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Jul 21st, 2019
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  1. Yes, that is what the pharmaceutical industry wants us to believe. Vaccines are touted as the ultimate - and only - preventative protocol to protect us from the imminent danger of these vicious viruses that could otherwise wipe out the entire population on earth, never mind our immune system that has served us well for millennia. The hysteria is real; and I have spent countless hours into the wee hours of the morning the past few months heavily researching this issue to try to make sense of it. What I have discovered is that the claims that vaccines are effective at preventing the spread of disease in addition to being safe lacks scientific evidence. Because sufficient and reliable safety and efficacy studies have not been done (through double-blind placebo studies where there is no conflict of interest, which is the only scientific way to “prove” anything), the onus of safety is on the people and not on the manufacturers of the product. This is not only backwards in logic and would never ever be accepted for any other type of medicine but is also not scientifically sound. So, we have to look at anecdotal evidence from countless families reporting injuries to their children post-vaccination and the fact that there is a program for reporting vaccine adverse events, which shows that between 2006-2017, 23,157 live birth infant deaths have been accounted for (with many more unaccounted for, according to the CDC’s website) confirmed linked to vaccines, as well as a vaccine injury compensation program, which has paid $4.1 BILLION for 11,350 cases to people who have experienced severe and irreversible life-altering complications and injuries due to vaccines, most often resulting in premature death. This also only accounts for the people who actually won their case, which is made, intentionally, to be extremely hard to do through a lengthy and exhausting process that could span over 10-13 years, during which many people surrender before their case is finalized due to fatigue, hopelessness, and grief.
  3. Let’s take a look at the ingredients in vaccines, which include aluminum salts (aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate or potassium aluminum sulphate,) thimerosal (mercury), gelatine (derived from pigs), human serum albumin and human cell strains (from aborted fetuses and including human diploid lung fibroblasts and embryonic lung cultures), animal cell strains (African green monkey kidneys, canine kidney cell protein, horse blood, rabbit brains), bovine products (derived from a calf or cow, including bovine serum, which is blood from a cow, and cow brain), insect cell, squalene oil, polysorbate 80 and 20 (preservative also used in chemo drugs to cross the blood brain barrier), sugar, lactose (milk sugar), urea (waste product of the body), antibiotics, ovalbumin (egg protein), chick embryo cells, yeast proteins, latex, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, acidity regulators, genetically modified organisms (GMO’s), recombinant DNA (fragments of the virus strain for which the vaccine is being produced against), E. Coli, other growing media (unidentified viruses and bacteria due to contamination), detergent, anti-freeze, alcohol, acetone, food dyes, and many others I did not list here.
  5. If that doesn’t make you sick to your stomach, let’s take a look at some expected side effects of vaccines that the CDC lists as potential reactions, taken directly from the CDC website: Redness, soreness, swelling, and tenderness where the shot is given, fever, fussiness, headache, tiredness, poor appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting sometimes happen 1 to 3 days after vaccination, inflammation of the stomach or intestines, intussusception (bowel blockage requiring surgery) cough, itchiness, sore/red/itchy eyes, hoarseness, swelling of glands in the cheeks or neck, hives, upper respiratory tract infection, pain in the joints, wheezing, seizures, non-stop crying for 3 hours or more, high fever (over 105°F), blood in the urine or stool, pneumonia, swelling of the entire arm or leg (especially in older children when they receive their fourth or fifth dose), swelling with severe pain and bleeding and redness in the arm where the shot was given, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, temporary low platelet count (which can cause unusual bleeding or bruising), rash all over the body, shingles, deafness, vasovagal syncope (fainting episode), long-term seizures, coma, lowered consciousness, permanent brain damage, infection of the lungs (pneumonia) or the brain and spinal cord coverings (encephalitis, meningitis), Severe nervous system reaction, severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis), life-threatening severe illness with organ failure (more than half the people who suffer this side effect die), other serious injury, or death.
  7. Did you know that the ONLY way to obtain exemption from a vaccine, now that religious and medical exemptions are no longer accepted, is if a person experiences anaphylaxis? And even then, assuming they survive, they are still required to continue receiving all vaccines except for doses of the same vaccine of which they had an anaphylaxis reaction.
  9. I’m wondering how anyone could suggest that vaccines are safe and demand that every person in the country, beginning from their very first breath, comply with the vaccine recommendations (which are now no longer recommended but required). Forced vaccination is, by its very nature, destructive as it violates not only our health and safety but also our human rights.
  11. Where there’s a risk, there should be a choice.
  13. Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath, an oath of ethical conduct vowing to do no harm, as stated in the classical oath: “I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice. I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect;” and in the modern version: “I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.”
  15. Did you know that the vaccine market is close to $24 BILLION?
  17. The doctors that put policy and fear of authority ahead of the well-being, wishes, and personal or religious beliefs of their patients are exercising destructive obedience. The vaccine manufacturers and scientists who produce the vaccines and have no desire or obligation to make them safer, knowing how dangerous they are, are exercising destructive obedience.
  19. As a professor of a sociology class, I would love to hear your perspective from a broader lens, investigating this massive human experiment known as vaccination.
  24. References:
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