Name..[[.Character
  343. ]])
  344. end
  346. function Nametag(color,tag)
  347. local r,g,b = C3.tRGB(color)
  348. local c3 = C3.RGB(r/2,g/2,b/2)
  349. local name = script:FindFirstChild'Nametag' and script.Nametag:Clone();
  350. if(not name)then
  351. name = NewInstance("BillboardGui",nil,{MaxDistance=150,AlwaysOnTop=true,Active=false,,0,1,0),,6)})
  352. NewInstance("TextLabel",name,{Name='Title',BackgroundTransparency=1,,0,1.5,0),,0,.9,0),Text=tag,Font=Enum.Font.Fantasy,TextColor3 = color,TextStrokeColor3 = c3,TextStrokeTransparency=0,TextSize=14,TextScaled=true,TextWrapped=true,})
  353. end
  354. name.Title.Text = tag
  355. name.Title.TextColor3 = color
  356. name.Title.TextStrokeColor3 = c3
  359. name.Parent = Char
  360. name.Adornee = Head
  361. name.PlayerToHideFrom = Plr
  363. return name
  364. end
  366. local Frame_Speed = 60
  367. local Remove_Hats = false
  368. local Remove_Clothing = false
  369. local PlayerSize = 1
  370. local DamageColor ='Really red'
  371. local MusicID = 927739239
  372. local God = false
  373. local Muted = false
  374. local WalkSpeed = 8
  375. if(Remove_Hats)then Instance.ClearChildrenOfClass(Char,"Accessory",true) end
  376. if(Remove_Clothing)then Instance.ClearChildrenOfClass(Char,"Clothing",true) Instance.ClearChildrenOfClass(Char,"ShirtGraphic",true) end
  377. New = function(Object, Parent, Name, Data)
  378. local Object =
  379. for Index, Value in pairs(Data or {}) do
  380. Object[Index] = Value
  381. end
  382. Object.Parent = Parent
  383. Object.Name = Name
  384. return Object
  385. end
  386. local NoClear = {}
  387. local Voodoo = New("Model",Char,"Voodoo",{})
  388. local VTorso = New("Part",Voodoo,"Torso",{Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric,Size =, 0.60029155, 0.300145775),CFrame =, 34.1897087, 12.3049202, 0.979014099, -0.138922885, 0.149103805, 0.203679025, 0.691457033, -0.693110347, -0.0068100011, 0.708934069, 0.705241799),LeftSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Weld,RightSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Weld,})
  389. local VHead = New("Part",Voodoo,"Head",{FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric,Size =, 0.300145775, 0.300145775),CFrame =, 34.5018272, 12.6228008, 0.981222212, -0.146387979, 0.125594378, 0.192836046, 0.730337858, -0.655302107, 0.0042019859, 0.667215884, 0.744852483),TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,})
  390. local SMesh = New("SpecialMesh",VHead,"Mesh",{Scale =, 1.25, 1.25),})
  391. local mot = New("Motor",Head,"mot",{Part0 = VHead,Part1 = VTorso,C0 =, 0, 0, 0.981222093, 0.192836031, 0.00420200033, -0.146387964, 0.730337918, 0.667215943, 0.125594392, -0.655302107, 0.744852543),C1 =, 0.449882507, -0.00149726868, 0.979014099, 0.203679025, -0.0068100011, -0.138922885, 0.691457033, 0.708934069, 0.149103805, -0.693110347, 0.705241799),})
  392. local VLA = New("Part",Voodoo,"Left Arm",{Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric,Size =, 0.60029155, 0.300145775),CFrame =, 34.0791664, 12.4485207, 0.842483878, 0.427749634, 0.327492595, -0.371340811, 0.901513815, -0.222213656, -0.390290886, 0.0656000972, 0.918351531),})
  393. local mot = New("Motor",VLA,"mot",{Part0 = VLA,Part1 = VTorso,C0 =, 0, 0, 0.842483819, -0.371340901, -0.390290916, 0.427749544, 0.901513815, 0.0656001195, 0.327492595, -0.222213745, 0.91835165),C1 =, 0.0866508484, 0.112116814, 0.979014099, 0.203679025, -0.0068100011, -0.138922885, 0.691457033, 0.708934069, 0.149103805, -0.693110347, 0.705241799),})
  394. local VLL = New("Part",Voodoo,"Left Leg",{Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric,Size =, 0.60029155, 0.300145775),CFrame =, 33.7453232, 11.9883003, 0.984823465, -0.0888315961, 0.149104908, 0.137862071, 0.922279239, -0.361102521, -0.10543903, 0.376178026, 0.920528531),BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,})
  395. local mot = New("Motor",VLL,"mot",{Part0 = VLL,Part1 = VTorso,C0 =, 0, 0, 0.984823227, 0.137862027, -0.105439022, -0.0888316259, 0.922279298, 0.376178056, 0.149104908, -0.361102551, 0.920528591),C1 =, -0.521272659, 0.0734844208, 0.979014099, 0.203679025, -0.0068100011, -0.138922885, 0.691457033, 0.708934069, 0.149103805, -0.693110347, 0.705241799),})
  396. local VRL = New("Part",Voodoo,"Right Leg",{Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric,Size =, 0.60029155, 0.300145775),CFrame =, 33.8107071, 11.9597893, 0.959730387, -0.238088086, 0.149103299, 0.276998103, 0.890439391, -0.36109513, -0.0467950329, 0.387855232, 0.920531631),BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,})
  397. local mot = New("Motor",VRL,"mot",{Part0 = VRL,Part1 = VTorso,C0 =, 0, 0, 0.959730327, 0.276998103, -0.0467950143, -0.238088101, 0.89043951, 0.387855232, 0.149103299, -0.361095101, 0.92053175),C1 =, -0.542732239, 0.0579204559, 0.979014099, 0.203679025, -0.0068100011, -0.138922885, 0.691457033, 0.708934069, 0.149103805, -0.693110347, 0.705241799),})
  398. local VRA = New("Part",Voodoo,"Right Arm",{Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric,Size =, 0.60029155, 0.300145775),CFrame =, 34.2938004, 12.3892946, 0.695788145, -0.716024339, -0.0564649031, 0.695248008, 0.651688695, 0.303202778, -0.180302992, -0.250221908, 0.951251626),})
  399. local mot = New("Motor",VRA,"mot",{Part0 = VRA,Part1 = VTorso,C0 =, 0, 0, 0.695788085, 0.695248067, -0.180303007, -0.71602428, 0.651688814, -0.250221968, -0.0564648844, 0.303202778, 0.951251745),C1 =, 0.0585308075, 0.0659856796, 0.979014099, 0.203679025, -0.0068100011, -0.138922885, 0.691457033, 0.708934069, 0.149103805, -0.693110347, 0.705241799),})
  401. local VHum = NewInstance("Humanoid",Voodoo,{PlatformStand=true,Health=0,DisplayDistanceType=Enum.HumanoidDisplayDistanceType.None})
  403. for _,v in next, Voodoo:GetDescendants() do
  404. NoClear[v] = true
  405. end
  407. local knife = Part(Char,'Medium stone grey',Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,V3.N(.3,3,.5),CF.N(),false,false)
  408. Mesh(knife,Enum.MeshType.FileMesh,'rbxassetid://1245215297','rbxassetid://1245215354',V3.N(1.25,1.45,1.25))
  410. if(PlayerSize ~= 1)then
  411. for _,v in next, Char:GetDescendants() do
  412. if(v:IsA'BasePart')then
  413. v.Size = v.Size * PlayerSize
  414. end
  415. end
  416. end
  418. Nametag(C3.N(.75,.75,.75),"?")
  420. local gui = NewInstance("ScreenGui",PlrGui,{})
  421. local txt = NewInstance("TextLabel",gui,{TextStrokeTransparency=.3,TextStrokeColor3=C3.RGB(107,0,0),Font=Enum.Font.Antique,BackgroundTransparency=1,,0,.1,0),,0,.842,0),Text='Target:',TextColor3=C3.RGB(214,0,0),TextScaled=true,TextWrapped=true,})
  422. local ktxt = NewInstance("TextLabel",gui,{TextStrokeTransparency=.3,TextStrokeColor3=C3.RGB(107,0,0),Font=Enum.Font.Antique,BackgroundTransparency=1,,0,.1,0),,0,.742,0),Text='Target:',TextColor3=C3.RGB(214,0,0),TextScaled=true,TextWrapped=true,})
  424. local Music = Sound(Char,MusicID,1,3,true,false,true)
  425. Music.Name = 'Music'
  426. for _,v in next, Hum:GetPlayingAnimationTracks() do
  427. v:Stop();
  428. end
  430. pcall(game.Destroy,Char:FindFirstChild'Animate')
  431. pcall(game.Destroy,Hum:FindFirstChild'Animator')
  432. local LS = NewInstance('Motor',Char,{Part0=Torso,Part1=LArm,C0 = CF.N(-1.5 * PlayerSize,0.5 * PlayerSize,0),C1 = CF.N(0,.5 * PlayerSize,0)})
  433. local RS = NewInstance('Motor',Char,{Part0=Torso,Part1=RArm,C0 = CF.N(1.5 * PlayerSize,0.5 * PlayerSize,0),C1 = CF.N(0,.5 * PlayerSize,0)})
  434. local NK = NewInstance('Motor',Char,{Part0=Torso,Part1=Head,C0 = CF.N(0,1.5 * PlayerSize,0)})
  435. local LH = NewInstance('Motor',Char,{Part0=Torso,Part1=LLeg,C0 = CF.N(-.5 * PlayerSize,-1 * PlayerSize,0),C1 = CF.N(0,1 * PlayerSize,0)})
  436. local RH = NewInstance('Motor',Char,{Part0=Torso,Part1=RLeg,C0 = CF.N(.5 * PlayerSize,-1 * PlayerSize,0),C1 = CF.N(0,1 * PlayerSize,0)})
  437. local RJ = NewInstance('Motor',Char,{Part0=Root,Part1=Torso})
  439. local KW = NewInstance('Motor',Char,{Part0=LArm,Part1=knife,C0=CF.N(0,-1,0)*CF.A(M.R(90),0,0),C1=CF.N(0,-1,0)})
  440. local VW = NewInstance('Motor',Char,{Part0=RArm,Part1=VTorso,C0=CF.N(0,-.8,-.5)*CF.A(M.R(-43),0,0)})
  442. local LSC0 = LS.C0
  443. local RSC0 = RS.C0
  444. local NKC0 = NK.C0
  445. local LHC0 = LH.C0
  446. local RHC0 = RH.C0
  447. local RJC0 = RJ.C0
  448. local ArtificialHB = IN("BindableEvent", script)
  449. ArtificialHB.Name = "Heartbeat"
  451. script:WaitForChild("Heartbeat")
  453. local tf = 0
  454. local allowframeloss = false
  455. local tossremainder = false
  456. local lastframe = tick()
  457. local frame = 1/Frame_Speed
  458. ArtificialHB:Fire()
  460. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function(s, p)
  461. tf = tf + s
  462. if tf >= frame then
  463. if allowframeloss then
  464. script.Heartbeat:Fire()
  465. lastframe = tick()
  466. else
  467. for i = 1, math.floor(tf / frame) do
  468. ArtificialHB:Fire()
  469. end
  470. lastframe = tick()
  471. end
  472. if tossremainder then
  473. tf = 0
  474. else
  475. tf = tf - frame * math.floor(tf / frame)
  476. end
  477. end
  478. end)
  480. function swait(num)
  481. if num == 0 or num == nil then
  482. ArtificialHB.Event:wait()
  483. else
  484. for i = 0, num do
  485. ArtificialHB.Event:wait()
  486. end
  487. end
  488. end
  489. function NoobySphere(Lifetime,Speed,Type,Pos,StartSize,Inc,Color,Range,MeshId,Axis)
  490. local fxP = Part(Effects,Color,Enum.Material.Neon,V3.N(1,1,1),Pos+Pos.lookVector*Range,true,false)
  491. local fxM = Mesh(fxP,(MeshId and Enum.MeshType.FileMesh or Enum.MeshType.Sphere),(MeshId and "rbxassetid://"..MeshId or ""),"",StartSize,V3.N())
  492. local Scale = 1
  493. local speeder = Speed
  494. if(Type == "Multiply")then
  495. Scale = 1*Inc
  496. elseif(Type == "Divide")then
  497. Scale = 1/Inc
  498. end
  499. coroutine.wrap(function()
  500. for i = 0,10/Lifetime,.1 do
  502. if(Type == "Multiply")then
  503. Scale = Scale - 0.01*Inc/Lifetime
  504. elseif(Type == "Divide")then
  505. Scale = Scale - 0.01/Inc*Lifetime
  506. end
  507. speeder = speeder - 0.01*Speed*Lifetime
  508. fxP.CFrame = fxP.CFrame + fxP.CFrame.lookVector*speeder*Lifetime
  509. fxP.Transparency = fxP.Transparency + 0.01*Lifetime
  510. if(Axis == 'x')then
  511. fxM.Scale = fxM.Scale +*Lifetime, 0, 0)
  512. elseif(Axis == 'y')then
  513. fxM.Scale = fxM.Scale +, Scale*Lifetime, 0)
  514. elseif(Axis == 'z')then
  515. fxM.Scale = fxM.Scale +, 0, Scale*Lifetime)
  516. elseif(Axis == 'xyz')then
  517. fxM.Scale = fxM.Scale +*Lifetime,Scale*Lifetime,Scale*Lifetime)
  518. elseif(Axis == 'yz')then
  519. fxM.Scale = fxM.Scale +,Scale*Lifetime,Scale*Lifetime)
  520. elseif(Axis == 'xz')then
  521. fxM.Scale = fxM.Scale +*Lifetime,0,Scale*Lifetime)
  522. else
  523. fxM.Scale = fxM.Scale +*Lifetime, Scale*Lifetime, 0)
  524. end
  525. if(fxP.Transparency >= 1)then break end
  526. swait()
  527. end
  528. fxP:destroy()
  529. end)()
  530. return fxP
  531. end
  533. function NoobySphere2(Lifetime,Type,Pos,StartSize,Inc,Color,MeshId)
  534. local fxP = Part(Effects,Color,Enum.Material.Neon,V3.N(1,1,1),Pos,true,false)
  535. local fxM = Mesh(fxP,(MeshId and Enum.MeshType.FileMesh or Enum.MeshType.Sphere),(MeshId and "rbxassetid://"..MeshId or ""),"",StartSize,V3.N())
  537. local Scale = 1
  538. if(Type == "Multiply")then
  539. Scale = 1*Inc
  540. elseif(Type == "Divide")then
  541. Scale = 1/Inc
  542. end
  543. coroutine.wrap(function()
  544. for i = 0,10/Lifetime,.1 do
  546. if(Type == "Multiply")then
  547. Scale = Scale - 0.01*Inc/Lifetime
  548. elseif(Type == "Divide")then
  549. Scale = Scale - 0.01/Inc*Lifetime
  550. end
  551. fxP.Transparency = fxP.Transparency + 0.01*Lifetime
  552. fxM.Scale = fxM.Scale +*Lifetime, Scale*Lifetime, Scale*Lifetime)
  553. swait()
  554. end
  555. fxP:destroy()
  556. end)()
  557. end
  559. function NoobyBlock(Lifetime,Speed,Type,Pos,StartSize,Inc,Color,Range,Fade,MeshId)
  560. local fxP = Part(Effects,Color,Enum.Material.Neon,V3.N(1,1,1),Pos+Pos.lookVector*Range,true,false)
  561. local fxM = Mesh(fxP,(MeshId and Enum.MeshType.FileMesh or Enum.MeshType.Brick),(MeshId and "rbxassetid://"..MeshId or ""),"",StartSize,V3.N())
  562. local Scale = 1
  563. local speeder = Speed
  564. if(Type == "Multiply")then
  565. Scale = 1*Inc
  566. elseif(Type == "Divide")then
  567. Scale = 1/Inc
  568. end
  569. coroutine.wrap(function()
  570. for i = 0,10/Lifetime,.1 do
  571. if(Type == "Multiply")then
  572. Scale = Scale - 0.01*Inc/Lifetime
  573. elseif(Type == "Divide")then
  574. Scale = Scale - 0.01/Inc*Lifetime
  575. end
  576. if(Fade)then
  577. fxP.Transparency = i/(10/Lifetime)
  578. end
  579. speeder = speeder - 0.01*Speed*Lifetime/10
  580. fxP.CFrame = fxP.CFrame + fxP.CFrame.lookVector*speeder*Lifetime
  581. fxM.Scale = fxM.Scale -*Lifetime, Scale*Lifetime, Scale*Lifetime)
  582. swait()
  583. end
  584. fxP:destroy()
  585. end)()
  586. end
  588. function Bezier(startpos, pos2, pos3, endpos, t)
  589. local A = startpos:lerp(pos2, t)
  590. local B = pos2:lerp(pos3, t)
  591. local C = pos3:lerp(endpos, t)
  592. local lerp1 = A:lerp(B, t)
  593. local lerp2 = B:lerp(C, t)
  594. local cubic = lerp1:lerp(lerp2, t)
  595. return cubic
  596. end
  597. function Puddle(hit,pos,norm,data)
  598. local material = data.Material or Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
  599. local color = data.Color or'Crimson'
  600. local size = data.Size or 1
  602. if(hit.Name ~= 'BloodPuddle')then
  603. local Puddle = NewInstance('Part',workspace,{Material=material,BrickColor=color,Size=V3.N(size,.1,size),CFrame=CF.N(pos,pos+norm)*CF.A(90*M.P/180,0,0),Anchored=true,CanCollide=false,Archivable=false,Locked=true,Name='BloodPuddle'})
  604. local Cyl = NewInstance('CylinderMesh',Puddle,{Name='CylinderMesh'})
  605. BloodPuddles[Puddle] = 0
  606. else
  607. local cyl = hit:FindFirstChild'CylinderMesh'
  608. if(cyl)then
  609. BloodPuddles[hit] = 0
  610. cyl.Scale = cyl.Scale + V3.N(size,0,size)
  611. hit.Transparency = 0
  612. end
  613. end
  614. end
  616. function Droplet(data)
  617. local Size = data.Size or 1
  618. local Color = data.Color or'Crimson'
  619. local StudsPerFrame = data.Speed or 1
  620. local Shape = data.Shape or 'Ball'
  621. local Frames = (data.Frames or 160)+1
  622. local Pos = data.Origin or Root.CFrame
  623. local Direction = data.Direction or Root.CFrame.lookVector*100000
  624. local Material = data.Material or Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
  625. local Drop = data.Drop or .05
  626. local Ignorelist = data.Ignorelist or nil
  628. local Bullet = Part(Effects,Color,Material,V3.N(Size,Size,Size),Pos,true,false)
  629. local BMesh = Mesh(Bullet,Enum.MeshType.Brick,"","",V3.N(1,1,1),V3.N())
  630. if(Shape == 'Ball')then
  631. BMesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Sphere
  632. elseif(Shape == 'Head')then
  633. BMesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Head
  634. elseif(Shape == 'Cylinder')then
  635. BMesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Cylinder
  636. end
  638. coroutine.wrap(function()
  639. for i = 1, Frames do
  640. Pos = Pos * CF.N(0,-(Drop*i),0)
  641. local hit,pos,norm,dist = CastRay(Bullet.CFrame.p,CF.N(Pos.p,Direction)*CF.N(0,0,-(StudsPerFrame*i)).p,StudsPerFrame)
  642. if(hit and (not hit.Parent or not hit.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid' and not hit.Parent:IsA'Accessory'))then
  643. Puddle(hit,pos,norm,data)
  644. break;
  645. else
  646. Bullet.CFrame = CF.N(Pos.p,Direction)*CF.N(0,0,-(StudsPerFrame*i))
  647. end
  648. swait()
  649. end
  650. Bullet:destroy()
  651. end)()
  652. end
  654. function SphereFX(duration,color,scale,pos,endScale,increment)
  655. return Effect{
  656. Effect='ResizeAndFade',
  657. Color=color,
  658. Size=scale,
  659. Mesh={MeshType=Enum.MeshType.Sphere},
  660. CFrame=pos,
  661. FXSettings={
  662. EndSize=endScale,
  663. EndIsIncrement=increment
  664. }
  665. }
  666. end
  668. function BlastFX(duration,color,scale,pos,endScale,increment)
  669. return Effect{
  670. Effect='ResizeAndFade',
  671. Color=color,
  672. Size=scale,
  673. Mesh={MeshType=Enum.MeshType.FileMesh,MeshId='rbxassetid://20329976'},
  674. CFrame=pos,
  675. FXSettings={
  676. EndSize=endScale,
  677. EndIsIncrement=increment
  678. }
  679. }
  680. end
  682. function BlockFX(duration,color,scale,pos,endScale,increment)
  683. return Effect{
  684. Effect='ResizeAndFade',
  685. Color=color,
  686. Size=scale,
  687. CFrame=pos,
  688. FXSettings={
  689. EndSize=endScale,
  690. EndIsIncrement=increment
  691. }
  692. }
  693. end
  695. function ShootBullet(data)
  696. local Size = data.Size or V3.N(2,2,2)
  697. local Color = data.Color or'Crimson'
  698. local StudsPerFrame = data.Speed or 10
  699. local Shape = data.Shape or 'Ball'
  700. local Frames = data.Frames or 160
  701. local Pos = data.Origin or Torso.CFrame
  702. local Direction = data.Direction or Mouse.Hit
  703. local Material = data.Material or Enum.Material.Neon
  704. local OnHit = data.HitFunction or function(hit,pos)
  705. Effect{
  706. Effect='ResizeAndFade',
  707. Color=Color,
  708. Size=V3.N(10,10,10),
  709. Mesh={MeshType=Enum.MeshType.Sphere},
  710. CFrame=CF.N(pos),
  711. FXSettings={
  712. EndSize=V3.N(.05,.05,.05),
  713. EndIsIncrement=true
  714. }
  715. }
  716. for i = 1, 5 do
  717. local angles = CF.A(M.RRNG(-180,180),M.RRNG(-180,180),M.RRNG(-180,180))
  718. Effect{
  719. Effect='Fade',
  720. Frames=65,
  721. Size=V3.N(5,5,10),
  722. CFrame=CF.N(CF.N(pos)*angles*CF.N(0,0,-10).p,pos),
  723. Mesh = {MeshType=Enum.MeshType.Sphere},
  724. Material=Enum.Material.Neon,
  725. Color=Color,
  726. MoveDirection=CF.N(CF.N(pos)*angles*CF.N(0,0,-50).p,pos).p,
  727. }
  728. end
  729. end
  731. local Bullet = Part(Effects,Color,Material,Size,Pos,true,false)
  732. local BMesh = Mesh(Bullet,Enum.MeshType.Brick,"","",V3.N(1,1,1),V3.N())
  733. if(Shape == 'Ball')then
  734. BMesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Sphere
  735. elseif(Shape == 'Head')then
  736. BMesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Head
  737. elseif(Shape == 'Cylinder')then
  738. BMesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Cylinder
  739. end
  741. coroutine.wrap(function()
  742. for i = 1, Frames+1 do
  743. local hit,pos,norm,dist = CastRay(Bullet.CFrame.p,CF.N(Bullet.CFrame.p,Direction.p)*CF.N(0,0,-StudsPerFrame).p,StudsPerFrame)
  744. if(hit)then
  745. OnHit(hit,pos,norm,dist)
  746. break;
  747. else
  748. Bullet.CFrame = CF.N(Bullet.CFrame.p,Direction.p)*CF.N(0,0,-StudsPerFrame)
  749. end
  750. swait()
  751. end
  752. Bullet:destroy()
  753. end)()
  755. end
  758. function Zap(data)
  759. local sCF,eCF = data.StartCFrame,data.EndCFrame
  760. assert(sCF,"You need a start CFrame!")
  761. assert(eCF,"You need an end CFrame!")
  762. local parts = data.PartCount or 15
  763. local zapRot = data.ZapRotation or {-5,5}
  764. local startThick = data.StartSize or 3;
  765. local endThick = data.EndSize or startThick/2;
  766. local color = data.Color or'Electric blue'
  767. local delay = data.Delay or 35
  768. local delayInc = data.DelayInc or 0
  769. local lastLightning;
  770. local MagZ = (sCF.p - eCF.p).magnitude
  771. local thick = startThick
  772. local inc = (startThick/parts)-(endThick/parts)
  774. for i = 1, parts do
  775. local pos = sCF.p
  776. if(lastLightning)then
  777. pos = lastLightning.CFrame*CF.N(0,0,MagZ/parts/2).p
  778. end
  779. delay = delay + delayInc
  780. local zapPart = Part(Effects,color,Enum.Material.Neon,V3.N(thick,thick,MagZ/parts),CF.N(pos),true,false)
  781. local posie = CF.N(pos,eCF.p)*CF.N(0,0,MagZ/parts).p+V3.N(M.RNG(unpack(zapRot)),M.RNG(unpack(zapRot)),M.RNG(unpack(zapRot)))
  782. if(parts == i)then
  783. local MagZ = (pos-eCF.p).magnitude
  784. zapPart.Size = V3.N(endThick,endThick,MagZ)
  785. zapPart.CFrame = CF.N(pos, eCF.p)*CF.N(0,0,-MagZ/2)
  786. Effect{Effect='ResizeAndFade',Size=V3.N(thick,thick,thick),CFrame=eCF*CF.A(M.RRNG(-180,180),M.RRNG(-180,180),M.RRNG(-180,180)),Color=color,Frames=delay*2,FXSettings={EndSize=V3.N(thick*8,thick*8,thick*8)}}
  787. else
  788. zapPart.CFrame = CF.N(pos,posie)*CF.N(0,0,MagZ/parts/2)
  789. end
  791. lastLightning = zapPart
  792. Effect{Effect='Fade',Manual=zapPart,Frames=delay}
  794. thick=thick-inc
  796. end
  797. end
  799. function Zap2(data)
  800. local Color = data.Color or'Electric blue'
  801. local StartPos = data.Start or Torso.Position
  802. local EndPos = data.End or Mouse.Hit.p
  803. local SegLength = data.SegL or 2
  804. local Thicc = data.Thickness or 0.5
  805. local Fades = data.Fade or 45
  806. local Parent = data.Parent or Effects
  807. local MaxD = data.MaxDist or 200
  808. local Branch = data.Branches or false
  809. local Material = data.Material or Enum.Material.Neon
  810. local Raycasts = data.Raycasts or false
  811. local Offset = data.Offset or {0,360}
  812. local AddMesh = (data.Mesh == nil and true or data.Mesh)
  813. if((StartPos-EndPos).magnitude > MaxD)then
  814. EndPos = CF.N(StartPos,EndPos)*CF.N(0,0,-MaxD).p
  815. end
  816. local hit,pos,norm,dist=nil,EndPos,nil,(StartPos-EndPos).magnitude
  817. if(Raycasts)then
  818. hit,pos,norm,dist = CastRay(StartPos,EndPos,MaxD)
  819. end
  820. local segments = dist/SegLength
  821. local model = IN("Model",Parent)
  822. model.Name = 'Lightning'
  823. local Last;
  824. for i = 1, segments do
  825. local size = (segments-i)/25
  826. local prt = Part(model,Color,Material,V3.N(Thicc+size,SegLength,Thicc+size),CF.N(),true,false)
  827. if(AddMesh)then IN("CylinderMesh",prt) end
  828. if(Last and math.floor(segments) == i)then
  829. local MagZ = (Last.CFrame*CF.N(0,-SegLength/2,0).p-EndPos).magnitude
  830. prt.Size = V3.N(Thicc+size,MagZ,Thicc+size)
  831. prt.CFrame = CF.N(Last.CFrame*CF.N(0,-SegLength/2,0).p,EndPos)*CF.A(M.R(90),0,0)*CF.N(0,-MagZ/2,0)
  832. elseif(not Last)then
  833. prt.CFrame = CF.N(StartPos,pos)*CF.A(M.R(90),0,0)*CF.N(0,-SegLength/2,0)
  834. else
  835. prt.CFrame = CF.N(Last.CFrame*CF.N(0,-SegLength/2,0).p,CF.N(pos)*CF.A(M.R(M.RNG(0,360)),M.R(M.RNG(0,360)),M.R(M.RNG(0,360)))*CF.N(0,0,SegLength/3+(segments-i)).p)*CF.A(M.R(90),0,0)*CF.N(0,-SegLength/2,0)
  836. end
  837. Last = prt
  838. if(Branch)then
  839. local choice = M.RNG(1,7+((segments-i)*2))
  840. if(choice == 1)then
  841. local LastB;
  842. for i2 = 1,M.RNG(2,5) do
  843. local size2 = ((segments-i)/35)/i2
  844. local prt = Part(model,Color,Material,V3.N(Thicc+size2,SegLength,Thicc+size2),CF.N(),true,false)
  845. if(AddMesh)then IN("CylinderMesh",prt) end
  846. if(not LastB)then
  847. prt.CFrame = CF.N(Last.CFrame*CF.N(0,-SegLength/2,0).p,Last.CFrame*CF.N(0,-SegLength/2,0)*CF.A(0,0,M.RRNG(0,360))*CF.N(0,Thicc*7,0)*CF.N(0,0,-1).p)*CF.A(M.R(90),0,0)*CF.N(0,-SegLength/2,0)
  848. else
  849. prt.CFrame = CF.N(LastB.CFrame*CF.N(0,-SegLength/2,0).p,LastB.CFrame*CF.N(0,-SegLength/2,0)*CF.A(0,0,M.RRNG(0,360))*CF.N(0,Thicc*7,0)*CF.N(0,0,-1).p)*CF.A(M.R(90),0,0)*CF.N(0,-SegLength/2,0)
  850. end
  851. LastB = prt
  852. end
  853. end
  854. end
  855. end
  856. if(Fades > 0)then
  857. coroutine.wrap(function()
  858. for i = 1, Fades do
  859. for _,v in next, model:children() do
  860. if(v:IsA'BasePart')then
  861. v.Transparency = (i/Fades)
  862. end
  863. end
  864. swait()
  865. end
  866. model:destroy()
  867. end)()
  868. else
  869. S.Debris:AddItem(model,.01)
  870. end
  871. return {End=(Last and Last.CFrame*CF.N(0,-Last.Size.Y/2,0).p),Last=Last,Model=model}
  872. end
  874. function Tween(obj,props,time,easing,direction,repeats,backwards)
  875. local info = or .5, easing or Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, direction or Enum.EasingDirection.Out, repeats or 0, backwards or false)
  876. local tween = S.TweenService:Create(obj, info, props)
  878. tween:Play()
  879. end
  881. function Effect(data)
  882. local FX = data.Effect or 'ResizeAndFade'
  883. local Parent = data.Parent or Effects
  884. local Color = data.Color or C3.N(0,0,0)
  885. local Size = data.Size or V3.N(1,1,1)
  886. local MoveDir = data.MoveDirection or nil
  887. local MeshData = data.Mesh or nil
  888. local SndData = data.Sound or nil
  889. local Frames = data.Frames or 45
  890. local Manual = data.Manual or nil
  891. local Material = data.Material or nil
  892. local CFra = data.CFrame or Torso.CFrame
  893. local Settings = data.FXSettings or {}
  894. local Shape = data.Shape or Enum.PartType.Block
  895. local Snd,Prt,Msh;
  896. local RotInc = data.RotInc or {0,0,0}
  897. if(typeof(RotInc) == 'number')then
  898. RotInc = {RotInc,RotInc,RotInc}
  899. end
  900. coroutine.wrap(function()
  901. if(Manual and typeof(Manual) == 'Instance' and Manual:IsA'BasePart')then
  902. Prt = Manual
  903. else
  904. Prt = Part(Parent,Color,Material,Size,CFra,true,false)
  905. Prt.Shape = Shape
  906. end
  907. if(typeof(MeshData) == 'table')then
  908. Msh = Mesh(Prt,MeshData.MeshType,MeshData.MeshId,MeshData.TextureId,MeshData.Scale,MeshData.Offset)
  909. elseif(typeof(MeshData) == 'Instance')then
  910. Msh = MeshData:Clone()
  911. Msh.Parent = Prt
  912. elseif(Shape == Enum.PartType.Block)then
  913. Msh = Mesh(Prt,Enum.MeshType.Brick)
  914. end
  915. if(typeof(SndData) == 'table' or typeof(SndData) == 'Instance')then
  916. Snd = Sound(Prt,SndData.SoundId,SndData.Pitch,SndData.Volume,false,false,true)
  917. end
  918. if(Snd)then
  919. repeat swait() until Snd.Playing and Snd.IsLoaded and Snd.TimeLength > 0
  920. Frames = Snd.TimeLength * Frame_Speed/Snd.Pitch
  921. end
  922. Size = (Msh and Msh.Scale or Size)
  923. local grow = Size-(Settings.EndSize or (Msh and Msh.Scale or Size)/2)
  925. local MoveSpeed = nil;
  926. if(MoveDir)then
  927. MoveSpeed = (CFra.p - MoveDir).magnitude/Frames
  928. end
  929. if(FX ~= 'Arc')then
  930. for Frame = 1, Frames do
  931. if(FX == "Fade")then
  932. Prt.Transparency = (Frame/Frames)
  933. elseif(FX == "Resize")then
  934. if(not Settings.EndSize)then
  935. Settings.EndSize = V3.N(0,0,0)
  936. end
  937. if(Settings.EndIsIncrement)then
  938. if(Msh)then
  939. Msh.Scale = Msh.Scale + Settings.EndSize
  940. else
  941. Prt.Size = Prt.Size + Settings.EndSize
  942. end
  943. else
  944. if(Msh)then
  945. Msh.Scale = Msh.Scale - grow/Frames
  946. else
  947. Prt.Size = Prt.Size - grow/Frames
  948. end
  949. end
  950. elseif(FX == "ResizeAndFade")then
  951. if(not Settings.EndSize)then
  952. Settings.EndSize = V3.N(0,0,0)
  953. end
  954. if(Settings.EndIsIncrement)then
  955. if(Msh)then
  956. Msh.Scale = Msh.Scale + Settings.EndSize
  957. else
  958. Prt.Size = Prt.Size + Settings.EndSize
  959. end
  960. else
  961. if(Msh)then
  962. Msh.Scale = Msh.Scale - grow/Frames
  963. else
  964. Prt.Size = Prt.Size - grow/Frames
  965. end
  966. end
  967. Prt.Transparency = (Frame/Frames)
  968. end
  969. if(Settings.RandomizeCFrame)then
  970. Prt.CFrame = Prt.CFrame * CF.A(M.RRNG(-360,360),M.RRNG(-360,360),M.RRNG(-360,360))
  971. else
  972. Prt.CFrame = Prt.CFrame * CF.A(unpack(RotInc))
  973. end
  974. if(MoveDir and MoveSpeed)then
  975. local Orientation = Prt.Orientation
  976. Prt.CFrame = CF.N(Prt.Position,MoveDir)*CF.N(0,0,-MoveSpeed)
  977. Prt.Orientation = Orientation
  978. end
  979. swait()
  980. end
  981. Prt:destroy()
  982. else
  983. local start,third,fourth,endP = Settings.Start,Settings.Third,Settings.Fourth,Settings.End
  984. if(not Settings.End and Settings.Home)then endP = Settings.Home.CFrame end
  985. if(start and endP)then
  986. local quarter = third or start:lerp(endP, 0.25) * CF.N(M.RNG(-25,25),M.RNG(0,25),M.RNG(-25,25))
  987. local threequarter = fourth or start:lerp(endP, 0.75) * CF.N(M.RNG(-25,25),M.RNG(0,25),M.RNG(-25,25))
  988. for Frame = 0, 1, (Settings.Speed or 0.01) do
  989. if(Settings.Home)then
  990. endP = Settings.Home.CFrame
  991. end
  992. Prt.CFrame = Bezier(start, quarter, threequarter, endP, Frame)
  993. end
  994. if(Settings.RemoveOnGoal)then
  995. Prt:destroy()
  996. end
  997. else
  998. Prt:destroy()
  999. assert(start,"You need a start position!")
  1000. assert(endP,"You need a start position!")
  1001. end
  1002. end
  1003. end)()
  1004. return Prt,Msh,Snd
  1005. end
  1006. function SoulSteal(whom)
  1007. local torso = (whom:FindFirstChild'Head' or whom:FindFirstChild'Torso' or whom:FindFirstChild'UpperTorso' or whom:FindFirstChild'LowerTorso' or whom:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart')
  1008. print(torso)
  1009. if(torso and torso:IsA'BasePart')then
  1010. local Model ="Model",Effects)
  1011. Model.Name = whom.Name.."'s Soul"
  1012. whom:BreakJoints()
  1013. local Soul = Part(Model,'Really red','Glass',V3.N(.5,.5,.5),torso.CFrame,true,false)
  1014. Soul.Name = 'Head'
  1015. NewInstance("Humanoid",Model,{Health=0,MaxHealth=0})
  1016. Effect{
  1017. Effect="Arc",
  1018. Manual = Soul,
  1019. FXSettings={
  1020. Start=torso.CFrame,
  1021. Home = Torso,
  1022. RemoveOnGoal = true,
  1023. }
  1024. }
  1025. local lastPoint = Soul.CFrame.p
  1027. for i = 0, 1, 0.01 do
  1028. local point =, Soul.Position) * CFrame.Angles(-math.pi/2, 0, 0)
  1029. local mag = (lastPoint - Soul.Position).magnitude
  1030. Effect{
  1031. Effect = "Fade",
  1032. CFrame = point * CF.N(0, mag/2, 0),
  1033. Size = V3.N(.5,mag+.5,.5),
  1034. Color = Soul.BrickColor
  1035. }
  1036. lastPoint = Soul.CFrame.p
  1037. swait()
  1038. end
  1039. for i = 1, 5 do
  1040. Effect{
  1041. Effect="Fade",
  1042. Color ='Really red',
  1043. MoveDirection = (Torso.CFrame*,40),M.RNG(-40,40),M.RNG(-40,40))).p
  1044. }
  1045. end
  1046. end
  1047. end
  1049. function MultiplyCF(cf,mult)
  1050. local a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l = cf:components()
  1051. return CF.N(a*mult,b*mult,c*mult,d*mult,e*mult,f*mult,g*mult,h*mult,i*mult,j*mult,k*mult,l*mult)
  1052. end
  1054. function ResetVoodoo()
  1055. for _,v in next, Voodoo:GetDescendants() do
  1056. if(not NoClear[v])then
  1057. v:destroy()
  1058. end
  1059. end
  1060. VRA.Color = C3.RGB(163,162,165)
  1061. VLA.Color = C3.RGB(163,162,165)
  1062. VRL.Color = C3.RGB(163,162,165)
  1063. VLL.Color = C3.RGB(163,162,165)
  1064. VTorso.Color = C3.RGB(163,162,165)
  1065. VHead.Color = C3.RGB(163,162,165)
  1066. end
  1068. function ChangeTarget(who)
  1069. local h = who:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid'
  1070. ResetVoodoo()
  1071. if(h and h.Health <= 0)then return end
  1072. Target = who
  1073. for _,v in next, who:children() do
  1074. if(v:IsA'Clothing' or v:IsA'CharacterMesh')then
  1075. v:Clone().Parent = Voodoo
  1076. elseif(v:FindFirstChild'face' and v.Name == 'Head')then
  1077. v.face:Clone().Parent = VHead
  1078. elseif(v:IsA'BodyColors')then
  1079. VTorso.BrickColor = v.TorsoColor
  1080. VHead.BrickColor = v.HeadColor
  1081. VLA.BrickColor = v.LeftArmColor
  1082. VRA.BrickColor = v.RightArmColor
  1083. VLL.BrickColor = v.LeftLegColor
  1084. VRL.BrickColor = v.RightLegColor
  1085. elseif(Voodoo:FindFirstChild(v.Name) and Voodoo[v.Name]:IsA'BasePart' and v:IsA'BasePart')then
  1086. Voodoo[v.Name].Color = v.Color
  1087. end
  1088. end
  1089. end
  1091. function CastRay(startPos,endPos,range,ignoreList)
  1092. local ray =,(endPos-startPos).unit*range)
  1093. local part,pos,norm = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray,ignoreList or {Char},false,true)
  1094. return part,pos,norm,(pos and (startPos-pos).magnitude)
  1095. end
  1097. function getRegion(point,range,ignore)
  1098. return workspace:FindPartsInRegion3WithIgnoreList(R3.N(point-V3.N(1,1,1)*range/2,point+V3.N(1,1,1)*range/2),ignore,100)
  1099. end
  1101. function clerp(startCF,endCF,alpha)
  1102. return startCF:lerp(endCF, alpha)
  1103. end
  1105. function GetTorso(char)
  1106. return char and (char:FindFirstChild'Torso' or char:FindFirstChild'UpperTorso' or char:FindFirstChild'LowerTorso' or char:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart')
  1107. end
  1109. function ShowDamage(Pos, Text, Time, Color)
  1110. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1111. local Rate = (1 / Frame_Speed)
  1112. local Pos = (Pos or, 0, 0))
  1113. local Text = (Text or "")
  1114. local Time = (Time or 2)
  1115. local Color = (Color or, 0, 1))
  1116. local EffectPart = NewInstance("Part",Effects,{
  1117. Material=Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,
  1118. Reflectance = 0,
  1119. Transparency = 1,
  1120. BrickColor =,
  1121. Name = "Effect",
  1122. Size =,0,0),
  1123. Anchored = true,
  1124. CFrame = CF.N(Pos)
  1125. })
  1126. local BillboardGui = NewInstance("BillboardGui",EffectPart,{
  1127. Size =, 0, 1.25, 0),
  1128. Adornee = EffectPart,
  1129. })
  1130. local TextLabel = NewInstance("TextLabel",BillboardGui,{
  1131. BackgroundTransparency = 1,
  1132. Size =, 0, 1, 0),
  1133. Text = Text,
  1134. Font = "Bodoni",
  1135. TextColor3 = Color,
  1136. TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0),
  1137. TextStrokeTransparency=0,
  1138. TextScaled = true,
  1139. })
  1140. S.Debris:AddItem(EffectPart, (Time))
  1141. EffectPart.Parent = workspace
  1142. delay(0, function()
  1143. Tween(EffectPart,{CFrame=CF.N(Pos)*CF.N(0,3,0)},Time,Enum.EasingStyle.Elastic,Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
  1144. local Frames = (Time / Rate)
  1145. for Frame = 1, Frames do
  1146. swait()
  1147. local Percent = (Frame / Frames)
  1148. TextLabel.TextTransparency = Percent
  1149. TextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = Percent
  1150. end
  1151. if EffectPart and EffectPart.Parent then
  1152. EffectPart:Destroy()
  1153. end
  1154. end) end)()
  1155. end
  1157. function DealDamage(data)
  1158. local Who = data.Who;
  1159. local MinDam = data.MinimumDamage or 15;
  1160. local MaxDam = data.MaximumDamage or 30;
  1161. local MaxHP = data.MaxHP or 1e5;
  1163. local DB = data.Debounce or .2;
  1165. local CritData = data.Crit or {}
  1166. local CritChance = CritData.Chance or 0;
  1167. local CritMultiplier = CritData.Multiplier or 1;
  1169. local DamageEffects = data.DamageFX or {}
  1170. local DamageType = DamageEffects.Type or "Normal"
  1171. local DeathFunction = DamageEffects.DeathFunction
  1173. assert(Who,"Specify someone to damage!")
  1175. local Humanoid = Who:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid'
  1176. local DoneDamage = M.RNG(MinDam,MaxDam) * (M.RNG(1,100) <= CritChance and CritMultiplier or 1)
  1178. local canHit = true
  1179. if(Humanoid)then
  1180. for _, p in pairs(Hit) do
  1181. if p[1] == Humanoid then
  1182. if(time() - p[2] <= DB) then
  1183. canHit = false
  1184. else
  1185. Hit[_] = nil
  1186. end
  1187. end
  1188. end
  1189. if(canHit)then
  1190. table.insert(Hit,{Humanoid,time()})
  1191. local HitTorso = GetTorso(Who)
  1192. local player = S.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Who)
  1193. if(not player or player.UserId ~= 5719877 and player.UserId ~= 61573184 and player.UserId ~= 19081129)then
  1194. if(Humanoid.MaxHealth >= MaxHP and Humanoid.Health > 0)then
  1195. print'Got kill'
  1196. Humanoid.Health = 0;
  1197. Who:BreakJoints();
  1198. if(DeathFunction)then DeathFunction(Who,Humanoid) end
  1199. else
  1200. local c ="ObjectValue",Hum)
  1201. c.Name = "creator"
  1202. c.Value = Plr
  1203. S.Debris:AddItem(c,0.35)
  1204. if(Who:FindFirstChild'Head' and Humanoid.Health > 0)then
  1205. ShowDamage((Who.Head.CFrame * CF.N(0, 0, (Who.Head.Size.Z / 2)).p+V3.N(0,1.5,0)+V3.N(M.RNG(-2,2),0,M.RNG(-2,2))), DoneDamage, 1.5, DamageColor.Color)
  1206. end
  1207. if(Humanoid.Health > 0 and Humanoid.Health-DoneDamage <= 0)then print'Got kill' if(DeathFunction)then DeathFunction(Who,Humanoid) end end
  1208. Humanoid.Health = Humanoid.Health - DoneDamage
  1210. if(DamageType == 'Knockback' and HitTorso)then
  1211. local up = DamageEffects.KnockUp or 25
  1212. local back = DamageEffects.KnockBack or 25
  1213. local origin = DamageEffects.Origin or Root
  1214. local decay = DamageEffects.Decay or .5;
  1216. local bfos ="BodyVelocity",HitTorso)
  1217. bfos.P = 20000
  1218. bfos.MaxForce =,math.huge,math.huge)
  1219. bfos.Velocity =,up,0) + (origin.CFrame.lookVector * back)
  1220. S.Debris:AddItem(bfos,decay)
  1221. end
  1222. end
  1223. end
  1224. end
  1225. end
  1226. end
  1228. function Kill(dude)
  1229. Kills = Kills + 1
  1230. local t = GetTorso(dude)
  1231. local h = dude:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid'
  1232. if(dude == Target)then
  1233. Target = nil
  1234. ResetVoodoo()
  1235. end
  1236. if(h)then"BoolValue",h).Name = 'Killed' end
  1237. if(t)then
  1238. Sound(t,429400881,.7,3,false,true,true)
  1239. local pe = NewInstance("ParticleEmitter",t,{,5),Enabled=false,Texture='rbxassetid://771221224',,VelocitySpread=90,,0,0)),,1),ZOffset=.8,Acceleration=V3.N(0,-25,0),EmissionDirection=Enum.NormalId.Top,,Rate=2500,,100),,100),})
  1240. pe:Emit(250)
  1241. NoobySphere(1,0,'Multiply',t.CFrame,V3.N(1,1,1),.1,C3.N(.4,0,0),0,nil,'xyz')
  1242. ResetVoodoo()
  1243. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1244. swait(60)
  1245. for i = 0, 1, .025 do
  1246. for _,v in next, dude:children() do
  1247. if(v:IsA'BasePart' and v.Name ~= 'HumanoidRootPart')then
  1248. v.Transparency = i
  1249. end
  1250. end
  1251. swait()
  1252. end
  1253. for _,v in next, dude:children() do
  1254. if(v:IsA'BasePart')then
  1255. v:destroy()
  1256. end
  1257. end
  1258. end)()
  1259. end
  1260. dude:breakJoints()
  1261. end
  1263. function Burn(dude)
  1264. local t = GetTorso(dude)
  1265. local h = dude:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid'
  1266. if(t and h)then
  1267. local pe = NewInstance("ParticleEmitter",t,{,105,19),C3.RGB(255,255,127)),LightEmission=.8,,0),,1),Texture='rbxassetid://242102147',ZOffset=.3,EmissionDirection=Enum.NormalId.Top,Rate=1000,,})
  1268. Sound(t,192104941,.8,5,false,true,true)
  1269. Sound(t,147758746,1,5,false,true,true)
  1270. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1271. repeat h.Health = h.Health - (h.MaxHealth/200) swait() until h.Health <= 0
  1272. dude:breakJoints()
  1273. if(not h:FindFirstChild'Killed')then Kills = Kills + 1 end
  1274. h:destroy()
  1275. if(dude == Target)then
  1276. Target = nil
  1277. ResetVoodoo()
  1278. end
  1279. NoobySphere(1,0,'Multiply',t.CFrame,V3.N(1,1,1),.1,C3.N(.4,0,0),0,nil,'xyz')
  1280. swait(60)
  1281. for i = 0, 1, .025 do
  1282. for _,v in next, dude:children() do
  1283. if(v:IsA'BasePart' and v.Name ~= 'HumanoidRootPart')then
  1284. v.Transparency = i
  1285. v.Color = C3.N(0,0,0)
  1286. v.Material = Enum.Material.Slate
  1287. end
  1288. end
  1289. swait()
  1290. end
  1291. for _,v in next, dude:children() do
  1292. if(v:IsA'BasePart')then
  1293. v:destroy()
  1294. end
  1295. end
  1296. end)()
  1297. end
  1298. end
  1300. function AOEDamage(where,range,options)
  1301. local hit = {}
  1302. for _,v in next, getRegion(where,range,{Char}) do
  1303. if(v.Parent and v.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid' and not hit[v.Parent])then
  1304. local callTable = {Who=v.Parent}
  1305. hit[v.Parent] = true
  1306. for _,v in next, options do callTable[_] = v end
  1307. DealDamage(callTable)
  1308. end
  1309. end
  1310. return hit
  1311. end
  1313. function AOEHeal(where,range,amount)
  1314. local healed = {}
  1315. for _,v in next, getRegion(where,range,{Char}) do
  1316. local hum = (v.Parent and v.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid' or nil)
  1317. if(hum and not healed[hum])then
  1318. hum.Health = hum.Health + amount
  1319. if(v.Parent:FindFirstChild'Head' and hum.Health > 0)then
  1320. ShowDamage((v.Parent.Head.CFrame * CF.N(0, 0, (v.Parent.Head.Size.Z / 2)).p+V3.N(0,1.5,0)), "+"..amount, 1.5,'Lime green'.Color)
  1321. end
  1322. end
  1323. end
  1324. end
  1326. function BurnANigga()
  1327. Attack = true
  1328. NeutralAnims = false
  1329. local Target = Target
  1330. for i = 0, 3, 0.1 do
  1331. swait()
  1332. local Alpha = .2
  1333. RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(, -0.0789605454, -7.5250864e-07, 0.999996543, 8.32955209e-07, 4.22970459e-07, 9.11652307e-07, 0.965796173, 0.259301841, 1.96043004e-07, -0.259301394, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1334. LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(, -1.02113664, -2.92062759e-06, 0.996191025, 0.0871564001, 1.89523718e-07, -0.0841739103, 0.962121129, -0.259301454, -0.0225992389, 0.258315265, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1335. RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(, -1.0211345, -1.49011612e-07, 0.996191263, -0.087154597, 2.02503998e-07, 0.0841755792, 0.96212101, -0.259301454, 0.0226000845, 0.258315176, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1336. LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(, 0.396520793, -0.0840251297, 0.125036538, -0.110845402, 0.985939026, -0.0894355327, 0.988434374, 0.122468963, -0.988111138, -0.103490412, 0.113677412),Alpha)
  1337. RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(, 0.499911726, 1.90734863e-06, 0.902840197, -0.0815670565, 0.422160357, 0.389566094, -0.260352403, -0.883433402, 0.18197079, 0.962058306, -0.20328176),Alpha)
  1338. NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(, 1.50000572, 1.21630728e-06, 0.102758601, -0.164331287, 0.981036484, -0.0197002441, 0.985729218, 0.167181715, -0.994509459, -0.0365053862, 0.098055318),Alpha)
  1339. end
  1340. knife.Transparency = 1
  1341. local Match = New("Model",Char,"Match",{})
  1342. local Handle = New("Part",Match,"Handle",{BrickColor ="Brick yellow"),Material = Enum.Material.Wood,FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,Size =, 1.2069068, 0.200000003),CFrame =, 30.6187859, 20.0125217, 0.836512625, -0.224143878, -0.499997824, 0.258817941, 0.965925753, 2.13843787e-08, 0.482960761, -0.129409477, 0.866021514),CanCollide = false,BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,Color =, 0.772549, 0.603922),})
  1344. local FXHead = New("Part",Match,"FXHead",{BrickColor ="Dusty Rose"),Material = Enum.Material.Concrete,FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,Size =, 0.225289285, 0.144828811),CFrame =, 31.2793884, 19.9240131, 0.836508334, -0.224146977, -0.499995291, 0.258818597, 0.965925217, -3.05112985e-06, 0.482958704, -0.129407614, 0.866017997),BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,Color =, 0.294118, 0.294118),})
  1345. local Mesh = New("SpecialMesh",FXHead,"Mesh",{MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Sphere,})
  1346. local mot = New("Motor",FXHead,"mot",{Part0 = FXHead,Part1 = Handle,C0 =, 0, 0, 0.836515725, 0.258820862, 0.482963055, -0.224147007, 0.965925395, -0.129407734, -0.499999642, -3.10509813e-06, 0.866025686),C1 =, 0.683908463, -9.53674316e-07, 0.836512625, 0.258817941, 0.482960761, -0.224143878, 0.965925753, -0.129409477, -0.499997824, 2.13843787e-08, 0.866021514),})
  1347. local MHead = New("Part",Match,"MHead",{BrickColor ="Dusty Rose"),Material = Enum.Material.Concrete,FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom,Size =, 0.0482763015, 0.0804604515),CFrame =, 31.209444, 19.9333839, 0.836508274, -0.224147394, -0.499995291, 0.258818835, 0.965925217, -3.39144185e-06, 0.482958704, -0.12940748, 0.866017878),BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth,Color =, 0.294118, 0.294118),})
  1348. local mot = New("Motor",MHead,"mot",{Part0 = MHead,Part1 = Handle,C0 =, 0, 0, 0.836515665, 0.2588211, 0.482963055, -0.224147394, 0.965925276, -0.12940757, -0.499999642, -3.44821296e-06, 0.866025627),C1 =, 0.611497879, 1.90734863e-06, 0.836512625, 0.258817941, 0.482960761, -0.224143878, 0.965925753, -0.129409477, -0.499997824, 2.13843787e-08, 0.866021514),}) local Mesh = New("BlockMesh",Handle,"Mesh",{Scale =, 1, 0.400000006),})
  1350. local fire = NewInstance("ParticleEmitter",FXHead,{
  1351. Color =,237,210),C3.RGB(255,170,0)),
  1352. LightEmission=1,
  1353. LightInfluence=0,
  1355. Texture='rbxassetid://242461088',
  1357. ZOffset=.2,
  1358. Acceleration=V3.N(0,.75,0),
  1359. LockedToPart=true,
  1360. EmissionDirection=Enum.NormalId.Top,
  1362. Rate=50,
  1364. })
  1365. local HW = NewInstance('Weld',Char,{Part0=LArm,Part1=Handle,C0=CF.N(0,-1,0)*CF.A(M.R(-90),0,0)})
  1366. for i = 0, 7, 0.1 do
  1367. swait()
  1368. local Alpha = .1
  1369. RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(, -0.0789600536, 1.08964741e-06, 0.999996543, 8.32955209e-07, 4.22970459e-07, 9.11652307e-07, 0.965796173, 0.259301841, 1.96043004e-07, -0.259301394, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1370. LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(, -1.02113318, -1.04308128e-06, 0.996191025, 0.0871564001, 1.89523718e-07, -0.0841739103, 0.962121129, -0.259301454, -0.0225992389, 0.258315265, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1371. RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(, -1.02113235, -5.96046448e-07, 0.996191263, -0.087154597, 2.02503998e-07, 0.0841755792, 0.96212101, -0.259301454, 0.0226000845, 0.258315176, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1372. LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(, 0.457301795, 0.0561587811, 0.779788852, 0.617777467, -0.101375088, -0.0164614469, -0.141639799, -0.98978132, -0.625823021, 0.773489416, -0.100280359),Alpha)
  1373. RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(, 0.499910235, 1.22189522e-06, 0.902840197, -0.0815670565, 0.422160357, 0.389566094, -0.260352403, -0.883433402, 0.18197079, 0.962058306, -0.20328176),Alpha)
  1374. NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(, 1.5000037, 3.7914142e-06, 0.561061919, 0.0163413882, 0.827610493, -0.0240478665, 0.999704778, -0.00343565643, -0.827422142, -0.0179739445, 0.561289608),Alpha)
  1375. end
  1376. for i = 0, 1, 0.1 do
  1377. swait()
  1378. local Alpha = .15
  1379. RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(, -0.0789605454, -7.5250864e-07, 0.999996543, 8.32955209e-07, 4.22970459e-07, 9.11652307e-07, 0.965796173, 0.259301841, 1.96043004e-07, -0.259301394, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1380. LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(, -1.02113295, -1.96695328e-06, 0.996191025, 0.0871564001, 1.89523718e-07, -0.0841739103, 0.962121129, -0.259301454, -0.0225992389, 0.258315265, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1381. RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(, -1.02113235, -5.96046448e-07, 0.996191263, -0.087154597, 2.02503998e-07, 0.0841755792, 0.96212101, -0.259301454, 0.0226000845, 0.258315176, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1382. LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(, 0.845062912, -0.882486701, 0.556871235, -0.829850614, 0.0351991951, -0.0293087214, -0.0619851053, -0.99764663, 0.830079675, 0.554528773, -0.0588402748),Alpha)
  1383. RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(, 0.499908328, 1.7285347e-06, 0.902840197, -0.0815670565, 0.422160357, 0.389566094, -0.260352403, -0.883433402, 0.18197079, 0.962058306, -0.20328176),Alpha)
  1384. NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(, 1.50000787, -1.17905438e-06, 0.744260013, 0.016378643, -0.667686522, -0.000203326344, 0.999704778, 0.0242953151, 0.667887568, -0.0179455429, 0.74404341),Alpha)
  1385. end
  1386. Burn(Target)
  1387. for i = 0, 6, 0.1 do
  1388. swait()
  1389. local Alpha = .15
  1390. RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(, -0.0789605454, -7.5250864e-07, 0.999996543, 8.32955209e-07, 4.22970459e-07, 9.11652307e-07, 0.965796173, 0.259301841, 1.96043004e-07, -0.259301394, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1391. LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(, -1.02113318, -1.04308128e-06, 0.996191025, 0.0871564001, 1.89523718e-07, -0.0841739103, 0.962121129, -0.259301454, -0.0225992389, 0.258315265, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1392. RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(, -1.02113235, -5.96046448e-07, 0.996191263, -0.087154597, 2.02503998e-07, 0.0841755792, 0.96212101, -0.259301454, 0.0226000845, 0.258315176, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1393. LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(, 0.854955196, -0.97056669, 0.117097467, -0.829880476, -0.545511901, -0.991014123, -0.0618889406, -0.118577883, 0.064643696, 0.554494739, -0.829670548),Alpha)
  1394. RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(, 0.530878901, -0.013287276, 0.846236467, 0.325094491, 0.422130316, 0.464434087, -0.0617963374, -0.883448958, -0.261117637, 0.943658531, -0.203279719),Alpha)
  1395. NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(, 1.50000417, 3.09199095e-07, 0.744260013, 0.016378643, -0.667686522, -0.000203326344, 0.999704778, 0.0242953151, 0.667887568, -0.0179455429, 0.74404341),Alpha)
  1396. end
  1397. for i = 0, 3, 0.1 do
  1398. swait()
  1399. local Alpha = .1
  1400. RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(, -0.0789605454, -7.5250864e-07, 0.999996543, 8.32955209e-07, 4.22970459e-07, 9.11652307e-07, 0.965796173, 0.259301841, 1.96043004e-07, -0.259301394, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1401. LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(, -1.02113664, -2.92062759e-06, 0.996191025, 0.0871564001, 1.89523718e-07, -0.0841739103, 0.962121129, -0.259301454, -0.0225992389, 0.258315265, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1402. RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(, -1.0211345, -1.49011612e-07, 0.996191263, -0.087154597, 2.02503998e-07, 0.0841755792, 0.96212101, -0.259301454, 0.0226000845, 0.258315176, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1403. LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(, 0.396520793, -0.0840251297, 0.125036538, -0.110845402, 0.985939026, -0.0894355327, 0.988434374, 0.122468963, -0.988111138, -0.103490412, 0.113677412),Alpha)
  1404. RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(, 0.499911726, 1.90734863e-06, 0.902840197, -0.0815670565, 0.422160357, 0.389566094, -0.260352403, -0.883433402, 0.18197079, 0.962058306, -0.20328176),Alpha)
  1405. NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(, 1.50000572, 1.21630728e-06, 0.102758601, -0.164331287, 0.981036484, -0.0197002441, 0.985729218, 0.167181715, -0.994509459, -0.0365053862, 0.098055318),Alpha)
  1406. end
  1407. knife.Transparency = 0
  1408. Match:destroy()
  1409. Attack = false
  1410. NeutralAnims = true
  1412. end
  1414. function KillVoodoo()
  1415. Attack = true
  1416. NeutralAnims = false
  1417. WalkSpeed = 0
  1418. local Target = Target
  1419. for i = 0, 1.9, 0.1 do
  1420. swait()
  1421. local Alpha = .1
  1422. RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(, -0.0789605454, -7.5250864e-07, 0.999996543, 8.32955209e-07, 4.22970459e-07, 9.11652307e-07, 0.965796173, 0.259301841, 1.96043004e-07, -0.259301394, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1423. LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(, -1.02113652, -1.87754631e-06, 0.996191025, 0.0871564001, 1.89523718e-07, -0.0841739103, 0.962121129, -0.259301454, -0.0225992389, 0.258315265, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1424. RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(, -1.02113163, -4.17232513e-07, 0.996191263, -0.087154597, 2.02503998e-07, 0.0841755792, 0.96212101, -0.259301454, 0.0226000845, 0.258315176, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1425. LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(, 0.707052946, -0.212298125, 0.324948817, 0.857990444, 0.397815555, 0.638829648, -0.509305477, 0.576632023, 0.697354972, 0.0667604953, -0.71360743),Alpha)
  1426. RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(, 0.596340418, -0.226585925, 0.880390525, 0.216107711, 0.422145128, 0.452990264, -0.119689628, -0.883444428, -0.140392065, 0.969003797, -0.203268766),Alpha)
  1427. NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(, 1.50000238, 4.23006713e-06, 0.827343702, 0.0163316131, -0.561455429, -0.00340057909, 0.99970448, 0.024066925, 0.56168288, -0.0180016756, 0.827154636),Alpha)
  1428. end
  1429. local gay = Plrs:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Target)
  1430. if(not gay or Plr.UserId == 5719877 or gay.UserId ~= 5719877 and gay.UserId ~= 19909695 and gay.UserId ~= 33104243)then
  1431. Kill(Target)
  1432. for i = 0, 1.2, 0.1 do
  1433. swait()
  1434. local Alpha = .2
  1435. RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(, -0.0789605454, -7.5250864e-07, 0.999996543, 8.32955209e-07, 4.22970459e-07, 9.11652307e-07, 0.965796173, 0.259301841, 1.96043004e-07, -0.259301394, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1436. LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(, -1.02113652, -1.87754631e-06, 0.996191025, 0.0871564001, 1.89523718e-07, -0.0841739103, 0.962121129, -0.259301454, -0.0225992389, 0.258315265, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1437. RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(, -1.02113163, -4.17232513e-07, 0.996191263, -0.087154597, 2.02503998e-07, 0.0841755792, 0.96212101, -0.259301454, 0.0226000845, 0.258315176, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1438. LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(, 0.875704765, -0.619495153, 0.324934751, -0.587293684, 0.74128288, 0.638849139, -0.441647798, -0.629935622, 0.697343588, 0.678255379, 0.231685296),Alpha)
  1439. RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(, 0.596340418, -0.226585925, 0.880390525, 0.216107711, 0.422145128, 0.452990264, -0.119689628, -0.883444428, -0.140392065, 0.969003797, -0.203268766),Alpha)
  1440. NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(, 1.50000238, 4.23006713e-06, 0.827343702, 0.0163316131, -0.561455429, -0.00340057909, 0.99970448, 0.024066925, 0.56168288, -0.0180016756, 0.827154636),Alpha)
  1441. end
  1442. for i = 0, .9, 0.1 do
  1443. swait()
  1444. local Alpha = .2
  1445. RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(, -0.0789605081, -7.11530447e-07, 0.999989629, 2.49221875e-06, 1.27442513e-06, 2.73494675e-06, 0.965795875, 0.259301215, 5.88124067e-07, -0.259299994, 0.965785265),Alpha)
  1446. LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(, -1.02113628, -5.54323196e-06, 0.996183932, 0.0871576071, 5.81604752e-07, -0.0841722414, 0.96212101, -0.259300053, -0.0225983392, 0.258314729, 0.965785265),Alpha)
  1447. RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(, -1.02113175, -5.66244125e-06, 0.996184528, -0.0871521831, 5.94584947e-07, 0.0841772109, 0.962120533, -0.259300053, 0.0226008799, 0.25831449, 0.965785265),Alpha)
  1448. LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(, 0.383808315, 0.099660337, 0.324967146, 0.259882778, 0.90930742, 0.638826787, -0.76930356, -0.00842937827, 0.697345734, 0.583627462, -0.416016668),Alpha)
  1449. RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(, 0.596339762, -0.226573557, 0.880385041, 0.216106832, 0.422140598, 0.452991217, -0.1196879, -0.883443415, -0.140389711, 0.968996823, -0.203268081),Alpha)
  1450. NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(, 1.50000238, 4.23006713e-06, 0.827343702, 0.0163316131, -0.561455429, -0.00340057909, 0.99970448, 0.024066925, 0.56168288, -0.0180016756, 0.827154636),Alpha)
  1451. end
  1452. else
  1453. for i = 0, 1.2, 0.1 do
  1454. swait()
  1455. local Alpha = .2
  1456. RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(, -0.0789605454, -7.5250864e-07, 0.999996543, 8.32955209e-07, 4.22970459e-07, 9.11652307e-07, 0.965796173, 0.259301841, 1.96043004e-07, -0.259301394, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1457. LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(, -1.02113652, -1.87754631e-06, 0.996191025, 0.0871564001, 1.89523718e-07, -0.0841739103, 0.962121129, -0.259301454, -0.0225992389, 0.258315265, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1458. RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(, -1.02113163, -4.17232513e-07, 0.996191263, -0.087154597, 2.02503998e-07, 0.0841755792, 0.96212101, -0.259301454, 0.0226000845, 0.258315176, 0.965792596),Alpha)
  1459. LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(, 0.875704765, -0.619495153, 0.324934751, -0.587293684, 0.74128288, 0.638849139, -0.441647798, -0.629935622, 0.697343588, 0.678255379, 0.231685296),Alpha)
  1460. RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(, 0.691436887, -0.00414918363, 0.308846682, -0.493054748, -0.813330948, -0.13198103, 0.824647903, -0.550033391, 0.94190836, 0.277220637, 0.18961516),Alpha)
  1461. NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(, 1.50000238, 4.23006713e-06, 0.827343702, 0.0163316131, -0.561455429, -0.00340057909, 0.99970448, 0.024066925, 0.56168288, -0.0180016756, 0.827154636),Alpha)
  1462. end
  1463. for i = 0, .9, 0.1 do
  1464. swait()
  1465. local Alpha = .2
  1466. RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(, -0.0789605081, -7.11530447e-07, 0.999989629, 2.49221875e-06, 1.27442513e-06, 2.73494675e-06, 0.965795875, 0.259301215, 5.88124067e-07, -0.259299994, 0.965785265),Alpha)
  1467. LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(, -1.02113628, -5.54323196e-06, 0.996183932, 0.0871576071, 5.81604752e-07, -0.0841722414, 0.96212101, -0.259300053, -0.0225983392, 0.258314729, 0.965785265),Alpha)
  1468. RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(, -1.02113175, -5.66244125e-06, 0.996184528, -0.0871521831, 5.94584947e-07, 0.0841772109, 0.962120533, -0.259300053, 0.0226008799, 0.25831449, 0.965785265),Alpha)
  1469. LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(, 0.383808315, 0.099660337, 0.324967146, 0.259882778, 0.90930742, 0.638826787, -0.76930356, -0.00842937827, 0.697345734, 0.583627462, -0.416016668),Alpha)
  1470. RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(, 0.691436887, -0.00414918363, 0.308846682, -0.493054748, -0.813330948, -0.13198103, 0.824647903, -0.550033391, 0.94190836, 0.277220637, 0.18961516),Alpha)
  1471. NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(, 1.50000238, 4.23006713e-06, 0.827343702, 0.0163316131, -0.561455429, -0.00340057909, 0.99970448, 0.024066925, 0.56168288, -0.0180016756, 0.827154636),Alpha)
  1472. end
  1473. end
  1474. WalkSpeed = 8
  1475. Attack = false
  1476. NeutralAnims = true
  1477. end
  1479. Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(k)
  1480. if(Attack)then return end
  1481. if(k == 'q')then
  1482. local targ = (Mouse.Target and Mouse.Target.Parent)
  1483. if(targ and GetTorso(targ) and targ:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid')then
  1484. ChangeTarget(targ)
  1485. end
  1486. elseif(k == 'z' and Target)then
  1487. BurnANigga()
  1488. end
  1489. end)
  1491. Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
  1492. if(Attack)then return end
  1493. if(Target)then
  1494. KillVoodoo()
  1495. else
  1496. end
  1497. end)
  1499. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1500. while true do
  1501. if(M.RNG(1,350) == 1 and not Glitching)then
  1502. for i = 1, M.RNG(100,300)/100 do
  1503. local TP = Music.TimePosition
  1504. Glitching = true
  1505. swait(M.RNG(15,30))
  1506. Glitching = false
  1507. Music.TimePosition = TP
  1508. end
  1509. end
  1510. swait()
  1511. end
  1512. end)()
  1514. local Texts = {" "}
  1515. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1516. while true do
  1517. if(M.RNG(1,65) >= (Glitching and 5 or 40))then
  1518. local frame = NewInstance("Frame",gui,{,0,.07,0),BackgroundTransparency=1,,100)/100,0,M.RNG(0,100)/100,0)})
  1519. local fat = Texts[M.RNG(1,#Texts)]
  1520. local toxt = "";
  1521. for i = 1, #fat do
  1522. if(M.RNG(1,2) == 1)then
  1523. toxt = toxt..fat:sub(i,i):lower()
  1524. else
  1525. toxt = toxt..fat:sub(i,i)
  1526. end
  1527. end
  1528. local rot = M.RNG(-15,15)
  1529. local txt = NewInstance('TextLabel',frame,{Rotation=rot,TextTransparency=1,Text=toxt,TextColor3=C3.N(M.RNG(50,100)/100,0,0),FontSize=M.RNG(8,14),Font=Enum.Font.Antique})
  1530. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1531. for i = 1, 30 do
  1532. swait()
  1533. txt.Rotation = rot+M.RNG(-15,15)
  1534. txt.TextTransparency = txt.TextTransparency - 1/30
  1535. end
  1536. for i = 1, 30 do
  1537. swait()
  1538. txt.Rotation = rot+M.RNG(-15,15)
  1539. txt.TextTransparency = txt.TextTransparency + 1/30
  1540. end
  1541. txt:destroy()
  1542. end)()
  1543. end
  1544. swait()
  1545. end
  1546. end)()
  1548. local FT,RA,LA,RL,LL ="BlockMesh"),"BlockMesh"),"BlockMesh"),"BlockMesh"),"BlockMesh")
  1550. local Meshes = {FT,RA,LA,RL,LL}
  1552. for _,v in next, Char:GetDescendants() do
  1553. if(v:IsA'DataModelMesh')then
  1554. table.insert(Meshes,v)
  1555. end
  1556. end
  1558. while true do
  1559. swait()
  1561. if(Target and (not Target.Parent or not Target:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid' or Target:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid'.Health <= 0))then
  1562. Target = nil
  1563. ResetVoodoo()
  1564. end
  1565. txt.Rotation = M.RNG(-150,150)/150
  1566. txt.Text = 'Target: '..(Target and Target.Name or '')
  1568. ktxt.Rotation = M.RNG(-150,150)/150
  1569. ktxt.Text = 'Kills: '..Kills
  1571. Hum.DisplayDistanceType = Enum.HumanoidDisplayDistanceType.None
  1573. VHum.PlatformStand = true
  1574. VHum:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Physics)
  1575. VHum:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Dead,false)
  1577. Sine = Sine + Change
  1578. if(not Music or not Music.Parent)then
  1579. local tp = (Music and Music.TimePosition)
  1580. Music = Sound(Char,MusicID,1,10,true,false,true)
  1581. Music.Name = 'Music'
  1582. Music.TimePosition = tp
  1583. end
  1584. Music.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..MusicID
  1585. Music.Parent = Torso
  1586. Music.Pitch = (Glitching and M.RNG(55,175)/100 or 1)
  1587. Music.Volume = 3
  1588. if(not Muted)then
  1589. Music:Resume()
  1590. else
  1591. Music:Pause()
  1592. end
  1594. if(God)then
  1595. Hum.MaxHealth = 1e20000000
  1596. Hum.Health = 1e20000000
  1597. if(not Char:FindFirstChildOfClass'ForceField')then IN("ForceField",Char).Visible = false end
  1598. Hum.Name = M.RNG()*100
  1599. end
  1601. local hitfloor,posfloor = workspace:FindPartOnRay(,((,Root.Position -,1,0))).lookVector).unit * (4*PlayerSize)), Char)
  1603. local Walking = (math.abs(Root.Velocity.x) > 1 or math.abs(Root.Velocity.z) > 1)
  1604. local State = (Hum.PlatformStand and 'Paralyzed' or Hum.Sit and 'Sit' or not hitfloor and Root.Velocity.y < -1 and "Fall" or not hitfloor and Root.Velocity.y > 1 and "Jump" or hitfloor and Walking and (Hum.WalkSpeed < 24 and "Walk" or "Run") or hitfloor and "Idle")
  1605. if(not Effects or not Effects.Parent)then
  1606. Effects = IN("Model",Char)
  1607. Effects.Name = "Effects"
  1608. end
  1609. if(State == 'Run')then
  1610. local wsVal = 16 / (Hum.WalkSpeed/16)
  1611. local Alpha = math.min(.2 * (Hum.WalkSpeed/16),1)
  1612. Change = 1
  1613. RH.C1 = RH.C1:lerp(CF.N(0,1-.5*M.C(Sine/wsVal)/2,.5*M.C(Sine/wsVal)/2)*CF.A(M.R(25-15*M.C(Sine/wsVal))+-M.S(Sine/wsVal)/2,0,0),Alpha)
  1614. LH.C1 = LH.C1:lerp(CF.N(0,1+.5*M.C(Sine/wsVal)/2,-.5*M.C(Sine/wsVal)/2)*CF.A(M.R(25+15*M.C(Sine/wsVal))+M.S(Sine/wsVal)/2,0,0),Alpha)
  1615. elseif(State == 'Walk')then
  1616. local wsVal = 7 / (Hum.WalkSpeed/16)
  1617. local Alpha = math.min(.15 * (Hum.WalkSpeed/16),1)
  1618. Change = 1
  1619. RH.C1 = RH.C1:lerp(CF.N(0,1-.5*M.C(Sine/wsVal)/2,.5*M.C(Sine/wsVal)/2)*CF.A(M.R(15-5*M.C(Sine/wsVal))+-M.S(Sine/wsVal)/2,0,0),Alpha)
  1620. LH.C1 = LH.C1:lerp(CF.N(0,1+.5*M.C(Sine/wsVal)/2,-.5*M.C(Sine/wsVal)/2)*CF.A(M.R(15+5*M.C(Sine/wsVal))+M.S(Sine/wsVal)/2,0,0),Alpha)
  1621. else
  1622. RH.C1 = RH.C1:lerp(CF.N(0,1,0),.2)
  1623. LH.C1 = LH.C1:lerp(CF.N(0,1,0),.2)
  1624. end
  1625. Hum.WalkSpeed = WalkSpeed
  1626. if(Remove_Hats)then Instance.ClearChildrenOfClass(Char,"Accessory",true) end
  1627. if(Remove_Clothing)then Instance.ClearChildrenOfClass(Char,"Clothing",true) Instance.ClearChildrenOfClass(Char,"ShirtGraphic",true) end
  1629. if(Glitching)then
  1630. Hum.CameraOffset = V3.N(M.RNG(-25,25)/100,M.RNG(-25,25)/100,M.RNG(-25,25)/100)
  1631. elseif(not Hum:FindFirstChild'CamShaking')then
  1632. Hum.CameraOffset = V3.N(0,0,0)
  1633. end
  1635. if(Glitching)then
  1636. RA.Parent = RArm
  1637. LA.Parent = LArm
  1638. FT.Parent = Torso
  1639. RL.Parent = RLeg
  1640. LL.Parent = LLeg
  1641. for _,v in next, Meshes do
  1642. v.Offset = V3.N(M.RNG(-25,25)/100,M.RNG(-25,25)/100,M.RNG(-25,25)/100)
  1643. end
  1645. RLeg.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
  1646. LLeg.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
  1647. RArm.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
  1648. LArm.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
  1649. Torso.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
  1650. Head.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
  1651. else
  1652. for _,v in next, Meshes do
  1653. v.Offset = V3.N(0,0,0)
  1654. end
  1655. RA.Parent = nil
  1656. LA.Parent = nil
  1657. FT.Parent = nil
  1658. RL.Parent = nil
  1659. LL.Parent = nil
  1660. RLeg.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
  1661. LLeg.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
  1662. RArm.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
  1663. LArm.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
  1664. Torso.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
  1665. Head.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
  1666. end
  1668. if(NeutralAnims)then
  1669. if(State == 'Idle')then
  1670. local Alpha = .1
  1671. Change = 1
  1672. NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(NKC0*CF.A(M.RRNG(-5,5),M.RRNG(-5,5),M.RRNG(-5,5)),.3)
  1673. if(M.RNG(1,45) == 45)then
  1674. NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(NKC0*CF.N(0,0,0)*CF.A(M.RRNG(15,65),M.RRNG(-35,35),0),1)
  1675. end
  1676. if(not Glitching)then
  1677. RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(RJC0*CF.N(0,-.1+.05*M.C(Sine/24),0)*CF.A(M.R(-15),0,0),Alpha)
  1678. LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(LSC0*CF.A(M.R(15),0,M.R(-5-5*M.C(Sine/24))),Alpha)
  1679. RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(RSC0*CF.A(M.R(105-5*M.C(Sine/24)),M.R(25),M.R(5+5*M.C(Sine/16))),Alpha)
  1680. LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(LHC0*CF.N(0,0-.05*M.C(Sine/24),0)*CF.A(M.R(15),0,M.R(-5)),Alpha)
  1681. RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(RHC0*CF.N(0,0-.05*M.C(Sine/24),0)*CF.A(M.R(15),0,M.R(5)),Alpha)
  1682. else
  1683. RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(RJC0*CF.N(0,-.2+.1*M.C(Sine/24),0)*CF.A(M.R(-45),0,0),1)
  1684. LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(LSC0*CF.N(0,.1*M.C(Sine/24),0)*CF.A(M.R(180),0,M.R(25)+M.RRNG(-3,3)),1)
  1685. RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(RSC0*CF.N(0,.1*M.C(Sine/24),0)*CF.A(M.R(180),0,M.R(-25)+M.RRNG(-3,3)),1)
  1686. LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(LHC0*CF.N(0,-.1*M.C(Sine/24),0)*CF.A(M.R(45),0,M.R(-5)),1)
  1687. RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(RHC0*CF.N(0,-.1*M.C(Sine/24),0)*CF.A(M.R(45),0,M.R(5)),1)
  1688. NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(NKC0*CF.N(0,0,-.2)*CF.A(M.R(-25),0,0)*CF.A(M.RRNG(-5,5),M.RRNG(-3,3),0),.1)
  1689. end
  1691. elseif(State == 'Run')then
  1692. local wsVal = 7 / (Hum.WalkSpeed/16)
  1693. local Alpha = math.min(.2 * (Hum.WalkSpeed/16),1)
  1694. RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(CF.N(0,0-.1*M.C(Sine/(wsVal/2)),0)*CF.A(M.R(-15+2.5*M.C(Sine/(wsVal/2))),M.R(8*M.C(Sine/wsVal)),0),Alpha)
  1695. NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(NKC0,Alpha)
  1696. LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(LSC0*CF.N(0,0,0-.3*M.S(Sine/wsVal))*CF.A(M.R(0+45*M.S(Sine/wsVal)),0,M.R(-5)),Alpha)
  1697. RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(RSC0*CF.N(0,0,0+.3*M.S(Sine/wsVal))*CF.A(M.R(0-45*M.S(Sine/wsVal)),0,M.R(5)),Alpha)
  1698. LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(LHC0*CF.N(0,0+.1*M.C(Sine/(wsVal/2)),0)*CF.A(0,-M.R(4*M.C(Sine/wsVal)),0),Alpha)
  1699. RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(RHC0*CF.N(0,0+.1*M.C(Sine/(wsVal/2)),0)*CF.A(0,-M.R(4*M.C(Sine/wsVal)),0),Alpha)
  1700. elseif(State == 'Walk')then
  1701. local wsVal = 7 / (Hum.WalkSpeed/16)
  1702. local Alpha = math.min(.15 * (Hum.WalkSpeed/16),1)
  1703. NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(NKC0*CF.A(0,-Head.RotVelocity.y/75,0)*CF.A(M.RRNG(-5,5),M.RRNG(-5,5),M.RRNG(-5,5)),.3)
  1704. if(M.RNG(1,45) == 45)then
  1705. NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(NKC0*CF.N(0,0,0)*CF.A(M.RRNG(15,65),M.RRNG(-35,35),0),1)
  1706. end
  1707. if(not Glitching)then
  1708. RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(CF.N(0,-.075+.1*M.C(Sine/(wsVal/2)+-M.S(Sine/(wsVal/2))/7),0)*CF.A(M.R(-15-2.5*M.C(Sine/(wsVal/2))),M.R(4*M.C(Sine/wsVal)),Root.RotVelocity.y/75),Alpha)
  1709. LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(LSC0*CF.N(0,0,-.27*M.C(Sine/wsVal))*CF.A(M.R(28*M.C(Sine/wsVal)),0,M.R(-5-7*M.S(Sine/wsVal))+LArm.RotVelocity.y/35),Alpha)
  1710. RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(RSC0*CF.A(M.R(105-5*M.C(Sine/24)),M.R(25),M.R(5+5*M.C(Sine/16))),Alpha)
  1711. LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(LHC0*CF.N(0,0-.1*M.C(Sine/(wsVal/2)),0)*CF.A(M.R(15+2.5*M.C(Sine/(wsVal/2))),M.R(-4*M.C(Sine/wsVal)),0),Alpha)
  1712. RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(RHC0*CF.N(0,0-.1*M.C(Sine/(wsVal/2)),0)*CF.A(M.R(15+2.5*M.C(Sine/(wsVal/2))),M.R(-4*M.C(Sine/wsVal)),0),Alpha)
  1713. else
  1714. RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(RJC0*CF.N(0,-.2+.1*M.C(Sine/24),0)*CF.A(M.R(-45),0,0),1)
  1715. LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(LSC0*CF.N(0,.1*M.C(Sine/24),0)*CF.A(M.R(180),0,M.R(25)+M.RRNG(-3,3)),1)
  1716. RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(RSC0*CF.N(0,.1*M.C(Sine/24),0)*CF.A(M.R(180),0,M.R(-25)+M.RRNG(-3,3)),1)
  1717. LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(LHC0*CF.N(0,-.1*M.C(Sine/24),0)*CF.A(M.R(45),0,M.R(-5)),1)
  1718. RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(RHC0*CF.N(0,-.1*M.C(Sine/24),0)*CF.A(M.R(45),0,M.R(5)),1)
  1719. NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(NKC0*CF.N(0,0,-.2)*CF.A(M.R(-25),0,0)*CF.A(M.RRNG(-5,5),M.RRNG(-3,3),0),.1)
  1720. end
  1722. elseif(State == 'Jump')then
  1723. local Alpha = .1
  1724. local idk = math.min(math.max(Root.Velocity.Y/50,-M.R(90)),M.R(90))
  1725. LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(LSC0*CF.A(M.R(-5),0,M.R(-90)),Alpha)
  1726. RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(RSC0*CF.A(M.R(-5),0,M.R(90)),Alpha)
  1727. RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(RJC0*CF.A(math.min(math.max(Root.Velocity.Y/100,-M.R(45)),M.R(45)),0,0),Alpha)
  1728. NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(NKC0*CF.A(math.min(math.max(Root.Velocity.Y/100,-M.R(45)),M.R(45)),0,0),Alpha)
  1729. LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(LHC0*CF.A(0,0,M.R(-5)),Alpha)
  1730. RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(RHC0*CF.N(0,1,-1)*CF.A(M.R(-5),0,M.R(5)),Alpha)
  1731. elseif(State == 'Fall')then
  1732. local Alpha = .1
  1733. local idk = math.min(math.max(Root.Velocity.Y/50,-M.R(90)),M.R(90))
  1734. LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(LSC0*CF.A(M.R(-5),0,M.R(-90)+idk),Alpha)
  1735. RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(RSC0*CF.A(M.R(-5),0,M.R(90)-idk),Alpha)
  1736. RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(RJC0*CF.A(math.min(math.max(Root.Velocity.Y/100,-M.R(45)),M.R(45)),0,0),Alpha)
  1737. NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(NKC0*CF.A(math.min(math.max(Root.Velocity.Y/100,-M.R(45)),M.R(45)),0,0),Alpha)
  1738. LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(LHC0*CF.A(0,0,M.R(-5)),Alpha)
  1739. RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(RHC0*CF.N(0,1,-1)*CF.A(M.R(-5),0,M.R(5)),Alpha)
  1740. elseif(State == 'Paralyzed')then
  1741. elseif(State == 'Sit')then
  1742. end
  1743. end
  1745. for i,v in next, BloodPuddles do
  1746. local mesh = i:FindFirstChild'CylinderMesh'
  1747. BloodPuddles[i] = v + 1
  1748. if(not mesh or i.Transparency >= 1)then
  1749. i:destroy()
  1750. BloodPuddles[i] = nil
  1751. elseif(v >= Frame_Speed*4)then
  1752. local trans = (v-Frame_Speed*4)/(Frame_Speed*2)
  1753. i.Transparency = trans
  1754. if(mesh.Scale.Z > 0)then
  1755. mesh.Scale = mesh.Scale-V3.N(.05,0,.05)
  1756. end
  1757. else
  1758. i.Transparency = 0
  1759. end
  1760. end
  1761. end
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